Don't blame a child for being dishonest unless you have determined that they really have not been telling the truth. Have any discussion involving dishonesty privately, not in front of the whole class or the whole family, especially siblings.

The major reason children lie is to escape punishment. The chances are the more a parent or a teacher is harsh, aggressive, or punitive, the more motivated children are to make up a story to protect themselves from punishment.

It is our responsibility to teach them alternatives to violence, how to manage their anger, how to deal with conflict peacefully, the golden rule of treating others the way you want to be treated and to think before they act.

It is so important that we give our children tools in their tool box called life that will help them resolve conflict peacefully and non-violently.

Our Core Values Program doesn't sit on a shelf. We feel the opportunity should be seized every day, in every class and infused into the curriculum.

I don't believe that children are born with empathy. It is something they learn by seeing it modeled by others.

Students will use these tools long after they leave school. We are giving them a life skill.

That right there is a wonderful opportunity for the children. How often do students from all over the community get to interact and learn about one another?

Each result has action steps to back them up. The action steps are like a map. If you us them like a compass you will never get lost, and you will reach your destination.