Give me six lines written by the most honorable of men, and I will find an excuse in them to hang him.

Cardinal Richelieu

There's chaos to the universe. But there's also drawn lines of the constellations for us to make some sense.

Anik Fournier

This concert will be a truly great example of what is wonderful about this university, which is going across departmental lines.

Timothy Russell

This is not an issue that is breaking along partisan lines. That's one reason I think you didn't see them there, because the battle lines are just not the way you'd expect.

Tim Hibbitts

We were just trying to divide everything up (and keep) clear lines of communication. Students and employees know who to go to with questions and concerns.

Linda Hollingsworth

We were able to play all four lines tonight, and Mike Pelletier was on fire.

Leo Golembiewski

There is going to be a lot of interest from other teams. The Bears have done a good job of keeping the lines of communication open. It's difficult to say if we will be able to get a deal done.

Jeff Nalley

She has hired some good folks that have allowed us to compete with the national chains in our ladies and children's lines.

Shirley Leinwand

Those who don't like it complain of the same-old, same-old: stale conceptions of marriage set in stale story lines, in which Daisy the dog has the most interesting expressions of the entire crew.

Kathleen Turner

In the locker room he is everybody's friend. He is a chameleon; he can get along with anyone and fit in anywhere. But when he gets between the white lines he gets mean. No doubt about that.

Roc Bellantoni

We'll be delivering what's in the lines as soon as we have the power back on.

Steve Baker

The next government will be formed from consensus. There are no red lines.

Abdul Aziz Hakim

We could have whole conversations with nothing but movie lines. And she had the best jokes.

Theresa Dewild

We had balanced scoring. All four lines were very effective. It was a great team win for us.

Mark Mazzoleni

That was a big blow to our offensive and defensive lines. He was our biggest lineman. We had to put a sophomore, Corey Bedard (5-5, 240), in, but he's doing a nice job. Built low to the ground, but powerful.

Sal Morello

Energy pulsing through the lines always has to remain balanced. What goes on a system always has to be equal to what comes off.

Claudia Rapkoch

The lines are a little shorter. It could be the weather. I got here about 6 a.m., and there was no one camping overnight.

Tony Caldwell

It was heartfelt that they named the school after my father. But there are certain principles that you have to guide your life with, and we just don't cross picket lines.

Paul Chavez

Both the hotel workers and their families, and the tourists, were fed and given water in food lines, ... Food and water were growing scarce. On the 30th, it was announced that 10 buses were on their way.

Fred Powell

We're presenting this as something that's everywhere and cuts across political, ethnic and religious lines.

Jenji Kohan

Being an actor is the easiest job. Just say the lines.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers

We dissect nature along lines laid down by our native language. Language is not simply a reporting device for experience but a defining framework for it.

Benjamin Lee Whorf

We went through those long lines, we waited for ice, ... We did without power. We went hungry.

Tim Russell

Herzl declared the Jewish State in Basel and Sharon outlined its borders in Crawford, ... From the moment he decided that he has to consolidate the Jewish state lines, it was as good as done.

Uri Dan

I tried to call 911, but by that time the lines were already jammed.

Joe Hommel

Fan perception definitely plays an important role in picking a favorite and the lines.

Justin Roberts

Across a lot of their lines, they're executing better. They've been able to cut a lot of fat.

Daniel Renouard

These are people on the front lines of human safety. They see issues like child abuse, a lack of affordable housing, senior citizen neglect and the eroding fabric of the most challenged communities.

William Bell

Today there are close to 30 million U.S. households, or one in four consumers, spending more than they can afford. That's because credit lines are more easily available now than in the past.

Chris Viale

He said the improvements will include 33 blocks of total infrastructure reconstruction, including sewer lines, water lines, lighting and concrete, which will “completely change the face of Havre.

Mick Johnson

The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places.


I wouldn't have run lines nearly as much as I did if it weren't for Jamie.

Mike Quigley

There is a sort of blurring of the lines from the perspective of the US security establishment.

Julia Sweig

Acting is not about dressing up. Acting is about stripping bare. The whole essence of learning lines is to forget them so you can make them sound like you thought of them that instant.

Glenda Jackson

More power comes on every day, and gas stations are open again with almost no lines.

Bill Nowlin

We're not just competing with other cruise lines, we're competing with other resorts. It's important that we keep up to date with what they're doing.

Diane Moore

I learned a ton from Joe, ... He'd allow you to do anything you wanted in rehearsal. You could do handstands while doing your lines. He just wants you to explode and explore it. Then he'll guide you and help you focus in like a laser on what the character's journey is.

Rainn Wilson

The Adventists cut our supply lines. It was traditional military strategy.

Jimmie Jones

We're out to present quality fashion items to our customers as well as the classical styles and lines that we are best known for.

Anna Thompson

Containment lines (are) holding at this stage but we're very worried about the wind blowing up strongly.

Bob Carr

It's inevitable at a Lines Ballet performance: that moment when you wonder, what planet am I on?

Rachel Howard

That is going to prevent future issues with the sewer lines in that area.

Sam Scire

That's the first time I'd ever heard of that, ... Usually you hear about actors wanting to change lines.

Angus Maclachlan

We should have four lines we can throw out on the ice on a consistent basis.

Bill Wilkinson

Not only does Hughes benefit from this transaction by making it more focused on its faster growth lines of business, but it sheds the company's riskiest line of business.

Thomas Eagan

He always has some of the best lines around and his results this year are at least partly evidence of that. As for his suspension coming now, it is certainly a difficult thing for him to face.

Jeff Pain

Ever since then, it's been like clockwork. He's been throwing great, the line's been blocking great, and I've just been running my routes.

Josh Freeman

They just keep coming at you with their four lines. Their fourth is as good as their first and we just made a few more mistakes than they did.

Jerry Reddinger

We don't think patients go by county lines. We've been caring for these people for years and years.

Judy Smith

Ground-water withdrawals really don't respect our district boundary lines.

Kirby Green

We learned what lines you could and could not cross.

Gary Adler

You need to become a good listener. VERY VERY important. As you're working, you hear someone else's lines and how you absorb them becomes your acting.

Jacqueline Bisset

One of the things that make these lines effective is that they grab your attention.

Robert Mclaughlin

The lines have to be kept open. That's how it works and works best. If elected, I work for you, not the people in Lincoln.

Tom Hanson

That's going to mean that there's going to have to be some consensus across party lines and among independents.

Ben Wilcox

I forgot my last two lines.

Devin Johnson

Typically, students slide into debt through the extension (by credit card companies) of unaffordable credit lines.

Robert Manning

The lines are blurring online -- a lot of the things you find on our site you'd find on a consumer media site like Yahoo! Finance or a broker site like E*Trade.

Greg Titus

I would now propose forming a consortium along the lines the Minister is asking for.

Paul Budde

If you weren't shooting, you were rehearsing lines or a song or pre-recording a song.

Frankie Avalon

They need to be able to run and to fight. But if you could take them behind the lines for a couple of days, then you could give it to them after a traumatic event.

Dr. Roger Pitman

Anybody can memorize lines, ... but you have to find the heart in the character for it to really come out to the audience.

Sarah Jones

They're kind of invisible, since they creep into neighborhoods through utility lines. So people may not realize they have them until they've done some damage.

Barry Paceley

Some people put lines in the sand.

Sen. Martin Golden

Howard has a history of knowing where the lines are, and we're confident he'll continue to retain that perspective at Sirius.

Scott Greenstein

The frightening thought that what you draw may become a building makes for reasoned lines.

Saul Steinberg

Rachel had three lines in the pilot.

Josh Schwartz

Who knows what's going to happen now. As players, we have no control over what happens outside the four lines. It's not up to us.

Jonathan Tavernari

Amtrak could break from some dependence on federal funds by adding freight cars or operating high-speed lines from Chicago to St.

Jerry Weller

There's only one reason they'd be doing that. You can bet where it came from. You don't have to read that much between the lines.

Jim Stevenson

Power line's greatest appeal in the U.S. is to residential subscribers, who often lack access to any sort of broadband.

Lisa Pierce

When it's taken away from you like it was him, the feeling you have for the game grows a little bit inside you. You find out what it means to you, and that your tranquility, and your most enjoyment is between those lines.

Greg Knapp

They're both real solid from top to bottom and they'll come at you with four lines.

Roger Grillo

It leaves us vulnerable to tips, but boys go down the lines so well, I felt we needed to adjust.

Amy Cooper

I'm not concerned with position, I'm just keeping things simple. I'm more happy because my runs are getting better and my lines are getting better.

Tony Benshoof

Our line is going to be different from other celebrity lines in that we are really designing it.

Tina Knowles

This cannot be correct. I can think of at least half a dozen different lines of evidence that say that the sun is mostly hydrogen and helium with only a tiny amount of iron.

David Hathaway

Customers like myself, we have busy lifestyles. We want to get in and get out. You're not having to worry about queues and lines.

Nick Daddabbo

I don't know why we didn't roll four offensive lines and make the other teams chase after us?

Kevin Gibson

We inspect existing ones when people start coming in to expand them, convert them into sun rooms, anything along those lines.

Mark Rice

Huge lines were formed in front of the polling stations where Serbs are voting.

Marko Blagojevic

We got to spread (the scoring) out. All four lines got some playing time.

Jim Dakin

You can't legislate morality, ... Some very bright lines have to be draw to bring us into the 21 st century for the economy we have now. We can make some very bright lines in the law.

James Greenwood

There's still a lot of work to do, but if we can survive any wind that may come, if our lines hold, we may have a good hold on this one.

Joe Colwell

Borders are scratched across the hearts of men, by strangers with a calm, judicial pen, and when the borders bleed we watch with dread the lines of ink along the map turn red.

Marya Mannes

I think we'll just continue to do the hard work we have been doing in opening the lines of communication better.

Sheldon Ferkey

All of their business lines were robust, and I expect to see that continue.

Thomas Weisel

At this point we're not announcing the benefits outside of the fact that it will make lines faster.

Andrea Mccauley

It's not an either-or thing. You can be for local decision-making and for a federal effort that cut across the usual bureaucratic lines.

Bobby Jindal

The plan for tomorrow, if we get favorable weather, is to get hand crews on the fire lines, continue air flights and bucket drops to put out hotspots and to continue to be as aggressive as we can while we've got the weather.

Rick Cables

Those kids are big and experienced. Their line is as big as some college lines and, after last week, they're going to be ticked off.

Matt Godsil

We don't know what's going to happen yet but we do know the trend lines are going down for the work force and up for demand.

Mike Gempler

Sometimes there are as many children in the lines at the soup kitchens as adults.

Heather Thordsen

I want to work with different feed lines to help them formulate rations and improve efficiency.

Matt Quinn

Most designers had used simple cuts for their ready-to-wear lines.

Sanjana Jon

Will allow us to keep the lines of communication open.

Amelia Torres

This is very encouraging because it says that in mice we don't find any abnormalities, so then it is very likely that the human lines are normal, too, but it is still something that has to be done formally.

Tobias Brambrink

You can tell early on that we're going to grow offensively. The key for us offensively is the line's going to have to improve.

Larry Neumann

The Ethiopian air force penetrated behind enemy lines, causing the Eritrean army heavy human and material losses.

Selome Taddesse

It only took 20 minutes and the battle lines were drawn. That was very, very depressing.

Rodney Ellis

Then the part comes to me and it fits like a glove because it's actually written about me, ... All I had to do was show up and learn the lines.

David Carradine

I can't get through. All lines of communication are out.

Tim Corcoran

We did skate four lines and six defensemen and hopefully that will pay off for us tomorrow.

Bob Emery

We've done a couple run-throughs (today), and I keep forgetting my lines. We're a little late to this, so the script's not finished.

Bill Turpin

The market didn't like his lines about inflation. Overall, the speech was extremely well balanced . . . The market is just focusing on one or two lines out of the entire speech.

Joe Abate

We're going to the end of the lines and working in. There's still design to be done, but if folks aren't interested, we'll scale the project back.

Lorenzo Carmon

We're pushing harder than ever now. We're getting more lines of pet products in here.

Don Michels

They were very prepared and they learned their lines sooner than some of the other casts I've directed.

David Young

There are 1,600 to 1,700 trains a day passing through the six counties. They are primarily along Metra lines, which have 700 trains on a daily basis.

Steve Laffey

There's a security issue with cable because of its party lines.

Neil Hennessy

Ryan is a leader on and off the ice. He's our best penalty killer and we put him out there against No. 1 lines.

Jason Nobili

(Iowa head coach) Dave Allison has been playing his four lines a lot more than me. I don't see fatigue as being a factor, but we'll see on Thursday.

Claude Noel

They're very good. They're offensive and defensive lines are big and they're quick.

Steve Jewell

I don't want to draw new district lines right now.

Rob Roberts

All the power lines and things aren't tightened up and it's popping them around.

Terry Steed

If we take all of the forts and the lines and make it into one thing then we will really have something for tourists and schoolchildren. But we are in danger of losing all that.

Mike O'donnell

They have got the lines back connected like they need to be. They are running the old lift station.

Don Morgan

There weren?t enough hands there, ... The phone lines were all lit up. My daughters wanted me to help.

Chris Brown

Gather your loved ones around a table and let the conversations begin. The extra lines below each question will allow for multiple entries.

Vickie Mullins

It's illegal to transport roosters across state lines or for foreign export for animal fighting.

John Goodwin

The hardest thing for me to cope with after Katrina was not knowing whether or not our children were safe. But as communication lines improved over the days and weeks, I was assured more and more that our children were OK.

Rachel Carpenter

As nurses, we're on the front lines of health care. We know how important it is that everyone have access to the best medical technology and cures, not just a wealthy few.

Deborah Burger

We were thinking it would be more along the lines of 10 percent production growth, so it was a little disappointing.

Brian Kuzma

These business customers have improved much more than their own bottom lines.

Michelle Mueller

For reasons that are unknown, something happened to one of the cables, letting all that weight come down. They do have safety lines on there, and one of the davits appears to be bent.

Eric Baum

The fact that somebody slipped a couple of lines into the budget is something of a fluke. I don't think the majority of the legislature knows that was in there.

Emory Morsberger

We have to figure out how to put in contour lines, longitude and latitude lines.

Elizabeth Duerr

And they were solid blacked out when we got started. Even their transmission lines were down.

Elbert Mccullough

The dividing lines didn't run between the parties or the sexes.

Elaine Roberts

We're in great shape there. But we've got to get them more room. I think our line's getting a little better.

Ed Mccarthy

Robin considers herself an explorer whose discoveries are in the lines of a leaf or the turn of a cheekbone.

Ed Laudano

That space between the white lines, that's my office. That's where I conduct my business.

Early Wynn