These children have suffered a most violent trauma. We must help them to be able to forget the tragedy so that they will be witnesses of peace for the future of humanity.

Benedict Xvi

Society is getting more and more dangerous, more and more violent, and the French are trying to find answers, to find better solutions.

Bruno Jeanbart

Congratulations for selling a lot of violent video games, I didn't sell them, sir. I just rated them.

Patricia Vance

Tennis is a perfect combination of violent action taking place in an atmosphere of total tranquillity.

Billie Jean King

The potential that violent contingencies could have been offered for trade in the [Pentagon]-backed PAM completely eclipsed the true intent and merit of that research project. To include such contingencies again would undermine the effort to demonstrate the technology because we would never get to the merits.

Charles Polk

It's not really even looked at as violent or shooting, it's more about teamwork, like soccer or football.

Jason Lake

In general in Virginia, you're looking mostly at transportation accidents. The other type of accident we see mostly is falls. We also recorded a certain number of assaults and violent acts.

Jennifer Wester

He approved of the mass murder of Jews during national socialism. He approved of terror acts and he approved of the violent conversions of infidels to Islam.

Kay Nehm

This could have turned out a lot worse. We urge victims to avoid leaving with the person because statistics suggest a more violent crime occurs at a secondary location.

Tim Lawrence

That's unless we have a person we believe might be violent.

Capt. Guy Kestell

If anything I consider myself non-violent, I'm from the hippy era, peace, love, groovy.

Rick James

Increasingly violent crime is primarily for the working class folks, poor people and people of color.

Michael Paranzino

This event is tragic in every way possible. It is tragic for the victim, for the family and for this young man whose life had never had an iota of violent behavior. This shows how horribly dangerous methamphetamine is and how aberrant people are under its influence.

Jeff Stein

What we do know is that Taser technology saves lives every day and that medical experts studying Taser devices have concluded that they are a safer means to subdue violent individuals who could harm law enforcement officers, innocent citizens or themselves compared to other use of force options.

Steve Tuttle

This guy had a violent past.

Keith Henderson

I wasn't buying that until I saw what he could do to a golf ball. It was violent. This kid was maybe 5-9 weighing 145 pounds soaking wet. The lesson I had earlier went out the window. I was determined to show this kid that I was the new sheriff in town.

Patrick Mcclure

Violent crimes will not be tolerated and just because you're a young age, is no excuse do an adult act, do adult act, you face adult consequences.

Chris Chiles

No one in the world supports the blockade except for President Bush , his regime and the extremist and violent groups in Miami.

Felipe Perez Roque

The more violent the body contact of the sports you watch, the lower your class.

Paul Fussell

There will be a healthy debate as to the mayor's inability to manage the public school system in his own city. There will be a healthy debate as to why Baltimore City is one of the most violent cities in America.

Henry Fawell

The guy threatened to stab her with a pair of scissors. That's pretty violent. Thankfully, she gave up the wedding ring, gave up the engagement ring. I know it's a tough thing to do, but it's a better outcome than if she had tried to fight.

Hugh Graf

The presence of these violent groups outside the Muslim Brotherhood proves that there is no place for those who support violence inside.

Sobhe Saleh

The Cuban regime's hurling of angry and often violent groups against pro-democratic dissidents is particularly disgusting.

Michael Parmly

Another very intense guy. He plays hard when he's in there. He plays violent. We call him 'Violent Gras.'

Paul Grasmanis

It's been quite a violent night.

Jacqueline Chaput

I think it's important we do look at the possibility of things getting out of hand. Certainly, we don't want students responding in a violent way.

Roland Gaines

One woman was having a violent argument with her boyfriend close to the store. As she turned to walk away from her lover, he pulled out a pistol and shot her.

Mario Gonzalez

This is a blurring of the margins of people who are engaged in non-violent political speech, an attempt to bunch them in with extremists and terrorists.

Imran Waheed

There is also, of course, another view which is one in which you have a home-grown problem. And one of the things that the London tube bombings have brought home to people is that there is the potential for disaffected, young Muslim youth who feel they are not getting the benefits the society can offer them can turn against that society in a very violent way.

Richard Whitman

Our movement (against the King's rule) will continue but it will remain peaceful and non-violent.

Ramchandra Poudel

If it's not in the books, then they become something that's simply hard and harsh and violent and quite unrelenting. That's neither the kind of book that I would like to read, nor that I would like to write. It's people's feelings that interest me.

John Harvey

I don't think that anybody would necessarily flinch from buying a historic house, even if something violent happened there. I'm sure they would have sympathy for the victims, but the majority of people looking at historic houses buy them, because they like the history.

Suzanne Prieur

This was a justifiable homicide - this is what the evidence will show to you. There was a much darker side to Robert Ash. A much more violent side to Mr. Ash.

Marcus Topel

One of our strategies is to move rockets to the West Bank to meet the coming year with more violent resistance.

Abu Sharif

He was her life. She loved that boy, did everything for him. She never said a word about him being violent.

Autraulia Harris

We were really expecting something (violent) to happen. I wasn't preparing myself for this because I wasn't expecting it to happen.

Adeline Casares

That was some violent, violent weather.

Al Martin

Crime victimization can dramatically change a person's life. Crime Victims' Rights Week gives Missouri an opportunity to educate our communities about the devastating impacts of violent crimes and also recognize the efforts of professionals and volunteers who dedicate their lives to helping victims of crime.

Katharine Barondeau

Britain let violent speeches go on too long, ... Laxity in this area isn't good for anybody.

Dalil Boubakeur

We are seeing more juveniles involved in more violent crimes, ... I think that's a trend nationwide.

Greg Thompson

We decry violence all the time in this country, but look at our history. We were born in a violent revolution, and we've been in wars ever since. We're not a pacific people.

James Lee Burke

The most violent rap music is the most popular music. You can't remove it from the clubs. It (Anthony's proposal) is more of a political platform because nobody has really been talking about it until the events on February 1 so I think this too shall pass.

Andreas Hale

Today's vote deals a severe blow to the ambitions of the terrorists and sends a clear message to the world that the people of Iraq will decide the future of their country through peaceful elections, not violent insurgency.

Allen Abney

They went in with a slow, methodical approach because we knew we had a violent felon inside and we knew we had a child inside. There was a dog inside, and they heard a dog barking. But there had been no contact whatsoever. They didn't even hear a child crying, nothing.

Darren Moloney

I think back now, it's like nothing was going through my mind. Somebody swung at me and my natural reaction was to fight back. I'm not a violent person, I'm far from it. But I also work hard for what's mine and I'm going to defend it.

Richard Robinson

I don't want to diminish the seriousness of any hate crime -- because one hate crime is one too many -- but if there is a silver lining in the numbers here in our jurisdiction, it's that for the most part they were not violent offenses.

Gary Davidson

Given his violent history and the violence in this case in Tennessee, I would consider parole to be unlikely.

Jason White

The United States joins the African Union in condemning the overthrow of the government of Mauritania. And we oppose any attempts by rogue elements to change governments through extraconstitutional or violent means.

Tom Casey

This is just the first step in what is certain to be a lengthy legal proceeding. Once the state is able to present evidence in the case, the courts will have the opportunity to understand why the governor and Legislature believe the state has a compelling interest in protecting children from potential harm from exposure to extremely violent video games.

Julie Soderlund

The risk at this point is that we get a weak payrolls number. If we get a negative number, that might inspire some pretty violent short-covering.

John Spinello

Hizb ut-Tahrir does not advocate a violent overthrow of Muslim regimes... Instead HT believes in winning over mass support, believing that one day these supporters will rise up in peaceful demonstrations and overthrow the regimes of Central Asia.

Ahmed Rashid

Any time a violent crime strikes her, we take it personally. It has an effect on everyone and affects the reputation of the community and university.

Chief Phillip Scott

This extremely violent and depraved act of animal cruelty is particularly disturbing, not only because of the unimaginable suffering this dog was forced to endure, but also because of the implications such cruelty holds for the safety of the community at large.

Peter Wood

The great majority were detained for non-violent expression of their political and religious beliefs.

John Kamm

Lives are changed so dramatically and so swiftly by violent death. It's a slow process to rebuild, and it's better when families feel that justice is done.

June Renfrow

This plan is fiercely controversial and, if the government pursues it, we are sure to have stormy years ahead, outbreaks of violent rebellion, vehement Palestinian resistance and tremendous costs that probably will not leave anything for our own welfare.

Yaron London

As to how much restraint, it is my understanding that it was not dramatic or unusual. They stand beside them or put them on the ground or put them against a wall. They do not hit them or knock them over, nothing physically violent.

Ruth Sasser

We have asked the conference adviser, the Brooklyn Bridge/TBLI Group, and conference sponsors and participants to take a stand against Mr. Keiser's violent hate speech but to no avail.

Tom Borelli

He has a history of violent relations with other women. He had been violent to other women before.

Dennis Farrell

It was a matter of survival for the local people, but it was the most violent scene I have ever witnessed. The people in my group, feeling helpless, were all spellbound and aghast at the same time. I became a vegetarian shortly after that.

Wendie Malick

He was quiet, but when he got angry about something, he would get violent.

Derrick Allen

It makes me very angry and also at the same time very sad that anybody should carry out such a violent attack with no possible gain from it and only suffering to the individual and his family.

Robin Cook

Bringing up these issues is only going to add to heat to an already fragile situation in Iraq and they don't help anybody at all. What Iraq needs at this moment is calm, but these images, which have already been dealt with and seen people punished, will only worsen the violent atmosphere.

Labeed Abbawi

I am non-violent. I am for peace. It is against my religion. It is against my embodiment to do anything that is by force, intimidation or threat.

Daniel Burns

Murders are never forgotten, ... The charges filed today ... are the first steps toward bringing to justice those responsible for a long and unfinished chapter in the Colombo family's violent history.

Roslynn Mauskopf

Of course the subject matter is controversial, but I decided to do it because I really respect the people behind it, Company Pictures, who've made great television like The Lakes and Shameless, ... It's very dark but it's not gratuitously violent, or exploitative; it's been made responsibly, not sensationally.

Owen Teale

I can predict that the violent crime rate and murder will increase if this law continues to be implemented. The only way to tackle this Wild West scenario is to allow the good guys to have guns ... The criminal in South Africa has too much freedom of action, too much job security.

Larry Pratt

If you don't have a secure sense of trust, you're feeling pretty anxious. One of the risk factors for children who develop anxiety disorders is a lower social/economic (situation). Not everyone who grows up poor lives in a violent neighborhood, but if you do grow up in an environment where there's a lot of crime, your trust would be pretty low and your anxiety high.

Tonia Caselman

It is the most common thread throughout violent serial offenders' lives. We don't understand the psychosis behind it, what leads them to do this in the first place. But it is clearly a pattern.

Brian Withrow

We (prosecuted cases of) drugs, guns and violent crime.

Lisa Monaco

In neither incident, in none of them, was Brown holding a gun or committing a violent act.

Darryl Rouson

This ad grossly distorts the record of John Roberts from start to finish. It has only one goal: to associate John Roberts with violent extremists.

Orrin Hatch

There is a small percentage, about 6 or 7 percent (of games) that are rated too violent for children under 16. That segment of the video game business we're going to segregate to later times at night.

Charles Hirschhorn

A sudden jump from... low energy prices to world energy prices can cause quite a violent squeeze on the economy.

Roland Nash

In some ways, it shows how successfully the extremists have been blocked from other forms of illegal activity, but violent attacks on individuals is an appalling way of trying to frighten people from carrying out their legitimate business of helping research and develop new medicines.

Philip Wright

The evidence will be that these 168 people died a violent and frightening death, ... Many were amputated and some were decapitated.

Pat Ryan

We are trying to expand the focus this year. It has previously primarily been focused on homicides. We would like to focus on the rights of victims of other kinds of violent crimes as far as the criminal justice system goes -- what rights and services they are entitled to if someone uses a weapon or force against you in any way.

Kay Tvaroch

There aren't enough people here to commit violent crime, and the people who commit violent crime are now elsewhere.

Judge Gerard Hansen

We're trying to shut down the avenue. Some of these guys are quite violent.

Steve Mcdonald

A sudden violent jolt of it has been known to stop the victim's watch, snap his suspenders and crack his glass eye right across.

Irvin S. Cobb

It was one of the worst, most violent days in the history of Boston.

John Powers

He's definitely considered armed and dangerous and has extremely violent tendencies.

Capt. Richard Spirlet

The volatility that we're seeing is ... (because) greater than 50 percent of the activity is program trading. The swings are really violent.

John Spinello

What upsets me most is that our children are not protected. Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School is right across the street from the victim's house. You have 6- and 7-year-old kids walking to school. I don't know if I'm going to let my kids walk to school now. When a violent crime occurs, all the schools should be notified.

Denise Smith

When the judges are sentencing these people, in a lot of ways they see their neighbors. These are not violent people. They tend to be well-educated, well-spoken. Most have no prior criminal record. When you add that all up, that is the type of situation that tends to generate sympathy with the judge.

Peter Henning

Guess what? There's more and more compelling evidence that if you feed a child a steady diet of Marilyn Manson and violent video games and hyper-sexual imagery... something needs to be done.

William Baldwin

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

E. F. Schumacher

Desire can be violent, hence the arrows. That's the way the ancients thought of desire.

Allen Miller

[Treadwell recorded this truth in his book,] Among Grizzlies, ... pivoted on its back paws and bolted in a violent retreat. ? For me, the encounter was like looking into a mirror. I gazed into the face of a kindred soul, a being that was potentially lethal, but in reality was just as frightened as I was.

Jewel Palovak

That program is for non-violent first offenders who have no criminal history. (Prosecutor) Rick (Reed) makes that final decision.

Jerry Cook

I'm happy with the judge's decision, ... has a particularly violent record.

Robert Simpson

He starts to get violent when Ii told him the marriage is over.

Biafra Thomas

These are serious allegations that involve the use of a computer to threaten and intimidate these students and one of their mothers by continually subjecting them to violent and sexually explicit messages that had them in fear for their safety.

Thomas Reilly

We should manage our fortunes as we do our health - enjoy it when good, be patient when it is bad, and never apply violent remedies except in an extreme necessity.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

I do not consider violent protest is in any way appropriate before or after attendance at the worship of Almighty God.

Robin Eames

The situation is under control now. We have declared 14 suspects, and arrested them for Thursday's violent protest.

Kartono Wangsadisastra

No one had painted factories and landscapes with such violent colors.

Barbara Haskell

There are situations in life to which the only satisfactory response is a physically violent one. If you don't make that response, you continually relive the unresolved situation over and over in your life.

Russell Hoban

Warnings were administered, ... This gas is more than inconvenient. It really hurts, it stings, and it's intended to drive people away in a potentially violent situation.

Norm Stamper

Violent crimes in our courthouses must cease and those who commit these heinous crimes must be punished accordingly, including the death penalty for murdering judges, law enforcement officials or their families.

Louie Gohmert

The idea is to sift out violent people. The Houston Texans do it at their players' entrance, and they are 0-6.

Argus Hamilton

I'm told I had to be put in a straitjacket for the first five days because I was so violent, which is a reflection of having really damaged your brain.

Dick Button

Drunk driving is the nation's most frequently committed violent crime. Underage drinking is the No. 1 youth drug problem, and MADD served more than 30,000 victims and survivors in 2004. It is time for everyone to realize that we need the support of the entire community to solve this problem and to save lives.

Glynn Birch

Don't do drugs, don't have unprotected sex, don't be violent... leave that to me.


Although they might not be able to reduce community rates of violent crime, it's possible they can affect household level risk factors for gun suicide, accidents and homicide.

Johns Hopkins

What has protected our community far before 9/11 from extremism and violent ideology is that balanced mainstream advocacy of Islamic principles.

Esam Omeish

Reasons why Harper's murder remains a mystery include the gang element involved in this case does not cooperate with police as a matter of rule. Harper was not well liked, (and) some felt Harper had it coming due to his violent past.

Erica Smith

High levels of violence in Latin America represent a serious obstacle for economic and social development in the region, which has the dubious distinction of being one of the most violent in the world.

Enrique Iglesias

Don't do drugs, don't have unprotected sex, don't be violent. Leave that to me.


When children are in environments that are stressful, neglected, violent, that affects formation of the brain, and can have lasting effect.

Ellen Galinsky

There is a deep sense of pessimism and anger that may burst into the open and become violent without being backed by any political force.

Eldred Masunungure

I write about violence as naturally as Jane Austen wrote about manners. Violence shapes and obsesses our society, and if we do not stop being violent we have no future.

Edward Bond

How do you know Tony Harwood is lying? His lips are moving. Is he violent? Yes. Is he a racist? Yes. Is he a psychopath? Yes. I say to you, you should reject Tony Harwood 100 percent. He's worth nothing in a decent system of justice.

Ed Garland