The officials showed up, and we paid their mileage, and they went home.

Curt Scheidel

The trip will enable senior US military officials to have a close look at China and help reduce their misjudgment and misunderstanding of China.

Fu Mengzi

You women athletes know (officials) really work hard and we love what we do. What I do right now, I'm living my dream. Being on the court is not like work.

Denise Brooks

This is a reminder and a wakeup call to city officials that much more needs to be done.

Patrick Markee

We depend on correspondents in China or Hong Kong to report on this case, but the Chinese press has to be careful in avoiding conflict with government officials.

Joseph Leung

We are investigating the matter and will cooperate with local Jordanian officials on the attacks.

Dana Perino

It's important to bring the business community together with elected officials and help foster a good relationship with both towns.

Mary Sperr

We're now aware of the rules and we have to adjust. We can't do anything about the officials. They're calling everything.

Kelly Stephens

Nobody is listening to us. We've given (township officials) feedback. We're not going to let it stop here.

Jennifer Pugh

The human element should be the two players on the court, not the officials. The best officials are the ones you never notice. The nature of the game made officials too noticeable a part.

Gene Scott

We had to match their physicality. They [officials] let everything go.

Adam Allen

Our panel of 22 officials are here for the meeting. I think we are on the right track.

Jesus Dureza

There was miscommunications between us and the officials as far as what the rules were.

Bob Morton

We have fair officials. Our officials are very professional.

Troy Rood

Quite the contrary. Senior officials repeatedly said that in Iraq, Geneva regulations would apply.

James Schlesinger

Our city officials are condoning illegal activity.

Randy Pullen

(City officials) have a lot of issues to discuss, but it's hard to do with this happening.

Jeannine Gage

We're working very closely with Iraqi officials in Basra and with the British government to determine who might be responsible for this heinous crime.

Pete Mitchell

It is criminal that the Democratic elected officials allowed this country to invade Iraq, and it is criminal that they continue to support an illegal war.

Aaron Dixon

It's a good thing to do. You don't have to have played football. Some of our better officials have never played football. We're always looking for good officials.

Chad Laswell

[NSI officials] deny that it's their fault, ... But the fact is that if you pay [NSI], you are presuming that in the morning the last thing you have to worry about is whether you own your domains. If it's not their fault and it's not Nike's fault, then whose fault is it?

Alan Meckler

The Senate elected officials have to be more sensitive to constituency issues than does the president. We're beginning to see the beginning of the lame duck factor.

Stephen Wayne

While there continues to be differences, the important point is that all citizens and elected officials use democratic and legal avenues for solving those differences.

Boris Trajkovski

Public officials are accountable. They do deliver the service. There's a way to get back to the individual.

George Burgess

It is state-level security. Their visit is basically to coordinate with our security officials. The venues are acceptable to them.

Abbas Zaidi

It is a big message to Washington officials that if you only would come clean you would probably be OK.

Paul Rothstein

I think in the first half we were looking to the officials for help. It was a very physical ball game and we didn't adjust. At this level you can't look for excuses. I thought we handled it better in the second half.

Mike Urich

We met in our continuing meetings with Poe, it was a productive meeting and company officials have agreed to work out the claims that they still have and about which we have received calls.

Bob Lotane

IBM and HP came in much earlier (to China), so they learned the techniques of how to deal with government officials and the press.

Jared Peterson

Local officials will start identifying homes that need to be removed (condemned). When that happens those people will need these temporary homes.

Gene Romano

They (Wisconsin officials) have done an outstanding job. There are a lot of things that can be done, but it's labor-intensive, and it takes some money.

Frederick M. Herrmann

His officials have been basically bamboozling the people for the last number of years.

Gilles Bisson

Now that this incident has occurred, however, the security officials obviously will be recommending measures to take in light of a known situation.

Billy Payne

There were some brief conversations with city officials, and we all dropped the ball.

David Stone

A lot of our kids won a football state title this year. If they (officials) let us play, we're happy because we're aggressive.

Mike Strong

Elected officials who win trust, like Strom Thurmond and Fritz Hollings, get re-elected.

Joe Erwin

Citizen participation is a device whereby public officials induce nonpublic individuals to act in a way the officials desire.

Daniel P. Moynihan

It was almost like it was 8-against-5 out there. The officials are human. They can have a bad night. But it seemed awfully lopsided.

Tyrone Lewis

We heard from a lot of parents around Christmas who were concerned about this. And the congresswoman told them to contact their local school boards and local officials and make their voices heard.

Chris Connelly

We've even had some quiet visits from Toronto officials.

Barry Friesen

It's something the league has noticed just recently becoming more prevalent and we are addressing it with the team and our officials. It hasn't gone out yet, but it will. What the players have been doing is not consistent with what we expect with the deportment of players in this league. Officials will be instructed to break up any fight of that nature.

Ted Baker

We granted a suspension to talk with administration officials, but lifting the strike depends on the agreements we reach.

Guadalupe Llori

There was no dissent because none was allowed. The entire summit was simply a method for those elected and appointed officials who were there to pat themselves on the back. They are not looking for alternatives.

George Taplin

Those elected officials addressed the BRAC commission directly, and really showed that strong support for the military existed in Montana.

James Pendleton

Cahill said officials ought to take heed of the report and examine the real issues that may have contributed to the devastation.

Kevin Cahill

There are great social and economic impacts that (officials) don't talk about.

Mark Kresowik

The resort will not commit illegal acts at the direction of government officials including those who have no jurisdiction in the matter.

Robert Murphy

The security issues were settled between American and Palestinian officials.

Ahmed Tibi

I guess you might say she had a bit of a home advantage. She has fought here twice before and she knows all of the officials and all of the people associated with the event. I am not crying about it, though. I know I am a good fighter and I'll get other chances.

Carina Moreno

Top federal, state and local officials failed to process and act on information at their disposal. We already knew that.

David Marin

I think this is ridiculous. I think (certain district officials) just want to get rid of me. . . . It's horrifying that this can happen. I've never, never, never been accused of anything like this. Never.

Dave Houle

[I posed this question yesterday to Bobby Gaston , the Southeastern Conference Supervisor of Officials.] No, ... I guess they don't.

Bobby Gaston

Whichever airport we went, the immigration officials would look at us and smile mildly. Some police in Morocco and Mali may also be involved in the business.

Ariful Islam

Those Mountain West officials weren't going to call any pass interference. Those guys do that [call games involving spread offenses] 24 hours a day out there. [Alabama] lucked out on that.

Jackie Sherrill

What we are seeing coming out from these officials, both the government and the Bank of Japan, is that they are extremely optimistic on the economy. All of this is proving to be extremely positive for the yen.

Sharada Selvanathan

Federal officials assured us that Washington state is not under any credible threat.

Gary Locke

We will pay for family library cards for our citizens. What we need to do first is meet with library officials in both cities to make a decision as to the best way to pay it.

Frank Pankratz

I frequently feel when I listen to him and to many other elected officials that they are speaking to an audience not in the room.

Deval Patrick

The message from officials is that the impact from Katrina will be limited.

Ian Stannard

This was specifically for state elected officials.

Paul Howard

There's no sign of the economy slowing down and Fed officials should continue to be hawkish. It's a misconception that long-term yields will fall further.

Yasutoshi Nagai

The City Council and the mayor, all them, are the ones who are responsible for this. So if anybody is costing the taxpayers, it's our elected officials that are costing them.

Jeanette Surratt

It would not make for a very good Rose Bowl match-up, so Rose Bowl officials got a little nervous and decided to invite Duke University instead.

Jim Nicar

We?re not here to point fingers or blame anyone, but we are here to make our elected officials know that budget decisions they?re making are affecting our children.

Carmen Boucher

There is a reason immigration is federal duty. It should be left to federal immigration officials.

David Lubell

It's a sad day when airline officials feel they can boot someone off an airplane because of a political message on a T-shirt.

Doug Honig

In all their recent speeches, Fed officials certainly haven't given up any flexibility at all. For them to do something where they give up a tremendous amount of flexibility would be a big surprise.

Mike Cloherty

We wouldn't have to change the system if all the department heads and elected officials would agree to send (unspent salaries and benefits) back to the general fund.

Scott Jordan

People are being terrorized by federal police working hand-in-glove with local officials and militias.

Peter Takirambudde

It was frustrating, but you have to respect the officials. It's a tough job. Anybody's who's ever been in that position knows how hard it is. The bottom line is you have to respect their decision.

Cory Distler

At a minimum, we will would like to see some new opportunities for regional transit to be presented to our elected officials.

John Tippett

Both business and labour, and government officials are starting to say: 'We need to change the way the department operates'.

Joe Volpe

School officials at the time were very cold. I recall there was little to no cooperation or concern coming forth from anyone in the district.

J. Tyler Makepeace

The least (church officials) can do ... is inform neighbors of where they are residing now.

Barbara Blaine

They were concerned because two of the officials had gone to Male. I did not know until today that they were Male graduates.

Rip Hatfield

You have jawboning from European officials and a lack of concern from U.S. officials. So the market is really confused with what it wants to do with the euro.

Kathy Lien

We want racers, former racers, officials, former officials, crews, press, and especially fans to come out for the farewell party.

Les Kynett

It's limiting the opportunities for new officials to crack the ranks.

Deb Hauser

The landlords are the ones making a profit off of it and bringing congestion to the neighborhood. I've been asking (elected officials about illegal housing) for a number of years. Sometimes you get answers and sometimes you don't.

Joe Mcgonigle

Children?s health is a statewide issue. Our elected officials need to put the interests of children at the top of their priority lists.

Beth Griffin

Lawmakers and health department officials focused on creating healthy environments through policy making to improve fitness and nutrition.

Kay Parmain

If you find a government and a district medical officer and police officials who are all serious about the law, then you can make a difference. But that is very rare.

Sabu George

They waited for the correct shot to come. They have respect for the rules, respect for the officials.

Rod Miskell

She came in and did demonstrations and we (the girls and myself and other officials) learned from her. We took away just as much as they (officials) did.

Brenda Coffey

It will be a sounding board for a lot of officials to make speeches but I'm not convinced that we're going to see a lot of direction for the market from those meetings.

David Coleman

We confiscate fraudulent tickets at our gates every day of the week. We work very closely with law-enforcement officials to find people involved with this kind of action.

Tom Schroder

Officials offered to take four percentage points off that.

Bill Ahern

They will seriously prosecute not only Aragoncillo but also those in conspiracy with him. Charges will be filed against officials in the Philippines.

Ricardo Diaz

If you commit enough of certain types of crimes, you are deemed to be a racketeer. The county officials have even bragged about this fraud.

Bruce Baird

We can give warnings of high risk of an epidemic to the health agency and officials in the country ahead of the rainy season. This is something they have not had before.

Tim Palmer

Essentially it was a process and it was in interview in which we sat down at talk to one of the national officials.

Paul Hanus

He made the officials sweat checking our cars. He was always looking for an edge. We set him loose.

Philippe Lopez

[Corruption has] a devastating impact on the public's trust in government. Government officials and government actions are not for sale.

Alice Fisher

I don't know what happened on that goal. (The officials) didn't explain it to us.

John Gamble

There is a significant interest in letting elected officials represent their constituents as they see fit. And so I don't think that any effort that would limit how many bills a lawmaker could introduce or that sort of thing would necessarily get very far.

Stephen Farnsworth

The 23 referees who will be in action in Germany are currently the best match officials in the world.

Joseph Blatter

We have worked incredibly well with the U.S. [border officials] on sharing information and any possible threats.

Mark Butler

I think elected officials are starting to get it. That's what it takes. Collaboration is much better than war.

Mark Bugher

There are officials who think they can go into executive session whenever they feel like it.

Martin O'shea

(City officials) met with the builder and the architect, and we reviewed the issues that were brought to our attention, ... Both the builder and the architect are very cooperative in looking at these problems and taking care of them. I'm confident that that will happen.

Steve Brown

The officials may have missed a few during the game, but I thought that foul was the correct call.

Troy Young

We decided to take control of the game. We weren't going to let the officials dictate the game, we weren't going to let (St. Thomas More) push us around. We just were going to go out and play.

Rob Hafer

Meetings were held here (in Gaza) two months ago with French officials.

Abu Zuhri

That would be useful information so we could judge whether the sensitivity programs that the law-enforcement officials go through are effective or not.

Danica Jamison

No, not at all, the officials did a nice job calling the game. Our girls were really focused and we know fouls our not part of our game. They aren't how we play defense.

Todd Kent

As attorney general I feel it is my duty to education our public officials about ethics and anti-corruption laws. I'm sending out an early warning that come Jan. 1, I will rabidly enforce our ethics and anti-corruption laws.

Geno Zamora

I do not think it's appropriate to have elected officials sit in judgment, or have to vote, on arts issues. I think that's going to jeopardize what we have in Scottsdale.

Mayor Mary Manross

We have promised Chinese officials that Iran would be committed to NPT safeguard and protocol.

Hossein Mousavian

[ALA officials said they are battling these efforts as contrary to the nation's tradition of intellectual freedom.] It all comes down to the imposition of your views on other people, ... To be honest, it seems to me to be downright un-American.

Michael Gorman

It is only prudent for the NTSB to consult with these experts and officials to fully evaluate this information prior to any final decision on whether the responsibility for this investigation should transfer to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Jim Hall

If we warm up a little bit, the rough could pop up. It's all predicated on what the officials want to see.

Lou Silveira

I just think everybody should be aware of what their government officials are doing. It's a check and balance.

Marian Pearcy

You've got two sides who are very committed to the cause and the officials didn't help with some strange decisions.

Nick Holmes

You can have a great law, but if public officials don't want to comply, you're not going to get access. You have the law on the books and the reality on the ground, and sometimes they're not the same thing.

Jay Stewart

Soft on high-ranking government officials. Can you imagine the fallout if they didn't look into it?

Gary Brown

It's important that we are participating voluntarily with state and federal officials. The line along the Coast meets our needs and our customers' needs. That line has been back in operation since Jan. 31.

Gary Sease

We're prepared to act in Ontario and we want to hear from his officials as to what the next step should be.

David Ramsay

I'm sure (the officials) will look back and laugh about that one.

Marty Sewell

The primary responsibility for dealing with emergencies does not belong to the federal government. It belongs to local and state officials who are charged by law with the management of the crucial first response to disasters.

Bob Williams

I think (NHL officials) are going to look at it. I think he is going to be out for a while.

Gerard Gallant

We want the fans and teams and officials — when they land in Indianapolis — to know that all attention is on the Final Four.

Bob Schultz

The audience isn't an idiot. The audience can figure out that the mayor didn't have an actual count. They reported what officials said, with no basis in fact to question that in any way. Are they not supposed to report it?

Jeff Jarvis

She is in close and frequent contact with his family and other friends, as well as with officials who are assisting in this matter.

Gavin de Becker

Our members accompany family members looking for missing relatives to talk to American military forces and Iraqi government officials.

Jessica Phillips

You will get to hear your elected officials and candidates speak about the things that are important to you. Networking with fellow Democrats in Pinal County and meeting new people will make for a fun day.

Stephanie Griffith

During question hour, executive officials are not mandated to appear. But during an inquiry in aid of legislation, they are mandated to appear except when executive privilege is properly invoked by the president.

Ismael Khan

The tool that is clearly needed (in the Sierra) is legal expertise to hold elected officials accountable to their own laws.

Tom Mooers

The president instructed all government institutions and all government officials to cooperate and also to help in assisting the police investigate this case.

Andi Mallarangeng

All experts, including those from Boeing, TWA, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and foreign officials... agree that there is no sign of a missile attack.

Peter Goelz

Recent comments by Fed officials on indications that the U.S. economy had a fair bit of momentum going into the natural disaster seems to have resulted in the consensus of the Fed continuing to hike rates.

Paul Ferley

Who knows? [Lacson] might not be the one alluded to or identified [as one of the officials who received information].

Ricardo Diaz

Exxon Mobil has no knowledge of any illegal payments made to Kazakh officials.

Tom Cirigliano

If the officials call the game the same way, we're going to have to adjust and be smart with our sticks. If we're on the power play, we're going to have to capitalize.

Jonathan Toews

It's not about numbers. The only numbers that matter are (how many) people in the country are finding out about this issue and calling the White House, the governor and other elected officials.

Christian Ramirez

I thought the officials did a pretty good job. There were some things. But overall, I thought it was called pretty well.

Sandy Pugh

No amount of spin by government officials can hide the fact, and it is a very well-known fact, that there are a shortage of beds for the homeless (in Clark County).

Gary Peck

Government officials are still learning to trust the market mechanism. They are containing inflation, but you're building up more and more distortions in the economy.

Andy Xie

After consulting with the city's emergency management officials, we decided to cancel school at all of our campuses (today) and Friday.

Roy Knight

The Japanese are clearly pretty happy with the level of the yen. There's quite a long way for the yen to go before officials will become concerned.

Jeremy Stretch

You don't need to investigate too far to find corruption. After only two or three months in power, officials have already begun their lives of luxury.

Dimieari Von Kemedi

We've asked for all Texas officials to keep an accurate accounting of costs that are directly related to the relief effort so that we can ensure these are reimbursed.

Steve Mccraw

They just played more physical than us. The officials did a great job. They let us play, which is a great thing. But Magna Vista just elevated their game and we didn't match that.

Jacob Gruse

Access to these two things is the only way members of the public are able to track what their government is doing, how (elected officials) are spending their money and the decisions they are making.

Teri Henning

It will eliminate any gray area. I think it's the type of ordinance that officials need when they're out there inspecting.

Butch Frati

It is the duty of all local officials to stay as prepared as possible for the typhoon.

Annette Lu

Certainly it was a tough day for them. We have learned from Col. Ian Hope that the Afghan police force lost at least two of its leaders and high-ranking officials.

Sarah Galashan

This is a dilemma for U.S. officials of their own making.

Dwayne Smith

It is really the top-level officials who have this vision about China's energy future. It is difficult to enforce them at a local level, but you can see the attitude is really changing.

Yang Ailun

Officials are at the scene now to see if heavy equipment can be brought in.

Krzysztof Mejer

Gateway Center at the Bronx Terminal Market will bring $400 million in investment and 5,000 jobs to a long-neglected area, and has the overwhelming support of the community, including Bronx elected officials.

Michael Sherman

With an estimated 13 billion chickens in China, this is such an extremely critical issue that there was a very high level of interest on the part of the governmental officials who attended.

Perry Law

I guess the argument could be made that it's a discretionary decision made by five elected officials.

Charles Johnson

Fed officials are sounding hawkish. They're signaling further rate hikes and that's making investors feel safer buying the dollar.

Tetsu Aikawa

We have never before seen so much economic competition, and we have never seen American officials at such senior levels express concern about China's military buildup.

Shi Yinhong

Another misconception is that we are elected officials, and we are the final decision-makers.

Tom Jarvis

What this means is housing is not falling off a cliff like everyone says, it's doing fine, and what this means is the market should listen to what Federal Reserve officials are saying and that is the market is doing fine.

Raymond Remy

My husband got a call from the head of the local officials' association. There was also a lot of support from some gentlemen who were coaches when I officiated and were friends of ours.

Peggy Corrigan

Since I plan to meet EU officials during my stay in New York, I will bring this issue up there.

Nobutaka Machimura

We fulfilled our oath of office to discharge our duty according to the Constitution and when elected officials do that, democracy works.

Henry Hyde

We battled. The officials didn't call much. There was a lot of pushing and shoving, but we battled. We like to play that way anyway.

Carl Bailey

The point is we need to get all of the facts on the table about this admitted felon's contacts with White House officials.

Tom Fitton

To be frank about it, that recommendation was really intended to gain the support of members of Congress, governors, mayors and other local officials for the (proposed) constitutional amendments.

Sergio Apostol

They (the officials) had it out for me. They didn't want me in the game for some reason.

Matt Sylvester

The overall majority of contentions he makes in the book are not borne out by contemporaneous police records or by interviews we conducted with police and court officials in Ohio and Michigan.

William Bastone

We were advised by officials on the ground to take the matter into our own hands.

Trevor Fetter

We have people who, right now, are meeting with people in the government and union officials to try to get a better understanding of how long this thing might last.

Kevin Lowery

There are no intermediate guidelines for officials to step in before a dog is declared vicious.

Jeff Rosenthal

The press was doing its job, and in doing its job, they saw this clash between what they were witnessing with their own eyes and what officials were telling them.

Ken Auletta

We're both complimentary and appreciative of the assistance and support that's being provided by the city of Covington, both at the elected officials' level and at the administrative level.

Bill Butler

I'm going to ask the school board to form a committee of historic preservation, Deadwood officials and school district and at large folks.

Pat Milos

If I'm paying those guys' salaries, I don't want them in there. It's a joke. Why do we even have replay officials if they're not going to call that?

Wes Walz

We will see what to do once officials send us the name of the team.

David Ngugi

On a national level, I hope that it has an economic impact so that it's clear to both public officials and people that our economy depends on immigration labor. Locally, I hope it's a movement builder.

Liz Jackson

For many years we've been concerned that citizens just don't feel connected with their elected officials. There's not a lot of interest until something happens and then there's complaints. We thought this would help to increase interest in government and voting.

Ralph J. Smith

The fire districts' elected officials are more in tune with issues involving fire districts. Most of the public doesn't attend the meetings and aren't involved in the process.

John Fink

They (Brown and Mayor Oscar Goodman) bent over backwards to make it work. (The city officials) were extraordinarily accommodating and it's been a wonderful experience.

Steve Bellamy

I hope that Governor Codey and the officials that are now looking into university governance issues in New Jersey will extend the scope of that investigation to the University given the similarity between the situations.

Adam Cooper

It's an issue. We will meet with European tour officials in London next week to discuss the problem, among others.

Bernhard Langer

Certain administration officials have jumped the gun.

Brian Wolk

Officials should be aware that these connections are going to be seen by some as a conflict, and they can take steps to mitigate it, like not going on these flights and accepting all the other offers.

Theis Finlev

We [commission members] recommended that the scientists and regulatory officials get on top of the safety issue.

Michael Hogan

The officials I was with, I don't know if they were unaware, but they didn't say anything to me. The whole thing turned into what did I see and what did I know.

Mark Spitz

Coaching college basketball is a high-pressure endeavor, and I think maybe people say things based on emotion. I don't think guys should ever say that. It's questioning the integrity of the game of college basketball, and it's questioning the integrity of the officials.

Mark Few

The Home Ministry has advised some security measures for the match in Karachi. A team of BCCI and government officials will visit Pakistan to see these measures are put in place.

Rajiv Shukla

Do not accept mediocrity from yourselves, do not accept it from your teachers and do not accept it from your elected officials.

Bob Tigro

Our elected officials won't go against what the public wants. The public still has a say in the process. The election process is cumbersome to decision making.

John Fink

The local officials are just doing miracles.

Kevin Brady

[McKinney,] like thousands of average Americans across this country, is too a victim of the excessive use of force by law enforcement officials because of how she looks and the color of her skin. Ms. McKinney is just a victim of being in Congress while black.

James Myart

Sure would be nice to have some school officials here.

Charles Anderson

Convey a positive image of disaster operations to government officials, community organizations and the general public.

Paul Clark

These disasters continue to happen because this is a decaying state. The corrupt government officials control all sectors and are responsible for all disasters we face. But the government would not hold itself accountable.

Hesham Kassem

(Croatia's) main advantage will be the line officials.

Nikolay Davydenko

Make no mistake, this was discussed straight after the race and it was decided Jana and I would approach officials.

Tamsyn Lewis

This is above all now a threat to the population, because the leadership and officials of the firm did not take the necessary steps to isolate the isotope.

Valery Kuznetsov

Many people, especially officials, don't have the courage to speak up against corruption.

Jaya Arjuna

As more Republican and Democratic officials move into private-sector jobs and then move back into the public sector, you'll see more and more cases like this.

Kirk Hanson

I was skeptical of that call, but the officials didn't cost us the game. It was a great game, and Florida made the plays it had to make.

Chris Cichocki

(Fighting) is not high school basketball. Officials from Auburn and Carver, you need to get control of your kids or we'll clear this place out.

Greg Brewer

They (city officials) didn't want the Old Florida anymore.

Martha Babson

It's hard to legislate, because public officials do have a legitimate role in bringing important issues to the community. This really involves personal judgment. In this case, it's a hollow attempt to improve Steele's image.

Derek Walker