I give Oprah a lot of credit. She's incredibly powerful and she could have just ignored the whole thing. She didn't.

Frey lied to us, lied to his lawyers, and lied to his fans.

Turns out he's a well-to-do frat boy who, you know, isn't kind of this desperado that he'd like people to think he was.

The only stuff we looked at were incidents for which there are a paper trail ... (and) everything we looked up was full of lies. (Winfrey said) the belief this book is changing the lives of people trumps the fact that maybe the story is a fake. You would expect somebody in her position would take the ethical stand.

In off-the-record interviews with us, Frey admitted embellishing facts in the book for dramatic impact.

We knew right then and there that we had fire, a lot of fire.

At that point, we were off.

The overall majority of contentions he makes in the book are not borne out by contemporaneous police records or by interviews we conducted with police and court officials in Ohio and Michigan.

One day we decided to put together a group of felons who happen to be nice-looking.