I dare you, who think life is humdrum, to become involved. I dare you who are weak to become strong; you who are dull to be sparkling; you who are slaves to be kings.

Be your own self with all people whether they be King or Homeless. Always dare to share, naturally, frankly and honestly. Sharing increases.

Hidden down in every person is the Divine -- Real faith, dreams and visions. Lift your thoughts above the commonplace and live in the Presence of the Best. Spiritual investments are repaid a thousand fold.

I am on a voyage of discovery. I search for those of you who will go on a great adventure . . . if you are one of those audacious few willing to dare and then to share . . . then come with me.

I dare you, boys and girls, to make life obey you, not you it. It is only a shallow dare to do the foolish things. I dare you to do the uplifting, courageous things.

Some folks are continually making changes. I flatter myself that I like new ventures and new experiences. But when it comes to fundamentals I believe in finding the right foundations and building on them. I'm a poor changer.

You have a four-fold life to live: a body, a brain, a heart and a soul . . . these are your living tools. To use and develop them is not a task. . . . It is a golden opportunity.

I dare you to think bigger, to act bigger, and to be bigger. I dare you to think creatively. I dare you to lead and inspire others. I dare you to build character. I dare you to share. And I promise you a richer and more exciting life if you do!

I dare you, whoever you are, to share with others the fruits of your daring. Catch a passion for helping others, and a richer life will come back to you.