Otherwise, you're sitting there on your computer saying 'gee, we're down, I guess we can't do anything'.

The goals of this program are extremely challenging and success is uncertain.

There's always going to be that divide when it comes to pop music. Certain segments of the audience are always going to be distrustful of music that they feel is not authentic. If you get all caught up in notions of realness and authenticity, then Ashlee is going to strike you as being girlish ... and not serious.

Companies will buy the widgets elsewhere.

But it could have an enormous beneficial impact on energy security and the U.S. economy.

It was very L.A., Sunset Strip hair metal. It was a very callow record company attempt to fit her in with what they thought was the signature selling sound of the moment.

I don't think it bothered her audience very much, and if it did bother her audience, I think once she took such a public beating about it, it kind of strengthened her fans' belief in her.

Given the president's gaping political wounds from Katrina, you're seeing the federal government weighing in with overwhelming force and supplies. The system is energized this time.