Violent crimes in our courthouses must cease and those who commit these heinous crimes must be punished accordingly, including the death penalty for murdering judges, law enforcement officials or their families.

Louie Gohmert

You cannot fabricate facts about elected officials.

Howard Hamilton

We had an agreement with Ford, worked out in good faith. Unfortunately, some Ford Motor Company officials made the decision to violate the good-faith agreement.

Donald Wildmon

They are very determined. They know that if they fail, the village officials will take revenge.

Lu Banglie

Customs officials paid attention to her again this week as a result of what we call 'risk analysis'.

Liis Plakk

You cannot hold officials accountable unless the public is aware of what they're doing.

Brenda Stewart

Sikorsky officials erroneously believe that negotiations mean we must accept their inferior and unacceptable contract offer. What is missing from the company's position is the normal give and take that occurs during good-faith bargaining.

Rocco J. Calo

A notice of excess emissions was documented at the facility on Wednesday. They (RES officials) have been notified of that, and the paperwork is in process.

Mark Rader

I didn't feel the cost of the election was necessary. I felt elected officials should make these decisions of behalf of the public because they are more informed of the issues.

John Fink

So police and other officials are being more cautious in terms of how they approach this.

Frankie Bailey

I do have a problem. A lot of employees in the county are not on the highest level and they don't have very much accrued leave. The intent is not to make it hard on elected officials. These little people have a financial burden on them.

Jesse Thompson

Club officials are not supposed to comment on charges and that rule has been in place for some time.

Brian Canavan

Quite a lot of high placed government officials wish to limit and restrict NGOs funded from abroad.

Edil Baisalov

North Korean officials have told me that those visits are OK with them. They are ready for them to happen.

Eason Jordan

These are the changes. We hope (union officials) present this proposal to their membership.

Ed Steadham

There have been contacts on different levels with Pakistani officials for several years.

Zalman Shoval

I have never intimidated the masses, ... I only intimidate corrupt officials.

Zhu Rongji

Based upon his discussions with U.S. officials, the executive chairman has decided, as a precautionary measure, to withdraw all UNSCOM personnel from Iraq.

Ewen Buchanan

I'd like them to legalize us, so my family can have a better life. If God wants (immigration officials) to get us, that's OK. This is more important than our fear.

Eva Castillo

I think what people will see is that commentary from Fed officials will sound almost identical to their commentary prior to this meeting. Nothing's really changed at the Fed.

Ethan Harris

They made an informed choice, but at the same time, (federal officials) didn't have to do what they did.

Eric Bjotvedt

It was really discouraging. We came out hard in the second half and we wanted this game so bad, and it's discouraging when none of the calls by the officials go to your side.

Erica Farina

In Russia they actually go out and patrol, but to collect their money. In Kazakhstan it is so pitiful that the officials, the game wardens, do not even bother to go out.

Ellen Pikitch

It could be 50, it could be 300. The only reason we are thinking there may be less is that, illegal immigrants are afraid because there have been rumors of immigration officials being in the area.

Elena Cuevas

[Talk of a new approach to abortion by Democratic officials has frustrated activists, who see it as a retreat on an issue that has been central to the party's core coalition.] When you say this to Democratic leaders, they deny this is happening, ... So in a way we feel like we're fighting a mirage.

Eleanor Smeal

We need a public hospital for our community. [Officials] kept saying they weren't going to close it, but now we're faced with it again.

Elizabeth Thompson

African football officials have to have another look at the African game because Europeans are going to laugh at us if the refereeing is like that.

El Hadji Diouf

African football officials have to take another look at the African game because the Europeans are going to laugh at us if the refereeing is like that.

El Hadji Diouf

African football officials have to take another look at the African game because Europeans are going to laugh at us if the refereeing is like that.

El Hadji Diouf

Movements in the unemployment rate will tell Fed officials whether growth is absorbing unused capacity.

Ed Mckelvey