If you want to restore China's international image to what it was 12 months ago, treating journalists better is a good place to start.

I think we have to be a bit guarded here, given all the journalists who have been put behind bars in recent months. It may be that someone somewhere has decided that it must be shown the system can show a little leniency now and then.

He's the last major Tiananmen figure (to be released). He hasn't come home for 17 years. I'm very happy ... but he's mentally ill and it will be a burden to take care of him.

I think it's a sign of China's intention to return to the table and discuss with the United States such things as early releases and other human rights issues.

He's the last major Tiananmen figure (to be released).

The great majority were detained for non-violent expression of their political and religious beliefs.

This is a man who has been held for a long time after the indictment was withdrawn. I think it is a terrible black eye for the Chinese justice system. It's a terrible black eye because there is no transparency, there is no accountability.