If there were no longer bilingual ballots, citizens would not be able to vote intelligently, especially in California and San Francisco with all the bond measures. People would need help and rely on others. We don't want employers, spouses or neighborhood organizers helping people vote.

John Trasviña

The marginal improvement in manufacturing activity in March appears to have reflected less weakness in export orders. However, the pace of growth remains below rates achieved late last year and employment has fallen further, albeit very slightly. Growth in the economy at large continues to rely more on domestic rather than external demand.

Dermot O'brien

[After falling on hard times,] the Democrats have resorted to fabricating their fundraising record and relying on a lifeline from Howard Dean. What misleading claim will they make next? ... The Democrats have become the 'Party of No': no solutions, no money and no candidates.

Katon Dawson

I can't always rely on my kick. Chris Muniz from Suffern was next to me the whole way and he's only going to get better. ... I just have to go out harder. I have to trust myself.

Nick Estis

You are a separate branch of government. You don't rely on the city manager like other city councils, where the city manager really represents the council.

George Stewart

It's going along really strongly. We're able to rely on each other. Everyone's feeding off each other and everyone's just doing better than expected. We're just hitting right where we want to be.

Ben Ryan

They've played great competition, and their record speaks for itself. But we don't rely a ton on rankings. Obviously, it's impressive, but we feel fortunate to be here and we think we have a good team going into the tournament and we are really just hoping for the best.

Shanna Briggs

As fuel prices remain unstable and our nation's highways and airports suffer ever-increasing congestion and delays, Amtrak offers an invaluable alternative upon which Americans have come to rely.

James Jeffords

But in a way, it's kind of disappointing, too, now that we've played, because we defended well and got good goalkeeping (11 saves from Micah Lamb) and knocked the ball around pretty well at times. We just have to find a way to be more creative. We can't rely on set pieces all of the time to score goals.

Paul Cameron

We rely on our threes.

Lauren Firich

This is an industry that's done business pretty much the same way for the past 100 years. Most of the funeral homes are still family-owned, so they rely on word-of-mouth or local advertising to reach their consumers. What we realize is that as geographic trends have changed for families and they no longer live in the same hometown, how would they know where to go if a loved one died?

Stuart Miller

Our position has always been that the focus should be on suspicious activities. Rely on the banks to use their knowledge and expertise when they see something suspicious to report it and file a suspicious activity report.

Karen Thomas

It's going to be kind of tight. I scouted (Madison), and they're still athletic like they normally are. But they don't have a strong inside game, and that could be a plus for us. Hopefully we're going to rely on that and hopefully some good defense.

Lisa Abron

We will be conducting an investigation on the unauthorized burning. We will be relying on the fire department's report and at this point there will be no on-site investigation.

Lisa Wheeler

I was one of the early converts. I was using a BlackBerry as I drove. It's a critical part of our infrastructure. Both the government and the private sector rely upon it as a communications device, and because of that, an injunction is not an appropriate remedy.

Gordon Giffin

We are relying on Adult Protective Services to help.

Kelly Cross

Andy has been very helpful because he has helped me play my game and pinpoint exactly where and where not to land the ball, ... I could rely on the fact that he had 25 years of experience and emotionally that was the biggest factor.

K.j. Choi

I would put our chances of qualifying at very low at the moment. We are relying on other people, and they are very unlikely to lose. We are not playing well enough at the moment, and that is the bottom line. We have still got a very tough game tomorrow - and we have got to look hard at what we are doing.

Rhona Martin

You always want to win the first two at home. Our goal now is to win games on the road. In order to win a championship, you have to win games on the road. Especially with James out of the lineup. He'll be back soon, but you can't rely on one player.

Steve Simoes

We have some reluctance because we believe the details are terribly important. We believe quite clearly this plan is not the final solution, because it still does rely very heavily on people driving their cars, and there are still going to be too many industrial facilities in the park.

Carl Pope

They've grown up quite a bit, ... When you live at home, you let mom and dad do everything. They've become more mature and responsible. They take care of their own things instead of relying on us to do it.

John Edward

We rely heavily on company reports they attest to, that they send to us.

Brian Macke

We just can't sit back and rely on the power play. We have to be better 5-on-5 and we have to be more disciplined earlier in the game.

Tim Connolly

We are trying to get hold of the costs and expenses. We don't want to rely on timber.

Jack Mathers

We rely very heavily on oil-based materials for our everyday life.

David Solomon

We wanted him to rely on other guys. We never said that we wanted to get physical with him. We just wanted other players to take the shots. We didn't want him to beat us.

Frank Sciolla

Shoot, I've never been in the playoffs, so I'm running out of time, and I know that I need to rely on those four guys who are out there every day. So it doesn't do me any good to root against them or beat them up or do anything to them. What helps them helps me, too.

Jeff Cirillo

Our job is to get the kids ready physically and mentally, but emotionally as well. What you tell the kids is, 'It's just a basketball game.' You have to rely on all the time and effort you spent becoming the player that you are. It really comes down to that.

Tim Ortelli

The whore is despised by the hypocritical world because she has made a realistic assessment of her assets and does not have to rely on fraud to make a living. In an area of human relations where fraud is regular practice between the sexes, her honesty is regarded with a mocking wonder.

Angela Carter

This gives them something to look forward to, something to rely upon. . Not every girl wants to be a cheerleader.

Marian Bromell

Together these things have really meant that we rely on the Guard much more and those troops are more likely to come from certain sections of America that have economic needs.

Ruth Adams

If we have to rely on Jake to do everything than we're not playing as a team. He'll contribute to the team, but we need everyone to contribute to the team to be successful.

Shawn Cunningham

The children of this country under this Bush budget who rely on childcare will be Bush-whacked.

Lloyd Doggett

I expect to rely on him broadly to help me strategize, operate and drive results at the various business units which will make up the new CBS Corporation. He was absolutely instrumental in the formation of the new enterprise.

Les Moonves

The states in this region, in a sense, have been fortunate, but the area's companies are becoming too large and important to rely on a continuation of good luck. The rapid growth of the entire region is placing growing strains on the power grid, and companies have to expect disruptions that will affect their operations.

Cameron Beckman

What we will see is that consumers will rely on multiple processes. Retail printing will grow in the short term, but at some point it will level off and decline.

Ron Glaz

All we need is more disclosure, and we can rely on the public to make the decision about whether gifts are inappropriate.

Ross Miller

We should so work as if we were to be saved by our works; and so rely on Jesus Christ, as if we did no works.

Francis Asbury

I needed to lead my team. They were relying on me, and I had to win it for them.

Barry Wilson

I think it will be a pretty good game. If we go out there and play like we have been and rely on our defense, I think it will be a pretty tough game for them.

Meg Dahlman

It will take the model and transform it into code and do so in a way that you have patterns for doing so that you can rely on. So if it's in the design, it's in the code.

Roger Oberg

Everyone knows New Orleans was a marginal major league market. More and more, the NFL has come to rely on corporate dollars and New Orleans doesn't have a very large corporate base.

Gary Roberts

A player has to commit to it. A player has to want to do it. You can't just rely on your athletic ability. You have to grow, you have to learn. You have to have a zeal to succeed.

Wayne Embry

DRM doesn't just affect music. It also locks your printer cartridge, and eventually it will lock your spare car parts to your car. Governments and courts will need a wide-ranging approach to this issue, and can't just rely on fudges created for individual cases.

Ross Anderson

Businesses that rely on their connections have long pursued redundant networks. Our network, because it is so diverse, allows a Service Provider to be a one-stop shop for reliability.

Jeremy Malli

We are not relying on one sector.

Ross Gittell

You rely on senior hitters to do their job.

George Alexander

As long as there are unjust laws, especially criminal laws, it would be doubly unjust if the defendant cannot rely on technicalities.

Yeo Yang Poh

Our motivation was to just keep pressing and force turnovers. Our starters picked it up in the second half and considering we played without one of starters, it forced us to rely more on our backcourt.

Allison Davis

The implications could be very far-reaching, and people may not be able to rely on established law on what is or what is not a disability.

Peter Gore

On a night that we didn't shoot it well, that we had to rely on our defense, it was nice to know that we could get some stops down the stretch and spread our lead out.

Brad Barton

We don't have pitchers to strike out 10, so we have to rely on our defense. They picked us up today.

Doug Hawkins

It was a tale of two halves. I thought the last eight to 10 minutes we just didn't match up with them physically. We rely so much on speed and quickness and I thought they did a great job making it a physical ballgame. That's what won it for them because we physically couldn't match up.

Joe Konieczny

It's much more about communication and consent in urban and suburban areas than it is in other, more rural places. You have to rely much more on private landowners to get access to the places where the deer are and to get their permission to do certain things.

Cal Dubrock

He's been solid and he's been our [most valuable player], hands down. It's nice to have someone like that to rely on.

Robin Miller

For transportation, we don't have that to rely on. We really need to establish that ahead of time.

Dave Parkinson

I've found I need to be very specific about what type of equipment to use. Also, over the last 10 years, we find that more and more recipes use ingredients that are already partially prepared. Instead of relying on basic ingredients, they use mixes and frozen foods and things like that. Recipes are also using fewer ingredients.

Janet Stocks

It's almost like you become a family for a while because you rely on each other so much.

Denise Davis

It will be hard to replace those goals Joel Adeline had. We'll have to play more of a team game instead of relying on one player.

Brian Adams

Jesse was the go-to guy in college. He led in every category. Here, he's not that guy that does everything. When you jump a level, you need to stick to your position and rely on your teammates.

Jamie Black

Straight edge is depending on yourself and no one else. Religion should be relying on yourself and not relying on other people to tell you how to do things.

Ben Crickenberger

We now need to turn commitments into resources that Africa can rely on.

Hilary Benn

Katrina taught us we can't rely on cable news broadcasts and early written reports to give an accurate assessment of the loss.

Paul Mchale

The thing is we're young and we're going to make mistakes. We just have to hope we don't make critical mistakes that derail us. With so many young kids playing their first varsity games, we're really going to rely on our seniors.

John Margarita

Everyone on our team is good. We don't have two or three players that we rely on like some other teams have had. Every position is covered with good talent.

Rebecca Riddle

Everybody has been relying on everybody else and that trust has been a big key for us, especially on defense. We just need to continue playing like a team and not let up.

Andrew Engel

I was trying to give it all I had but I knew that I could take it up. I just had to rely on all the work I put in this season.

Allyson Felix

The press needs the police and the police need the press. We all know our police departments are severely undermanned and they rely on the community. If the community is aware of what's going on and takes the bull by the horn with police, crime will diminish and fear will diminish.

Paul Lindenmuth

It's when we cannot rely on our screening that we cancel flights.

Charles Slepian

We are more of a blue-collar team. We don't have the big playmakers we can rely on. This is just a young team that does the best it can to take advantage of their opportunities when they arise.

Mike Schall

So when you're dealing with one addict, you're dealing with 8 to 10 other people that get affected because of the addiction. We have to look at public policy, the government, the people who are leaders and rely on them to do better public policy when it comes to a very, very addictive product.

Ed Looney

They're an athletic team. They're relying [too much] on their athletic abilities.

Emanuel Charles

We're starting to come together. We're not relying on one or two guys. We're a real team at this point. It's nice to see.

Elliott Shaw

Historically, these esteemed institutions have been able to rely on their reputations. Now they understand that they must provide exceptional service, in addition to their clinical performance.

Elizabeth Woodcock

Everything we do today, we do by flipping an on- and off-switch, ... Back then, people had to start an engine and rely on a drive belt for power.

Edward King

When you are in a situation like this, everything is considered team. You have to rely on everyone.

Eileen Givens

I think they have taken the correct position, which is to say that the consumer is better off relying upon the market.

Fred Murphy

They are proven. They rely on reliable equipment.

Ed Clair

You have to give him a little room -- not too much room -- but you have to give him enough room that just in case he does go you can have a chance to recover. You basically have to rely on your instincts more than anything. He's a quick player but I'm pretty quick, too.

Earl Calloway

Ranking will be a big part of it. There is a lot more that will play into it. Right now I'm just relying on what I need for the Fed Cup and I'll look at the Olympics after that.

Zina Garrison

I believe knowledge is power. I don't have people to rely on, so I have to be self-sufficient.

Zhang Lan

This is the first year in a number of years that the fans can rely on the team being here.

Eugene Melnyk

It's hard to rely on promises when it comes to wage increase because we don't know what would happen to [the proposal] at the Senate.

Ernesto Herrera

Now you've got kids at 26 that are still relying way too heavily on mom and dad.

Eric Chester

We're just being flooded with content. And people are increasingly relying on recommenders to help them sort through it all.

Erik Brynjolfsson