Protecting our children must be everyone's top priority, ... This is a common-sense law that provides parents with the tools they need to protect their children from the effects of violence and graphic adult content.

Jennifer M. Granholm

I think other benefits are being utilized today more often than sabbaticals as retention tools. Instead of giving us six weeks off a year, employees are demanding more day to day flexibility, like the ability to telecommute, flex-time and child care or elder-care benefits. Those are the other areas where we are seeing real growth, while sabbaticals are sort of going up and down.

Kristin Accipiter

The way eBay has developed and has grown is by giving the tools to individuals to list the items they wish to sell. It's up to the eBay community to decide whether there is any advantage to listing items of this nature.

Kevin Pursglove

This is an investment to provide coastal communities with the tools and resources for smart growth that is environmentally sound and economically sustainable, ... The marine and coastal resources of this nation are a public treasure; we are committed to ensuring they are a national legacy as well.

Terry Garcia

We said maybe we could see the cell phone flew out of the truck and got crushed. But the tools? We know they were there.

Beth Mcginley

We don't think of ourselves as just a tool vendor anymore. Tools are just kernel technologies that solve heavy analysis functions.

Steve Svoboda

Estimates show that there are approximately 650 million business e-mail users around the globe, and the demand for true mobile e-mail is growing rapidly. While there are some standalone e-mail messaging devices available, many people will welcome fast and easy messaging tools integrated into their mobile phone.

Jan Wäreby

That process has always been there, but we're using the tools to actually capture the data to a computer.

Sean Farnell

Part of managing Alberta's parks and recreation areas is ensuring the proper enforcement tools are in place, ... We did a comprehensive review and have brought the penalties for violating parks regulations more in line with penalties for offences under other Alberta laws.

Gary Mar

Our clients demand the latest in communications technology to stay ahead of their competitors and drive order flow. Our creative technology and development team are consistently striving to provide more intelligent, targeted communications and ROI tools to our clients.

Furqan Nazeeri

Schools are the heart of the community for many throughout Mississippi. FEMA is proud to be able to help in providing the tools and funds through the Public Assistance program so students can have a safe, comfortable environment to continue to learn.

Nick Russo

A lot of the innovations are coming from start-ups. Anything that's going to increase the performance of the underlying plumbing, these are the tools that are going to be of interest from an enterprise standpoint. Also, anything that gives enterprises more control over their networks - even if the networks are outsourced - is going to reap the benefits.

Stephen Elliot

It's really a good combination of device level monitoring tools, user monitoring tools and Web analytics tools blended together to really look at the total problem.

Tom Clarkson

We completely understand the frustration and the anger among students that this is still going on. The key thing is that we get it resolved. The boycott of exam-setting is a worrying but effective tool. We have been forced to use the tools that are the most effective for us.

Sally Hunt

The partner sales corner is the ideal networking opportunity for Tech Access to ensure that channel partners from emerging markets are armed with the information, skills and tools necessary to effectively provide customers with the right solution at the best price ratio from Sun's vast portfolio.


I am very impressed with the application. I believe the power of the program is the report generator. This is much less labor intensive than the tools I have used in the past.

Rick Cook

Desks, educational tools and everything that is needed, except computers, will be in place,; ready for classes to start.

Joy Bauman

As rich media becomes more and more prevalent across the web, advertisers are demanding tools that make the complete value chain of rich media ad creation, deployment, execution and measurement simpler and more efficient. Today's announcement emphasizes our commitment to enabling our customers to take advantage of technology innovation to make their brands stand out online.

Patrick Vogt

I was delighted because one of the things you hate to do is we spend so much money on marketing tools. Then at the end of it you're done and you must decide what are we going to do with these. It's real important because this model is in our district.

Robin Driskill

Time is a crucial factor when a consumer is a potential identity theft victim. With tools and technologies available today from companies such as Equifax, consumers gain a unique advantage over identity thieves looking to prey on their most valuable asset.

Kevin Barrows

Adding the voice application to a wireless network introduces new challenges. Along with overall security of the network, quality of service becomes a real issue when you are trying to make a call. Our solution offers the best-in-class monitoring and troubleshooting tools available for voice.

Greg Yates

Our nation needs the right tools to mitigate risk, and this means prudent investment in security systems, ... I have several ships that are old enough to collect Social Security.

Thomas Collins

We're just going to be raising our sales tax out in communities until we can't afford to live here ourselves. The tools are already in place for this county to do the things they're asking to do in this bill.

Rep. David Ure

The department believes there are other creative ways to develop public housing. Ten years ago, there weren't the financial tools available today.

Donna White

Kentucky has a fairly good system in place to try to get the information out to the public and the press and make sure citizens have tools to hold their government accountable.

Leah Rush

It's certainly more than a technological activity, although we instrument designers certainly use electronic technology as a design tool. But I wouldn't call it an artistic activity. We're toolmakers. Making tools is a craft, maybe even a high craft. I'd say that we are craftsmen rather than artists.

Robert Moog

The study validates what parents know intuitively: Well, duh, yes, there is more sex on TV, ... We need to give parents better tools. With 200 channels, I feel out of control.

Kathleen Abernathy

Real-time collaboration is the hot button of the future. It's being built into sales force automation tools, (customer relationship management and) accounting.

Robert Mahowald

Further, the next generation of terrorists will grow up in a digital world, with ever more powerful and easy-to-use hacking tools at their disposal.

Dorothy Denning

You can't operate an application that's mission-critical without the full runtime environment that gives you reliable, highly available and scale applications with all the things you've come to expect -- load balancing and fail-over support and management tools.

Mike Gilpin

Energy costs are a growing concern among Maine?s working families. Providing contractors with information on how to build energy-efficient homes will give them the tools to meet the needs of homeowners seeking to reduce energy costs.

Kurt Adams

We maintain that we can do a better job of accurately portraying what's going on in a courtroom if we can use the best tools available to us.

Steve Scott

That's how many games I'm hoping to play in. They give you all the tools here, so I'm going to try to make the most of it.

Angel Espada

If we're going to have more supply available both for in-stream and out-of-stream uses, it's going to require those tools. It's not going to be massive new storage projects.

Rob Masonis

Funds are viewing commodities such as oil and metals as investment tools, so these prices are likely to keep rising. Copper prices show no signs of retreating.

Cai Luoyi

The arts must be considered an essential element of education... They are tools for living life reflectively, joyfully and with the ability to shape the future.

Shirley Trusty Corey

He really wanted to buy an electric guitar. But they're expensive, so he said, 'Hey, let's make one.' We went and bought all of these tools and books, and the next thing you know, we're building an electric guitar. Fifteen hundred dollars later ? twice the cost of any good electric ? we had it.

Tomo Milicevic

Product development has hit a plateau. Companies need tools to unlock [creativity] so they can be more adaptable and develop faster and less painfully with iterative design.

Todd Black

He's a very talented individual. He just needs to focus on that talent to get to the next level. He's got the tools.

David Ganey

In safety, it's not going to happen by magic. You have to hold people accountable, for having meetings, doing inspections, and fixing problems you find. You have to pay attention to the tools you use, the equipment, the materials, and the environment. You can't give them broken tools and expect them to be safe. You can't give them toxic materials.

Alan Quilley

We think Scott has real good vision and good tools. He's quick and can run. He took care of the football for us and didn't put it on the ground. When he saw a crack, he hit it. His line did a good job providing him with opportunities.

Mike Glenn

Many employers prefer to post jobs on their own Web sites, in newspapers or in trade journals. We have a large pool of candidates looking for jobs, and it is imperative that we list as many jobs as we can on this Web site, while also providing efficient search tools. This will enhance the prospects of both job seekers and employers.

Ron Stiver

We are consistently looking for tools that can save time and redundancy in our research process. For this leading-edge project, we need to deploy and integrate systems that reduce intensity of human effort and provide high quality data.

Michael Dyson

Words were a woman's tools.

Helen Fisher

It really wasn't until two of our major clients requested that we develop a data warehouse, and they really wanted BI tools on their end to custom-design their own reports. It was really client retention that drove us into the BI world.

Bradley Maue

It's exciting to see how sales technology is adapting the roles of salespeople. You have cities like New Orleans now offering full, wireless connectivity, vendors releasing new reporting tools. It's challenging the way salespeople conduct business, and forcing them to respond to customers quicker and more efficiently than before.

Wayne Latterell

[Privacy guardians take note: Authentication doesn't mean personally identifiable information.] We've become very keen on making sure we take pains to differentiate that identity is one thing, but authentication and credentials is another, ... We can provide identity tools. They can be anonymous. ? There's no privacy issue involved. Identity is a way to tell A from B, just to tell that A is not B.

Mike Graves

We should utilize the tools the town has at its disposal, ... By referring the proposals to the Economic Development Commission, that agency could ask the tough questions that should be asked. It would have laid the groundwork for the Planning and Zoning Commission to have pertinent information available before it began to consider either application.

Kevin Cunningham

There are some extremely smart hackers out there using and sharing the tools that find these vulnerabilities. When Microsoft takes a long time to issue fixes, it sets up a dangerous situation.

Steve Manzuik

People will have to be motivated for behavioral change, providers will have to take greater responsibility for educating and monitoring patients and organizations will need to develop and provide better and more effective tools and interventions.

Umed Ajani

The tools makers are lining up to dance with the ISPs. Tool vendors have to have an elegant way to interface with potential clients: supporting a tool through an ISP is like a hot knife through butter.

Geoffrey Bock

The police think that whoever took it probably thought it was tools. They probably were disappointed when they saw a hot dog trailer.

Bruno Bersani

This provides us with a real opportunity to use out financial tools as best we can, ... for a number of reasons, this has not been aggressively been pursued.

Stuart Levey

The technical and creative innovations and contributions of Les Paul and the inventiveness of DigiDesign's Pro Tools system are the towering achievements of true visionaries.

Michael Greene

He has all the tools scouts love. You can give him great grades on a report card and look great because everyone can see the talent. He has an awful lot of talent, a lot of potential, but he has never gotten it done consistently. Maybe this time it will be different because the Padres have a lot at stake when they make a final decision on him.

National League

The briefing focused on the Treasury's authorities to combat illicit finance and the tools we utilize to protect the U.S. financial system, and afforded a useful opportunity to clarify numerous issues.

Daniel Glaser

This is powerful work and we live in an age that many tools and technologies can be turned into weaponry.

Laurie Zoloth

He has all the physical tools to be a really good catcher at this level -- a big body and a strong arm. He needs to be more disciplined. Sometimes, he's a little bit too aggressive. But he definitely has a chance to hit for power from both sides of the plate.

Jim Lett

Through knowledge, we want to provide people with the tools to prevent abuse.

Shandi Pierzina

Recycling is one of our most effective tools to protect our environment. We are glad to support efforts to increase recycling in the Nogales community.

Steve Owens

This entire experience, particularly the negotiation session, has helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses in business. They provided tools that will help me become a better negotiator. I wish I could be a student here for a full semester.

Ahman Green

Hate crimes send a message of fear, and Congress answered with a powerful law enforcement tool, ... Members of the House, Democrats and Republicans alike, historically signaled today that local law enforcement officials deserve the tools this bill would provide toward fighting the scourge of hate crimes.

Joe Solmonese

It's not that on-demand software can't integrate. It's just that the integration tools in traditional on-premise software are better. The more complex the integration requirements, the better off you'll be with onsite software.

Paul Greenberg

Every day is April Fool's Day around here. Someone will hide behind something and scare someone else. We'll also do various things like hide someone's tools or parts, or sometimes the car someone's working on if he falls asleep working under it.

Larry Holder

This legislation gives prosecutors and law enforcement tools they need to keep sexual predators off the streets and to hold our worst child abusers fully accountable.

Kelly Ayotte

Apparently when they are in an area working, (the suspect) has his hired help go out and assist him in stealing tools and lumber supplies, and then take the stolen items back to Spokane, where he will use the stolen items later on different jobs. It appears that this has been going on for quite awhile.

Frank Rogers

Overall there is definitely an opportunity. Consumers will be forced to become more proactive about their healthcare needs. Providers need to start investing in these tools, which are quite difficult to achieve successfully, to get consumers coming back on a regular basis.

Monique Levy

He has the mentality. He's been a closer his entire career, and nothing affects him a whole lot. But he's got good pitches. He's got the tools to make it happen and he's got the mentality that he fits in.

Marc Gustafson

The success of this procedure in no way precludes the need to pursue all forms of human embryonic stem cell research, ... Human embryonic stem cells are extraordinarily complicated. If we are ever to realize their therapeutic potential, we must use all known tools and techniques in order to explore the mechanisms that give these cells such startling characteristics.

Rudolf Jaenisch

The most astonishing thing is that we have observed them using tools not for obtaining food, but for postural support.

Thomas Breuer

It's one of those very simple things where if you are not trying to come up with innovative new trading tools it's very difficult (to remain in business).

Jeff Burke

I have found his research and analysis to be useful tools in covering and appreciating baseball and its history.

Tom Verducci

The tools of the theatre are ancient and basic ? a group of humans in a room, communicating with words, breath, sweat, glances, laughter, tears, and sighs. Night after night we perform live, and we try to explore what it means to be human. The eight productions of our 2006-2007 season will take our audience on a journey through many flavors of live theatre.

Robert Woodruff

Dad was a Scout, but got back into it through my troop when I joined, and he never quit again. Dad was always helpful and thoughtful. He was a clever problem-solver. He could also design buildings and make sure they got built. He had a knack for fixing and building things. He was always puttering around the house with his tools.

Jim Funk

We just want to make sure we have the professionals and tools in place to make sure that every single vote for Charlie Wilson counts.

Adrienne Elrod

Steve has great credentials and really has an enthusiasm for the program. We feel that he can elevate this program and his hiring shows our commitment to providing our women's basketball student-athletes with the tools necessary to be successful as the sport continues to evolve on our campus.

Taylor Moore

We want to provide a forum for people working within city and county governments to see what's new in the sustainable movement, and give them tools to achieve their goals of building sustainable projects in their own communities. We'll also have case studies and dialogue sessions where private developers can talk to local government officials about their concerns.

Mark Gaines

We were expecting them to focus on running McGahee but then that first series they passed their way down the field. It looks like he has all the tools.

Seth Payne

Policy makers are rethinking the role of government in regulating privacy on the Web and asking how technology tools can help. In that sense, the P3P timing has been very good.

Daniel Weitzner

You have your tools, but at the same time, you have to start over and learn how to use them the right way for international play, because this is the elite of the elite. So, it's definitely a huge jump.

Tess Rogers

He hasn't played in two years, so he's still coming along, but he has good tools. We'll be able to use more of him in the future.

Stephon Leary

It's no longer about a single dominant player providing biotech tools to the marketplace. We are competing head to head.

Dean Oestreich

Matt's played great. He's got a lot of tools: good speed, good size and a strong, level head. I trust Matt's judgment on any play call. He's a lot more comfortable with what we do (than last year).

Johnny Hill

Economists have their own tools to judge how far a dollar goes coming in from a tourist, a skier or a rafter. They can find how long it stays in the county. What this study shows is that we are a significant multiplier.

Dan Larson

There's no correlation between creativity and equipment ownership. None. Zilch. Nada. Actually, as the artist gets more into his thing, and as he gets more successful, his number of tools tends to go down. He knows what works for him. Expending mental energy on stuff wastes time.

Hugh Macleod

More and more we are seeing financial institutions offer planning services designed specifically for the emerging market. As these households continue to take advantage of these tools, we're seeing their numbers increase.

Jeanette Luhr

Wildlife populations can act as buffers against the spread of disease as well as sources for its emergence. Through providing a better understanding of how pathogens move among species, the field of Conservation Medicine gives us the tools we need to maintain healthy ecosystems that protect people and wildlife.

Mary Pearl

There is a great satisfaction in building good tools for other people to use.

Freeman Dyson

The challenge for us is that we are running out of tools. When we have the big flood here, we are running out of tools to preserve, protect and enhance the river as we currently know it today.

Brayton Willis

It's been one of the strongest park acquisition and open space tools local government has.

Jane Adams

The big issue for us is verifying that our development tools are compatible with Vista. Since most of our tools are Microsoft applications, that shouldn't be much of an issue. We are, however, using a lot of key third-party applications from smaller companies that might not provide Vista compatibility right out of the gate. This could be problematic.

Joshua Kerr

It's going to give tools to the prosecutors that they've asked us to give to them.

Rep Michael Festa

Some minor customizations will always be required. Actually I am hopeful that the new Fusion solution may actually eliminate the need for any of our current customizations, and am hopeful that we will be able to use Oracle development tools to 'recreate' any customizations that would be required.

John Matelski

Encryption Anywhere(TM) allows an enterprise to use encryption pervasively without the need to invest in additional management tools, network infrastructure or professional certifications. The results are strong protection of business data, enhanced value of the organization's reputation, and greater control over the enterprise's IT investment.

Alan Fudge

He's an outstanding kid who will do whatever a teacher or coach asks him to do. He's a very smart and athletic kid who has tools to be a very good quarterback. He is also very good with football terms.

Jim Gober

I don't think it's a journalist's job to issue shopping lists or policy descriptions. We're supposed to show people how the world is, to give them the tools they need to make good decisions as citizens or consumers. Depending on what your values are — the environment, your health, animal welfare — the answers are going to be different for every person.

Michael Pollan

We're going through a transition. There's very little you can't do online. You have the high-quality research, the screening tools, the quotes and the charts.

Blake Darcy

Students will use these tools long after they leave school. We are giving them a life skill.

Jacqui Rivait

I think he deserves it. Dick will be the first one to tell you: Tony is building the program. He's giving Dick the tools as the head coach to be successful.

Jim Sterk

Gnash has been developed only using freely available documentation and tools, so it can be a free implementation of a closed proprietary format.

Rob Savoye

Why not use the tools and technology that all other entertainment media use to promote their wares?

Jerome Kramer

TCT is a standard tool, or rather a collection of tools that are designed to assist in a forensic examination of a computer. It's designed for Unix systems, but it can also get some data collection and analysis from non-Unix disks and media.

Phil Huggins

So the book first explains the engineering aspects of the tools, techniques, and practices that are needed in order to solve the problems that cause project failure. But then it goes further, addressing why people are resistant to these ideas and giving advice to project managers who need to navigate the thorny political problems that prevent them from successfully implementing the practices.

Jennifer Greene

To remain an industry leader, our staff must have reliable access to the tools they need to provide the best possible product and service to our customers. AT&T's network has proven itself to be very reliable, and by continuing our relationship with AT&T as our network provider, we're assured the same service and reliability we've enjoyed in the past.

George Nelson

I definitely think that movies have the possibility to be something positive, and are really becoming teaching tools for a lot of kids growing up.

Larisa Oleynik

When you're doing surgery, it's much better to have smaller tools.

Thomas Wang

They're fairly sophisticated, template-driven to provide a specified blog with appropriate posts and pages, a thousand at a time, ... But inevitably they leave some kind of structure, some kind of signature behind, that you can say, 'Ah ha, that has the fingerprint of tools out there that create these blogs.'

Mike Graves

With sales incentive tools, there is always a high degree of integration required. Companies need to determine how complex their territories are, how much overlay is involved, double compensation, all that good stuff, and choose a vendor based off that information.

Judy Sweeney

For the first time, the tools for computerized editing are in the hands of the general public. Today, nearly every PC and Mac ships with basic video editing software built in.

Bill C. Davis

In order to gain the tools to fully address the broad impact of business on society, economic success is indispensable.

Lee R. Raymond

We would like to use tools and a methodology that help children construct knowledge. Concept maps was the best tool that we found.

Gaspar Tarte

Since January 2006, we're doing everything on the Internet. We've converted our software to Web-based tools and added mapping capabilities for growers to manage many data layers online. We're totally Web-based.

Lanny Faleide

Kodak is committed to providing top-of-the-line software solutions for professional photographers. We're giving photographers the tools and resources they need to save time and increase sales. Our latest set of system enhancements increase functionality and creative options for photographers, ultimately raising their bottom line.

Guy Smith

Message to the world that all people should have access to basic education, to modern technology and the tools to combat infectious diseases.

Lael Brainard

What's new is that someone built a whole operating system, not tools or subsystems.

Dan Kusnetzky

The passenger volumes are increasing, but we're seeing an 18 percent time savings because we're not looking for small scissors and tools.

Kip Hawley

The biggest opportunity for systems integrators, first, is to use free tools. But there are many other opportunities to put together Eclipse with other components and build tool chains that mix and match open source and commercial components. It's the plumbing, and the glue.

Kevin Parker

Anything technical or scientific that the soldiers say they need, any capability gap they need filled or any tools they say they need, I provide them with, ... It turned out that the MARCBOT plays a bigger part in the improvised explosive devices fight than a lot of people had thought.

Bill Cohen

We hope to provide the tools to parents of children with ADHD so they can have the information they can talk with their doctors about.

Linda Golodner

We discovered that the real difficulty would occur after the clock ticked over [to 2000]. There were issues with the way the system was developed, which made it difficult to modify the software while it was in production. And we were using old versions of the tools that had not been kept up-to-date.

Jim Hughes

We are pleased that Internet Security Systems is incorporating SCADA intelligence, related to tools we developed under a Department of Homeland Security research contract, into its overall offerings, ... Due to their inherent vulnerabilities, it is critical that special attention be placed on the security of SCADA protocols.

Dale Peterson

The manufacturer can see if the product is compliant at all levels?and it will work for suppliers as well if they can access other Agile tools.

Ray Hein

We have a lot of different tools. This is just one more in the toolbox.

Steve Pinkerton

Our primary objective is to provide the police department with the information they need to enforce the ordinance fairly. The administration and council must provide the department with tools, definitions and intent so they know how to enforce the ordinance.

Susan Thomas

The tools we have today, we didn't have 10 years ago, or 20 years ago.

Mark Emalfarb

Most people, I think, associate slow cooking with rocket science. They get nervous when they see these things. But I think they are some of the best tools to have around the house.

Sergio Meza

I'm serious. If you have taught a child to tie his shoe you have the basic tools you need.

Debra Conner

There are many more community tools coming in titles later this year. Almost all of them have game lobby integration, so there is that posting of scores factor. There's sharing that can go on, refer a friend, all those types of things that are more characteristic of community. So it's less of the multiplayer head-to-head, which is especially difficult in mobile.

Kristin Mcdonnell

We need to support our people, we need to supervise them, we need to train them and give them the tools they need to do their job.

Dr. Eugene Foster

We judge off those criteria. It's not like we sit there with an open mind. We use those tools to judge so we can explain why one rider was better than the other.

Rocky Steagall

These things are tools. Is a chainsaw a good thing or a bad thing? If you're cutting down a stand of trees, it's a good thing. If you accidentally chop off your finger, it's a bad thing.

Bob Walters

We see very specific changes in gene expression that are quite unique to each pathogen as little as 2 hours after exposure. Use of mathematical modeling tools has identified a list of over 300 genes that can discriminate among 8 pathogenic agents with 99 percent accuracy.

Rasha Hammamieh

These loans can be wonderful money-management tools.

Michael Stoltz gives Christian singles the tools they need to interact and have a voice within their community. Finally, Christian singles are empowered to find their soul mates.

David Siminoff

The tools used to launch massive denial of service assaults, for example, have advanced command and control capabilities.

Dorothy Denning

The content of most textbooks is perishable, but the tools of self-directness serve one well over time.

Albert Bandura

My job is to support our workers that are out there providing the services to the clients and to make sure that they've got the tools and the knowledge to do what has to be done.

Tim Settles

He is young, will make some young mistakes but has all the tools to do an outstanding job and I am really excited about him, also.

Jim Rise

Our thanks again to you, the Visual Studio Express community, for making Express so successful and we hope to continue building great tools and samples to enable the next generation of developers.

Dan Fernandez

The idea is not to be caught off-guard. We want to have tools set in place so if we have an incident we can quickly find the people that did this, apprehend them and prosecute them.

Luke Brewer

I think for too long, ... women didn't have either access to the right tools or to the right positions to truly have success at the highest levels in business. Now with the Internet, we always say that the playing field is leveling.

Aliza Sherman

Fundamentals are the most valuable tools a player can possess. Bunt the ball into the ground. Hit the cutoff man. Take the extra base. Learn the fundamentals.

Dick Williams

Our new drugs program has benefited from funding tools that are not available to us when it comes to generic drugs.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb

Do I have tools to get something this large onto my PCs without administrator intervention?

Michael Silver

We had ice left over. The local sculptors' association stepped forward and said, 'If you sharpen our tools, we'll build you more ice sculptures.' So we had fresh new sculptures for this weekend.

Wanda Bornn

Predictive analytics allow advisors to more efficiently service and communicate with clients. Those [advisors] who don't leverage these tools will find their practices more expensive to run, as they won't be able to service a greater volume of clients as effectively.

Cynthia Saccocia

Our research suggests that consumers, for all the publicity concerning carbohydrates and health, are still confused about weight management and how to include carbohydrates in a healthful diet. Fads and quick fixes, though attractive, are not effective tools for getting to a healthful diet.

Susan T. Borra

This program will help students to understand the world of athletics. Our cluster is more tailored for individuals to work in higher education. Even if they don't work in athletics, they'll be equipped with tools to make good decisions as administrators.

Brandon Martin

Although Web designers and developers use an array of tools and skills to create sites, Web analytics provides information on how a site performs, and enables you to make improvements based on these findings. Building and launching a Website is just the beginning, and we're delighted to be able to offer one lucky reader this great opportunity to improve their site.

Dan Oliver

I use a phone and a computer every day, taking advantage of what humans before me created. I could not have created those tools on my own.

Carel Van Schaik

Here is the answer which I will give to President Roosevelt... We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire. Neither the sudden shock of battle nor the long-drawn trials of vigilance and exertion will wear us down. Give us the tools and we will finish the job.

Sir Winston Churchill

I think his best is yet to come. He has the tools to get to the nationals and has the tools to be an All-American. When he brings his best to the mat, he is tough to beat.

Scott Hinkel

We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tools and we will finish the job.

Sir Winston Churchill

The U.S. can and should remain strongly engaged internationally, because regional instability will not solve itself. But we must choose our tools very carefully, for the stakes do not allow failure. Power is a finite quantity; if we expend it all over the world, we diminish ourselves.

John Kasich

It is unfortunate that stuff cannot be enforced and that the EPA does not have the tools to require this type of action, but with this specific action we have a confluence of factors that make us relatively confident that this will happen.

Tim Kropp

You have a four-fold life to live: a body, a brain, a heart and a soul . . . these are your living tools. To use and develop them is not a task. . . . It is a golden opportunity.

William Danforth

Reggie has probably the most raw tools of anyone I've played with.

Jeremy Hermida

Experience is a good teacher. The scorecard in use today, and the one in use five years ago, while both good tools, are different in many ways, reflecting changes in technology, the marketplace and input from employees.

David Webster

Bankruptcy gets you a number of tools you can use to improve your financial situation, ... We don't think there are any more tools we can use.

Jake Brace

We have long advocated that market forces, technology tools and consumer education are far superior to government regulation in any effort to address important issues that arise in the Internet.

Roger Cochetti

For some of the tools we use to get inside the audio, we're dependent on other companies.

Paul Kafasis

[To give ISPs tools beyond the RBL, MAPS also is pursuing the idea of creating a clearinghouse, according to Nicholas. This would help control the problem of spammers who sign up with an ISP and use it for as little as a few hours to send out their messages.] It's the same customers coming back over and over again to different ISPs each time, ... They know they are going to be canceled.

Nick Nicholas

It basically puts all of the Weight Watcher tools in the palm of the hand.

Marlinda Martinez

It takes only five minutes from the box to the water, with no tools. I can put the boat together with my eyes closed.

George Domenech

We put a new engine in for the final two qualifying sessions. The other engine got us through the Ringers Gloves Battle but was going away as we headed into the semifinal and final rounds. With the Battle behind us our concentration is now on the Mac Tools U.S. Nationals.

George Smith

Anywhere you go, there are things for all the senses. We do a better job communicating with people when we are able to use those tools.

Larry Vinyard

CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder(tm) will build upon the success of the previous CSI games with fresh new episodes that fans of the show will truly enjoy. We take the crime-solving team back to Vegas in a gorgeously rendered 3D environment complete with all the forensic science, tools and technology that players love to use; they will feel like they are part of the Las Vegas team!

Jay Cohen

We have had a lot of utilities come down. Typically we spend a day with them, talk about it, show them the network and the network management tools.

Piero Peroni

Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

When I saw him in Florida, all I really knew was he had good feet. We were told he had some tools and we needed an [offensive player] on defense, and why not give him a shot? But, see, a guy like that has to be given a chance over a period of time. A player like that can't show what he can do in one game.

Craig Ramsay

When these companies begin shipping products, they don't see the need to buy new tools beyond what they already have for R&D.

Michael Holman

These are tools that were not available five years ago. They could help to answer one of the key questions as a disease progresses in the human body: What is the connection between the development of the disease and the ability of a cell to change shape, move through the body, and stick to a blood vessel wall?

Subra Suresh

With some of these tools, by the time I figured out what color blob I was looking at, it was just easier to look at a table -- I could get the information I needed faster that way. It gives you a lot of information, but it's like topography as opposed to a street map. In some cases the technology didn't help and didn't have the right type of navigation.

Denise Valentine

It seems to me that they've sort of missed the boat on potential cost savings from these kinds of cost containment tools.

Jonathan Blum

The system actually has a lot of the tools it needs to accelerate student achievement. It's just a lot of them don't fit together well.

Michael Casserly

You have to be hands on. This job is nothing but hands on. All the tools that you need are on this mannequin. And it makes transferring from a classroom setting to a live setting that much easier.

James Shore

There's a developmental process in there with all his tools. He shows you the defensive ability, the ability to hit. And obviously, (we're) projecting the power down the road.

David Chadd

In Revenue Modeling and GLAD, we are developing a very sophisticated set of tools that allow us to analyze the whole lifecycle of the products. We collect as much data as possible, calibrate the data, and then feed all the significant variables impacting residual values into our models to get a complete picture of and insights about resale values.

Rose Peng

(The volunteers) don't want the lack of tools or lack of transportation to hold them back -- or we hear (about) it.

Kevin King

Parents are starting to understand that this could be one of the tools for (their children) to get an education. Every kid knows that that's an opportunity for them to get off the island and go look for education.

Shaun Nua

Our new HD4000U brings widescreen imaging to business and professional environments to complement the latest presentation tools and laptops.

Frank Anzures

Our automation tools will be utilized, so if we're doing mapping, for example, it will create precise maps of the roadways -- if we're doing asset management, where trying to find road signs in imagery, we have software to do that ? if we're utilizing imagery to find 3D models, we have patented tools that can do that with imagery.

Jamie Retterath

The lack of security awareness among small businesses is a growing concern. With continued focus on education efforts tailored for the small business community, we hope to increase understanding and provide small businesses with the basic tools necessary to run their organizations securely and productively.

Ron Teixeira

Parents need better and more tools to help them navigate the entertainment waters, particularly on cable and satellite TV.

Kevin Martin

Smart enforcement I think is what is going to get us there; and utilization of the tools that MSHA already has.

Adele Abrams

Our No. 1 theme here is to create tools that are of use to the farmers and the people in the agribusiness sector. We are continually tapping into new technologies, to find those extra pennies in the marketplace to help them make money.

Kevin Mcnew

We are making Unstructured Information Management Architecture available to the open-source community to encourage innovation and allow analytics software tools from multiple sources to work together and build upon each other.

Nelson Mattos

We believe that there is consumer demand for energy efficient homes, these classes will give contractors the tools to meet that demand.

Kurt Adams

In terms of the broader issue between DOJ and Microsoft, we have deliberately stayed out of that. That is not, at its core, a Dell issue. We are watching it with interest like many others, but we will not comment on that specific dispute. We'll wait at the outcome and se what tools are available and what customers want and take the appropriate.

T.r. Reid

We're seeing alliances between modeling tools and operational tools.

Robert Handler

His house is gone, ... They found his truck in a tree and the tools he used to work were in the truck. Who knows if they were lost or looted.

Debbie Johnson

Electronic-trading tools can take advantage of this.

Ross Stevens

By the time they leave our program ... they have the tools to stay clean and sober.

Pam Wohlert

We have a lot more tools available to reach potential customers.

Marty Collins

I'm an engineer, ... I see myself as a toolmaker, and the musicians are my customers. They use the tools.

Robert Moog

We are delighted to team up with EA as a leader in interactive entertainment to provide students with the tools and instruction to create video game music and sound design, ... With a variety of career choices in the music business, we are committed to exposing students to every available opportunity in order to help them achieve their professional dreams.

Neil Portnow

Some of those are pretty complicated. But you tend to make putting complicated, in general. You [should] use the [tools] to get a feel to get a good groove. Some of them help you with your feel, others help with your alignment.

Duffy Waldorf

From my limited experience looking at other such packages, ours is much less expensive and better software than the currently existing proprietary tools on the market. Also, it's based on open source technologies, which means there's no vendor lock-in.

Adrian Holovaty

The four C's are powerful tools that can give them a significant advantage. But there are down sides.

Danny Miller

We're going to have more tools in the bag than just reselling Qwest.

Jeff Raines