Consumers get value out of the gadgets, and then pass off all costs of contamination.

Nigerians are telling us they are getting as much as 75 percent junk that is not repairable.

Some areas have strong fire departments and some are in limbo when a house catches fire.

Every part of the world I've been to so far, I've found U.S. government [ID] tags.

People just don't know what to do with them.

When you're a cash-strapped school system, you're going to go to the lowest bidder. The lowest bidders are the ones who are going to export.

We're adamantly fighting any attempt to transfer pollution from North to South, from rich to poor. These ships are moving precisely because the environmental and labor costs in developing countries are much less than they are in the developed countries.

We have had absolutely no discussions about it. All that I and the public have seen was the preliminary presentation. This continues to be public money, and we should have the opportunity to be involved with making decisions.

Things are completely out of control.