Clearly what we need to know from the IRA is whether this is the beginning of a process which will lead to the decommissioning of their weapons or whether this is as good as it gets.

Jeffrey Donaldson

I think we're hopeful some of these will lead to legislation being introduced and they'll get a fair hearing.

Cyrus Reed

The detectives with our agency followed up every lead they were given.

Angelo Vaughn

I say you are betraying the people of California. You are not leading. You have gone astray.

Assemblyman Jay La Suer

It almost seems that the government is following, not leading, with its mandate.

Paul Resnik

We've been working on getting our lead-off hitter on base. When you do that your chances of scoring go way up.

Jordan Danks

When you have got an early lead like that, you don't want to back off at all.

Wade Redden

We did really well to stay on the lead lap. Our great pit strategy helped.

Jack Williams

I was pretty happy at that point. But there wasn't a real good flow for us, even with the lead.

Bernie Lynch

It was do or die. He was either going to lead us to a win, or we were going to lose. We couldn't take the fouls with us.

Sterling Hicks

You who choose to lead must follow. But if you fall, you fall alone.

Robert Hunter

Repairs are proceeding apace. Discretionary driving can be cut back but you have got to heat your house. Heating oil will soon lead the market.

Michael Fitzpatrick

We think that in the economy, the joint use of these military facilities will lead to an increase in the confidence in our country on behalf of investors and improve the general investment climate in our country.

Dimitar Tsanchev

Sleeping on a lead? I'll let you know tomorrow.

Ted Purdy

We've got some guys who yell and scream, but I'm not one of them. I just lead by example; that's what I do.

Brandon Wallace

We're one of the leading growth areas of the country -- we should see the residential [building] industry expand this year.

Michael Walden

On matters of race, on matters of decency, baseball should lead the way.

A. Bartlett Giamatti

It was a great win and it was a good tournament for us. It was frustrating to let the big lead get away, but it was nice to see the inbounds play work.

Rick Francis

You manage things; you lead people.

Grace Murray Hopper

There's not much to report. We had some good practices leading up to the game, but we didn't play well in the game.

Bill Prince

[Abt] is talented, and she will definitely lead the team this year.

Tricia Martin

Raytheon has a big advantage in that the U.S. is a leading provider of combat aircraft to the world.

Larry Dickerson

We will see a change in the drivers of economic growth with capital spending taking a lead. There is a little softness in consumer spending and the inflation data isn't looking that bad.

Carl Riccadonna

We wanted to extend the lead to 15 or 18. We had a real chance to control the game. (Boston College) battled back. They got the ball inside and chipped away. They eventually caught us. Dudley and Smith came up big for them.

Sean Sutton

MBS has been leading the charge internally in using these licenses.

David Dennis

He started out a little rough today. But he got into form when we gave him a lead to work with.

Tony Wolfe

It's moving in the Senate and the president is leading the charge.

Lezlee Westine

Support our aggressive growth and our drive to be the world's leading nickel company.

Scott Hand

The two industrial cities will further consolidate Abu Dhabi's stature as a leading international industrial hub and showcase the emirate's investment and business-friendly environment.

Carlos Charlie Borde

I was a captain in the Army. I was told leaders lead. The problem is that a lot of elected officials are chicken.

Steven Berman

This kind of guide can lead to a lot of social impact. It can lead to more fulfilling travel and more ongoing relationships with the cities that you travel to.

Michael Epstein

I can't explain it. It's crazy. We wore on them like they wore on us. But we could never take the lead.

Shawne Williams

That's huge. We didn't sit back and protect the lead, we went after it in the third period.

Dave Allison

When we get a lead, we just seem to feed off it and build the momentum from there. It's so much of a comfort coming back to our own rink, with the crowd we have here.

Wayne Prusky

Into whose conquest no one in this world enters, by what track can you lead him, the Awakened, the Omniscient, the trackless?

Friedrich Max Muller

I may not lead the most dramatic life, but in my brain it's War and Peace everyday.

Rufus Wainwright

That together lead to the conclusion Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons capability.

Robert Joseph

Current account targeting or inflation becomes the objective. You will have a framework to ensure that the extra money that comes in doesn't lead to change in competitiveness.

Shuchita Mehta

Some of my best leading men have been dogs and horses.

Elizabeth Taylor

The reason we are together is because she puts lead in my shoes and doesn't let me fly off the earth. And it's always been that way.

Billy Crystal

BitTorrent will become the ideal platform for both independent publishers and the world's leading media companies.

Bram Cohen

There's no better lead-in to the Olympics than the Olympics.

Gary Zenkel

This is just a very strong testimony to the life Johnny lead.

Johnny Oates

It's our No. 1 complaint. The Internet and e-mail are giving these people new lead-in ways to address people.

Al Polizzi

He did a good job leading the team.

Paul Columbia

That helped them build a lead, which helped them the rest of the game. Even though we stopped them later on, it played a huge part. They played a clean game.

Gray Eklund

She's been our leading scorer, and she plays with so much energy. I'm fortunate to have her for another year.

Laura Schuler

I was trying to tell him to assist me. I wanted him to take the lead. He wouldn't.

Benjamin Maiyo

We get key stops when we need them. But we didn't capitalize on their mistakes. We're known for our defense, we just need to hold on to a lead.

Lateef Williams

I hope you become comfortable with the use of logic without being deceived into concluding that logic will inevitably lead you to the correct conclusion.

Neil Armstrong

Historians say this will lead to civil conflict. It doesn't lead to girls being treasured. It leads to them being traded as commodities and stolen.

Kate Adie

Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.

Henry Peter Brougham

It's a little bit different feeling to start out with a lead and play with it all day long, and then finish it off. I couldn't be happier about the way I played.

Olin Browne

They pick up a leading position in the Canadian market.

Matthew Kaufler

It's not as easy to forecast if China is the leading consumer.

Mine Yucel

He can smell the Schwab Cup, ... and can smell being the leading money winner. And that's where he's headed.

Bob Gilder

History will record that you betrayed your constituents and their moral and ethical values. . . . You are not leading; you have gone astray.

Assemblyman Jay La Suer

They lead a tamed elephant to battle, the king mounts a tamed elephant; the tamed is the best among men, he who silently endures abuse.

Friedrich Max Muller

Phillip has done a tremendous job for us. Mike is there too and helps out every way he can. If it's not Phillip leading the team, it's Mike.

Laverne Knox

Lead the life that will make you kindly and friendly to everyone about you, and you will be surprised what a happy life you will lead.

Charles M. Schwab

The technology at the leading edge changes so rapidly that you have to keep current after you get out of school. I think probably the most important thing is having good fundamentals.

Gordon Moore

We've had games early in the season when we were leading down the stretch. This is a game we finished. We got the shots we wanted.

Josh Childress

We decided to make some switches early on. Our goal was to get a good jump?start on them. Billy and Jose got us a nice lead.

Bill Plein

These books are simple and short and lead into open discussion with the kids.

Candy Kopperud

The first half was our half. The second half was their half. Fortunately for us, we had the lead and it allowed us to use a lot of clock up in the second half.

Chris Watson

I really feel for the seniors. They really didn't think this is how their season would end. They had the lead and they had the game, I just don't know if they played too confident.

Jodi Hillegass

I just find it astonishing that lead, which has been banned from paint, still finds its way in children's toys.

Nancy Cowles

This win was huge in a lot of ways, not just because we scored more goals than they did. It was the way we did it. We got the lead and we held the lead the whole game.

Topper Mcfaun

Just put the ball in play, hit it hard and you make things happen. If you're leading off innings, that's what you have to do.

Lew Ford

He was struggling through most of the game, but at the end he was able to make shots and lead us.

Steve Jaskulske

We are trying to be on the leading edge of utilizing digital technology to make our TV shows available to consumers in as convenient of a way as we can.

Richard Cotton

An increase in rates in Europe could possibly lead to slower growth in the region.

Nikki Martin

We came out, played very well, and built up a big first-half lead. It was a very good [Sunrise Conference] win on the road.

Dave Mellor

It's a terrific draw. He'll run the gate really well but we don't have to lead. It's a great result.

Anthony Butt

If you want to increase your chances of success with women, create situations that lead to these situations.

David Deangelo

Historically, you can't have an up market without banks leading the way. Today it's an earnings rally again led by the banks.

Angel Mata

Hopefully it will lead to more military wins (contracts).

Richard Sneider

You can lead a man to Congress, but you can't make him think.

Milton Berle

What I was pleased at was we maintained roughly a 12-point lead. I thought we controlled the ball. We had a lot of guys in there.

Conlan Efurd

I think that's a sign we're growing up. We wanted to maintain a double-digit lead.

Jonathon Modica

Wise men, though all laws were abolished, would lead the same lives.


If people expect flash prices to continue to fall, it will inevitably lead to slower orders.

Patrick Yau

I hope that in some way our release will lead to further negotiations for peace.

Christopher Stone

We couldn't score in five innings and we couldn't protect a 7-1 lead. And that's pretty much it in a nutshell.

Jack Kokinda

The plan didn't include any provisions for assessing potential environmental contamination from the lead. We kept asking that they hire somebody ... to make an assessment.

Karen Ferguson

That sort of wind behavior is going to lead to erratic fire behavior and that will certainly cause crews some concerns because it makes it very difficult to plan where the fire is going to run to.

John Winter

I don't know where it's all going to lead. I have no idea where I'm going. I would just like to be happy.

Betty Hutton

It was up-and-down, a pretty good tempo and we were able to open up a pretty good lead and maintain it.

Geoff Broyles

You have to have a sense of humor about yourself and laugh at yourself in the company of those you lead.

Dale Sanders

Lowering Wisconsin's tax burden will to lead increased growth.

Jim Pugh

Our defense is playing with more confidence. Our sophomores are leading the way for the freshmen.

Brett Shufelt

Without ever having a lead we were scrambling. The guys we played played a lot of minutes.

Von Graffin

We might have been a little comfortable with the lead and didn't come back out with the right attitude. We just didn't do what we did in the first half.

Jabari Levey

We have to just keep our cool. That's the important thing. This is the first time that we have relinquished the lead, so we can't panic at all.

Donovan Hayles

This generation will lead us to freedom.

Shamil Basayev

It does not lead anywhere. We are not afraid of litigation, only the effects of litigation.

Gustav Humbert

I think we're going to see a lot of criticism from the opposition, but I don't think they are going to use that criticism as a fuel to lead to a vote of non-confidence.

Antonia Maioni

It felt good. The way things have been going, I've been hitting the ball well lately and I've been hitting it right at people. To finally get one in the gap, it feels good. To give us a bigger lead felt real good.

Brandon Mcarthur

Roger's diverse experiences with an emphasis on OEM support make him uniquely qualified to lead our dual fuel initiatives.

Mark Clancy

We have to play better. We made some mistakes when we had the lead. Fortunately, it did not cost us tonight. We have to play better defensively when we have the lead.

Slava Kozlov

We are becoming more and more bullish on the Montana economy. It now appears that factors are in place that could lead to economic growth in Montana that we have not seen since the 1970s.

Paul Polzin

It's looking the same way it broke on Election night (a ten vote lead).

Charles Flynn

So the content will be more dynamic which will lead to more people using the site.

Tracy Smith

[Commenting on the results of the poll, Calderón declared,] This proves that there will be a run-off, and I will be in that run-off. ... an overwhelming lead.

Santiago Creel

As soon as we got the lead -- with Alyssa -- it's my game. Our kids, in the last three minutes, weren't going to let anyone take the game.

Lou Wejnert

It felt good to be back on the sidelines tonight. I really didn't do too much. I mainly let the assistants lead the game, but it felt good to be here.

Duane Joubert

If you don't practice situations beforehand in which you have to defend your lead, you won't necessarily know what to do in match situations.

Jake White

This is a political action, a political sentence. Leaders of leading political parties are behind bars.

Aleksandr Milinkevich

I always try to lead the clean life.

Roberto Clemente

Thoughts lead on to purpose, purpose leads on to actions, actions form habits, habits decide character, and character fixes our destiny.

Tryon Edwards

You do not lead by hitting people over the head-that's assault, not leadership.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Snowfall will matter less and less. We know that warmer climates eventually lead to less ice.

Robert Bindschadler

When we think we lead we are most led.

George Gordon Byron

It was an easy race for him, because he made an easy lead.

Bobby Frankel

We put together some hits with some walks and got a big lead. We need run support.

Clyde Metcalf

The argument that this is going to lead to some immediate gain in electoral power, I think, is vastly overstated.

Louis Desipio

The only time we got away from that and gave them easy baskets is when we were inefficient on offense. We were a little bit soft with the ball and that lead to some easy breakouts for them.

Marty Bell

The industry in Japan as a whole has recognized the need for this and is coordinating efforts. Cutting down on the things that lead to these smells is only something that can be better for you.

Paul Nolasco

We're trying to lead the pack.

Gwen Knapp

These teams are hard to play against. But we knew we couldn't afford to let down and we knew we had to come out and fast and build a lead.

Jason Petrimoulx

We were sluggish during the second half. Fortunately, we had the big halftime lead. We will have to be ready for a good challenge against Andrew. It should be a good game.

Matt Major

I think he's one of the best sprinters in the country. He kept on his left lead, and I really didn't really try to make him switch. I just kept him going about his business.

Patrick Valenzuela

That's when we were able to extend the lead.

Mark Peperkorn

I'm really excited. I have a peace in me - I'm very calm. I don't have any doubt that God would lead me down the wrong path.

Traci Bryan

We'll race the way that got us here, and hopefully we can lead some laps, win some races and not make mistakes.

Greg Zipadelli

They wanted to do their due diligence outside of the press and since we were pursuing them, we didn't know where it would lead.

Scott Ledbetter

I try to stay away from the politics of AIDS. But the people have to know that HIV does lead to the AIDS virus and education will make a huge difference.

Phil Lilienthal

We have strong leaders to lead these soldiers off to combat.

Russ Bierell

We had our opportunities. We had the lead and they got back into the game.

Jack Bagley

The leading theologian in our communion.

Rowan Williams

I think he's being more of a leader and showing everyone that he can lead this team.

Justin Dentmon

We definitely wanted to get out of the blocks fast. It was nice to get the early lead.

Shawn Woodward

A stronger yuan could lead to greater Chinese asset accumulation in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Gary Becker

I am a little bit disappointed but I did my best and it was a good day for us because we took over the lead on the constructors championship.

Giancarlo Fisichella

We got out to a big lead and then we kind of got in foul trouble.

Chris Valdez

We hadn't got the lead off batter on base all day. The lead off is huge. That puts pressure on the other team.

Chris Terry

I am very disappointed (that we didn't take the lead) but such is life... in this game you are going to fall, but you have to know that you will have to rise again.

Wayne Fairclough

I could see them coming back here next year. They're a young team and Kalin will lead them back next year.

Johnathon Jones

We were never able to get that all-important three-goal lead and knock the wind out of their sails. But, it was still a good win for us.

Bob Emery

We are holding the two as we follow some leads that will lead us to uncover the aim of the heinous murder.

Simon Kiragu

You have a lead against the eighth-ranked team in the country, you know they're going to fight back.

Kelly Whitney

When we took the lead, it was over. The main thing is, we took their legs away.

Marquena Delk

We were trying to get the seniors to lead us, but the younger guys stepped up.

Sterling Hicks

We are very fortunate to have a man of Al Skinner's character and class leading our basketball program, especially as we head into the Atlantic Coast Conference.

Gene Defilippo

They should be investigating. Anybody who has a lead, if they've overheard something or someone close to the campaign, they ought to tell BYU.

Dave Bailey

We just picked it up on defense. It was really a good stretch that we had and got the lead.

Anthony Tolliver

It was an individual initiative. The tribe as an institution did not take the lead here.

Bruce Macdonald

Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.

Louisa May Alcott

We tend to let down when we're ahead and we forget what got us the lead to begin with. Guys are starting to buy into the system which, will help us win games in the future.

Steve Kendall

With this big a lead in the World Cup, it's now possible to focus on the Olympics.

Hannu Manninen

Our purpose is to help the disabled lead a productive life.

Amy Rice

When the blind lead the blind, no wonder they both fall into / matrimony.

George Farquhar

The initial investigation would not lead one to conclude that a third person was involved.

Jeff Lanza

I told them once we got the lead Southern Lab would fall apart. And they did.

Vanessa Taylor

[In an item beneath the headline,] Butter Him Up, ... Who better to lead a football revival at Idaho than the quarterback at Lawrence (Ind.) Central High School - Spud Dick?

Dwight Perry

I just lead by example and play hard, ... Some people yell and scream. That's not me.

Brandon Wallace

Indonesia has turned the corner. The market is leading the economy but both inflationary and rate pressures are easing.

Stephen Corry

We have found that drinking tea can also be impress the dental plaque formation leading to the reduction of plaque and cavities.

Christine Wu

We believe she's leading the department in the right direction.

Joel Sawyer

Globally, the U.S. and some emerging markets are the leading growth engines.

John Herrmann

In the second half they changed their defense a little and that's when the guards had to step up. So we had to score a little more and do what we needed to do to keep that lead.

Corey Parker

We'd been put in individually when people were in foul trouble, but this is the first time we'd gone in all together to advance the lead.

Noelia Gonzalez

We're better insulated than the S&P 500 would be, because of the type of companies our social criteria lead us away from, ... Social criteria take you away from rust-bucket America.

Amy Domini

I commend our employees for their outstanding efforts in implementing this program quickly and effectively. It is due to their hard work and dedication that we have an industry-leading compliance program.

Dowd Ritter

We just couldn't make the big play to get us the lead.

Davier Haywood

We were doing a pretty good job building that lead, but where we had our difficulties was sealing it off. That's something we've had trouble with.

Rachel Farwell

By the end of May, we'll assess whether we have enough lead donor participation to warrant going into a public [fundraising] phase.

Jean Hagan

The Christian Coalition will lead the way to remove the racist language in the next election.

John Giles

We needed to get that lead early to build confidence. We were able to consistently put good swings on pitches.

Jacquie Joseph

There are obviously things that can lead to accidents... . The likelihood that you can have things lead to two accidents ... at the same time ... that's a pretty heavy coincidence.

Bob Francis

I thought we came out in the first half extremely focused and very intense. They just never did have any easy passes and we were able to convert some turnovers to get a little bit of a lead.

Bret Teutken

Her career extends even farther back to the days when Moses was leading the children of Israel to the Promised Land. He commissioned Commissioner Jacobs to design the escape route. It was through her innovative efforts that the Red Sea was parted and not bridged.

Jim Carter

Against East Central, we had to come from behind and it took a lot out of us. The last two games we shot the ball well early and got a lead. I'm not sure we had the energy to keep coming from behind.

Bubba Skelton

It was a big letdown. But tomorrow's a brand-new day and we still have a lead .

Don Mccormack

Avoiding trouble is an extremely difficult task. The best way to do it is to get out front and lead the race.

Ron Hornaday Jr.

I think they wanted to hold on to the ball, and once we got our lead, they couldn't do that.

Troy Diels

There's only a step from the sublime to the ridiculous, but there's no road leading from the ridiculous to the sublime.

Lion Feuchtwanger

The stock had a bit of a run leading into the result. We're happy with the result and the 10 percent earnings guidance.

Rob Patterson

We got in a little foul trouble, but it was good to get other players in the game and hold the lead.

Zac Davis

We had a lot of mental and physical errors. You can't let anyone get a big lead like that, or it's impossible to win.

Megan Burditt

Jac says he'll bring this to everyone first, but we believe we're in the lead.

Mark Hogan

Few can foresee whither their road will lead them, till they come to its end.

J. R. R. Tolkien

The first half of the game was ours, the second half theirs. We have to find a way to hold the lead. We didn't help Kipper out very much tonight.

Jarome Iginla

That is all I am concerned with. I am leading a golf tournament and that is all I should be focusing on at the moment. This week and this week only.

Brett Rumford

We have a tendency - when we get a lead and things are going well - to blow up. We started throwing it away and making bad decisions. I don't know what it is.

Mike Pugh

We wanted to get the lead early and put pressure on them.

Spence Chitwood

The business prospects of Korea with the world's leading broadband infrastructure is very bright.

Geoffrey Prentice

It's right there and we're not finishing. It's disappointing to lose both of these games when we were leading both times.

Denise Nugent

If you get a good lead, then when you hit your rough spot, it doesn't hurt as bad.

Tim Worrell

We're the leading browser vendor on the mobile side of things.

Tor Odland

In one month I had my first lead and in three months I was director. It was serendipitous.

Lars Tatom

He's not the senior member of the team but he does have the most on-court experience. We're counting on Mitch a lot to lead us.

Joe Wortmann

I am very proud and honored to be given the opportunity to lead the Chicago Fire organization in the future.

John Guppy

We didn't play very smart when we had the lead. We allowed them chances to get back in the game. Both teams played hard.

Delbert Tengan

That was the story of the game. We were hurt by a little lack of execution but certainly not by a lack of effort. We fought back and cut their lead to four points, but then they hit their free throws.

Jeremy Davies

I'm happy. We got the win. We came out with a lot of intensity and got the lead and then our intensity fell off. I wasn't happy with that. I was pleased with some of the reserves who came in and gave us good energy.

Derrick Kirce

It's Microsoft versus mankind, with Microsoft having only a slight lead.

Larry Ellison

If the county doesn't take the lead in the lawsuit, we're going to do what we have to. We're trying to diversify our economy as we've been asked to and we're not being allowed to do it.

Terry Andreessen

(The Rebels) were hurting as bad as we were. We had a 15-point lead and did some silly things.

Jack Stephenson

That's a good basketball team. When you get a lead against a good basketball team you have to sustain it. We didn't do that.

Sam Provenza