Because it's an ongoing mission the data is highly protected.

Leslie Smith

With his knowledge of the Linux and open source marketplace, Dave can help OSDL deliver on its mission of bringing together industry, developers and customers to advance Linux.

Stuart Cohen

It is my understanding that the soldiers will have the choice of either going home and working or going into the eight affected areas for the remainder of their mission.

Denise Bottcher

We will certainly successfully fulfill our mission.

Fei Junlong

Sumitomo Forestry believes utilization of domestic timber is our mission.

Ryu Yano

We have accomplished an awful lot, but we are getting to the dangerous part of the mission.

James Graf

The most important mission we have is to get back to the business of doing opera. And to do opera which draws an audience that will provide the ticket sales that will keep the company going.

Sharon Heitman

Our mission is to help these kids develop the communications skills, the interpersonal skills and the problem-solving skills to work in a global environment.

Bill Larsen

He said he's on a mission, and he's got a chance . . . he's coming on. He's like me - not a practice player. He's waiting for a game, but if he's not going to get in a game, you don't know what you have. He's got to understand that.

Darian Hagan

We're on a mission from God.

Dan Aykroyd

That's reflective of our mission to be a starter institution.

Carol D'amico

We've got a very enthusiastic board and we feel confident that the civic center is in a position to grow, serve the community and meet our mission.

John Morgan

You can't have a world-class flight mission without world-class people. The bottom line is the nation's future is being mortgaged.

Wes Huntress

Their mission when they come here is to find out what can be done better for safety. That's the bottom line: Safety.

Bill Granville

Mike Reagan was an adopted child — adopted by Jane Wyman and Ronald Reagan. Here, at Centers, we do adoption support. And Mike Reagan aligns well with our mission.

Megan Dorfner

Our first mission is to ask if they are safe.

Maureen Blaha

Our goal is speed. However, if the girls give their best performance on the water, regardless of how fast they go, I'd say it's a mission accomplished.

Carmen Mirochna

The truth should never die. It is our mission to keep the true history of 'our' side alive for our descendants.

Grady Howell

For what mission can be greater than that of giving to the world hours of exaltation in which it may forget the misery of the present, the cares of everyday life and lose itself in the eternally pure world of harmony. . .

Lotte Lehmann

We expected it to be a very difficult mission, and we met some people we believed were the outpost and we killed them.

Bob Kerrey

I'd say this community has a really big heart. We see it in just about every kind of mission project people pull together.

Cindy Brown

I believe in the mission that we're doing, ... I believe we need to be there to help the Iraqi people gain their freedom, and I'm so very proud of the family I have supporting me in that endeavor.

David Cline

This was an assigned mission. This was a target that we knew to be a military target -- a command post with artillery pieces and other equipment.

Peter Daniel

This is a good mission. We're definitely making an impact. We're helping people in need. This is what we want.

John Cannon

Our mission is to see if it lives up to its promises.

Harry Mcdonald

The top 20 plan is just as much about improving undergraduate education as it is the research mission.

Jay Blanton

Some churches in this area have showers to help mission groups going into Mexico.

Jim Jackson

This is my fourth mission.

Jonathan Smith

Nonetheless our mission will continue to monitor the situation.

Ronnie Mamoepa

He's been on a mission.

Ruben Patterson

He came here with a mission. He came here armed with a handgun, a machete and a hatchet and he had the intention of harming as many people as he could. And where he didn't succeed and everybody's surviving, I think that there's going to be more to follow. I'm afraid of it.

Phillip Daggett

He was just a man on a mission. You just always hoped the inning would last so he could have a chance to win it.

John Brennan

The EU Observation Mission regrets (that the election process) did not live up to international standards and to the aspirations of Ethiopians for democracy.

Ana Gomes

Much of the root cause of that is in the early years. Our mission is to break the cycle of poverty and we feel the best way is through education.

Stanley Boynton

This year I came in with a mission, and that mission is to start (on defense).

Keiwan Ratliff

LRO, in all respects, is a unique and challenging planetary mission.

Jim Watzin

A bizarre interpretation of the Club's mission, the Constitution, the laws adopted by Congress and their own regulations governing nonprofit organizations.

Pat Toomey

Our mission is to inspire and inform women to live life to the fullest through outdoor adventures.

Michelle Theall

I don't care if you've been drafted No. 1 or signed as a free agent. You're going to get out of the game what you put into it. His commitment level is very high. I can tell he's on a mission.

Joe Cunningham

We were called by the Lord to do this mission.

Gale Russell

It has been strange to realize how much attention (the mission) was getting on the ground, ... We weren't very aware of that.

Steve Robinson

Our primary mission is to commercial air service and to support general aviation.

Ken Austin

There are a lot of recruitment activities that are always on-going. That's part of what the admissions office mission is for recruiting.

Courtney Cassard

I have a higher mission in life. Maybe when you get to a certain age, you say, 'Why not?' I'm not going to take it with me. I might as well use it to bless life's people.

Alan Hall

Mission accomplished. We got to play everybody and we worked on some things that we needed to work on. Now it's on to much bigger and better things.

Yvette Girouard

Our family has done mission trips and we're reminded about trying to help people.

Lisa Maxwell

If I can encourage cultural understanding through what I write, I will have added something to book publishing. I know it's a lofty goal. But if I can have a mission, I would like to do that.

Rachel Kaplan

As of now, the search mission has been postponed due to bad weather conditions in the region.

Bikram Neupane

She's got a lot she can bring to this team. But at the same time, it's very clear that this team is on a mission and a lot of kids can do it.

Mark Guilbeau

The companies we're working with are very strongly determined to run mission-critical workloads on Linux on x86.

Mike Grandinetti

Because he can no longer effectively fulfil his mission in Berlin.

Joseph Deiss

I never understood how fulfilling life could be until I found God. There's no longer a big empty hole inside of me. I feel like I have a purpose in life? a mission.

Jonathan Raviotta

The climb represents a mission of hope and a true lesson in overcoming adversity.

Anna Tibaijuka

It was a complete stretch to get it to do that, which saved the mission.

Claudia Alexander

We want Cellar Roots to be here another 35 years and to still fulfill our basic mission yet adapt to changes.

Jennifer Armstrong

The importance and fulfillment of Federation's mission guides all of our activities, and there is always more work that must be done to strengthen our community.

Beryl D. Simonson

The mission has been completed, ... Israel 's presence of 38 years has come to an end.

Aviv Kochavi

The financing would never go toward our budget. It would go to our world mission.

Joel Wayne

This is a pretty aggressive mission. We don't have much time to sit around and be happy about what's done.

Sam Thurman

If one does a mission cheap and fast then risk goes up.

Rudi Schmidt

His mission is to establish whether the facilities meet CAF standards.

Aldrine Nsubuga

Our expertise in long-term space missions makes us confident that we can ensure life support for a manned mission to Mars.

Vladimir Solovyov

To a person in love, the value of the individual is intuitively known. Love needs no logic for its mission.

Charles Lindbergh

I was given everything I needed to complete the mission. No one has ever gone to war with enough stuff, enough information, enough training. You always want more.

Van Taylor

We are in a digital era for kids, and our mission, obviously, is to keep up with kids, so we want to put our content on all the platforms they're looking for.

Cyma Zarghami

The mission of the school is woven through everything we do here. We don't separate academics and religion; everything is connected.

Henry Selby

We are happy we can play a part in the mission of the first Brazilian astronaut. He will undoubtedly become a national hero for Brazil.

Vyacheslav Davidenko

This building is kind of fun because Fort Wayne doesn't have a lot of mission-revival buildings.

Angie Quinn

We have a big and challenging mission ahead of us. We are looking forward to getting started on it.

Ken Cockrell

Our mission is to restore the site to that condition, in 1746. That clearly means some fairly major changes to the site.

Alexander Bennett

This is a fundamental priority for us, because this cuts to the very heart of our mission, ... to educate and be educated.

William Maestri

Right then I realized what this mission was about. There was the mushroom cloud and miles and miles of glare. We were all amazed.

Charles Singley

This year we are looking strong and we are really close to (Mission) Veterans.

Irene Gallegos

Nothing will stop us from completing our mission. You might have to take us off in a hearse, but we'll finish the race. We'll get there.

Jimmy Vanden Brook

The National Guard is quickly hoping to turn its mission to more law enforcement.

Bob Mann

Taking action to acquire Billy Mack Canyon was simply being responsive to our mission.

Scott Ryan

The specialty market is continually shrinking, and our mission is to grow the market by bringing more people into the fold.

Paul Mcgowan

We see the last soldier left Gaza. Our mission is completed.

Aviv Kochavi

The Air Force is not a mission field. It is inappropriate in the extreme for anyone in the Air Force to feel they are in an environment where someone is trying to convert them.

Melinda Morton

The fact is, these Marines have probably prevented another war with the mission they've accomplished.

Anthony Jackson

Our mission is to tell that story.

Nadine Boon

It's disingenuous to say that you support the troops and you don't support their mission - that's who the troops are.

William Greene

We're on a mission to win the West and get homecourt advantage and every four-minute stretch is important to us. We stayed focused tonight.

John Whisenant

It's a terrible irony to see somebody who has done so much for bringing war criminals to trial in the former Yugoslavia ... is now being brought up on a charge that he may have embezzled funds in the account of the mission and only on the basis of a yet unconcluded investigation.

Cherif Bassiouni

It shows that the instrument is really working beautifully. It bodes well for the rest of the mission.

Kevin Baines

It's certainly conceivable that based on the broad concerns of the mission they may require that training or that the battalion as a whole will do that kind of mission.

Lt. Veronica Saffo

It's a trade and cultural mission.

Sam Reed

The problem is that the security mission goes on here. And if we take some out, those that are left are at some risk. It increases their risk.

John Vines

It's a significant issue. It's an issue that would prohibit a manned mission to Mars.

Scott Aker

We are not finished yet. We are still on a mission.

Taurean Green

He lives in those of us who work hard to fulfill his mission of equality and opportunity. For all of us, he is very much alive.

Allison Davis

We look at the mission of the group and whether that's something we want to support. Very few organizations are turned down.

Sheryl Sandberg

Apparently, some civilians were killed, and we are very sorry about that. We did not expect such results and if we had known ... we might would have aborted the mission.

Dan Harel

Entry, descent and landing are very complex, and a lot of things have to go correctly. That's just part of the risk associated with the mission.

Richard Cook

I think she was on a mission.

Gay Mcnutt

This is my Matthew 28 mission to go ye therefore and bring the gospel!

John Butler

Quite honestly, both guys like the ball up high. They like to serve and stay back and rip forehands, which they both do well. On the grass at Mission Hills, that's going to be a little trickier for them to do consistently.

Patrick Mcenroe

It really fits our mission of promoting organics and creating community. The goal is to make it more fun than work.

Rick Martinez

It makes no sense (to go). You cannot do a fact-finding mission without talking to the detainees.

Manfred Nowak

It was extremely important to her that all her students came out as strong readers. It was her mission.

Mike Barnard

Mission accomplished? The mission in Iraq, as laid out by President Bush and Vice President Cheney, has failed.

Robert C. Byrd

Our mission is to be the leading sports brand in the world. This definitely brings us a huge step ahead.

Herbert Hainer

The VCCA has kept to its mission as well as any arts group I know. That mission is helping artists do their work, and that's more important than anything else.

Craig Pleasants

We're trying to determine what the airport can be and should be when it grows up. What should the mission be?

Michael Hodges

We have been so successful that we may have become too comfortable. We may have asked (mission managers) to take too much risk.

Dan Goldin

This mission is too important for me.

Dr. Peter Tsou

It's fair to say that this library is as involved with community events as any. I've seen that as part of my mission here, and I've been receptive to community groups coming my way.

Andrew Pendergrass

That was really a big deal for us, because it let our mission control folks feel really connected to the flight.

Brooke Lawer

Schools cannot achieve their mission of education if the students and staff are not healthy and physically fit.

Michael Reeves

I have confidence in Luke, he's had a season that exceeded our expectations. He's on a mission, like he's been all year.

Travis Reinsch

This mission will complete the initial reconnaissance of the solar system.

Todd Halvorson

It's been a fabulous mission for planetary science, and it is hard to see it come to an end.

Claudia Alexander

Our principal mission is to teach the Bible.

Barry Mccarty

Dora has been a faithful member. She's active in Sunday School and in a women's mission group.

Richard Gordon

Our mission is to educate people about art, and this would definitely make it harder for us to do that.

Wendy Norris

We'll see how that plays out. But, for right now, we have a robust mission and are loving every minute of it.

Commander Majwalter Bradley

And lacks resources to carry out its mission.

John Hostettler

I didn't have anybody, really, no foundation in life, so I had to make my own way. Always, from the start. I had to go out in the world and become strong, to discover my mission in life.

Tina Turner

This is home mission.

Jimmy Reed

We moved in first to secure the Superdome. Now our mission is to secure the convention center.

James Magee

We'll get a lot more eyes on these photos. Our mission was never to keep them in a box.

Alison Nordstrom

We created a new mission for the plant, and one of those legs was to be more involved in the community.

Phil Gordon

It's my mission to try and give people fighting the disease the same gifts of laughter and a positive attitude I had. Hopefully, my career as a comic will give me the forum to touch these people.

Robert Schimmel

When you see all three coming together you must be alert, ... The mission of the Fed is to be sensitive to these pressures.

Thomas Hoenig

It's a really big deal. It will give us another mission. The Army will be part of the air base.

Merrell Lane

The docking was conducted on autopilot without any incident. The final approach went on so smoothly that the Mission Control gave the permission for the docking ahead of schedule.

Valery Lyndin

Their primary mission is to identify people with needs who do not have the financial capability to do their own repairs.

John Fogg

Is technology critical to our mission? I think it is vital but not critical.

Bill Waye

I was not persuasive enough to persuade the president that the Marines were there on an impossible mission.

Caspar W. Weinberger

I've been on other mission trips, but it was probably the hardest work we've done. But it's a feeling you can't compare to anything else.

Kayla Moody

That is what I am delighted about; the fact that they were having a hard time picking one mission and decided to give it to the collective work that we do at this institution.

Charles Elachi

You have to remember that we are a non-profit and our mission is to bring arts, culture and music to the city. That's why we're here.

Sheila Hughes

It is my mission to ensure that HIV-positive children and children with AIDS are no longer overlooked and that they begin receiving the treatment and care they deserve.

Mike Dewine

It's been an outstandingly successful mission, ... We accomplished everything that we set out to do and more.

Wayne Hale

We make the offer?because the mission of animal control officers is a little different from our mission.

Dr. Richard Johnson

It's a very good thing for us. We have a continuing mission.

Mike Flaherty

We were on standby on Christmas Eve. We were also on standby yesterday and we actually launched on a mission yesterday, out to Llano.

Maj. Joanne Macgregor

The disengagement (from Gaza) proved that removing them is not a mission impossible.

Amos Harel

(The government) is afraid that Canadians, seeing the bodies, seeing the coffins, that the images are so strong it's turning people off on the mission.

Craig Oliver

Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you're alive, it isn't.

Richard Bach

It's a great honor. He died a hero. It's as simple as that. Everyone ? whether or not they lose their life ? everyone who goes into combat is a hero. We owe them our gratitude regardless of whether we agree with the mission or not. That's immaterial.

Jerome Gourley

They can blame me if they want. Personally, I don't care ... I accepted the mission from the board and I carried it out at the board's direction.

Alan Turner

Although we have not been down this road before, we all know that there is big influx of baseball fans who arrive around the first of March with the express mission of attending games for Cactus League.

Laurel Prieb

The mission has been completed.

Aviv Kochavi

Clearly, the lessons learned from this mission will fundamentally influence all future asteroid rendezvous missions.

Daniel Scheeres

Our mission in Washington boils down to this: Defend the Internet as a free and open platform for information, communication, and innovation.

Andrew Mclaughlin

Ray was on a mission. He had that proverbial scowl on his face.

Bob Hill

I think he's down. Last we could hear, as [mission control] was talking him down, was a crunching noise you could hear and the antenna would normally break off and he lost contact so I assume he's on the ground.

Joe Ritchie

Logistically, it does not make sense to move the (center) away from the aircraft and airspace that best facilitate its mission.

Terry Everett

Later, I realized that the mission had to end in a let-down because the real barrier wasn't in the sky but in our knowledge and experience of supersonic flight.

Chuck Yeager

The Corps had never before undertaken MSW in an emergency mission. Everything we did in that first month was a lesson learned.

Jonathan Foster

Some of our most significant discoveries came well after the initial 90-day prime mission.

John Callas

We emphasize service and mission. They're getting it.

John Graler

I pushed them back out the door to finish the mission, ... They did it, but they were crying as they pushed on.

Steve Lawson

Ron's spirit and Ron's mission continues on, and that is to inspire and educate young people.

Carl Mcnair

Their training was only interrupted a couple of days, ... They were able to stay on mission.

Tim Donovan

He's still waiting for his mission, and he is looking forward to it. They all are.

Linda Relis

This congregation has decided we can no longer be faithful to the mission Christ gave His church on Earth while remaining identified with the policies and practices of the ELCA.

Timothy White

The church needs to be true to its mission, just as we need to be true to our mission.

Rebecca Sutcliffe

We're still on a mission.

Deonte Tatum

He returned from a mission and got back to good form a lot faster than we expected.

Michael Litzinger

[The Italians are particularly wary of mission creep. Alluding to] the Somalia nightmare, ... involved in never-ending fighting.

Romano Prodi

That's one of several options the team is considering for the end of the mission.

Robert Farquhar

If our only objective was to avoid casualties, we would abandon Iraq. We have to risk increased casualties in the near term to achieve the mission and reduce casualties in the long term.

Andrew Krepinevich

Our mission is to help provide a strong base for the development of every preschooler in Clinton.

Linda Stuhlman

It is now going to be a statewide board for a school with a statewide mission.

Spence Jackson

I have checked the capsule ... now I can call the mission a full success.

Dr. Peter Tsou

We're here to win, that's our mission. We always play our best. We came well prepared for this game.

Nel Parado

We're getting into the dangerous portion of the mission.

James Graf

My mission is to smarten young people up. When it comes to what they're going to do after high school, they go brain-dead.

Carol Christen

And we were pretty much helpless because this was an unarmed UN mission.

Lloyd Axworthy

Including a permanent deputy director to augment the resources available to assist with FEMA's vital mission.

Michael Chertoff

After seeing the benefits that IP telephony can bring, companies are increasingly adopting IP-based contact centers for mission-critical service and support.

Laurent Philonenko

We've been whacking away at the herring run every chance we get, That to me is my Earth Day mission.

Tom Leach

It's a fantastic mission for us, we've finally reached Venus.

Don Mccoy

I would lovingly carry out this historic mission even if it cost me my life. If I become a national hero in America, this would be good for the Turkish people and the Turkish state.

Mehmet Ali Agca

It's really a robust mission.

Daniel Andrews

One of the challenges in this mission is the British maps are a little different from our maps, so it took some time to get use to them.

William Rush

Our mission is to be ready 150 percent for the NCAA.

Jan Chovanec

I just had to come back to see this beautiful bird come back to this runway. Discovery was virtually perfect on this mission.

Steve Robinson

Voice is a mission-critical application. It has a very wide reach.

Alan Balutis

We have completed our mission to the EU, now we are on our way to the Balkans. Our ancestors went on horse back, we are going by plane.

Abdullah Gul

The facilities don't allow us to achieve our mission or strategic plan fully in our current state.

Daniel Klett

The Department of Defense is always claiming that to support the troops we have to support the mission. We think that the best way to support the troops to bring them home safely now.

Nancy Mitchell

The mission of the Smithsonian is to increase the diffusion of knowledge, not the diffusion of junk food.

Gary Ruskin

I think maybe Alexis had a totally different mission when she came into the competition. It wasn't mine.

Leyla Milani

To those people whose main goal or mission it is to come to Los Angeles and engage in criminal activity, to engage in decadent behavior, our message is to them: It is not going to be tolerated.

Horace Frank

I think Bill was so helpful because he knew the BRAC process, he knew the shipyard and he could articulate its mission.

Dick Ingram

He's OK. He's alright. He came to place and our mission is to win the next one. He got a little sidetracked, but each round gets tougher and tougher.

Will Pellum

The flight controllers, the people who manned the trenches in mission control, these were kids. They were in their 20s and 30s. And they were controlling a moon mission.

Andrew Chaikin

We don't use production costs to set our fees. We're a trust. We're mandated to get the highest and best use on our land. Our mission is different.

Richard Hubbard

[The Cassini-Huygens mission] will probably help answer some of the big questions that NASA has in general about origins and where we came from and where life came from.

Bob Mitchell

The word is 'caution. We have to look at a mission and decide if a civilian capability is available and appropriate.

Paul Mchale

I'm more of a collaborator. You can't have a lot of split votes and have the agency serve its mission.

Andrew Chesley

It reminds people of the mission at hand.

Andrew H. Card Jr

We leaned forward and let organizations know what we have to send out. We are ready to take it (the mission) on and do the job.

Brian Butler

The kids have a mission this year. I'm not quite sure what that mission is yet, but they are ready for the challenge.

David Hearn

The hugely successful publication has evolved with the changes in the book market, and has expanded its mission to have a wider appeal to all business executives at book publishing companies.

Noelle Skodzinski

This is one of the best mission trips I have ever been on. I was humbled before the Lord, and I was impacted by the love that people showed us.

Adam West

But I'm not on a mission to overhaul the system in the NFL, ... I'm just trying to do the best job I can possibly do for my clients.

Drew Rosenhaus