"Leonard Sax" is an American psychologist and a practicing family physician. He is best known as the author of three books for parents:

Boys Adrift, Girls on the Edge, and Why Gender Matters. According to his web site, he is currently employed as a physician at a healthcare facility in Chester County Pennsylvania, where he also resides.

Sax's views on gender differences are controversial and have received both praise and criticism. On his web site, Sax says that he wrote Boys Adrift and Girls on the Edge because he is concerned about "a growing proportion of girls who are anxious, depressed, and tired; girls who can tell you a great deal about what they do but not so much about who they are. Likewise, we find a growing proportion of boys who are disengaged not only from school but from the real world. Those boys are comfortable in the virtual world, where they play their online video games, and/or surf the net for photographs of girls."

More Leonard Sax on Wikipedia.

If you talk to many people in the Northeast and the West Coast, they don't believe in gender differences, and they are not interested in hearing about it. But I have found that in the South, there is a lot of interest. They have not made up their minds before you begin to talk.

There's no such thing as a child; there are only boys and girls. Even if you present a 6-month-old male baby with a choice between a truck and doll, he's going to choose the truck.

A lot of 5-year-old boys are not ready to sit still and be quiet. After a year of this, they have decided they don't like school, and once they decide they don't like school, it is very hard to change their minds.