Our status is still in limbo after 13 years.

Michael Chen

If the trend continues unchecked it could neutralize the improved functional status in 10 or 15 years. It's critical we find ways to reduce disability, both physical and cognitive.

Richard Suzman

It would be logical to conclude there will be a change of some kind in the status quo.

Tom Hardy

Our basic premise is to determine whether a violation of the Fair Housing Act has occurred. We'll be looking at whether their housing of older-people status is valid under the federal law.

Leon Russell

The government is committed to reducing the gap in health status between aboriginal and non-aboriginal Canadians.

Nathalie Lalonde

Her loss will be felt not just here locally, but world-wide due to the critically endangered status of this species.

Tony Vecchio

It's mostly a headline risk. I do think the change in the status makes it more likely that the SEC will find some fault with their disclosure practice. Most people already knew about this.

Richard Petersen

We have had a quarter century of tuition going up faster than family income. And we've had completely inadequate increases in the Pell grant. Many states and institutions are shifting from need-based aid to aid based on test scores. At the same time, college has become much more essential for achieving middle-class status in the U.S.

Gary Orfield

This is a case where bison are wandering near the Park border or crossing onto private lands. Part of our effort under the Interagency Management Plan, in addition to maintaining a viable population, is to protect Montana's brucellosis-free status.

Al Nash

Burnout is prevalent at all levels of the professional hierarchy from low status positions, such as call centre workers, to teachers, those in the social or medical fields and middle management in general.

Peter Richter

Modern Americans are remarkably capable people, skillful and inventive in many ways, but they are not so good at talking to one another across their vast differences of social class and economic status.

William Greider

It just shows that you don't have to be a world beater on this tour. You just have to play solid in the fall and get your status.

Darren Griff

I guess this is going to be my official return to flying status.

Jim Webb

That was one of the first studies to show the complex relationship between socioeconomic status and obesity.

Patricia Crawford

As long as you have the chairman (title) and you're the CEO, you're still in charge of the organization, ... I'll do that for the next year and a half and then when I go to emeritus (status), John gets the president title.

Bob Harlan

The biggest question is, are people ready to do something different? If they want to perpetuate the status quo, they'll continue to do that. So long as people think they can amass legal political power and beat whoever, that's what they'll do.

Gerald Mueller

[April 1997 -- The House of Commons approves a last minute appeal by Liberal MP Dennis Mills to amend the Canada Marine Act to give Toronto federal port authority status.] I'm totally surprised by it, ... We were assured the City of Toronto (port) would be excluded from the legislation and a consultative process would be set up.

Barbara Hall

We've been playing well for so long, we were bound to have a bad day. This should light a fire under us again. The kids realize that the status quo isn't good enough. We are going to have to get better.

Tracy Johnson

After we controlled for everything we could think of related to longevity - such as health status, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, physical functioning, kidney function, cognitive function, pulmonary function, peripheral vascular disease, age, education, race and sex - the WMG and VG in combination became a powerful predictor of longevity.

Lewis Kuller

I would like to think of my own status as what you called 'citizen of the world' or a 'citizen of a portable world,' if not of the world.

Azar Nafisi

If they don't give my husband, who is recognized as a bona fide Israeli agent, special status now and fight for his release, they will be sending a clear message to all who are working in Israeli intelligence that if you get caught, you're on your own.

Jonathan Pollard

Then it would give us the ability to give (enterprise zone status) to somebody else.

Chuck Davis

I am surprised they didn't make some inquiry into the status of the investigation into the Department of Correction.

Drewry Fennell

We're extremely excited to have been awarded 'Front Runner' status by Microsoft. As a company focused solely on the needs of SQL Server users, helping our customers deploy and manage the new features and capabilities of SQL Server 2005 is at the top of our agenda.

Rick Pleczko

The reception is just a party. Don't put too much into it. Go there, look great and embrace your single status.

Julie Murray

The Cuban national, by virtue of the fact that he's Cuban and eligible to adjust his status under the Cuban Adjustment Act will still be processed for removal, but he'll have the opportunity to request to stay.

Steve Mcdonald

If, in fact, we are duly elected to serve the people and try to achieve unitary status, we need to know what we need to do to achieve unitary status.

Rickey Hardy

These stripes may have been a way to emulate the status of Roman society, but it had a different meaning for them. They adapted symbols from non-Jewish society and gave them Judaic meaning. That may be one of the great secrets of Judaism.

Richard Freund

We're also going to teach them how to dress for work so that eventually they can upgrade the status of their jobs. We're trying to make (this program) completely well-rounded.

Gabrielle Mcguire

For many African-Americans, it's confirmation of what many people have felt for a long time — that their second-class status is alive and well today.

Robert G. Allen

We urge the government to quickly decide on the status of the remaining money so that it can be controlled by the government and reduce the potential of it being misused.

Anwar Nasution

Our priority now is the ministerial formation transition. We will work on the gradual move of offices to the seminary grounds and then address the status of the Archbishop Cousins Center property.

Kathleen Hohl

The current status on lots owned by the city is that they are exempt from taxation.

Leo Dobrovolny

We're working very, very diligently -- first and foremost -- to know how our employees are faring. We are working diligently to assess the well-being of each employee and the status of their housing situation.

Karen Gordon

My occupational status is retired. My way of life is, I work as hard as I can.

Robert Weiss

I've wanted to do a series on great directors, and I think the idea was, in part, to show films that have this status of great craftsmanship.

Rob Bibler

Farther out, we do anticipate further strengthening up to Category 3, or major hurricane status.

Chris Sisko

A substantial part of the controversy occurred because there was such secrecy in what was going on over there. This is a public charity. It gets a whopping tax exemption because of that status.

Hugh Jones

Most of the fisheries surveys for 2005 have been completed so these meetings will be good opportunities for the public to learn about the current status of Missouri River fisheries.

John Lott

For me to arrive one week later and find that no one had even contacted or spoken to the region's fire departments to assess their status and restore service is hard to grasp.

Bill Metcalf

For us, there is absolutely no ambiguity. The Basel Convention has clearly stated that whatever the legal status of the boat, from the moment it's being sent for demolition, it's waste. Period. We're seeing a flagrant disregard for international law.

Yannick Jadot

It does look like he's leaning more toward their status quo of raising rates at a measured pace, which would imply that they are going to go at September's meeting.

Holly Liss

Special preference immigration status.

Martha Davis

It is a lovely thing to have a husband and wife developing together and having the feeling of falling in love again. That is what marriage really means: helping one another to reach the full status of being persons, responsible and autonomous beings who do not run away from life.

Dr. Paul Tournier

The budget process is in shambles, devoid of accountability, transparency, and enforcement measures, ... A vote for the status quo is a clear sign of contentment with the spending explosion in Washington.

Tom Schatz

There are some things that are not the way they should be, and even the indicators that are 'best-ever' status have room for improvement.

Duane Alexander

[*The mayor proposed landmark status for Marshall Field's flagship State Street store, with the consent of Federated Retail Holdings Inc., the company that purchased the chain and is replacing the Field's name with] Macy's. ... But the former owners wouldn't agree to it. . . . So you're in a big fight and argument about it. . . . This owner . . . stepped up and agreed. So, why not?

John Daley

Lucia Pinochet is currently in U.S. Customs and Border Protection custody at Dulles International Airport, pending resolution of her immigration status.

Jarrod Agen

Civil liberty is the status of the man who is guaranteed by law and civil institutions the exclusive employment of all his own powers for his own welfare.

William Graham Sumner

The proposals being put out are far too ambiguous from our point of view. They looked as though there had been a hidden agenda to maintain the status quo.

Gordon Taylor

The biggest challenge that we faced is the dramatic change in status of our partner. The city has had to face some dramatic fiscal realities and that's hampered our ability to move forward a little bit, but they're our partner; we're in this together.

Bernie Ronan

We're making a show about a particular group of people. We don't try to maintain an outlaw status, but they are outlaws.

David Chase

What we're doing with this vote is saying that we've put together a terrific budget and challenged the status quo. We're actually doing the same with less and adding on to that with rebuilding.

Tony James

The prosecutors will want to make sure that the prospective jurors won't be intimidated or influenced by her celebrity status.

Henry Mazurek

What we learn about wolverines from this effort will help us determine the species' status and management needs.

John Rohrer

This will not affect people's legal status, but it's pretty terrible. It's the worst kind of preying on vulnerable people. This guy was just stealing their money and they were getting nothing in return.

Richard Fowler

I am perfectly aware that HP has never guaranteed absolute tenure status to its employees; but I also know that Bill and Dave never developed a premeditated business strategy that treated HP employees as expendable.

David Packard

The Woman's Party is made up of women of all races, creeds and nationalities who are united on the one program of working to raise the status of women.

Alice Paul

We believe an important focus of the research should be the suitability of inpatient rehabilitative care for other medical conditions, including certain cardiac and pulmonary conditions, with attention given to patients' functional status.

Jay Grinney

We hope to learn more about the status of the FDA letter on Tuesday.

Glenn Novarro

Morano has told me, 'It's the status quo,' and it's still an ongoing investigation, ... He hasn't told us about the outcome of Roger Bates' DNA test and said when there is something new to report he would let me know.

Thomas Williams

The definitions of those terms -- 'mass-market status' and 'foreign availability' -- are so sweeping that they would essentially command the secretary of commerce to decontrol a tremendous amount of sensitive equipment, ... I don't see any need for that.

Gary Milhollin

There are many things that happen in Washington, D.C., that bother me, but I still come to work. You work and you deal with political issues, but they are two separate arenas. We need them, and they've got jobs to do. Meanwhile, we'll continue through our lobbying efforts to get them the legalized status they want.

Bob Spencer

Especially if we look at the Mexicans, these are people with fairly low levels of formal education. They're not able to get licensing or credentials in the United States because of their status, so the kinds of jobs available to them in the United States are somewhat limited.

Jeffrey Passel

It certainly is a status symbol and it's big for the winner.

Harold Mitchell

He was looked upon with so much respect even before (his illness). Now, it's legendary status. He's the nicest guy you'll ever meet, and he's a hard-core worker. He has only one gear: all out.

Mark Macdonald

Our residents can view public presentations, latest renderings, site and floor plans, the latest status of the project and our anticipated schedule for completion.

Alan Delisle

When we have federal law enforcement officials involved in the investigation, perhaps some of our immigrant community members feel like there would be some problem for them because of their status, or some questions with regard to their status, if they come forward.

Charles Moose

Significant educational investments will not only foster improvements in their health status, civic engagement and economic productivity, but also contribute to U.S. prosperity.

Marta Tienda

Federated did not acquire May to preserve the status quo. They paid a lot of money for it, have a plan, and I would expect they would apply the 'reinvent' initiatives to the May portfolio as they have done successfully in previous acquisitions.

Jeffrey Stein

Status anxiety definitely exists at a political level. Many Iraqis were annoyed with the US essentially for reasons of status: for not showing them respect, for humiliating them.

Alain De Botton

It is now increasingly hard to justify calling Pluto a planet if UB313 is not also given this status.

Frank Bertoldi

It's been stated that we're the second tenant in some correspondence, and it's not fair. We have to be accepted and given equal status.

Darrell Petray

When told me they couldn't live in an independent Kosovo, if this is the outcome of the status process, I told them: This is your decision, we cannot force you to stay.

Albert Rohan

As we started to entertain more, and gain more status, the kitchen grew into not just a room that would be operational and functional, but one, like the bath, in which we luxuriate.

Billy Rose

We achieved bulge bracket status and only Morgan Stanley is better (in terms of earnings.

Rolf Breuer

As long as there are no significant objections, the school should be given the status in time for the academic year beginning in September 2006.

Harry Smith

Oklahoma's gotten healthy. And when players get healthy, they gain a lot of confidence. They're moving into elite status again.

Billy Gillespie

When we go to elevated (alert status) we fortify structures deemed critical - this is one of them.

Patrick Halsted

We believe there might be some people who didn't call us because of their immigration status.

Dr. James Wilcox

We did not ask for it. They knew about us. They were impressed at how an orchestra our size was growing and achieving professional status.

Pam Slaton

From the promises of the local and international politicians ... we don't believe the status of Kosovo will match what the people fought for.

Sherif Krasniqi

Kevin got hit in the face during practice the other day and was in agony. His status is up in the air, and if he plays I'm not sure how effective he will be.

Ralph Willard

Technical issues such as the ownership structure and tax status will have to be addressed. But you don't make such a statement unless negotiations are well advanced.

William Hawkins

The kids really look forward to it. It's a big incentive for them. It's a status thing.

Lisa Horton

I don't know about his status for this weekend, but I can promise he won't be triple jumping.

Russ Jewett

We don't know (his status) right now. Hopefully it'll be OK, but we're not sure. He's going to get it X-rayed and get some treatment tomorrow.

Steve Harrington

But the status quo is no longer acceptable.

Bill Kennedy

The UK's disease-free status for avian flu is not altered here. We've got an avian flu in quarantine. All of the birds that come in from outside of the European Union come into quarantine and we picked up the avian flu virus in the UK quarantine system.

Debby Reynolds

The confirmed case does not affect the UK's official disease-free status because the disease has been identified in imported birds during quarantine.

Debby Reynolds

We tried to stress in our application that this is a small community with a lot of elderly citizens and there's not really much room for growth. Our financial status will pretty much stay the same, so we could really use some grant money.

Norm Stout Jr

They're saying it's OK to consume as much alcohol as the guys. In fact, it's a way to sort of claim your womanhood, claim your female status.

Rob Williams

This is something that most humans can relate to -- think of how much time and money we spend on our looks and status long after we have established stable relationships.

Rebecca Safran

Those of us who did it for a while probably appreciate it most, because we know how hard it is. They didn't get to this exalted status because they were lucky. Both of them know what works. Both of them have the guts to stay the course. They have the energy to convince 18-year-olds they can be part of something big.

Bill Curry

Lockyer is the incumbent five-eighth and captain and he hasn't done anything wrong in my eyes to lose his status.

Bob Mccarthy

Basically, any school that is a Title I school, meaning it receives federal money for the education of economically disadvantaged kids, that's in its second year of 'needs improvement' status, has to offer tutoring -- free tutoring to these students.

Dana Tofig

We are not talking about adding anything new, this is simply trying to maintain the status quo.

Carol Comeau

The status quo is the only solution that cannot be vetoed.

Clark Kerr

'On the Road' is a seminal book that gave voice to a whole generation -- capturing its hunger for experience, unwillingness to accept imposed truths and dissatisfaction with the status quo.

Walter Salles

The idea is to return these sites to the status they were before they were polluted. That's what a cleanup is.

Assemblyman Ryan Karben

All of the members will get one vote on any key issues that come up. Our goal is to speak with one voice and elevate tournament poker to a more professional status.

Jesse Jones

This really is the highest recognition within the nursing profession. The nurses at El Camino are so proud of having achieved this status.

Diana Russell

It really doesn't change it, ... A DUI is not a crime of moral turpitude. It doesn't rise to that level unless it was an incident where someone was hurt. It appears to be on the surface a standard DUI arrest. It will not impact his immigration status.

Scott Shapiro

We'd need proof of financial status, but making sure they have transportation is such a priority for the Council on Aging board of directors that this isn't going to be a problem.

Marsha Koet

I'm particularly honored to be associated with an institution that, I believe, is honoring Mr. Cochran not because he had movie star status and not because he had celebrity clients but because when he had clients that he believed in, he did a remarkable job putting his passionate, passionate voice to work.

Kevin Reed

Avoiding the sex offender registry ought to be a felony. If you have that felony status, police could (immediately) arrest.

Sen Richard Sears

Essentially and most simply put, plot is what the characters do to deal with the situation they are in. It is a logical sequence of events that grow from an initial incident that alters the status quo of the characters.

Elizabeth George

There will be no reverse in this decision, ... The Orient House has become a symbol of provocations, of almost endless activities against the law of Israel and against the status of Israel in the united city of Jerusalem and as such it had to be closed.

Ehud Olmert

I don't think in Illinois a foreign lawyer has been given that status before at the federal level.

Edward Greenspan

We want our members to be able to maximize their point earning potential. This card not only allows members to earn more Marriott Rewards points, and it also gives them many benefits such as a free-night certificate yearly, and 15 nights towards Elite status.

Ed French

It is a demand that a law school accord the military 'most-favored-recruiter' status, even as the recruiters discriminate against the school's own students.

E. Joshua Rosenkranz

Every year he strengthens his own, limitless power. Mr. Nazarbayev is moving toward the status of a dictator.

Zharmakhan Tuyakbai

If you really want to change, you need to develop a system in which the environment is a parameter that plays a more and more important role in the status or evaluation of local officials' behavior.

Zhang Jianyu

Participants in the two intervention groups made greater changes than those in the control group and saw the greatest benefit in blood pressure status. This shows that people at risk for heart disease can successfully and simultaneously make multiple changes in lifestyle, for a substantial benefit.

Eva Obarzanek

Science education is the foundation of our global economy, yet it has been treated with second-class status for decades.

Eva Moskowitz

Bush mentioned shared strategic interests three times in his speech. The Chinese see this as important because it's high- level recognition from the global superpower of their status as a rising great power.

Evan Medeiros

The status of the bargaining is that we are continuing to talk. We continue to frankly plug through some of the more difficult issues that confront us. It's become sort of an intense, exhausting sort of a process. We're working through the issues one at a time.

Eric Rabe

We're currently evaluating the status of each individual state as part of our enforcement responsibilities, and we'll determine what steps should be taken after the evaluation.

Eric Holland

I think I've matured to a great extent. I think that I want different things now. That it's not about the celebrity status that you receive because you're doing the next hot movie. It's about doing good work.

Emilio Estevez

As long as oil prices continue to rise and China continues to industrialize, OPEC will be content to sit around and keep production status quo.

Emanuel Balarie

It is hard to think, as I sit here, of examples of decisions that appear to be Gonzales making decisions on his own, as opposed to his status of defender of the administration and the White House. His role doesn't seem that much different than his role serving as White House counsel, only now he has a much larger staff.

Elliot Mincberg

We finally have realized that America is open to everyone, regardless of their legal status.

Elias Bermudez

Sometimes we are so eager to embrace the status quo that we lose sight of fresh opportunities for excellence. I'm so impressed with the keen intelligence and common sense she brings to the issues.

Elizabeth Murphy