196 quotes about carrying follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out.

Anne Frank

It's no use carrying an umbrella if your shoes are leaking.

Irish Proverb

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.

Carl Sagan

The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.


Men's natures are alike, it is their habits that carry them far apart.


Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it to you.

Harry S Truman

Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive. And don't ever apologize for anything.

Harry S Truman

It's not the load that breaks you down - its the way you carry it.

Lou Holtz

That's our policy. We're not looking for fame. Our aim here is to carry a message.

Bob L.

I carry a switch blade with me now. Everyone else does now too.

Tonya Richardson

For some days we have been expecting animals carrying the virus to be found.

Didier Houssin

It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.

Lena Horne

I'm a person of faith, [but] I don't carry it on my sleeve.

Christine Gregoire

It's not a Canadian value for Canadians to carry handguns. We strongly believe there is no place in our society for handguns.

Amy Butcher

My first rule of consumerism is never to buy anything you can't make your children carry.

Bill Bryson

If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older.

Tom Stoppard

I think he?s found his niche and is carrying the field.

Leah Pyter

I felt if I called Bill, he would carry back my thoughts to the rest of the board.

Mark Sheriff

He endorses me and I'm happy to carry that flag forward.

Jim Green

I don't believe in carrying it.

John Stephens

Be careful that victories do not carry the seed of future defeats.

Ralph W. Sockman

We've got to start carrying things over from practice to the games.

Todd Satterly

They were carrying them out and I was just sobbing.

Carole Hartley

You can't come out with guns blazing when you got more guns than you can carry.

John Stone

We loved him and we want to carry on making him proud of us.

Fergus Garrett

Fortunately, I carry a big net.

Don Franklin

I'm on such an emotional high ... my adrenaline alone will carry me through it.

Braylon Edwards

We only have one freshman. We should be carrying 25 kids probably.

Paul Buck

You could see it. He was always talking to himself. He would be as close as you and I, and you could see him carrying on a conversation with himself.

Tim Walker

The truck driver drops it in the driveway and I carry it from there.

Ingeborg Foco

We found out that tobacco was the only thing that could carry us.

Hayes Harbour

If we carry on like this, we're going to end even before we have begun.

Clemente Mastella

Blood is not all that important. It's what you have in your heart and how you carry it.

Alan Robinson

Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind.

James Russell Lowell

Look at some of the targets these people had. They don't carry any weight anymore.

Seth Tobias

You don't want soldiers carrying a bottle of Listerine into battle.

Col. Dennis Runyan

We've never had this much depth before in our distance troop. They really carry a lot of points for us.

Deneen Keller

What you carry is a reflection of your personality.

Patrick Cooper

We're going to carry at least one of everything Breyer makes.

Charles Whitesides

It's a whole new year. Last year has nothing to do with this year. I don't carry that with me.

Rex Hadnot

They're hopefully building some camaraderie so it will carry onto middle school.

Steve Mcdermott

We'll see (today). If we go out and lose, there's no momentum. We've got to go out and carry it over.

Kevin Ollie

It brings people back to the site, they want to see what we are carrying.

Liz Elsner

If you talk to them, they talk the same. They carry themselves the same. That says a lot.

Ike Hilliard

The police have been asked to carry out investigations and carry out the required proceedings.

Debasish Sen

Everyone has his burden; what counts is how you carry it.

Joe Brown and David Brown

We carry the full and personal responsibility for everyone's application.

Lyobov Mikityansky

I had a little carry and there was no pain. I am not 100 percent, but I am close.

Yorvit Torrealba

No other groups can carry out multiple attacks like that.

Rohan Gunaratna

A lot of that was carry over from last year.

Mike Di Marco

Unfortunately, I find myself just watching him sometimes when I should be carrying out a fake.

Joey Harrington

If the ventilators are still working and are carrying air to where they are, they could be alive.

Oscar Pimentel

He was an average guy who could carry a tune.

Bing Crosby

How Folk Songs Carry Themes of Faith.

Tom Hunter

It's carrying the reasoning to a somewhat ridiculous level.

Frank Mauro

It's not a good idea to carry more than $100 dollars on you.

Pauline Frommer

Males do most of the carrying of infants — usually two — once they are born.

Toni Ziegler

I didn't see that. I was following the ball. I knew the ball wasn't carrying great out there.

Scott Mathieson

You can't win the presidency if you don't carry Florida. That gives us a leg up.

Al Austin

It's helps to have smart kids. That does carry over to basketball.

Buddy Carlisle

They're going to have to carry Brent out in a pine box.

Todd Musburger

They kind of helped the guy and store people carry things in.

Jeff Hennion

Lean on me, when you're not strongAnd I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on.

Bill Withers

I trust him with my life. If I had any money, I'd let him carry it for me - put it that way.

Bob Keller

The brides would have a little pageboy carry the bouquet for her.

Janice Kuzan

As I said...two years ago, I wanted to carry on as best as I could what she started and what better place than to do it here?

Prince Harry

It has to be regulated. It's not in the pre-hospital realm to carry blood.

Jamie Miller

There was no point. We have so many players carrying knocks.

John Coughlin

We were told that buses are carrying only 15% of the usual volume of riders.

Angela Sanbrano

He is an icon. But he doesn't carry himself like an icon.

Jean Afterman

They were probably too sore to practice from carrying the bags.

Leo Duggan

Who can we depend on to carry a lot of the load? We don't have an answer. But everyone is capable.

Jerritt Elliott

Get the money to carry out an operation in America.

Ahmed Ressam

This was a vicious attack on a clearly marked UNHCR bus carrying civilians.

Dennis Mcnamara

Our defense is really coming on. That's going to carry us in the playoffs.

Pat Bowlin

To us, he's still here with us and we want to carry on his work.

Minh Nguyen

We're kind of hoping the novelty of us being there will carry the day, attendance-wise.

Larry Hanley

That's a lot for two boys to carry.

John Stone

You can't carry out your appeal all the way to conclusion and then say when you lose, 'Well, that doesn't count,'.

Frank Mckenna

The police are now carrying an all-out investigation into the case. And this is only a single case.

Jiao Yang

The motivation of making the tournament has really been carrying us through.

Bridget Grall

Wins and losses only carry you so far. But education will carry you longer.

Paul Kostin

They're going to carry us all year.

Chuck Wood

They'd flop and carry on.

Doug Sanders

He held us in the box. He's always a threat, even if he's carrying on the fake.

John Shevlin

Occasionally we had to carry a body bag out of there. Some were heavy like a full body and some weren't.

Joseph Capriotti

Don't carry a gun. It's nice to have them close by, but don't carry them. You might get arrested.

John Gotti

He showed he's one of the best running backs in the area. Blair is going to carry us far this season.

Frank Vavala

They have had to carry the burden of the port's success.

David Freeman

We carry our homes within us which enables us to fly.

John Cage

We'll carry on the search until we find them.

Craig Lambinon

I don't think there's a lot of carry over from year-to-year. I don't think anybody cares what you did the year before.

Tom Brady

We are carrying on with our activities.

Caroline Cross

We carry it on our books as leased equipment. We have to account for it somehow.

John Skalko

M&A is not going to be enough to carry the day for investment bankers as far as earnings go.

Diana Yates

Carry on any enterprise as if all future success depended on it.

Cardinal Richelieu

We had a relief rally on the back end yesterday (Thursday), and it's carrying through to today.

George Goncalves

When she gets on a streak, she can carry you on offense.

Gene Dews

It's not a bad life. You have to watch your back, and the bugs will carry you away some nights but nobody bothers us out here.

Paul Morris

My mailman and the UPS guy - I always have to tip them lavishly at holiday times, because they're carrying all these books every day.

Maureen Corrigan

We want to pitch it, pitch it, pitch it. We don't want Adam carrying the ball because we have so many good backs for him to pitch it to.

Dave Adams

Our two-digit membership continues to carry on and do what we have to do.

Marlan Webb

I am very concerned, ... We can't carry this financial burden for months and months.

Carol Johnson

I don't carry a lock, because I don't let it out of my sight.

Bob Kurtz

That kind of stuff has to be evaluated. We've got to make sure there's carrying capacity for those animals.

Patrick Joyce

They will probably carry these friendships into high school.

Katie Griswold

The unwinding of the yen carry trades will probably continue. That will help the yen.

Teruhisa Tsuji

He'd put a lot of pressure on himself, I think. He wanted to carry us, ... He might be a little calmer now.

David Wright

This is probably the five that's going to carry us.

Jason Black

They can carry the fire quite easily.

John Lubbers

It would be so easy to just carry a bomb in a suitcase. They could just blow the hell out of us.

Charlie Cox

You would have to carry the body a good distance.

John Bankhead

Our evenings won't be the same without a bucket of toads to carry.

Ann Cook

I will carry our flag for all the athletes.

Danielle Goyette

It's beyond belief that any Australian could be so stupid as to carry drugs into any country in Asia.

John Howard Payne

The way we carry on with each other though, that?s not fake.

Anna Mercedes

My impatience, I want my impatience to carry over with the team.

Mike Reagan

I will be carrying on the way Sonny did. Whatever happens, happens.

Freddie Bell

Beware of people carrying ideas. Beware of ideas carrying people.

Barbara Grizzuti Harrison

They're hooded. They've got gloves on. They have a tool bag that they're carrying with them that has hammers in it.

Sgt. Michael Frevola

I picked her up and was carrying her around.

Lorrie James

Ritual is the way you carry the presence of the sacred. Ritual is the spark that must not go out.

Christina Baldwin

She was talking away while he was carrying her around on his back.

Tina Landon

If we had to go more south, on more traditional routes, we would not be able to carry all the passengers we carry, and we wouldn't carry all the cargo.

Sean Donohue

I believe stone died because there was no ambulance to carry him away.

Abner Haynes

A carry wouldn't be bad, but I have a better chance of getting passed to.

Jake Slaughter

If they need me somewhere, I never say no. I always carry my three gloves.

Pedro Feliz

Think about it. People are happy to carry a bag on to buses so why not on to airlines? This could be revolutionary.

Michael O'leary

It displaces the oxygen-carrying capacity in your lungs.

Trudy Meehan

Right now, the offense has us on its back and it's carrying us. There will come a time when the pitchers will put us on its back and carry us.

Gabe Kapler

I hope we can keep this up and carry it on the good road ahead.

Brian Anderson

It's very expensive to bet against the carry trade.

David Durrant

He wanted to carry on but they wouldn't let him (because the blood flow could not be stemmed).

Phil Prescott

He's never been in trouble at all or otherwise he wouldn't have had his concealed carry license.

Gabriel Garza

Burns will be easier to start; fires will be faster and carry more easily.

Chuck Maxwell

I give a lot of respect to those caddies, carrying those 50-pound bags around for six days.

Laura Diaz

We currently carry them, and I don't know of a decision yet on my store.

Steve Todd

Even if it is just for a day or two, it will give them some money to carry on.

Frank Ford

How do you carry two Uzis?

David Marks

I'm hoping that momentum does carry over.

Harry Sprouse

These arrests have seriously disrupted the activities of a group allegedly making arrangements to carry out a terrorist attack in Australia.

Christine Nixon

The guys who carry guns in their waistbands everywhere they go.

Glenn Ivey

We've never done this before, ... We don't know if it will work. We may carry your ass all the way over to the boat and not be able to do this thing.

Craig Thompson

I know my speed is what is going to carry me.

Martin Hicks

We believe the candidate will be able to carry out his duties.

Djoko Susilo

There is not closure for this. I have a dagger in my back and will continue to carry (it) until the truth is out.

Jose Basulto

They don't want to carry over anything.

Walter Loeb

One can't carry one's father's corpse about everywhere.

Guillaume Apollinaire

He is the better equipped for life. As for swimming, who has the less to carry.


That's something we obviously are hoping will carry into his efforts in Washington, D.C..

Craig Obey

He did walk behind me, ... But it wasn't a shovel he was carrying. It was a knife.

Michael Ovitz

He didn't get a carry in a pre-season game and the question I have is then how do you know?,

Jesse Lumsden

When a freshman has to carry us offensively, it?s a tough day.

Casey Todd

They asked the developers to carry the entire burden for the entire community.

Skeet Jernigan

As I was carrying them into the trailer, there was blood all over me and blood all over them.

Kandace Diekman

And lacks resources to carry out its mission.

John Hostettler

I can't really see myself carrying on.

Steve Redgrave

You can pick up 50 pounds of fresh food, but there's only so much you can eat, let alone carry.

Adam Weissman

We are all going to die ... we came here to carry out this terrorist act.

Vladimir Ustinov

I'm sorry I brought this upon you, my boy. I'm sorry you must carry this burden. I'm sorry for everything!

Lord Of The Rings

She moves up from co-mascot. We're going to carry on the tradition.

Diane Biega

We are carrying agencies on our back.

Fran Hughes

It is my opinion that there are too many 'professional bodies' carrying on their business.

Chris Goodman

One moth can carry the powder to many moths.

Marvin Owings Jr

The enemies of Iraq [who] are carrying out aggressive acts to get Iraq back to the old days.

Ali Allawi

It was an enemy of Islam and that if one is to carry out an operation it would be better to hit the biggest enemy.

Ahmed Ressam

I don't think I can carry it, but I am absolutely thrilled to be receiving this award.

Lena Horne

He's one of those horses who just likes to carry the ball a lot.

Paul Vosburgh

It's just one more piece of equipment they'll have to carry.

Dee Price

Our freshmen are really stepping up. They've been helping us and carrying us lately.

Courtney Vandersloot

It would have been preferable to carry it out in the country itself, inside America. He was in agreement.

Ahmed Ressam

The agent in question was carrying a .40-caliber Beretta ... a .40-caliber round.

Nicholas Coates

We knew there was a point when Kevin would come through and carry us.

Derek Walcott

The good volumes suggest this could carry on a bit longer.

John Hatherly

The London attack is one of the attacks that al-Qaida ... had the honour of carrying out against Zionist, British arrogance.

Ayman Al zawahiri

I'm carrying so much pork, I'm beginning to get trichinosis.

Phil Gramm

We carry the patient out the window and put them on the bed.

Peter Braun

We're just carrying on where she left off.

Gloria Woodruff

They were that strong and amazing. They could carry up to 55 pounds on their heads. We were absolutely pampered.

Merlin Lahm

You have to take on leadership, that's what leadership is about. You have to carry your teammates through the battle.

Garrett Williamson

It was like we were carrying bricks on our backs. It was always, 'Do it better,' and it kept adding weight.

Brandon Armstrong

He's the only one carrying the team now.

Aubin Goporo

It's stuff we couldn't carry through the water. The most important thing is that we were alive, and we were together.

Gregory Jenkins

Has confessed to carrying out bombings in Lahore, Kasur and Faisalabad.

Naeem Khan

Carrying weapons is banned, too in the same region and all gun licenses are cancelled.

Bayan Jabr

It's about carrying the principles you learn into your life, 24-7.

Lynette Matsushima

I don't want to tell you how much insurance I carry with the Prudential, but all I can say is: when I go, they go too.

Jack Benny

The Revolution has not yet succeeded. Comrades, you must carry on!

Sun Yat sen

I thought we might carry this ride for a little while.

Terri Parrish

We don't carry guns.

Elizabeth Miller

He was just somebody you could talk to and carry on with. He could pick at me and I could pick at him.

Earl Hatcher

Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.

Zen Proverb

It's possible that live poultry may also carry bird flu virus.

Zhong Nanshan

He's my man and I've been doing him wrong/And I'm praying for the strength not to carry on.

Emmylou Harris

I saw she was carrying a gun in her right hand.

Emma Gonzalez

We had to carry the silverware on and off the plane.

Eleanor Vosberg