'Tis not the eating, nor 'tis not the drinking that is to be blamed, but the excess.

John Selden

Use, do not abuse; neither abstinence nor excess ever renders man happy.


In charity there is no excess.

Sir Francis Bacon

The chief beginning of evil is goodness in excess.


Evil has no substance of its own, but is only the defect, excess, perversion, or corruption of that which has substance.

John Henry Newman

Never go to excess, but let moderation be your guide.


Life is about balance too much excess is chaos.

Mettrie L.

We risk disappearing due to excess love.

Paolo Costa

In order to make deals you have to create some excess. Some guys have options, some don't.

Bill Bavasi

It's not their money. It's excess settlement money.

Robert Sanders

We still believe that (there is) excess capacity in the economy.

Michael Moskow

As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand.

Josh Billings

There's just way too much excess going on in our country. People throw things away and don't appreciate what they have.

Laura Dunham

This is an example where we do not have excess capacity.

Philip Coyle

We never search for scandal, but we use it if it cries out to excess.

Peter Utley

When love is in excess it brings a man no honor nor worthiness.


If Portsmouth were to be closed, the U.S. would be left with only 8 percent excess capacity.

Philip Coyle

We feel this is in excess of what the fair market value is.

John Valentine

You have to absorb that excess lift and then it should take off again.

Randy Baseler

We donated the excess to the Jesus House.

Mike Elmore

We might contract with them to sell excess water.

David Crockett

China will be held to account if it attempts to dump excess capacity on overseas markets.

Huw Mckay

There may be some excess fruit that producers in the Toronto area could purchase.

George Rose

What you do next hasn't changed. You cook it and cook it and cook it and cook it some more to boil away the excess water.

Carol Fassig

We can't have such an excess.

Prime Minister Yury Yekhanurov

When you get up into winds in excess of 155 mph you have enough damage.

Robert Simpson

We thought we could fund it with excess golf revenue. That all changed in the mid 90s.

Roy Sutherland

The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.

William Blake

Substantially in excess of the current share price.

Bruce Sherman

Our plan was developed to handle in excess of 5,000. We have 25,000 body bags on hand.

Ricardo Zuniga

We've been doing acquisitions all along. Now we can do bigger deals in excess of certain dollar amount.

Gary Sheffer

The best things carried to excess are wrong.

Charles Churchill

I'd like to see it go gold (U.S. shipments in excess of 500,000 copies) and I think it will.

Gareth Jones

When we plugged in (the data) from that rainfall from the 1996 flood, we achieved an elevation in excess of what actually happened in '96.

Kurt Baumann

That, in and of itself, must have a value in excess of $1 million.

Patrick Chorpenning

I don't feel we have excess risk from these companies at this point.

General John Stark

There are very, very few of those, if any, because government-run entities just don't have excess capacity.

Brian Bemus

In my opinion it's worth a significant amount more. It certainly is in excess of $50 million. It's probably in excess of $100 million.

Bill Sagan

Today it is estimated we probably have about 25 percent excess capacity in our public shipyards.

Anthony J. Principi

We'll always need some excess capacity, just in case.

Tom Antenen

We have grown from a company that did $5 (million) to $7 million a year 18 years ago to one that now does in excess of $60 million a year.

Jimmy Walker

Everyone in the defense analysis business recognizes that we have excess capacity, and we just can't afford it.

Jim Taylor