I bet you if I had met him [Trotsky] and had a chat with him, I would have found him a very interesting and human fellow, for I never yet met a man that I didn't like.

Will Rogers

Everybody has a story. This little girl I found in a Dumpster at the Public Works building.

Katie Nordhaus

The best people are found when we go out and search for them.

Grant Teichman

He is very game. Maybe, in his own way, he found a little extra incentive out of that.

Bobby April

There were times when I was in the mist of the crowd and found I was the only one who didn't have a rock in my hand. I almost felt out of place.

Clyde Hughes

These differences can't be easily found in DNA.

Jennifer Frederick

They found Naber hiding behind a bedroom door.

Angela Bozorth

It was found to be a hoax device.

Alan Etter

That was new evidence to me and it was very helpful. Coming from the chairman of the tribe, we found that to be very compelling.

Walter Harrison

They didn't know they had done it, and they could have found out if they'd called before publishing it to verify.

Peter Donnelly

We looked and we found them. The politics is important.

Stephen Strom

We found out that wasn't the case. They were tough.

Joe Ramsey

They have found their place in the art marketplace.

Thomas Lindgren

And this went worldwide anybody anywhere could've found it.

Paul Asfour

(We) found very little evidence for the efficacy of these over-the-counter cough preparations for cough due to the common cold.

Dr. Richard Irwin

Arsenal paid a lot of money for him a few years ago but he found it difficult to claim a first-team place because of the competition at Arsenal.

Alan Curbishley

What we found out is that once you lose them, they don't come back.

Maggie Lynch

To say this guy has found a foothold, I don?t know.

Larry Cooper

I found a hole. That doesn't happen very often.

Clint Barmes

Forever may it remain that way. And may God bless these now-found souls.

Robert D. Ballard

Even when you're not shooting the ball well, it's a sign of a good team ... that we found a way to win.

Kyle Brooks

We think that we've found a great location in the downtown area.

Todd Bonlarron

Urgency fuels defense. These guys found some urgency.

Gary Mills

If such accounts are really found, then they will be confiscated.

Gunter Pleuger

We have found that the same families who bought a $1,500 PC for the home are now buying a second PC for about $1,000.

Paul Otellini

But it can also be used against commercial aircraft carrying civilians. That is the bigger threat we have found.

Benjamin Defensor

She extended those principles of the founding fathers in a way that applies to all of us.

Melvin Watt

We haven't argued about much. We found we have a fair amount of common ground.

Tom Doak

We have found that to be the biggest barrier to adoption with the customers we worked with. It's definitely a pain point for IT customers.

Scott Cosby

I couldn't have found a better place. I tell everybody back home how nice it is.

Jeffrey Brown

They were more skilled. They threw the ball well, caught the ball well and found the open man better than us.

Anthony Ammirata

Anybody who had stepped up to the plate is stepping away. Clearly the bottom hasn't been found yet.

Seth Tobias

I don't know how they found out he was going in there to caddy, ... Every time he tries to go across the border now he's got the big red X.

Todd Hamilton

We have found no reason for disciplinary action.

Jill Wiggins

She found him propped against a wall, clearly very severely injured.

Julian Smith

The diocese found that to be untenable for their plans.

Peter Baird

We found a way to get it inside, and basically that was the difference in the game.

Jim Barnes

It was the straying that found the path direct.

Austin Osman Spare

He was absolutely stoked. He was humbled and absolutely surprised when he found out.

Susan Miller

I'd only coached boys before and when I volunteered to coach the girls, I found it was really different. Really different.

Vern Savage

What we found is that ... the (survey) results mirrored what we were already doing.

Brent Stolzenthaler

My 15-year-old could have found it for them.

Randy Brown

So far, we've never found one. I sure would like to.

Bryan Rayner

He'll be found and I'll bury him the right way. He should be buried. I'll deal with it, and cope with it in my own ways.

Amy White

Because he is not guilty, and he will be found not guilty at trial.

David Howard

We didn't play our best game of the season but we found a way to win.

Steve Beville

That's got to be creeping into (our players') minds a little bit. But they still found a way to win.

David Henley

We've tried to look at [age discrimination] very seriously. We just have not found it.

Tracy Koon

I have found the missing link between the higher ape and civilized man: It is we.

Konrad Lorenz

When she said she found a butterfly and her mom just passed away, I had tears.

Krystie Schiele

This is great for things I found hard to treat.

Marla Crago

There's no cookie cutter approach that we found. This issue in general is something that really begs a larger question.

Kekoa Paulsen

I think they are reading some things into some of the things they found that aren't really there.

Scott Patterson

We found out we were doing much better than we thought we were.

Mara Hartmann

The essence of a man is found in his faults.

Francis Picabia

I found out I was being annexed by a neighbor who got a letter about it.

Jeffrey Clark

If anything were found, we couldn't do anything because we didn't even exist in 1999, It's important that the truth must always be made clear.

Richard Pound

We are not sure if the gun found was the one involved with the shooting.

Sheriff David Haggard

We found out through the storm that time waits for no man.

Thomas Sullivan

We don't know if these bacteria are the same as the ones we have found in [Monterey Bay], because the Antarctic ocean is the most isolated ocean on Earth.

Jim Barry

You are comparing an old system and old implementation against a new system and new implementation. I am sure this was one of the better examples that Intel found in its customer base.

Dean Mccarron

This was a big boost for our psyche. We found out we could play with one of the best teams around.

Karl Tait

Up here I just found a groove. My offense was starting to come.

Rob Globke

Thank God he's found. The boy's safe, and that's what's important.

Gregg Shields

They found it to be out of compliance with the Growth Management Act.

Kamuron Gurol

He longed to be lost but he couldn't bear not to be found.

Ronald Blythe

When mom found my diaphragm, I told her it was a bathing cap for my cat.

Liz Winston

We thought he was dead. Every time they found a body in a river, we called the mortuary.

Shirley Hamstra

We have found explosives, vehicles for car bombs, remote-control bombs, and so on.

Assadullah Khalid

You know, we hope to. We hope to get a call saying they found her and she's alive and, you know, she'll be back.

Robert Levy

We're finding some stuff that we have not found before.

Rick Parker

He found a way to win. That's heart.

Rick Bowers

We found that personality traits did little in explaining which employees were highly cynical and which employees were not.

John Wanous

If you want to be found stand where the seeker seeks.

Sidney Lanier

We've found that consumers are rewarding innovation with increased sales.

Dave Hilton

The doctors x-rayed my head and found nothing.

Dizzy Dean

When I found out, he had been out a few months.

Renee Faile

The three occupants that we were looking for we believe we have, in fact, found.

Mark Bradford

It was a crazy day. I took the day off to do yard work and I found a parrot in my back yard.

Sean Quirk

Every part of the world I've been to so far, I've found U.S. government [ID] tags.

Jim Puckett

I never even knew he was a socialist. Not in 15 years. I couldn't believe it when I found out.

Pete Waterman

Her 11-year old son came home from school first and found her. He called 911.

Gary Lapidus

He settled for a jump shot then. This time, he got all the way to the basket and found a way to get it up there.

Jessie Evans

On pavements and the bark of trees I have found whole worlds.

Mark Tobey

The more research we have, the better, ... Those treatments that are found to be effective will, believe me, be incorporated in the mainstream.

Marcia Angell

We've been trying to figure out from these web pages whether there were any commonalities between the ones that were liked . . . We really haven't found an awful lot.

Gitte Lindgaard

What we found is that sea levels are rising and increasing with time.

John Church

They either hit it hard, or they didn't hit it hard and it still found a hole.

Kevin Appier

You are as certain as you can be that the deaths of these two did not take place at the place where they were found?

David Morris

We found a completely new audience.

Ronnie Corbett

Let's say your mortgage is $1,000 a month and you found an apartment at $1,200 a month. Allstate will pay you the difference between the mortgage and the rent, which is $200.

Joe Mccormick

It was a nice win for the kids. They never quit and I was proud of the way they fought back and found a way to win.

Fred Brown

They found out it was more profitable than selling drugs -- and a lot less dangerous too.

Lt. David Pierson

As soon as Ashton led off with that double, I think we found a little extra energy somewhere.

Chuck Gault

I don't believe I have slept with an under-age girl. It was only recently that I found out that under-age is 18 in this country, okay, but I don't believe that I slept with anyone under 18 in this country.

Gary Glitter

I found I missed the zoo world. I missed the challenge.

Terry Maple

It's much closer to our solar system than anything we've found so far.

Alan Boss

We then checked Kansas City. Same card. We looked nationwide and found that same card was the favorite virtually everywhere.

Rachel Bolton

The Christian is not one who has gone all the way with Christ. None of us has. The Christian is one who has found the right road.

Charles L. Allen

Had the consumer had a claim during the mix-up, they would be covered after we found out about the error immediately.

Justin Glover

They have found a lot of creative and unique ways to get their athletes the ball.

Derek Anderson

At that point we either had found the most distant burst in the universe, or there was dust in the way.

Daniel Reichart

She told me she only had been married once, but I found out I was only one sucker in a bunch.

Douglas Rice

We found that absolutely was not true.

Fred Harris

During search operations, coalition forces and Afghan forces found the body of David Addison.

Lutfullah Mashal

There's been one body dumped in that area once before. In 1991, we found a young guy who was dumped in a creek there. His identity was not discovered, but it was clearly a homicide.

Capt. Allan Elkins

I'm really happy with him. We've really juggled him around this year and he's found a home there.

Jason Oster

We found it a little bit. This was a good morale booster after (Wednesday).

Jim Corbin

Bugsy was a stray they found and took in. They had Bugsy for a few years.

Paulette Dean

Apparently, the contractors put it up. We were told they wanted to test the flagpole. As soon as we found it was there, we advised them to take it down.

Dave Blanchette

I think the developers have found a flaw in the law and crawled through the crack. The flaw is the unsolicited offer.

Rep. Nancy Detert

Since I've been here I've found more great programs such as the Business College, College of Arts and Sciences.

Stephen Bell

We found about 500 grams of cocaine, and about $10,000.

Lt. Darrell Sanders

It was very fortunate that we found it because two of the eggs were broken.

Paul Meredith

I came to the surface, called for my wife and found her.

Simon Hill

We believe this tunnel is, in fact, the largest tunnel ever found on the south-west border.

Michael Unzueta

Their actions in how they secured (the records) was not reasonable and certainly their actions after they found out about the breach were not reasonable, too late, too late.

Jan Margosian

We went down, beat on all the doors but found all the curtains were still pulled.

Rhonda Yates

I found the experience of walking into a busy Dublin pub at lunchtime a real treat.

Shaun Woodward

As a country I found it to be superb and I feel that by playing the co-sanctioned events it is good for everybody concerned.

Stephen Dodd

So far, our surveillance teams have not found anyone with flu-like symptoms.

Tp Doke

We found also that there was a correlation between the amount of space that the child had to move around in a child care center and their body composition and their activity levels.

Lizanne Mulligan

Even though a number of people have tried, no one has yet found a way to drink for a living.

Jean Kerr

Despite the speeds, it will have a lower power density than in some chips found in today's desktops.

Bernard Meyerson

The lack of creative has really hurt them. They just haven't found anything that seems to communicate who they are.

Bob Goldin

They've been thrown off their game, ... and they haven't found their way back on again.

John Truscott

It was absolute chaos. I was scared that they didn't lock the door between the lounge and the bar. Well, we got down there and found the door, but that's about all we found.

Yvonne Mallett

We found out a lot more about real German culture than we would have from our textbooks.

Steve Hendrickson

At this time ... I don't have any great news here. Again disappointment. We have not found anything that would bring her home.

David Gee

We are looking for the best ideas wherever they can be found.

Alexander Garvin

I just found out today we have seven sex offenders in this area.

Lydia Fernandez

We had a few defensive lapses, but the kids found a way to hang in there and battle.

Chuck Hardt

When I finally found that notion of Jo, I found the structure of the opera.

Mark Adamo

I found all I wanted to do was give Damian perfect, unadulterated food.

Liz Hurley

A solution will only be found through comprehensive balancing of interests. There must be no winners or losers.

Joschka Fischer

The agency's budget is critically dependent on pleasing these senators. We found that there was some favoritism on the states that were represented.

Russell Sobel

Every change presents an opportunity. We'll announce our opportunity when the time's appropriate. We've only just found out about this.

Andrew Butcher

After an instrument has been assembled, extra components will be found on the work bench.

Arthur Bloch

I found that the food was juicier. Once you eat organic . . . you don't want to eat anything else.

Ginger Williams

When we got back from Athens we found out that they (the COC) had adopted our trademarks.

Jane Roos

Max and Moritz for their part found no attraction in it.

Wilhelm Busch

I think he's found his niche. His 100 free is coming along. ... He's beaten some tough competitors, too.

Brian Sloan

We're the only ones here, and some of us have adjoining rooms. When we found out it was Illinois, we were real excited.

Amanda Walker

I can't say I was surprised the worms were alive, because we spin them up to 2,000 G's in the lab without thinking about it. What surprised me was that they found the canisters at all.

Catharine Conley

Eventually, we found that the situation there was more serious than what we imagined.

He Changchui

In a sample, the levels of arsenic were found to be too high. We have asked them to withdraw this batch.

Pascal Houbaert

It's a good thing we found it. It's better to find it than not know about it.

Walter Heller

They hit some shots early on, and we trailed by five to 10 throughout. We just never found a way to make it closer.

Scott Larrabee

They found it in doing my annual mammogram. But it was small, less than 1 centimeter.

Karen Blair

There were no explosives found at the property.

John Hageman

If these hairs are found not to be his, I believe he will be proven innocent.

Scott Coffey

We controlled the game. We didn't have real great chances at the net, but still found a way to win.

Chris Pratt

What I have found is that if you can't find any information on the company, then don't go with it.

Christopher Russell

I have always found that angels have the vanity to speak of themselves as the only wise.

William Blake

I have never found in a long experience of politics that criticism is ever inhibited by ignorance.

Harold Macmillan

That was my fault. I should have found a way to get us more runs.

Stacy Baker

If I am found guilty, I will step down.

Josef Ackermann

He's had the skills, he just didn't have the confidence. He finally found out what he had to do.

Ryan Burke

If the Church of England were to fail, it would be found in my parish.

John Keble

We are glad we found her, but sad the way we did.

David Huffman

I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for.

Georgia O'Keeffe

The commission remains confident an agreement can be found. We are following the events.

Mireille Thom

The experts have been through it, and they have not found another plausible use for it.

Stephen Cambone

He was in a place where nobody would have found him for days.

Carol Roegner

When we found out we won, there were only three of us left. It was late and cold at the end of the day, but they were pretty excited.

Mark Dorfman

We have not turned the corner. I found the situation much more dangerous and worrisome than I expected it to be.

Juan Mendez

I came to SFA to get a more personal music experience, and that is exactly what I have found.

Patrick Wright

Found the family functioning very well as a family.

Doris Meissner

We believe that in Daniel Craig we have found the ideal 21st century Bond.

Amy Pascal

They will go to the museum. They were found here, and they will stay here.

Mel Tinker

Chaotic, ... After three holes, I knew I had to fight. I found some rhythm and calmed myself down.

Paula Creamer

Later, we found out he was the man that died. They were giving him CPR on the landing.

Bruce Hardy

She was found by the commission to be somewhat intemperate in her relationships with certain court employees.

Thomas Zlaket

We only found 30 snaps that were comparable. All we know about (Glanville) is he's aggressive.

Andrew Stanton

Courts of law, and all the paraphernalia and folly of law cannot be found in a rational state of society.

Robert Owen

At present the three outbreaks were stamped out and no new cases found.

Jia Youling

ASEAN is facing its greatest challenge since its founding 31 years ago.

Joseph Estrada

When they hit the ball they found holes, and when we hit the ball it was right at someone. But, they hit the ball better than we did and they scored runs.

Amy Pikas

You often hear about ingredients being found, whether it is corn or ancient grains, but it is not too often that you hear about something as complex as noodles.

Greg Drescher

The best antidote I have found is to yearn for something. As long as you yearn, you can't congeal: there is a forward motion to yearning.

Gail Godwin

I have always found women difficult. I don't really understand them. To begin with, few women tell the truth.

Barbara Cartland

That's the conclusion you would have to draw if you believe that we found Elizabeth.

Nick Clarke

We found across the board amazing flaws and failures in the way the investigations were conducted in case after case.

Deborah Pearlstein

I want to stress that ... we have found no violations of Georgia law. That being said, the district attorney will make the final decision.

Kevin Flynn

Ah, look what I found - snacks.

Pedro Cabrera

I have found his research and analysis to be useful tools in covering and appreciating baseball and its history.

Tom Verducci

They had so much speed but we found ways to get it done.

Bob Bauman

They found two Louisiana Swamp Tour Vans that were charging $40 apiece.

Fred Powell

All the music from the ballet I found to be expressive and easy on the ears. I like variety . . . I am a child of too much television.

James Buckley

Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.

Greg Anderson

Cassie was patient enough to come off the screen and let the double team form, then found Paige.

Steve Hodson

We found this a few years later after we realized we didn't keep anything when he was around.

Richard Mandella

I haven't found any servants in this house. Just me. That's it.

Jane Shaw

There's an awful lot out there who they haven't found and never will.

Robert Adams

I've found you've got to look back at the old things and see them in a new light.

John Coltrane

It will, I believe, be everywhere found, that as the clergy are, or are not what they ought to be, so are the rest of the nation.

Jane Austen

What we found was that the glaciers were formed from snow brought from the polar regions.

James Head

We found that we agreed on more than we disagreed on.

Joel Maturi

Across the board, we found that most kids are not getting the sleep they need.

Jodi Mindell

The suspect answered the phone and said he had been waiting for a call so he could say where the baby could be found.

Inspector Paul Ramaloko