He set up a system during conferences where every justice, one by one, in order of seniority, is allowed to weigh in on a case, ... There is no free-for-all debate. The chief justice does not allow bickering. He shuts it down.

Jay Jorgensen

This is going to weigh on the euro. The political situation is now up in the air, and there's going to be a lot of jockeying to form a coalition.

Samarjit Shankar

And the real trouble comes when people continue 'holiday eating mode' after the holidays, ... Weigh Less, Live Longer.

Louis Aronne

I wasn't buying that until I saw what he could do to a golf ball. It was violent. This kid was maybe 5-9 weighing 145 pounds soaking wet. The lesson I had earlier went out the window. I was determined to show this kid that I was the new sheriff in town.

Patrick Mcclure

Investors are scared of the impact of rising bankruptcies. And on top of that, worries of a war in Iraq and a slowdown in the U.S. economy are really weighing.

Koichi Seki

At $67, we have started seeing indicators that suggest oil prices might be weighing on demand growth.

Naohiro Niimura

There's clearly some interesting potential sites that have been identified, that should be looked into with more detail. Certainly the ones where you have a big hit to the built-in environment, or a big hit to the natural environment, then that's going to weigh against further evaluation of those sites.

Derek Sandison

The perpetuation of these circumstances deprives Elian of his childhood, and Juan Miguel of his right to raise his family. These losses are irreplaceable, and weigh heavily in favor of declining to impose a stay or injunction.

Greg Craig

I can't say that it's going to be a repeat of last year or anything like that, but we definitely have the capabilities of going back to the national championship game and even winning it. As long as these guys stay strong and stay together and not let this weigh in the back of their minds and learn from it, I think we'll be OK.

David Noel

Being responsible for a multimillion-dollar elections operation really does cause you to weigh all options very, very carefully. To completely junk that system, that's a very, very dramatic move, and regardless of what Dr. Anderson's final approach is, he has to make sure that it's the right thing to do and not rush into anything that he'll regret later on.

Ion Sancho

I would not be surprised if the Supreme Court does decide to weigh in again on this issue. We're early in the process of figuring out what the Supreme Court's ruling really means.

David Elliott

Drop in a book by Salman Rushdie or another critic alongside it -- give the students an opportunity to weigh the argument.

Joe Glover

They have to weigh the undoubted benefits of ... (Iraqi President Saddam) Hussein's overthrow against the risk of turning the Middle East into an inexhaustible recruiting ground for anti-Western terrorism.

Douglas Hurd

One of the things that has been weighing us down has been the retailers and to have a piece of good news from one of the better known names has been a bit of a relief.

Richard Hunter

The interest-rate advantage with the U.S. will continue to narrow and that will weigh on the Australian dollar.

Jarrod Kerr

The whole situation with the election is definitely weighing very heavily on the market. It didn't help with Dell lowering guidance going forward.

Mark Donahoe

We're just getting energy prices going through the roof. The longer period of time (consumers) have these elevated prices, the more it starts to weigh on sentiment. People have held on pretty well but the longer this remains the more risky it becomes.

David Watt

Inflation is still a threat when U.S. economic growth is relatively strong. It will weigh down Treasuries.

Masayuki Senda

She's weighing her options. She has not decided whether she is stepping down.

Steve Nathan

What's needed is some growing evidence from the states that they want to ban executing minors. More state governors and legislatures have to weigh in. They need some momentum in the next year or two for the justices to say, now is the time to decide this.

Richard Dieter

The resolutions passed at the last meeting produced a great effect out of doors. Timid people took fright at the idea of a shot weighing 20,000 pounds being launched into space; they asked what cannon could ever transmit a sufficient velocity to such a mighty mass.

Jules Verne

The job is the same as it always was: Weighing infrastructure and social services. You love them both but you may have to give one more attention.

Annabeth Surbaugh

When companies are allowed to begin advertising their Part D plans on Oct. 1, seniors are going to be bombarded with messages. We want our participants to understand what they're really comparing when they weigh our plans against the new Part D plans. While there will absolutely be plans out in the marketplace that are cheaper, you have to be sure you're comparing apples to apples.

Doug Day

We'll be giving polygraph tests at the weigh in.

Warren Turner

He doesn't weigh but 96 pounds. Even though he went 4-4 he didn't give up in any match.

George Fotenos

It was tough. It was good though. That's one reason I wanted to go -- for these younger kids, and for the team as a whole. It's really run like state with the weigh-ins and needing passes to get in.

Ty Zabel

Obviously, you weigh everything when you are dealing with a situation like this, but we believe Dan is a difference maker for us.

Marty Hurney

We haven't got to that point yet, but in order for this to work the way it should, we're probably going to have weigh-ins prior to each day of competition.

Henry Zaborniak

After weighing the pros and cons and looking at his experience in government, I believe without a doubt that Peter Phillips is the right person to lead the party at this time.

Danree Delancy

[Sapp is one of the more than 300 players who weigh at least 300 pounds. So is Giants offensive tackle Kareem McKenzie, listed at 327 pounds.] It's a risky business when you talk about the NFL, ... It's a dangerous job all around.

Kareem Mckenzie

This might not be the best time to be selling. But they need to weigh the alternatives of selling now versus the feeding costs. Look at de-stocking partially or fully. The net loss or net gain of selling out now and buying back later may be relatively the same as trying to figure out how to feed those cows for several months.

Dr. Ted Mccollum

We will seriously look at the financial impact. That's money we need desperately. I have to weigh that.

Carolyn Bricklemyer

We have no baggage or anything that's weighing us down in terms of thinking about what we might do.

Jonathan Lunine

The SEC investigation is weighing on the stock.

Robert Cihra

It took longer to weigh in than to wrestle. The other teams were just so small.

Kerry Benthin

According to his friends and his parents, he eats all the time. But he's lucky if he's 100 pounds. I was giving him a hard time at last Saturday's weigh-in because he weighed 100.6, asking if he'd drank a bunch of water. Usually he's 98.5 on a good day.

Paul Nicodemus

Techs are moving a little and you have oil and gasoline down, which is moving the transports, ... The drop in energy is also knocking the oil sector lower, and that's maybe weighing on the blue chips.

Tom Schrader

I think a large amount of latitude needs to be given to people to weigh the benefits and risks. The risks are well-defined and small. The patient can decide.

Michael Miller

We could expect up to 500 participants and observers at the VFW during weigh-in.

Claude Lemere

We're going to weigh all of that public opinion. We had hoped all along the casino can be a good neighbor.

Anne Swager

We have a special program called Mission Meltdown. Individuals weigh in every week and receive daily personal contact via e-mail or the telephone with a personal trainer. There is also a session with a personal trainer in the beginning to help them get started. This program was used at other YMCA's across the nation and it has been very successful.

Gayle Westapher

The Yahoo! news is positive, but I don't know how much it's going to weigh on the market.

Peter Costa

You can weigh the different strategies until you're blue in the face, but the bottom line is who has the branding and who has the name power. Ultimately that's what's going to win the show.

Jill Krutick

It's continued fallout from Boeing's earnings release and comments coming out of the conference calls for both Boeing and Honeywell. People are beginning to realize that these companies are expensive relative to earnings. You also have a lack of improvement in some of the airline names that have reported recently weighing on these companies, too.

Christopher Mecray

Each man must reach his own verdict, by weighing all the relevant evidence.

Leonard Peikoff

We need to weigh in on this. If we think six stories is too much, we need to say so.

Karon Reese

If you weigh things...there are more things that you would put on the positive side than the negative.

Peter Johnson

The benefits of SEO are clear—there's no reason to hide behind jargon. Oneupweb conducts business in a straightforward, results-oriented manner, and this guide is an example of our professional approach: We give you all the facts, talk about the benefits of SEO / SEM, and let you weigh the options yourself.

Lisa Wehr

I make decisions for my life, not the other way around. Besides, when you have a kid, you must weigh everything against time with your child.

Debra Winger

A devotee who can call on God while living a householder's life is a hero indeed. God thinks: 'He is blessed indeed who prays to me in the midst of his worldly duties. He is trying to find me, overcoming a great obstacle -- pushing away, as it were, a huge block of stone weighing a ton. Such a man is a real hero.'

Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa

Some people weigh it in grains with a gun powder scale. I have a scale that does grams…the biggest piece was a two gram piece, looking at it, it's no bigger that the size of a bb.

Benjamin Miller

Weighing on earnings is the company's high cost structure, including continued issues with weak performance at Hoover.

Laura Champine

Prosperity is no just scale; adversity is the only balance to weigh friends.


The research is clear that raising speed limits costs lives. People need to weigh the benefits of getting places faster versus the fact that more people will die in crashes.

Russ Rader

I don't know if you can say that. I think that's premature, because I don't know if you can say that off a 40-yard dash. I'm always very cautious. I'd rather weigh what they do as a player more than just the 40. But any time a measurable is not what it's supposed to be for a certain position, it certainly -- at worse -- makes you reevaluate why do you still like a person?

Ted Tollner

There is insufficient evidence to fully weigh the benefits and risks of C-sections versus vaginal births. Any decision should be carefully individualized and considered with ethical principles.

Mary D'alton

The soldiers love them because they weigh almost nothing, they fit into a knapsack or a rucksack or their baggy uniform pants, and then as the kids show up, they just whip one out, toss it to the kid, and it changes everything.

Marty Horn

Even though – worst-case scenario – we would have to pay for this special election, it gives voters a chance to weigh in on fundamental changes in state government, which are badly needed and long overdue.

Dianne Jacob

I would recommend books weigh between two and three pounds.

Frank Edwards

It has been difficult for him. He still has the desire to play. But he wants to weigh all of his options and make sure the final decision he makes is the final decision.

Herman Morris

I think we're all anxiously watching how are the other candidates weighing in on the plan…Will that change? We don't know. Will the mayor change? We don't know.

Walter Leger

Balancing these factors requires fine-tuning. We weigh the potential for return in these countries against the risk associated with investing in them.

Charles Valdes

We decided to wait and see what the storm does for now. The chancellor is weighing the issues about school on Monday.

Herb Vincent

Firms must weigh mode costs against reliability requirements.

Philip Toy

For this reason, while we believe that many more people could benefit from taking aspirin, it is important for patients and their physicians to discuss the issue and weigh the benefits and potential drawbacks to this therapy.

Dr. Jeffrey Berger

There were questions developing in the market late last week regarding the tenor of Greenspan's speech ... (and) it seems as if the potential that there won't be a rate cut is weighing negatively on the Treasury market.

William Sullivan

In the near-term, the euro seems to be hostage to downside risks against the Japanese yen due to growing interest for Asian currencies as a whole, and this is likely to weigh on the euro against the dollar.

Tatsuro Karitani

You feed them, weigh them and work with them so they can get used to being handled by the judges. It is a lot of work, but I also participate in the rabbit showmanship, which is more work than any other.

Lauren Janssen

Worries that the system could break down are very much weighing on the market at the moment.

Hiroaki Kuramochi

The extent of the U.S. economic damage caused by Katrina is so unclear, and that could weigh on stocks there.

Toshihiko Matsuno

The technology sector continues to weigh down on the market, and you have that spillover effect from the U.S., which is facing the same kind of concerns -- slowing economy, the revisions of earnings that have been continually dropping.

Todd Kapala

It really depends on the gravity of the offense. We will have to weigh this carefully. We have to take into consideration also public interest. This is a TV station that is one of the largest TV stations. So you have to balance all these things.

Ronald Solis

Swings in U.S. stocks always hit here hard, but lingering concern about the health of Japan's banking system is the main factor weighing heavy.

Hiroshi Arano

As you ponder the next big step in your career, weigh it in terms of how it satisfies you both personally and financially. The most meaningful work is work that allows a person to express his or her authentic self.

Wendy Adams

I admit it was foul-hooked, so I said let's just weigh it and let it go.

Mac Weakley

Nearly all legislation involves a weighing of public needs as against private desires; and likewise a weighing of relative social values.

Louis D. Brandeis

Once investors shun away from U.S. investments, then the current account deficit becomes an issue. It will weigh heavily on the dollar.

Paresh Upadhyaya

Given the president's gaping political wounds from Katrina, you're seeing the federal government weighing in with overwhelming force and supplies. The system is energized this time.

Craig Marks

To go from a little, skinny kid coming in here from Indiana, weighing 215 pounds or whatever, to where he is now? ... It's unreal.

Keith Willis

We couldn't believe that this was going on where we live. It's weighing heavily on our hearts and minds right now.

Aaron Brooks

And when is there time to remember, to sift, to weigh, to estimate, to total?

Tillie Olsen

It's partly a financial issue. And partly, it's a service issue. . . . We'd need to weigh it against other services that are now a priority.

Barbara Pickell

But we remain cautious because the car industry should weigh on spending while sales of household goods, which have shown steady growth, should see a correction in coming months.

Emmanuel Ferry

With the recent weak data, there is growing concern about the U.S. economic outlook. That lowers expectations for rate increases and is weighing on the U.S. currency. People are dollar bearish.

Minoru Shioiri

I come from a sprint-car background where the cars weigh about 1,200 pounds and have about 850 horsepower, so this car has less horsepower and weighs three times as much, so it's a big difference to me.

Erin Crocker

We are saying the same thing to everyone. We are waiting to see what the nation will decide and then we will weigh our options.

Eli Yishai

Amnesty has long held that there have been a number of very serious questions about the safety of this product that remain unanswered. Now, it seems like the tide is turning and more and more credible bodies are weighing in on the issue.

Edward Jackson

For take thy balance if thou be so wise And weigh the wind that under heaven doth blow; Or weigh the light that in the east doth rise; Or weigh the thought that from man's mind doth flow.

Edmund Spenser

It's a mortal sin. You can't have a ball carrier come out and rush for 100 yards against you. The last couple weeks we've had guys run on us like that. It's weighing on us.

Ed Hartwell