Any political party that includes the word 'democratic' in its name, isn't.

Patrick Murray

It is proof positive of media consolidation run amok when one owner can use the public airwaves to blanket the country with its political ideology -- whether liberal or conservative.

Michael Copps

For political capital reasons, they need to do some form of explanation. Not necessarily nuke the deal, but they need to do a better job of explaining themselves.

Rebecca Jones

We at the tribunal have been constantly told that there is political will in the West to arrest Karadzic but I have to say openly that I don't believe in that.

Graham Blewitt

Why am I considered a token candidate? Because I never raise any money and I don't have a big political name. But I do have a message.

Vic Roberts

They listen and it makes them feel that I am not here for an exercise in conversion or political discussion. It's about the Islamic way of life.

Ahmed N. Elrefai

They're more interested in political theater than they are in the issues that will move the state forward.

Carla Blanton

Nothing is as easy as playing the politics of the tribe as what you only need is to abuse someone and the others will see you to be defending your own tribe and you will go up the political ladder very fast.

Raphael Tuju

One, if there are recommendations that need action, we need them sooner than later. Two, he does not want this to be delayed any further and become a political football in the middle of the campaign.

John Feehery

We're into a period of several months, if not years, of political delay yet.

Paul Bew

Would find with dignity a peaceful solution of this political crisis.

Leonid Kuchma

This should be a non-political, non-partisan process.

Charlie Melancon

Our only power is political embarrassment with governments that are reluctant to cooperate with us.

Sarah Ludford

It just depends on the political climate, whether they think that raves are a good, safe outlet, or whether they think they are evil.

David Osgood

They will reassert the state as economic, political and social actor after decades of governments that weakened or dismantled state institutions.

Jeff Vogt

I have never known a novel that was good enough to be good in spite of its being adapted to the author's political views.

Edith Wharton

People will have to start factoring this political risk into their forecasts, prices and allocation decisions.

Hany Hussein

He is not sensitive to political demands but he is to social ones. It is populist rather than democratic.

Lilia Shevtsova

It is fully appropriate for the head of a national political party to secure a meeting for a supporter with an administration official or even to advocate a worthy cause.

Don Fowler

It is a political defeat for the king. The forthcoming election may be legal but it will have no political legitimacy.

Rajendra Dahal

This will be a major success for EU foreign policy if it can lead to a proper political dialogue on the causes which have led to some of the recent violence.

Gunnar Wiegand

A real political opposition was born today in Russia.

Dmitry Rogozin

Islam is not the basis for social, economic or political order. Islam doesn't have the answer of how to run an economy.

Fred Halliday

The Establishment center... has led us into the stupidest and cruelest war in all history. That war is a moral and political disaster - a terrible cancer eating away at the soul of our nation.

George Mcgovern

There will be constant monitoring of internal developments in Turkey -- political, economic, human rights.

Cristina Gallach

From time to time there are certain political statements, but they are not revolutionary, just matter-of-fact observations.

Anthony Waichulis

If anybody wants to be in the political scene in Arkansas, it's a must to attend the Coon Supper.

Phil English

There are too many political factors that can wreck a currency. You have to do what lets you sleep at night.

James Turk

As far as the political contributions issue is concerned, this comes under the heading ... of no good deed goes unpunished, ... I don't think there's anything here for me to be concerned about.

Bernard Schwartz

I call upon the leaders of Syria: Enough hesitation. It is time to talk. Meetings and discussions are not political sacrifices. They are basic necessities.

David Levy

Basically, the Iraqi people in general would like to see the political process continue. We can not afford to stop this process.

Nabil Roumayah

I don't see how he could keep his post with all the pressure. Both public opinion and political forces have failed him. In any other country, this would have already led to an automatic resignation.

Franco Pavoncello

Much of the controversy about abortion is really stimulated by the interest groups on both sides of the political question, rather than by ordinary Americans. The American people and many political leaders have already made up their minds about legal abortion.

David J. Garrow

In Uganda, there has been a series of political unrest after political unrest.

Brian Pompeii

All legislation of European central bank system protects bank from political interference. What we can do is very limited.

Rocco Buttiglione

It's facetious and not very persuasive for Family Pride to say they're not making a political statement.

Mark Tooley

In our country are evangelists and zealots of many different political, economic and religious persuasions whose fanatical conviction is that all thought is divinely classified into two kinds-that which is their own and that which is false and dangerous.

Robert H. Jackson

There's never a sense of priority in this town, there's too much political pandering.

Dan Moran

I'm not favorably impressed by the atmosphere of a political convention. I think it's not the biggest show on earth. I don't think it should be like a Barnum and Bailey or Ringling Brothers Circus.

David Bruce

The games will take place despite radical political change in the country.

Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani

No matter what political reasons are given for war, the underlying reason is always economic.

A. J. P. Taylor

Pakistan has never been so unstable, and the federation has never been under greater political strain.

Raza Rabbani

I assure this committee that, if I am confirmed, I will be strictly independent of all political influences.

Ben S. Bernanke

It is just a political maneuver that will not contribute anything significant to the nation and state.

Ahmad Rofiq

A political statement directed against Syria.

Mahdi Dakhlallah

The internal Palestinian scene will cease to be monopolized by the PLO. We are talking about a major shift and a major change in Palestinian political history.

Basem Ezbidi

Any kind of political interference doesn't help at all... there is a little bit of a knee-jerk reaction.


There is no winner and loser here. The elections are just the first step on the way to building a Palestinian political system.

Ismail Haniyeh

Our desire is to generate the greatest debate possible with regard to this situation, so that all the political groups can express themselves and we can move forward with an action on behalf of all Argentines.

Alberto Fernandez

The liberty of the Press is the Palladium of all the civil, political and religious rights of an Englishman.


Given the current political situation, this business (Iran) will be less and less interesting for German companies in the medium and long term.

Jochen Clausnitzer

The inaugural has sort of become a metaphor for the whole political process and how money has distorted it.

Charles Lewis

Once again, and just before the elections, certain lawyers are voluntarily giving up the search for truth to pursue political goals.

Sandro Bondi

Doesn't need political hand-holders.

Rick Santorum

I don't know why Mr. Hakim is saying this at this time. It's time for reconciliation, it's time for negotiation, it's time for participation in the political process.

Alaa Makki

The Department of Energy is a big bureaucracy.... Energy efficiency hasn't been an agency priority, it hasn't been a political priority, and so the issue has been neglected.

Katherine Kennedy

Muslims come from all political parties, ranging from the Bloc and the NDP (to) the Liberal party. They make up their minds based on what is good for Canada, not necessarily is good for the Canadian Islamic Congress.

Tarek Fatah

Tom DeLay was brought down by the arrogance and political ambition of the political money machine he helped to build.

Roger Hickey

9,000 people cannot set the political agenda. They cannot have thousands of soldiers jeopardizing their (own) lives in order to protect them.

Reuven Hazan

The issue is their speech and whether the government can ban them outright. Very few people are going to find that there is little social merit to their (church group's) speech. It's still religious expression and political expression.

John Blakeman

These amendments open new horizons and give everyone the chance to participate in the political process and in the building of the second Iraqi republic.

Hajim Al hasani

We also call on all relevant parties to continue political and diplomatic efforts to resolve the weapons inspection crisis as soon as possible.

Tang Guoqiang

You want to see gradual change in the political environment in the north and a good beginning in the south. We've been doing some of that, but we should do much more.

Ishac Diwan

If we have to wait for a couple of days for the final results to ensure the election is done right, then we should do that. If we don't have confidence in our political system, there is no legitimacy.

Israel Torres

This is a modern-day civil rights movement. Political leaders need to understand the importance of the times that we're in. The real leaders in this movement have been the Latino people, the average person.

Partha Banerjee

If a railroad has too many accidents making the headlines, politicians could use that for political gain.

Andrew West

It's certainly captured the political agenda at every level: municipal, state, Congress. It's on the agenda for keeps, I think.

John Straayer

And she has a fairly consistent political agenda. She's a baby, so individual liberty is a developing idea in her psyche.

Daniel Handler

He prefers not to heighten the political temperature.

William Bango

There has to be the political will. The challenge they face is how will these plants be lined up and told this will happen?

Steve Page

The chances of bringing Sunni Arabs to the political process are almost lost. The Sunni Arabs will suffer a lot, unfortunately. Everybody in Iraq is going to suffer from this.

Salih Mutlak

This case is about politics, political opinion and the role of the heir to the throne in relation to these issues.

Mark Warby

This is a political struggle in which we are engaged.

Hoshiyar Zebari

It's an event which entered political historical consciousness. If you think back over 20th century Australian history, there are probably only two dozen events which every Australian knows about and talks about, no matter what football code they follow or what side of politics they are on.

Guy Hansen

Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all.

John W. Gardner

I view it as a pragmatic issue rather than a political statement by the bank.

Thomas Merrill

There's a lot of nationalist drama involved in the decision. It's political fuel.

Peter Deshazo

We have a lot of support among the Muslim community in Britain and it will be seen by the Muslim community as stifling legitimate political dissent.

Imran Waheed

There is an incompatibility between literary creation and political activity.

Mario Vargas Llosa

The ruling is grotesque and political. What will be next? Will the Italians demand that pizza become a protected product that no one can make?

Hans Bender

I do believe politicians aren't free agents. When they're elected to certain political parties, the people who elected them expect them to stay within that political party.

Kelvin Goertzen

I understand the harsh feelings and sentiments from my opponents and their supporters because I myself have been defeated twice in my political life in the past and I understand very well it is hard to accept your own failure.

Chen Shui bian

[As for the group's political bite, there's no greater example than the recent single, B.Y.O.B ., inspired by a TV ad for the Army.] It glamorized going into the Army, ... It made it look like a party where everybody was going to have a good time.

Daron Malakian

Throughout my political career, I've believed in the concept of home rule. Some call it local control. Whichever phrase you use, the concept is the same - the best decisions are those made closest to those who will be impacted by the decisions.

Linda Lingle

The administration is so invested in Iraq, it really doesn't have any other ... political capital to spend on other theaters, like the Palestinian-Israeli theater.

Fawaz Gerges

This political machine in Mechanicville led by the Connors brothers is out of control and is infringing on people's rights.

Jeff Brown

Promise Keepers, I believe, is on the right track, and people who fear the political involvement ... I don't think they see Promise Keepers for what it is.

Dan Coats

The most important lesson I have learned in the political arena is that it is important to consider all the aspects of an issue before making a decision and casting a vote. I make every effort to be informed on issues and have learned the value of asking questions.

Lorelei Sims

It's arguable that even if legislation is enacted beginning in October, it may be too little, too late for a couple companies in this group, ... bogged down in all the political battles that are undoubtedly going to be held on the drug debate.

Charles Lynch

All of the sudden, there was political support for the notion that inflation was not just a tax, but a virus that attacks an economy.

Harvey Rosenblum

He adds, ''is the guy with the most scientific heft in the group, and he has not played in the political arena. They're all good scientists.

Michael Oppenheimer

The question (of adultery) does offend me even though the answer is no. It offends me that we have reached the point where that is political currency and seems to be necessary.

Robert F. Bennett

Great leaders have impact, and no one illustrated that better than Gloria Molina. For two decades, she has promoted Hispanic political participation by example and advocacy.

Jesus Chavarria

It's a political thing to grab onto.

Paul Pillar

With lingering concerns over Iran, Nigeria ... the market is correcting upwards because it is focusing on fears in the geo- political realm.

Victor Shum

Beyond repressive states, political instability drives many threats to press freedom in Africa.

Julia Crawford

A rigid formula that does not allow local governments to benefit from the full value of their growth is both a practical and political barrier to continued economic prosperity.

Jerry Deschane

The question now is how that answer was or was not used by our political leadership.

Joseph Wilson

The government did not react responsibly. They should have informed Parliament and the country's political parties...but instead kept them in the dark.

Nikos Athanassakis

This is not just about information. All the information does us no good unless we have the political will to put it to use for good management practices.

Judith Kildow

This struggle is really a long-term one. The enemy is in it for two or three generations, not for one political cycle.

Mark Hamm

We have statistics that in election years the political elite and hopefuls always splash out huge amounts of money on sacrificial animals to distribute meat among the needy.

Tipu Sultan

The bomb spurs jitters in the market, as people are already wary of violence in the country given the growing political tensions.

Somchai Anektaweepon

As opposition leader he'll be able to influence and shape decisions in the political arena. His position as opposition leader will help him protect his own freedom, and to some extent his own interests as well.

Gianfranco Pasquino

Conservatives may accuse us of lacking taste if we use this sad occasion to point out sadder facts of political life.

Joseph Cannon

We believe that a peaceful solution to the chaos caused by the illegal war in Iraq will only be possible when the occupying foreign armies have all been removed so that the Iraqi people will be free to decide on their own political future.

Lindsey German

Many lobbyists and political people have ... told us they would meet us at the Capitol.

Laura Marchetti

Politics mainly represents noise, and if anything, the market selling off on political tension is indicative of a buying opportunity.

Lance Depew

This will have more political rather than economic ramifications.

Vitali Meschoulam

This is a mistake and a sort of political gamble more than being a wise move.

Ali Al Nimesh

No more will we have the left and the right, 50-50, with a frustrating tie ... Instead we will have a self-confident, powerful political center which will cause an earthquake in this country and lead it in who knows what direction.

Ben Caspit

Common Cause has made itself the handmaiden of a partisan political initiative.

Jim Wright

Political factors are helping drive oil at the moment. I'm definitely bullish in this market.

Mike Sander

This is the best thing that ever happened to the Liberal Party. Now, the entire Filipino nation can tell who among us joined the Liberal Party for political convenience and who joined for principles and conviction.

Franklin Drilon

All the solutions necessary are already known ... we have the technology, we don't have the political will yet. We must make decisions now. We need to recognize (that) our climate is in crisis.

Hugh Mitchell

Once the police take political direction, the rule of law is subverted. And the rule of law, it must be emphasized, is a pillar of constitutional democracy.

Barry Cooper

Based on the blood that was shed ... on the historic, political and legal arguments, these talks are imposed and unjust.

Sherif Krasniqi

I believe that there are a number of these people who have had close political ties to the Democratic Party and to Gray Davis that are involved here, ... Late Edition.

David Dreier

This is a total mindset change for the country that is going to enrich the political system.

Hossam Badrawi

We're not going to get into a political discussion at this point.

Leonie Brinkema

It demonstrates that we're determined to play a continuing diplomatic, political and economic role here in assisting Afghanistan to make the transition from war to peace.

James Dobbins

In my view, this is the end of the political process. The only way these kids will get a diploma now is if a judge orders an injunction.

Arturo Gonzalez

In the current political environment when the economy is growing so strong, there's not a great deal of (a) sense out there that Americans are really clamoring for tax cuts.

Neil Newhouse

The King turned a deaf ear to friendly countries' calls for rapprochement with political parties.

Mahesh Acharya

The Sentinel is clearly a political committee and San Franciscans deserve to know who funds them as required by State law.

Chris Daly

We don't want an investigating committee against the Federal Intelligence Service, but a debate about political responsibility.

Max Stadler

It seems to be increasingly clear that there really is no political risk to take these concerns about innocence seriously.

Richard Bonnie

The political culture involves favors and paybacks, and it may not involve merit.

Dan Lawson

This has got the attention of every CEO in America, ... How long can the president give mediation when he has all his friends calling him or [presidential political adviser] Karl Rove telling him there needs to be action.

Robin Lanier

The issue here is not political. Hence, politics should take the back seat here.

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

An unmistakable confirmation that there is in this country the emergence of a new political culture.

Jean Arnault

Lets play the political game of contacts and dialogue.

Mahdi Abdel Hadi

We know we face a daunting task to try to beat an entrenched political machine, but we also know that there are a growing number of people in this city who are fed up with the policies and practices of the current administration.

Frank Scarafile

The fact that he comes from Ohio's political culture of corruption, it sounds like more of the same in Washington.

Brian Rothenberg

Investors thought the political tension with China might have been priced into the main board's fall last week.

Morris Chen

Jon always said 'The Daily Show' has no political impact, ... We're going to go ahead and pick up that gauntlet and change the world!

Stephen Colbert

In Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Canada has at last produced a political leader worthy of assassination.

Irving Layton

It is a social, cultural, economic and political event -- and recreation.

Roberto Maestas

I think it's more a political statement ? a social statement ? rather than an economic statement.

Lawrence White

I think we've discussed the relative merits of the different ways to do this to death. This is a 100 percent political question at this point.

Alan Berube

This year is, by common consent, the most political Fringe for a long time. It's not just theater. It's the comedians, dance, musical theater ? we've got musicals about the war on terror.

Paul Gudgin

The whole structure of the paper is crumbling. Honestly, I feel like people don't want to make the political commitment.

Bradley Wilson

Both sides are wrapped up in their own political dynamics, ... helping Sharon without hurting Abbas and helping Abbas without hurting Sharon.

Shibley Telhami

We may debate political participation in the affairs of the world as we will, but we must participate it its business, and business, like science, knows no political boundaries and in its dictionary there is no such word as isolation.

Owen D. Young

The party division being addressed is a market positive, but Arroyo staying on will mean continuing political tension.

Jose Vistan

The Palestinian tendency to commit suicide is now showing itself in its political life.

Tommy Lapid

Dan Flood exercised every ounce of political power and influence he had, and he had a lot, to get the federal agencies moving.

Michael Clark

The outcome might very well be that together with (Berlusconi?s) defeat this time we may also see his disappearance from the political scene.

Franco Pavoncello

There's a problem with political polling in that you have so much pressure to do what your client wants you to do and say what your client wants you to say. I've never felt that pressure. I am independent of the political parties.

Frank Luntz

The ABA does not, and we will not, protect the interests of any political party or faction, nor the interests of any ideological or interest group.

Michael Greco

I don't see these political events having that much impact.

George Worthington

The market was dead almost all day, but at the end some people appeared to believe that tomorrow interest rates will be lower and the political situation will improve.

Gabriel Jafet

This is primarily a political move designed to bolster his chances of being elected leader of the Conservative Party. Clarke was looking increasingly isolated and clearly he has had to shift his views.

Peter Dixon

But if you're the mayor of Chicago, there is a political price to be paid for that.

Patrick Cotter

Everyone is waiting for the government to specify its economic measures, and to make known what is happening in the political and economic sphere.

Carlos Lupini

I can no longer associate myself with an organization that is capable of making such an important decision so flagrantly on the basis of political influence, rather than the scientific and clinical evidence.

Frank Davidoff

I was interested by the answers to the one-word descriptions. It's a classic case of a well-known incumbent and a political newcomer ... it's interesting how well-defined that kind of dynamic is.

Larry Hugick

This is no longer a technology problem -- it is a political problem and an outreach problem.

Michael Jacobs

No way. If this is the result, we'll call for an independent investigation. We'll call on the City Council to make it illegal to spy on peaceful and political community groups.

Wes Modes

It has nothing to do with press now; it has become a political affair.

Annabelle Arki

This will not affect the formation of the government and could even be a positive factor to end the political volatility we are living through.

Gen Michel Aoun

Understand that legal and illegal are political, and often arbitrary, categorizations; use and abuse are medical, or clinical, distinctions.

Abbie Hoffman

This is our political campaign, and we'll do it as if we were running for statewide office. We are prepared to fight the so-called marriage amendment at the ballot box.

Dyana Mason

The importance of (the boycott) is more political and diplomatic than it is financial today.

Michael Oren

Barring people from the country because of their ideas skews and impoverishes political debate inside the United States. The government should not be using the immigration laws as instruments of censorship.

Jameel Jaffer

With the current political setting, you may not always have consistency as the sheriff has to run for office every few years. With local government, you have a better chance of assuring consistency.

Carroll Buracker

Never before in my political life have I been taken so seriously as woman.

Angela Merkel

It's our belief that bringing the pride back to the inner city and linking key historical, political and cultural places will elevate the pride to greater heights.

Bruce Walker

The clinic respects the privacy of its patients, and continues to express its condolences to the family. It is unfortunate that some have chosen to exploit this matter of personal grief for political purposes.

Lee Thompson

Political change doesn't happen overnight. It takes time.

George Read

[The event is being called] Killen Appreciation Day, ... It's an old-fashioned Mississippi homecoming. It's held for sports figures and beauty queens. Why not political prisoners?

Richard Barrett

We have no desire to have a political outcome. We do have a big desire to give greater voice to returning veterans in the debate over the war on terror.

Stuart Roy

Most politicized, open and most horrific political assassination in the Sixties.

Lawrence Guyot

The mass movement that was called by the political parties is being led by political leaders.

Gopal Man Shrestha

I'd say that there is certainly a move toward a form of filmmaking that is political with a small p -- has a degree of engagement with the world at large.

Sandra Hebron

One can only assume what is causing concern is his protesting and his activism, which is a significant worry for the rest of us if people who are involved in nonviolent, political dissent are being deported.

Marika Dias

You can't be global without China. Losing this deal has got to hurt at Morgan Stanley, but it's going to be temporary. These decisions are political in China.

Phillip Phan

We can price for the probability of certain events. But we can't price for what amounts to political risk.

Bob Hartwig

These charges are clearly motivated by internal Texas political rivalries.

Bob Beauprez

I don't preach a social gospel; I preach the Gospel, period. The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is concerned for the whole person. When people were hungry, Jesus didn't say, "Now is that political or social?" He said, "I feed you." Because the good news to a hungry person is bread.

Bishop Desmond Tutu

Is this a political rally. I thought it was a commissioners meeting.

Susan Ryder

I think the political process is responding.

Thomas Merrill

I think this is all a political campaign. Their greatest fear is that they will lose position.

Ali Ahmeti

This is the most critical point now in our relations. The crisis has already started on the political level.

Rawhi Fattouh

Clyde just wanted to finish school. He wasn't trying to make a political statement.

Dorie Ladner

This will increase the political pressure from outside for China to allow the currency to appreciate. Domestic demand is much stronger than expected. They can afford to rely less on exports.

Frank Gong

We feel horrible about the political arrests of Internet users in China, but we believe it's better to be there and cooperate with the authorities than not be there.

Robin Pembrooke

It doesn't matter what a bunch of $30,000 a month political consultants say in Washington. That message has power, and Pat Buchanan delivers it with power and eloquence and the voters know he believes in it.

Mark Shields

Japan can't afford to have an outdated political system. If it was a company, it would have long been bankrupt.

Takafumi Horie

There is clear industry manipulation of research and political collusion. If it were not for this clear deception, these foods would not be in circulation.

Jeffrey Smith

Because the politics of smear and this public and media and political obsession with sex has got some parallels in my circumstances.

Mark Latham

It's political suicide, is what it is.

John Cattelan

It's the idea that what you're buying reflects who you are, what your values are. It's not overtly political ... [but] it's someone who has sort of hippie values with a yuppie pocketbook.

Ariana Speyer

We get that question a lot. It isn't anything political.

Chris Culos

It's a sad day for Muslims, it's a sad day for Arabs, and a sad day for immigrants in general, and for any community that wants to participate in the great political process in the U.S..

Sohail Mohammed

The great political tugs of the past 35 years have concerned the distribution of the golden eggs. In the 1980s and 1990s we must focus on the health of the goose.

Paul Tsongas

It is yet one more example of how extremist groups in various parts of the world are attempting to gain political benefits through drawing attention to their rather misguided causes through the killing of innocent people.

Paul Gardner

We consider him the PNP chairman, a member of the political opposition and I don't think he will be defending the Arroyo administration.

Joseph Estrada

This is a political action, a political sentence. Leaders of leading political parties are behind bars.

Aleksandr Milinkevich

I am absolutely opposed to political correctness. You cannot confront hate speech until you've experienced it. You need to hear every side of the issue instead of just one.

Jane Elliott