107 quotes about coloring follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

A horse is a horse,it ain´t make a difference what color it is.

John Wayne

Especially the bags in the same color or in the same style of the clothes, sometimes with the same material.

Donatella Girombelli

Why hate someone for the color of their skin when there are much better reasons to hate them.

Denis Leary

HIV doesn't care if you are 2 years old, 12 or 17. HIV doesn't care what color you are or what city or background you come from. I hate this disease.

Doug Herman

Dario doesn't like the color green, ... He's an advocate of brown.

Bill Buford

Well, my favorite color I guess I would say yellow.

Fran Drescher

The district then could say 'No' if it reviewed the material and it determined they (the coloring books) were not appropriate.

Linda Flashinski

No, you can't change your color, where you live.

Susan Williams

The color is distinguishable on trees, grass, brush and timber.

George Hall

The color theme is very, very fall.

Preston Bailey

Black is best worn as an ensemble - black with black. Black with color is not quite where we are right now.

Gregg Andrews

These instruments don't care if it's blood or paint thinner to detect color.

Mary Freeman

I'm very color driven. Every play has a built-in palette.

David Zyla

Green is the color of support in Napa County.

Neal O'haire

I think I'll bring the color back to the blue.

Alan Poster

It would be cool if it were a better color.

Justin Childers

It's our fashion color of the season, something we definitely believe in.

Todd Snyder

Color is important in this collection, but in a different way.

Donatella Versace

Every gaudy color is a bit of truth.

Nathalia Crane

It puts in a little cotton fiber and a little bit of color.

Jennie Rylee

On an altar of prejudice we crucify our own, yet the blood of all children is the color of God.

Don Williams, Jr.

It's sad that in 2006, we still have incidents where people are attacked because of their skin color.

Blanche Hughes

Some of them were so covered in feces you could not tell what color they really were.

April Godra

Blushing is the color of virtue.

Diogenes Laertius

That color of brick seems to be unique to this area.

Bryan K. Trubey

He's looking good. His color was good.

Bill Harrison

There was no color in his face, but once I was able to get some breaths in him the color started to come back.

Becky Chittom

We don't hate nobody because of their color. We hate oppression!

Bobby Seale

We only see one color here. And that's orange.

Kat Clark

Food coloring is the best toy ever.

Jason Kotecki

There is even one that is the color of a Hershey's Kiss, but it is not available in this country yet.

Julie Maruskin

Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.

Pedro Calderon De La Barca

We have tons of board games, coloring books and video games to keep them busy.

Jason Arthur

It's something for the lip color to cling to.

Nikki Blahusch

We've enhanced that so you can highlight relationships, annotate and color-code things.

Ryan Rosenberg

When a reporter better tell you what color the corpse' s socks were.

Phil Rogers

We set it up with the color varied and the dishes angled for variety.

Alex Levine

When we built the facility, the color that was 'in' was pink.

Len Wolman

It?s really the design that makes it. Color can add an impact.

David Klaus

With the discrimination like it was, I was looking for somebody to break the color barrier.

John Allen

I've always wanted to try to get in there and do that. I like the excitement of it, the color.

Jeremy Johnson

I like to use the audience as my color palette, my instrument.

Bobby Mcferrin

They're not afraid to do color.

Carly Rager

Not everyone has an eye for color. You have to get the shade that's right for you.

Nikki Blahusch

The sextet is a splurge of color.

Roy Malan

On many people, orange is not the most flattering color.

Lisa Herzlich

It was the perfect length and everything... Perfect color.

Jacques Chiron

It's a very bubbly color. It's her.

Danielle Dixon

Accomplishments have no color.

Leontyne Price

It's a little on the sweeter side, and a very pretty color.

Bob Mcnamara

As long as I own it, I retain the option to change the color.

James Wolfe

The three-color presentation is definitely a new thing in the South.

Christi Tullis

It will give us dimension and color. We're the Art Department - that's what we are all about.

Michael Crane

The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line.

W. E. B. Du Bois

Truth knows no color; it appeals to intelligence.

James Cone

We're comfortable if our neighbor is not the same color as we are.

Janet Harrah

These women don?t care, they wear the color from head to toe.

Kathy Long

I'm usually playing off flashes of color.

Priest Holmes

Blue is basically a calming (color) ... so they changed the interior to blue.

Gerald Fulk

The guy in charge of the main characters is generally going to be a person of color.

Matt Roush

My philosophy, like color television, is all there in black and white.

Monty Python

"The best color in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you!

Coco Chanel

Color affects catch rates and not size.

Gene Wilde

I do everything myself except coloring for the covers.

Stan Sakai

He was black and he was an athlete. That's why my son died. Because of the color of his skin and the achievements that he wanted to do for himself. ... That's not a reason to die.

Michael Shoels

I suspected from the beginning that it was from Mars. The color was different and, above all, it wasn't magnetic.

Marc Hauser

A man's character always takes its hue, more or less, from the form and color of things about him.

Frederick Douglass

It's approximately the color that you would see with your eyes, if you were standing there.

Jim Bell

Color means nothing to him.

Sid Lockitch

When we first got to him, with his color, we feared he might not make it.

Jodi Fincher

The color scheme is something you don't see in many hotels.

Tim Michaud

Albert Einstein: Algae? This is a color?

Adeel Iqbal

I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for.

Georgia O'Keeffe

Concrete is, essentially, the color of bad weather.

William Hamilton

Black is a great color!!! it sets off your wig!

Stan Freberg

Color is born of the interpenetration of light and dark.

Sam Francis

The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.

Marcus Aurelius

It's a must-do. From there, you can view a great number of areas that have fall color.

Keith Roberts

Fresh paint in a neutral color is where you get the most bang for your buck.

Jan Popa

They're all faded from all the light we have in here, but I kind of like the color they faded to.

Angela Cummings

When you live with color, in some way you're always alert.

Sister Irene Muñoz

I've been down to the border with them. They're not racist. They don't care what color you are.

Ted Hayes

I'll be Ronald Reagan in full living color.

Randy Daniels

We came for a medal and we didn't care what color it was. We're very happy with a bronze.

Joe Polo

When you can look up the field and see Adolfo in the same color jersey as you, things are probably going to be OK.

Sunny Hale

Getting 17 homes to all agree and pick a color. I don't envy you.

John Petrashek

What Color Is Your Parachute?

Richard Nelson Bolles

The color doesn't affect the alcohol content.

Jon Stika

I'm not a theme person. I'm more a color person.

Alisa Lane's

Palm trees don't change color.

Michael Hastings

The color of truth is gray.

Andre Gide

I'm very happy. Now I have every color of medal.

Georg Hettich

It's not the color of your skin; it's the way people treat you that matters.

William Stone

I love coloring books. I keep some by my bed.

Karen Black

Moose and black bears both have been reported in a variety of color phases.

Jeff Selinger

We had a lot of kids over there, but they were there legally. They were in the band, cheerleaders and color guard.

Becky Thompson

Color does not add a pleasant quality to design - it reinforces it.

Pierre Bonnard

This was the most complex fall for color.

Donald Smith

The locomotives are black. The coal is black. The tracks are black. The night is black. So what am I going to do with color?

O. Winston Link

What happens is the color simply fades away and blends into the background.

David Post

Modesty is the color of virtue.

Diogenes Of Sinope

Should the color of some other person's eyes have anything to do with how you treat them?

Jane Elliott

It's my color-beige!

Elsie De Wolfe

The color of the walls kind of brings the bay in.

Elizabeth Beeler

The more and more you color your hair, [the more likely] you won't be able to color anymore.

Elizabeth Lewis

We've never written it down anywhere that we hire on the basis of color.

Édouard Pellet

We used a lot of color; we went above and beyond.

Fred Sanders