The hardest thing for us is to build is lasting consumer loyalty. The average consumer shops at three sites; we want to be two of those three sites.

Dara Khosrowshahi

Detroit had to compete with lots of other more attractive sites and they've pulled it off. There's so much to do.

Dave Haguewood

We've never had Hispanic day laborer sites. That's a totally new phenomenon.

David Ware

Whenever you talk about black people on the Net, the digital divide is the story. It's going to change. As the next wave of sites go live, it will shift from the digital divide to the digital opportunity.

Omar Wasow

The Lehigh Valley is an exciting place to be and The Morning Call is a wonderful newspaper. 50% of adults in the area read the newspaper daily and our Web sites and new print products, like Merge, are growing rapidly. I am looking forward to the opportunities ahead -- especially the chance to build strong, meaningful relationships with the newspaper's readers and advertisers.

Tim Kennedy

We're not just selling Web sites; we're helping businesses succeed on the Web.

Justin Kitch

People travel individually or in groups around the country in motor homes. They go across country helping out at sites. The first all-woman caravan volunteered here in October, 2004. In fact, one woman came all the way from Alaska to help.

Barbara Manning

In addition, we are pleased with the progress made by our e-commerce sites, especially has achieved a compound growth rate of approximately 100 percent since acquired by Brown Shoe in 2001, as we've significantly expanded our brand and product offering.

Ron Fromm

We don't know what is out there. We don't have any specific sites and don't know what needs to be cleaned. That's why we are doing the assessment.

Larry Bender

We always expect we'll do well, and we wouldn't pick sites we weren't confident in. But from what I've heard, it seems like people are really excited about it.

Meagan Lewandowski

Just recently we saw a couple fan sites dedicated just to the Desktop. That's the ultimate tribute to what we're trying to do.

Andrew Schneider

We made the paper. But there was no time to get reaction, to do analysis, to find out what people in Ohio thought about what he said. And that's what local papers do that's so important. You're not going to hear those local voices on national television, or most of the Web sites people can access.

Bill Hershey

Clearly usage on 3G shows higher revenue potential overall. The variety and quality of content and ease of navigation on portal sites will play a key role in gaining traction and increasing the prospect for maximizing profits.

Kanishka Agarwal

EBay at least is working with us to close these sites down.

Vance Lommen

We cannot have kids posing with drugs on Web sites, it would be irresponsible not to check it out.

Fred Harran

I've heard that numerous trading desks, out of concerns about terrorism and congestion, are staffing their disaster recovery sites with half their personnel. A number of money managers are going to be working from home.

Tom Schrader

The folks making the most money online are Cisco and Dell, which sell millions of dollars worth of equipment through their Web sites every day.

Geoffrey Smith

In 1984, we had snow down to the reservoirs in Oakley and Salmon Falls. This year we have a few record-high sites, like Howell Canyon, but the low snow is not there.

Ron Abramovich

People are still looking for places in those lower median price places. But Southern Oregon is still very popular. People are making phone calls checking Web sites and asking for information.

Derrick Harris

Well, ... what if you said something like -- if this happens in the United States and we determine that it is the result of extremist, fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy sites.

Tom Tancredo

In the first few years, larger sites dominated. What's happened is that as the online medium has matured and as we've refined our competition, you're seeing a lot more outstanding smaller sites.

Tom Regan

[Such pointed remarks are the site's stock in trade.] No one agrees with everything we write, ... I don't even agree with everything we publish. But hopefully you say something interesting with some insight that makes people look at an album in a different way.

Ryan Schreiber

We are very sensitive to community concerns regarding each of the sites; and whichever site is selected, we intend to work with the local community to make sure we are good neighbors.

Andy Ryan

It should never have been done all at one time. They should have done some beta sites. . . . They just kind of dumped this on us.

Marty Donovan

If people want to know what we were doing after the war, we were playing in the bomb sites. That was fantastic.

Rita Drummond

It's not quite as bad as it was after Hurricane Andrew, when there were literally workers jumping from one truck to another. But guys are walking up on job sites and trying to recruit your workers for more money.

Richard Horton

I've seen more consumer problems resolved because of these sites than there ever could have been. But it's a company's fiduciary responsibility to protect its intellectual property, its stock price and to make sure that any information that appears in any media is factually accurate.

James Alexander

[The general investor fervor, some hope, will lift the discussion of black Internet businesses beyond the gloomy government data.] Whenever you talk about black people on the Net, the digital divide is the story, ... It's going to change. As the next wave of sites go live, it will shift from the digital divide to the digital opportunity.

Omar Wasow

I haven't heard any of our building inspectors say it's a problem. Some building sites haven't been maintained as they should, but I wouldn't say this is a growing problem.

Mary Gibbs

I'd hate to give consumers a false sense that these 214 sites are all legitimate if they aren't.

Tom Mcginnis

Occasionally a group of people on campus will meet to go rock climbing, backpacking or mountain biking. I like to see the sites.

Larry Bortner

Information-only Web sites are a thing of the past. Jewelers should have 80 percent of their goods online and ready to purchase.

Liz Chatelain

Maybe we'll look at all the sites and decide none of them will work.

Brian Fischer

In Palm Beach County, we will have one of the biggest radius sites.

Peter Wallace

We've been surprised how long it takes the Chinese to block these sites. It generally takes them in excess of one week.

Lance Cottrell

Really insidious because once you've visited the sites, you won't know you've been broken into.

Alfred Huger

What it does is it prioritizes this project within the DEP. The program was set up to have local communities communicate the sites that they saw as priorities for their region.

Ron Ruman

Right now, we're informing the public about the new law with information on our Web site, ads in newspapers and brochures we're handing out at waste disposal sites.

Cynthia Knapp

There's no direct connection between the user in the censored country and the Web sites he's going to.

Nart Villeneuve

It is a great way of communicating at low cost. Web sites level the playing field for a challenger like myself - and they also the opportunity for people to be able to give feedback.

Bruce Elder

We continue to encourage developers to test sites with this code because it is layout complete, meaning that the code is feature complete and no major changes are expected.

Margaret Cobb

These people are using us as their primary connection to the Internet. Whether they are looking for job postings, checking web sites, researching facts or genealogy, they are using the library.

Beth Hansen

Some [innocent] Internet search could whisk them to Web sites that contain sexually explicit contents.

Mariko Yamada

The confusing nature of the sites and the restrictions that are involved make it only ideal for a very small percentage of travelers.

Chris Mcginnis

[But what does this sort of behavior achieve? According to relationship psychologist Debra Moore, these sites can have a range of effects on their intended victims.] They're going to either be outraged or feel humiliated, ... Or if they're a particularly strong person, they may realize that it's a sad statement about the person who put it up.

Debra Moore

We're not opposed to mitigation sites because we're also trying to develop a bank of preserves. But I do have a concern about where they're located.

John Bencomo

Within some defense agencies, they have thought the most prudent action was just to take their sites offline.

Craig Quigley

We saw the Internet as the ultimate direct marketing vehicle. We also realized there would eventually be massive competition to get traffic to Web sites, and firms, both large and small, would need help getting premier positioning on search engines. Savvy marketers held the same opinion of the Internet and were gearing up for the future.

Andrew Wetzler

That's all speculation. We are looking at sites in a number of states.

Dan Sieger

We welcome the meeting to continue the dialogue. When it goes to the county level, we really have an opportunity to hear from people who have sites that work. There are successful sites in other localities and I believe we could accomplish that in Mamaroneck.

Mariana Boneo

This is a crowded and brutal market that makes the NHL look like the opera. It also lacks customer loyalty. Our research shows that only 4 in 10 consumers who use online travel sites say they routinely go to the same site.

Henry Harteveldt

The fact that these productive kelp forests are found adjacent to some of the earliest coastal archaeological sites in the Americas really enhances the argument that the first Americans didn't walk here, they floated. In essence, they may have utilized a sort of kelp highway.

Jon Erlandson

When a user searches for homes in the $300,000 to $400,000 range in Bloomfield, Colorado, your ad will show up with those sites.

Tim Higgins

We host 40% of the major sites on the Internet, and so statistically, we are going to see a good fraction of those, ... It's not infrequent. It just means that we have to do more sophisticated analysis and have a wider range of addresses that we filter for.

Gary Grossman

There's a limited number of those kinds of lots. (MacDonald Highlands is) right up there at the top as the premier expensive homes sites in Las Vegas.

Larry Murphy

I would imagine that most people who read newspapers and look at Web sites are aware of headlines being made on substantially higher metal costs. If retailer costs go up, eventually the consumer pays for it.

Mark Aaron

Newsletters and Web sites are a great opportunity for couples to put all of the information about the wedding in one place - where they're registered, guest hotel accommodations, events that will be going on surrounding the wedding. And you could also include events leading up to the wedding, such as showers and parties.

Calandra Terry

The best sites are the ones that create value for the user, and there is no value if it isn't usable.

David Black

It doesn't matter how many (people with disabilities) vote; that's not the point. If the sites were accessible and they had the right machines, more people with disabilities would come out to vote.

Robert Poulin

Roger Hughes was defamed and had his privacy infringed upon. It's one thing for this union to go out and picket and leaflet his sites. That's fair, that's lawful, ... But it's quite another thing to put out there that he's a pedophile and a danger to children. That's wrong.

Charles Cochran

Tim guaranteed he'd be there, but he wasn't. His participation was well publicized and we nearly had riots at both sites when he didn't appear.

Joe Newman

There are several different options, which we will essentially offer for free by using advertising support to cover costs. The ads will only appear in the Member Center [of Office Live]. Customers can also host advertising from different vendors on their Web sites. Microsoft will not step in between.

Baris Cetinok

Google is directly infringing on our copyrights. They are copying and showing our work on their Web site. They are also placing ads on these Web sites that are infringing on our work.

Norm Zada

Because this is a project that's going to be around for 30 years, and because we are going to do more research on those sites, we felt it was important to do that.

Ron Holt

Our plan focuses on our key business objectives ? growing readership in our print and electronic publications with great local content and providing our advertising partners with easy access to the large and varied audiences our titles and Web sites attract.

John Cruickshank

From what I've heard about Israel and its sites, landscape, beaches and historical and religious heritage, it is a wonderful place to visit. I told my friends that I'm going to Israel because I'm a New Yorker, and a New Yorker goes to Israel.

Chris Noth

There's a lot more information out there, so many Web sites with so much information. The idiot of a fantasy-football group can win the league. But it's very rare when the idiot can win fantasy baseball.

Peter Schoenke

Web sites get hacked so frequently, probably 50 a day, and if a hacker breaks into a Web site, they can easily change the code on the site, so that when users go to the site they think it's a legitimate Web site, and they will get infected.

Chris Rouland

Online auction sites have been a fairly active area of dispute, ... is still unclear.

Jonathan Zittrain

The Muscular Dystrophy Association was one of the first Web sites. Basically, we did a lot of Internet searching and finding out all the good things they do.

Mark Ward

It's not at all like other sites. Reno pulls the biggest crowd by far. There's a lot of hometown support. Boxing is known throughout Reno. They really support it. At Cal (Berkeley) or Vegas they don't get half the draw.

Thomas Gennaro

I have found two Roman sites in the area that I live in.

Bill Wyman

For Milton, we are looking at four different sites. We needed four sites with 20-plus acres out of the flood zones. The good news is they are all beautiful.

Mike O'dell

P3P is fairly easy for sites to deploy, ... Sites can go ahead and deploy P3P right now based on the May 10 revisions [to the specification], and hopefully there will not be many changes.

Lorrie Cranor

Some of our sites are busier than normal but we really are urging people not to overbuy. At the moment there's no shortage of fuel.

Sheila Williams

When you go to different sites it is listed as RSS or sometimes XML or Atom. When you use the term feeds or Web feeds it is easier for people to understand.

Robert Scoble

Great area for a hide! Thanks Bill and Ellen for all your great hides ... I feel like an explorer chasing down the sites and history the two of you put together!

John Stephens

With the arrival of MRO and its very powerful, highly capable payload, we expect to enter into yet another chapter of Mars exploration. In addition to studying Mars as a system, MRO will also be looking at areas that are potential landing sites for our future landed missions.

Fuk Li

I'm excited and encouraged to see people getting involved with their public lands and forests. We really need the public's help to repair these heavily used recreation sites.

Robert Towne

We're letting people create their own radio stations and music Web sites so others can listen to their music, leave messages and build a social relationship from then on around music.

Srivats Sampath

The best Web sites are better than reality.

Jakob Nielsen

The chassis system provides larger sites with an effective solution for protecting multiple circuits from line degradation and failure. Customers of the single circuit version were requesting this for their larger installations.

David Weiss

We do see people who care enough about this Mountain Dew brand that they're taking time to create their own fan sites. We decided we were going to create the fan site that takes it to the next level.

Scott Johnson

Fire prevention is the number one goal for the nation's firefighters, and hundreds of fire departments nationwide are helping CPSC with today's recall roundup by serving as collection sites for hazardous products.

Harold Schaitberger

The majority of commercial sites west of Interstate 95 don't have water and sewer. In this competitive world and all other things being equal, the customer will go to a site with utilities outside the city.

Chris Norton

We are expanding capacity to remove congestion and in the next few months, we will be rolling out new sites and that is actually happening across Zambia.

Freddie Mokoena

We're focusing on life-safety issue. But at the same time this could be an annoying problem. We get complaints about blocking the road and about the debris on sites.

Mary Gibbs

We get so discouraged with the negative, so it's nice to hear there are people (in Iraq) who are thankful for our presence there. Especially good was the interaction he shared as a Christian with some of the Muslims and some of the biblical sites he saw. Seeing a picture of him with his arm around a Muslim, you have to remember there's a war going on.

Brian Brijbag

Everything we have seen indicates that, although we will be among the Bermuda grass sites farthest north, we will be able to maintain a surface that is playable and attractive from spring to late November.

Steve Simmerman

The idea is to return these sites to the status they were before they were polluted. That's what a cleanup is.

Assemblyman Ryan Karben

About 8% of our network bandwidth is going to all the music sites.

Jeff Uslan

One of the most interesting things is to watch how these sites pioneer new technologies.

Sean Kaldor

When it rained in the month of March, work on the work sites stopped.

James Hardway

TCEQ is interested not only in characterizing the ozone above Houston, but also in finding out where that ozone ends up. To that end, they've given us extra money to launch about 15 percent of our balloons from sites that are 80-100 miles from the city.

Gary Morris

From what we heard so far about this proposal, it would not appear to meet the (U.N.) Security Council's earlier insistence of unconditional cooperation and unconditional access, and it appears from the CNN report the offer doesn't tackle issues of the sovereign sites (such as government headquarters and ministries) which were earlier declared out of bounds by Iraq.

Ewen Buchanan

The scope of all things going on here is more than most sites.

Eric Poplin

A small number of advanced Web sites will present some problems. But the vast majority of sites will work fine.

Eric Krock

Who has time to manually spam web sites? That can't be very cost effective.

Eric Cheng

People were complaining that on the big sites they weren't finding people that shared their spiritual interests. I find that people, the deeper they are into Buddhism, the more important it is for them to have somebody else who's interested in it. The people who meditate or go to a Buddhist center tend to place a high premium on finding people who share their spiritual path.

Erik Curren

Many of the building sites will be Habitat for Humanity sites where we will work with that local affiliate for that day. We do not know what stage of the house they will be on, but we could be raising walls, siding, painting, putting on finishing touches-anything is possible.

Ericc Powell

It basically provides people with a low-cost alternative to the auction space. Most sites charge you to list an item, but we actually charge you nothing until your item sells, and then we only charge 1 percent of the sale price, which, as far as I know, is the lowest fee out there.

Eren Niazi

I would love for the people in these sites to tell me we are doing too much for them, This parish has a history of taking care of its people.

Emily Campbell

Were looking into the Web sites and trying to determine what relevance there is, if any. In any murder investigation, we would look into any and all motives, and a financial motive is certainly one of them.

Emily Lagrassa

The elections came and went, the official said, and the Americans continued leaving detainees at sites that held bruised, burned and limping prisoners.

Ellen Knickmeyer

If these gambling websites lose a time window for betting, they are done. That makes it easier for attackers to hit the sites at the worst possible moment.

Elias Levy

We have members in our club who are instructors and members who have very recently done their initial training. It's a great place for new people to learn more and experienced people to compare notes on dive sites, destination, equipment and techniques.

Ellen Evans

In general, black hats learn their tricks the same way that everybody else does: through a network of informational Web sites, magazines, conventions and advice from peers. There's even hacker radio.

Ed Moyle

The focus of this new organization is to fully leverage the Internet to not only sell systems and solutions, but also to build stronger relationships with our customers -- from personalized Web sites for consumers to highly integrated extranets for global corporations.

Eckhard Pfeiffer

We've been working on our older athletic park sites to bring them up to higher standards.

Fred Voss

We are trying to build on both the response and the recognition that we need to do a lot more work inland to have a long-term impact on the coast. We are at the point where we have more sites inland than we do on the coast.

Eben Schwartz

We must step up the security protection of sites and net users.

Zhao Shiyuan