Nothing will ever change my opinion that an innocent man is in jail.

I don't believe there is any DNA evidence, ... I don't believe there is any hard, physical evidence at all.

You can't just go out and take somebody's opportunity. Edge Group does an end run around Roche, and the Roche Group loses the opportunity and interest and expected profits.

As the databases fill up, we're getting more and more hits. It's just a matter of time. What we really need is unity.

Our goal is to relocate all of the National Guard units that are at the site. We are looking for a space because our goal is to redevelop the armory and the annex buildings.

This is not a plea bargain case, ... There is not a deal going to be made here. He'll either be found guilty or not guilty. One or the other. He will go to trial.

We just aren't planning to move.

The system did not work here. I have respect for the courts but the bottom line is that an innocent man remains in jail period.

Gateway Center at the Bronx Terminal Market will bring $400 million in investment and 5,000 jobs to a long-neglected area, and has the overwhelming support of the community, including Bronx elected officials.