It's a losing game because they can always build a bigger bomb.

Daniel Goure

We are building a community here. We are now catering to the end users.

Ryan Julison

All the process you have to go through to get what you want, like a building permit.

Shelby Williams

I've still got to try to build the boys up for an important game against Borders.

Paul Turner

You've probably seen most of the bottom. I really think we're in a situation where we're building a base.

Stephen Murphy

I lived in this building for 21 days. The conference room was my bedroom.

Bud Boudreaux

I was the only person to get out that building alive, dude.

John Porter

There wasn't a lot of emotion in the building. The guys just had to fight through it.

Todd Martin

[The need for the building] is as important now as it ever was, ... We were in antiquated facilities.

Michael Meyer

We did not go out looking to build a cell tower.

Stephen Richards

There are a lot of reasons for being here, but the chance to build up a bit of confidence is certainly one of them.

Paul Casey

We brought in an engineer to work with L&I. You have to be careful when you're dealing with an old building.

John Rago

This is an economic cycle which is just starting to build.

Homi Kharas

What we're trying to do in communities we build is do exactly that, build a community.

Harold Christ

I'm happy. It's something for us to build on.

Ron Ledbetter

It's a great budget. What we saw before was DOT trying to build its way out of congestion.

Damien Newton

This is something we can really build on now.

Chris Weaver

To get the win at home means so much more. We have to keep building.

Jarret Stoll

For example, I know there's asbestos in the building that would have to be removed.

Randy Jones

I'm sure God's got a better building in store for us.

Joe Boylan

There wasn't anything you couldn't build.

Carl Davis

Too low they build, who build beneath the stars.

Edward Young

If you build it, they will come. We won't have to build it. Theirs is already here.

Arthur Morgan

I have built my organization upon fear.

Al Capone

If we can balance our budget and build these facilities we can really be a jewel in this institution.

Craig Angelos

The folks that really have their act together get the building they want.

Frank Hayes

This is not only a new building in our community, it's a new building in an area we've been trying to get some development in.

Jim Smitham

The research is aiming to make a molecular assembler, one machine that can build, on a molecular scale, anything.

Neil Gershenfeld

The rent had a lot to do with buying this building and not just building one.

Bob Beasley

All through school, we are building on those concepts of democracy.

Judy Trujillo

I don't know if I would have done that if I were just renovating the building.

Beezer Molten

We have a long ways to go. Offensively, we have a long ways to go. But it gives us something to build on.

Jim Oberdorf

We're building the ability for the community to be informed.

Wayan Vota

We couldn't sell out. We're building this for ourselves.

Danny Kass

High and dry. The French were no dummies. They knew where to build.

Harry Shearer

Because it's based on JavaScript, it's easy to understand and build on.

Mini Peiris

We are asking people for their support now to build the Y. We will repay them for their help.

Trudy Pieper

I wanted to do a very slender building, and a very transparent one.

Santiago Calatrava

The building has had a lot of usage by the university. The decision (to implode it) wasn't easily arrived at.

Joe Rogers

I don't think we'll build stronger.

Bob Wright

At the end of the day we'll lose a little bit of money. But it's OK because we know we're building something.

Carl Moretti

Trojan House proved that kids could build a house.

Jerry Crocilla

He's not afraid of taking risks or allowing us to take risks so we can build services.

Sandy Bryant

The building is old and fine.

Jeffrey Cohen

Hopefully we've got building materials.

Mark Gray

Is it a child, is it an adult, is it an employee who only works temporarily in the building?

Scott Stupak

We really just did the things we needed to do to win. I'm hoping it will build momentum.

Michelle Gardner

The pad is ready. We?re just waiting for the building.

Terry Capps

I believe the 2004-05 year was the most successful year for the BEDC and I am confident we will build upon this and achieve even greater things in 2005-06.

Steve Bloomberg

We treasure the building. It does have a real sense of history to it.

David Hess

She was really aggressive throwing strikes. That is something to build on.

Rob Adams

We work together and we're working our best together and we're working on building a team.

Wang Meng

Build it and they will come.

Open Source

This requires some limited testing for every building.

James Braun

We'll build up the most progressive telecommunications company here.

Jamie Smith

It allows people to get out of a building so much easier without mobs of people in a concourse.

Commissioner Dave Unruh

Here we can build Hollywood-scale sets on a television budget.

Tom Hooper

We're going to have a really exciting, serviceable building.

Tom Garey

We didn't build it for ourselves. We built it for everyone who lives here.

Todd Webster

But I do think the building was a waste of money.

Sean Campbell

Not only is there no building like it in Iowa, but there is no building like it in the world.

Dorothy Johnson

They spared no expense when it came to building this place.

Clay Harpster

In the last two days we've had 25 building permits.

Cindy Houben

I think a single-story [building] doesn't do a thing for us.

Mark Richmond

(That building) might not be here when we come back, but we'll make sure we can play football.

Mark Reeve

That is a heritage that we should not be taking for granted, and we should build upon.

Armando Cobo

The building ... is completely around me. I'm right in the middle of it.

Frank Lang

It's a building I would love to go to, but I don't have dementia.

Janet White

The commissioner said if you don't need it we won't make you build it.

Vincent Demarco

We're very happy with what we've accomplished. We want to keep building on it.

Katie Schrader

We will raze the old restaurant building and put up a new one.

Paul Perkins

That will be hard for the people wanting to build.

Kurt Harclerode

I think the pressure has been building.

Frank Keel

I must be a public artist. I work in public, and I capitalize on the drama of building.

Patrick Dougherty

He had no involvement in anything to do with the building. He does our fleet management.

Noelle Gaffney

Because of that we cannot issue a building permit.

Connie Barron

It's a very good opportunity to build a club.

Neil Smith

Sports do not build character. They reveal it.

Heywood C. Broun

Jen ran well. She's a smart runner and didn't let her nerves get to her. Hopefully, this is something she can build on.

Bill Kuhns

Reliable power to this building is a chronic issue.

Joey Spatafora

There will still be a Red Men Lodge. We just won't have a building.

Patrick Griffet

You said it was an old building.

Michelle Meredith

It's probably been my most relaxed build up, which hopefully might make for a better result.

Martin Kelly

The State of Israel pushed us to build this place.

Ariel Kahana

We are building the database in iterative steps.

Joe Leadingham

Obviously, it's a great opportunity for somebody else to build a brand in their absence.

Charles Bullock

Discover the tools to build your own vision.

Mary Anne Radmacher

We will have an educational mission as well as a research mission, ... But our principle mission will be to build research.

Larry Cook

I stopped at my place of business to do my delivery and the man proceeded behind the building.

Geralyn Lloyd

My goal wasn't to make a ton of money. It was to build good computers.

Steve Wozniak

We met in New Hope. I was a waitress, and Andy was building and roofing houses.

Wendy Cain

As you can see, we're running out of space here in the building that we have. The question now is where is it going to go?

Kerry Byrne

There were a lot of naysayers when he started building it.

David Huddleston

He had a wiry build, and he had a tremendous punch.

Don Luke

I think there is so much going on in this building, it's so beautiful, people don't really find them. They don't jump out.

Herb Stratford

FedEx said if you're going to be building a new building, we want some more space, too.

Anthony Marino

That's a hard building to play in. The fans get into it and it makes it hard to win in there.

Kelly Kisio

They would be a foundation that we are building from.

Amelia Parker

We have to realize we are building a movement.

Dorothy Height

I'm looking at the building now and thinking it'd be nice to be spared.

Gary Teplitsky

Even where all that building is going on there aren't kids coming out of those homes.

Jim Long

Dell does not build Web sites, I don't manufacture computers.

Paul Dell

We began building a model similar to that here in the United States.

Bill Botti

Use them to build things.

Santiago Creel

That enables those companies to then build in some value-added features.

Dan Devine

We're very proud. We're very committed to green building.

Sondra Guffey

The floor boards were made from floor board of the old Cranbury Press building.

Jane Huff

Anyone can stop by my office in the academic building to buy tickets.

Tammy Hutcheson

We build our subdivisions above and beyond the basic requirements.

Becky Selle

There is nothing in which the birds differ more from man than the way in which they can build and yet leave a landscape as it was before.

Robert Lynd

Has always been the most logical place to build a rail line.

Brian Taylor

This may not be the most beautiful building at Charles de Gaulle. But practical things can have their own beauty as well.

Hubert Fontanel

Get yourselves focused, build a financial base, then go for it.

Greg Zandlo

We've laid the foundations and interest will build.

Alisa Camplin

We're not dismayed in any way, we're building but it's a slow build right now.

Paul Turner

The whole building knew he was going.

Milt Palacio

There was not only a disengagement in 2005, but also a lot of building in settlements and outposts.

Yariv Oppenheimer

The building is exhausted. It's no longer energy efficient.

Mike Besl

You'll see this building come down very quickly. It's kind of fun.

Patrick Clauss

Castles in the air - they are so easy to take refuge in. And so easy to build, too.

Henrik Ibsen

The longevity of any building is predicated on its use.

Gene Ford

We really want to build young men and women.

Anthony Thompson

We have a lot of brain power in those areas. We think we can build on that.

Bill Flanagan

It's more than a building; it's a community. It's more than a job; it's a role model.

Laura Cantrell

No woman is required to build the world by destroying herself.

Rabbi Sofer

It was a great experience, and hopefully the kids will build off it.

Randall Bispo

They brought their old legends here, and they continued to build on them.

David Dixon

I think the building is in very good condition.

Hank Williams

Anne was instrumental in getting the Easton library its own building.

Bernadette Baldino

We are betting the bank, building our future on convergence.

Michael Capellas

I was amazed at their attitudes. They weren't down, but said they would get through this and build a new life again.

Susie Pelzel

We are encouraged by the momentum we see building.

Jerry Levin

There's not a kid in this building that wouldn't have something wonderful to say about him.

Tim Lucas

The dogs build on what they are already capable of, as far as behavior.

Peter Gould

I'm really pleased with these young kids. We're gonna have to build off them.

Carter Jordan

We've been wanting this grant, but the building wasn't stable.

Marilyn Lyons

This is the part of the building where people don't have to be quiet.

Scott Ellis

It's just a big exercise in building confidence without being out on the field.

Chris Minaker

Our philosophy from the beginning has been to build a well known brand.

Gary Gerdemann

They were building [the sensors] themselves within a week.

Kevin Plaxco

He is one of the preeminent people to build our nuclear capabilities.

Richard Gill

It is something that will get serious consideration, wherever we build the new facility.

Brian Hague

The clearance level means the building can be occupied.

David Fawcett

We have a building on the site. We'd sure like to purchase it.

Marlen Winter

It's a fun building to play in. They've got some really rowdy fans and its one of America's teams.

Raja Bell

Charleston is one of the few that has the actual building.

Jeanette Clark

Our product is more advanced than most and we'll continue to build it out.

George Shaheen

We can't even build a van now. When we get an order, we pull together what we can and send it out.

James Chapman

Nobody objects to the building.

Paul Evans

But this is not a decision to build the pipeline.

Randy Broiles

He broke into my building last night and we put him out because he was homeless.

Shirley Brown

That building is nearing the end of its life. That building cannot be salvaged.

Frank Gribbon

This is building from the African tradition of storytelling.

Fayanne Hayes

If you don't have the capital and financing to build it up, it's hard to progress.

Hal Vogel

Those are the kind of guys you build your program around. He's a warrior.

Brad Soderberg

And this is a building that should have been condemned 20 years ago.

Paul Richard

I'd say every second building is damaged - some completely.

Alan Green

Ed, there's someone who's very, very interested in your building. Would you be interested in selling?

Tim Campbell

The site was so muddy we couldn't get the crane around the building.

Skip Olson

That's a great start, and then after that we kept building on it.

Jeff Steele

I'm fine right now. As long as the building is here, I'm here.

Jean Joseph

We have been looking for a home for the last 10 years and have not been able to acquire a building.

Joan Smith

Yeah, we'll build Vanderbilt into a good team some day.

Jay Cutler

We've been building this airline for 12 years to compete against anybody, Southwest or otherwise.

Joe Hodas

I don't know how six adults can run out of a building and leave a little girl. That's unconscionable.

Thaddeus Kennedy

It is a young team, and we plan on building.

Sue Murphy

The church is always going to build back.

Antonio Jeremiah

The best part of this job is being pretty much the most popular person in the building.

Lisa Lester

It's a beautiful composition. It will make for a very exciting building, but not for this purpose.

Janet White

Each one will try to go with the eras the building has gone through.

Kev Kohler

The only way to add a market is to build on an existing festival.

Marco Mueller

It's going out as fast as we build it.

Matt Miller

If we don't get the permit, we can't build.

Bill Duncan

That's our business. We're a 24-hour building.

Rick Fuson

Things happen while you build a treatment plant on top of a treatment plant.

Chris Rogers

We're set on building in Sandy. And since then, we've had pretty broad support.

Josh Ewing

We're not building a new dam.

Thom Fischer

We're trying to build and the terrorists are trying to destroy.

Dan Speckhart

Clearly the momentum around multi-core is building.

Justin Rattner

The public has to understand, it's not just build some buildings.

Daniel Libeskind

It breaks up the size a bit and puts a more residential scale to the building.

Hellyn Riggins

Once you get it started, you have a wonderful opportunity to build on it.

Bill New

The problem is you've got to build something that's absolutely bombproof.

Michael Hawley

The building is fine with the exception of the little puncture on the end of the building.

Michael Yormark

[The building] is super. We're very excited about it.

John Hurley

You have some people building strong opposition to every plan.

Sen. Hank Sanders

We've really battled through this. Now we have a change to build Soccer City USA.

Dave Checketts

Let's trust and build together.

Jon Barber

I am surprised that someone has not suggested or begun building a mall out east.

Robert Watts

This gives us something to build on.

Alena Nardinger

Thank God they didn't get into the building.

Tom Gilbert

If you can do it yourself, you should. The goal is to build up your base of customers.

Sam Taylor

Because we never got it and it was very unreliable, we really couldn't get the financing to go out and build the infrastructure.

Kevin Kauffman

We're building up slowly. We want to do it right.

Andrew Sharp

We think it would be very positive for the airport. We anticipate that it will be a very nice building.

Tanya Vanasse

We're hoping to build on this in a large, large way.

Jim Lehrer

We decided to build widget accessibility into our web-based applications.

George Morris

We're getting a lot of facility for a small amount of building.

Dana Smith

The surge in personal bankruptcy started a few years ago and has been building.

Cherry Hill

We need to build pride in the zoo. It's a state zoo, not a private zoo.

Cullie Tarleton