Standardization of our educational systems is apt to stamp out individualism and defeat the very ends of education by leveling the product down rather than up.

Harvey Cushing

The ministry of health is determined to defend and promote indigenous knowledge systems, because we believe that traditional medicines and traditional health practitioners have an important role to play in the health system of the country.

Sibani Mngadi

Microsoft's whole company's practice had been based on doing a great job on Windows and leaving integration with other operating systems to the third-party partners. Now they are trying not to make decisions that make it harder to manage other platforms.

Peter Pawlak

We feel that we can see a modern lifestyle in those shows. American dramas also show the same kind of lifestyle. We know that South Korea and America have similar political systems and economies. But it's easier to accept that lifestyle from South Koreans because they are culturally closer to us. We feel we can live like them in a few years.

Qu Yuan

Add to this to the sometimes over complicated legal systems of foreign countries, planning permission and language barriers, the whole process can turn into a living nightmare.

Jeremy Davies

We've determined that this is really the new municipal infrastructure. The same kind of debate was being done 150 years ago about whether cities should be building roads or sewer systems.

Leonard Scott

This equipment allows us to monitor the water quality every 20 minutes 24 hours a day up to 30 days in four different cave systems.

Brad Pobst

The testing of life support systems will certainly be useful, ... But on the psychological side, the real human factor is not whether people go crazy living in a tin: they don't. It's whether they can put up with the overwork once they arrive on Mars and start a rigorous programme of field exploration.

Robert Zubrin

The Whole Foods store in Toronto is using it in their seafood section. They've actually increased the lights on their fish and reduced the amount of heat on them by 10 degrees using one of our systems.

John Davenport

[The intelligent-design textbook at the heart of the Dover case,] Of Pandas and People, ... The Design of Life: Discovering Signs of Intelligence in Biological Systems.

William Dembski

The silver lining is that for many organizations this is the first time they've taken a hard look at their information systems. What they have, what is a priority, whether they need what they've got, all that. It's a good opportunity for them to do an inventory.

Jack Gribben

The risks to security are growing exponentially as we install more and more complex systems. Yet, consumers still don't think they are under threat.

Andrew Burke

The more reliant we become upon computers and information systems, the more vulnerable we become to cyber-terrorists who will conceive unlimited ways to cripple our infrastructure, our power grids, our banking systems, our financial markets, our space based communications systems.

William S. Cohen

The first S80 was the start of our new design language and new image. With the new S80, we're showing how far we have come in a few years in design and technology with a lot of new safety and comfort systems that will trickle down to other products as we develop new generations of them.

Silvia Güllsdorf

There is just no single solution that does everything you want it to do. Ideally, if you have enough of a budget, you would have multiple systems.

Jim Pearson

Most of the hardware suppliers sell Linux and Windows systems, so they really do not care which one a customer uses. Dell began pushing Linux most recently, so it might have the most to gain.

George Weiss

The strongest performance in the first quarter came from government systems.

Robert Stallard

The goal is to be able to have as complete a description of a piece of music as a human being can do. That's beyond the current state of our knowledge. But what we can do now is enough to develop music recommendation systems based partly or totally on the automatic generation of descriptors.

Xavier Serra

We're going to look at how effective it is, how efficient it is in the next 30 days. There are several large ferry systems in the United States, and, if this is as effective as we hope it is going to be, it will add to our security system against terrorists.

Jennifer Peppin

Microsoft's response is not at all unexpected. We continue to believe that a breakup of this company is arbitrary, given the increasingly blurred line between application and operating systems. We believe that the company should win on appeal.

Joseph Farley

Unfortunately, there are always people trying to hack into computer systems, but New Hampshire is always making sure it's taking action to keep the system secure.

Pam Walsh

Traditional systems are meant more to protect their dollar invested in making sure they deny unauthorized users access because that saves them money.

Ira Winkler

It is a situation where MCSEs had no idea that there is a fundamental vulnerability in IIS and ISAPI mapping and so had no way to protect their systems other than after-the-fact patching.

Alan Paller

Good progress has been made, ... but there are still critical systems to fix.

Stephen Horn

When we take over a system from someone else, it's a common practice to audit it. But right now we are auditing all systems as part of an ongoing process.

Bill Weaver

There is potential benefit from the rationalization of the systems and because of the potential revenue increase if the privatization is a success. At this stage there aren't any immediate economic or fiscal implications for the future. There's a long way to go.

Takahira Ogawa

They have to flush out other systems first and get a stronger XP environment, then have the incentive to [migrate] all over again. The beta program gives them a chance to test the applications portfolio and give feedback to Microsoft about what they need to improve.

Simon Yates

Operation and maintenance of the water and wastewater systems have essentially been abandoned.

Charles Collins

These new SATA Aluminum RAID and Backup Drive Systems are faster, cooler, better designed, more reliable and affordable than any storage system on the market. We have been innovating storage designs and technology for over 25 years and will continue to create designs that improve and support data storage.

Frank Gabrielli

This is something that Sun has needed to do for a long time in order to get parity with HP and IBM. They need to show customers that their systems have the ability to manage IT resources according to business need — without human intervention — in order to catch up to HP and IBM.

Dan Olds

It's a problem because it was a willful misuse of government computer systems and done in a way to try to hide from system administrators. We have determined it does not involve the loss of classified information.

Bill Harlow

Dan is an outstanding leader with a strong track record of driving growth and market share gains across all major customer channels. He excels at customer marketing, as well as at developing sales strategies and partnering with customers. His broad experience across categories and business systems will be invaluable as we build on the momentum Hershey has achieved in the marketplace.

Chris Baldwin

As far as I know, it's the only large-scale systems integration initiative [of its sort] in the country.

Greg Hull

They should check their systems anytime a patch is issued.

Tom Duffy

IDMS is a set of interfaces and protocols. Before, GM did not have a single system for its dealers to use. Instead, GM would certify existing systems.

Nick Bell

Yes we are aware of some of the information floating around about problems after installing the MS05-051 update on Windows 2000 systems.

Mike Reavey

Local governments often underestimate the very significant ongoing capital and operating costs of wireless systems while overestimating penetration rates and revenue streams.

Robert Rowe

Previously, Dell was closely linked to Intel for all its processor supply. Dell is actually working closely with AMD as a supplier of microprocessors for their systems to a bigger level than we've seen in the past, but Intel is still dominating.

Brian Matus

If a solution isn't enduring, it's not really a solution. In process automation, we need enduring systems and solutions that become standards in their own right.

Maggie Walker

Our legacy systems just cost too much to maintain. That saps our resources-not only people, but dollars, which leaves very little discretionary money to do the things we need to do to move the organization forward to compete.

Bill Jenkins

There's high-tech home security systems where if you're away, you could watch your home from your car.

Bill Corbett

Consulting companies aren't usually thought of as having a need for CRM systems, but in fact they have a sales function like everyone else. Our users at the audit firm particularly liked the fact that everything happens in Outlook, which most people use heavily.

Roger Strain

At yesterday's meeting, management expressed confidence that operating margins in the computing systems segment should double in six to nine months.

Richard Chu

Central to the E. coli O157:H7 model's success was a collective acknowledgement by industry that this food safety hazard needed to be addressed in all their food safety systems.

Richard Raymond

[Calling the verdict] a significant breakthrough, ... It demonstrates that criminal justice systems can deal with these matters. It's an exoneration of the system.

Paul Wilkinson

Virtually anyone with wireless skills is getting attention in the market. The jobs might involve handheld devices, or working with global positioning systems (GPS), or wireless voice and data integration. This field in particular has intensified over the past six months.

Jeff Markham

They have been a real leader in getting more efficiency out of the existing systems. They have really led the country in that respect, in a lot of technology.

Tim Lomax

By maintaining systems, retiring debt, and keeping costs low for taxpayers, you've assured the financial position of the city. It's commendable that the mayor and council utilized fixed assets to make this happen.

Dicky Sparks Cpa

High performance scientific and creative customers need to squeeze every last drop of performance out of their systems. We're thrilled that Intel has brought their respected suite of tools to help Apple developers maximize the performance of their applications on Intel-based Macs.

Ron Okamoto

Customers can expect millions of dollars in savings at the bottom line, compared with Xeon-based systems, by slashing power requirements.

Fadi Azhari

The dynamics of the ERP industry have changed. Many executives don't yet realize that their interaction with systems integrators must change, too. You can no longer rely heavily on the integrator to provide the same attention and resources it once did to pinpoint potential problems or to leave enough time in the schedule to address the complications that inevitably arise in an ERP installation.

Thomas Lebamoff

All safety systems worked to successfully shut down production on the OCS (Outer Continental Shelf) platforms.

Rebecca Watson

This was a devious and calculated act. It had a catastrophic effect on the company. The government must send a message to systems managers and people in trust that there will be a day of reckoning.

V. Grady O'malley

He's one of our most physical guys and he defends very well. He understands systems and concepts and tactical plans very, very well.

John Stevens

Usually, the only systems this integrated are systems completely run by the fire department.

Pat Cantelme

If you want to compete with the world's biggest investment banks, you have to prepare all of your systems at every level.

Alexander Hungate

Axis network video is frequently used for large-scale installations, and the technology is increasingly being installed for transportation applications. Axis network video technology is designed to easily integrate with other security systems, providing a single point of control and enabling efficient video management.

Fredrik Nilsson

What Canada has to do is to have a government connected to the priorities of the people of which it is elected to serve. Those priorities include ensuring medicare is sustainable, support for the military, and tax and justice systems that work.

Peter Mackay

The rain was on a grander scale than any of these systems were designed for. It challenged all their capacities.

John Graham

You're investing your time in bringing your weeds back down to where your traditional weed control systems are effective.

Cass Mutters

People are still testing their payment and clearing systems to make sure they are operational.

John Nelson

In view of our need to establish trust with all of our stakeholders on the security and privacy of our systems and data, my priority is to ensure that we do it right, not just that we do it quickly.

Kip Hawley

I would assume with time we could build these systems, but it's not one of our core strengths. It makes sense to build a relationship with a third party that does have these strengths.

Michael Mcgaugh

Real world events are forcing agencies to require their software solution providers adhere to strict regulatory standards that guard against threats to their IT systems. We respect Network General for its continued focus on IT security, as well as its dedication to ensuring that suppliers support and service its agency counterparts with solid, secure software offerings.

John Trauth

We can provide security for systems currently being used and for those that are added on an incremental basis.

Lawrence Byrd

We tend to live in a society that likes instant gratification. The accelerated system has become more of a focus for many of our patients - sometimes the take-home systems are not conducive to their lifestyle.

Richard Creasman

Cisco views IP as the future for all communications systems, ... Cisco IPICS technology has the potential to deliver a platform to provide an inexpensive solution for pervasive radio interoperability that helps organizations dynamically manage the flow of all types of information.

Charles Giancarlo

We believe the most important issue we can address moving forward are the voting systems, ... We want to make sure that the will of every voter is self evident and we think that through the appropriate voting system that they will not only be able to feel comfortable with that, but that we can be assured.

Katherine Harris

Agricultural equipment continues to become more complex, efficient and responsive to the user. We're constantly evolving our degree programs so our graduates are able to integrate the latest technologies into seamless systems like those represented in this tractor.

Ramesh Kanwar

Because they have grown through acquisition, many insurance companies run their various lines as independent businesses. Because there were systems in place that worked when businesses were acquired, there really was no immediate motivation to change.

Matthew Josefowicz

We welcome Abacus Polar as our first Systems Solutions Framework Partner. By engaging with us, Abacus is proactively responding to the increasing challenges their customers face when developing embedded solutions.

Chris Briggs

We found that impacts of climate change are likely to lead to ramifications that overlap in several areas including our health, our economy and the natural systems on which we depend.

Paul Epstein

Are critical components of government communications systems.

Peter Thonis

For too long, immigrant women have been abused and exploited in this country. This project aims to challenge the systems that keep immigrant women in slavery-like conditions in the United States. It is shameful that the sexual abuse of poor immigrant women continues in this nation in the 21st century.

Mary Bauer

They went from the most antiquated systems in the industry to some of the more cutting-edge, and technology has helped drive the results.

Scott Mlynek

It not only promotes the common development of the two countries, but also sets a good example of friendly cooperation between two big nations of different social systems and creates a new mode of bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

Cao Gangchuan

This means that users of even the smallest, lightest systems will have both Pentium III performance levels, but also the best battery life.

Frank Spindler

Yes, the brain of a 16-year-old is different than the brain of a 25-year-old. But what should that mean for the judicial system or other systems? I think that it's just too great of a leap at this point.

Jay Giedd

Because talent management technologies are constantly evolving, it's nearly impossible to remain current about available systems and features. Fortunately, there are research experts who have already done the homework. We're pleased that a panel of experts from the world's leading research organizations will share their findings at this important session.

Allan Schweyer

We have implemented new systems that improve our claims-processing and appeals efficiency and accuracy.

Tyler Mason

Economic activities nowadays greatly depend on information systems and ensuring their credibility is an important task, as recent glitches at the Tokyo Stock Exchange proved.

Toshihiro Nikai

It is key to inviting capital. If this project can bring some harmony to the judicial systems within each tribe, that's how you can get people to put coins on the table.

David Owen

We just want to make sure it is efficient … and is not duplicative of existing systems.

Bill Rice

Micro Focus recognizes the significant investments many organizations have made in legacy applications and the challenges they face as they evaluate approaches for deriving further benefits from those investments. By working with Oracle, we are committed to providing a robust and extensive modernization strategy for organizations to unearth even greater value from their legacy systems.

Mike Gilbert

Our goal is to be the industry leader in UNIX systems and solutions and in the process better serve customers and offer them choices in the market.

John Patrick

We appear to use memory systems often in our default states. This may help us to plan and solve problems. Maybe it helps us be creative. But it may also have metabolic consequences.

Randy Buckner

Doss Aviation will provide ground school and flight training, to include approximately 19 training flights, for students in preparation for undergraduate pilot training and undergraduate combat systems officer training.

Cindy Hall

My feeling is that in four-to-five years, that's going to become one of the major communication systems in campaigns. It creates an opportunity for voters, people in general, to have a voice -- a very convenient voice.

Vic Rubenstein

Their accounting systems are often very different from the United States. They can be a little more liberal.

Kevin Mcdevitt

[According to the superintendent, the school district paid $2.4 million for the buildings.] That amount includes set up, plumbing, electrical hookups - everything needed, ... They need to be on a pad, just like any building. They had to have sidewalks, school bell systems and parking lots.

Rob Roberts

It will force some proprietary systems to be opened up ... You have to be able to download content and play it on any device.

Christian Vanneste

For business users, bringing on new equipment, much like changing operating systems, has to be because there's a demonstrated need.

Michael Silver

Yes. You have to look at fixed costs and the efficiency of operating systems there are what is behind this $150,000. This money now is basically for cash flows.

Richard Bracken

Motorola's growth in sales has continued to accelerate, and our earnings are on an improving trend. We are especially pleased by the results in our new Broadband Communications Sector, which was formed after the merger with General Instrument, the improvements in our network systems business, and the sequential growth in quarterly earnings for semiconductors.

Robert Growney

Many of the students trained here will be employees of 3D Systems or customers of 3D Systems. Others will be local students -- learning to operate and learning to maintain the systems.

Dennis Merrell

Our logistics organization will become smaller but significantly more strategic, with time spent on visioning other type of strategic technology needs as we develop more customer-centered build-to-order systems.

Harold Kutner

The decision to scrap [their systems] and go to something with the efficiency they need is out of the question.

Don Morrison

IBM is clearly showing that software alone won't solve the totality of SOA challenges, ... This will turn up the heat on the other platform vendors such as BEA (Systems) and Oracle to consider how they too will broaden their coverage of SOA beyond simply software and professional services.

Ron Schmelzer

We've said from the beginning that the final assembly process would be different. As we shift to more large-scale systems integration work, this seemed the best way to do it.

Mary Hanson

With these systems there is less room for error by the voter in addition to fewer spoiled ballots.

Craig Keeney

That would be a disaster because there would be no pressure on anyone to move forward. In the absence of broadly defined and accepted standards, we have to find a way to interconnect systems while at the same time continuing to refine and define standards.

Randy Thomas

Windows get more viruses than Macs and UNIX systems, yes, but Macs are not immune. That's just a fundamental design issue in the operating systems.

Robin Anderson

We started seeing huge vulnerabilities. And portions of those systems were extraordinarily secure. But they were Maginot Lines.

Scott Borg

If you look at the overall Internet, there is a mix of operating systems.

Dan Kuznetsky

The biggest opportunity now is in the not-for-profit systems.

Steve Higdon

This is an end-to-end strategy and not a point strategy. Microsoft believes that customers are looking for ways to adopt virtualization on the route to dynamic systems, and so our strategy is the Dynamic Systems Initiative, with dynamic systems the end game. And the way customers get there is very important.

Bob Kelly

Our biggest fear is that we won't be able to get back to our data center for an extended amount of time, so we set up systems that would make it accessible remotely.

Ross Mckenzie

For enterprises, I think we've just barely scratched the surface about which systems brought into the cloud in some way, shape or form.

Ray Ozzie

Future purchase plans indicate a hastening shift to IP solutions, particularly in the small business market, where IP-enabled and IP-based purchase plans are nearly double that of traditional PBX or Key Systems.

David Lemelin

We are still seeing trees dying from injuries to their root systems, main stems or branches, and we are also finding increased insect activity and disease problems that we wouldn't normally see.

Charlie Marcus

We'll just keep working on the execution. Our next step of improvement is to be close to perfect on execution of your systems.

Glen Hanlon

Basically, the last couple of years, people have been working on a master plan for the central utilities systems. Many of the components have reached the end of their useful life.

Richard Spies

ACD Systems has taken a significant step forward to realizing its growth potential. Tim and Jon have proven expertise in building dynamic sales organizations. Their skills and leadership will help ACD Systems deliver the sales results that will increase shareholder value.

Doug Vandekerkhove

Uranus is one of the most chaotic and disruptive systems in the solar system.

Mark Showalter

They will certainly attack things that are easy to attack, but they will also attack systems that get the most results or get the most publicity.

Ray Wagner

Any countries in the regions which have situations in the rural areas similar to what we have here in Turkey could obviously have some diseases in animals and potentially in humans and that requires to strengthen surveillance systems both for humans and animals and to take all the measures necessary to control diseases in animals.

Dr. Guenael Rodier

The number of reported closings is likely to rise as communications systems are restored and the extent of the damage will become better known as certain areas like New Orleans are reopened to travel, allowing hotel owners and manager and insurance adjusters to travel to the affected areas to make property assessments.

Patrick Ford

Educational toys and learning systems was one of the fastest growing markets of 2002 going into 2003. It's a robust market that's managed to withstand the challenging economic environment because it's not an area that consumers typically think about when they consider paring back their spending.

Jeetil Patel

Both my father and grandfather were entrepreneurs, in Cleveland. I was exposed to startups and buyouts and management from a young age. In fact, when I graduated, I had offers at Microsoft, Sun, IBM -- but my heart was in Vicious Systems.

Jim Kunevicius

Fluke Networks and CA have teamed up to provide a broader and deeper enterprise systems management approach for our mutual customers. The combination of our solutions enables network professionals to work from a single user interface to access features such as remote data collection, detailed reports and remote user interfaces for troubleshooting.

Lisa Schwartz

Even very basic risk issues such as inoperative traffic lights, building lifts, security systems, inoperative medical facilities and the inability to continue business-as-usual are amongst the perils caused by a power failure that need to be accounted for in a risk assessment and contingency plans.

Paul Skivington

These tracking systems could be spread worldwide.

Ron O'dor

But those filters are no longer made of cotton. There are over 90 active toxins in cigarette filters. And because they're light, they can travel by wind or water and get into water systems. They're little, but lethal.

Ralph Phelps

The Gillette Fusion systems are the future of shaving ..... We know that millions of Canadian men are going to trade up to Fusion because nothing else even comes close. The Gillette Fusion brand sets a new standard in shaving technology and performance.

Ian Chalmers

China will strengthen its clampdown on financial crimes including beefing up supervising and oversight systems and improving its legal system to prevent such violations. China has achieved big improvement on the issue last year.

Liu Mingkang

There was a huge boom in creating mainframe systems in the '60s and '70s, and we always felt they would be replaced, ... Much to our horror in some cases, today we've got 30-year-old systems that we thought would have outlived their useful life.

Robert Stanley

Next year we're likely to see continued deceleration in mobile systems revenue growth and a further decline in operating profitability due to increased spending associated with 3G. That's going to be a difficult environment for the stock.

Jeffrey Schlesinger

By following the concept of "one country, two systems," you don't swallow me up nor I you.

Deng Xiaoping

Cisco Systems has marketed equipment specifically designed to make it easier for the Chinese police to carry out surveillance of electronic communications. Cisco is also suspected of giving Chinese engineers training in how to use its products to censor the Internet.

Lucie Morillon

Security is becoming integrated into a lot of operating systems and network infrastructure.

Michael Rasmussen

[With such text communication systems as IP relay or e-mail, said Wilson,] misunderstandings happened quite frequently. ... I am happy.

Marie Wilson

It will make them reconsider how this incident happened, what kind of problem it was, what kind of society China's is, what kind of system we work under, what procedures and systems are used in Chinese decision-making, how did Tiananmen happen and how can we avoid a recurrence? ... Everyone will be bound to consider these questions.

Bao Tong

With the electronics that have been added, the farmer can put a black box in the tractor or combine and just push a button telling all that stuff how to react to the different sensors. The ability to do some of the creative things with our planters, like variable speeds and guidance systems, all came from electro-hydraulics.

Alan Anderson

A lot of people love to talk about improving security, electricity, water systems, but that's not necessarily what parliament is intended to do. They'll be passing budgets, they'll be representing the material interests of their constituencies, and that takes a certain level of skill.

Paul Fishstein

Companies can preserve legacy systems by using them as business assets without the requirement for replacement or business-crippling developing lifecycles. With these HP and Oracle offerings, companies can develop new business capabilities at a lower cost and capitalize on the need to respond to change.

Uday Kumaraswami

Under command and control, these different radio systems can interoperate with one another.

Charles Giancarlo

The centers we chose have a unique blend of expertise as they do research in HPC systems and, in many cases, are closely affiliated with a HPC center, giving them a unique insight from both a scientific and industry perspective on what will actually help solve real problems.

Kyril Faenov

People have jumped on the electronic voting bandwagon, thinking that will solve the problems, ... But these systems are largely untested.

Avi Rubin

For OMG to achieve its long-range growth agenda, it is vitally important that we have the systems and programs in place that enables us to attract, retain and grow a superior work force. We firmly believe that Dan Lewis has the experience and the foresight to help us put those systems and programs in place.

Joe Scaminace

As China grows and Boeing sells more airplanes there, China is going to need things like airport design, construction, control systems and related training.

Larry Williams

I believe we will see at least one speed bump for POWER chips and probably a bump for SPARC during the course of 2006. In many ways, these chips are harnessed in the Unix systems that are the workhorses of the enterprise infrastructure, where they are running massively large workloads with exacting availability requirements.

Dan Olds

It's gratifying to see that hospitals and healthcare systems are placing such importance on patient satisfaction. After all, it's really all about the patient experience and providing the safest care, best service and high quality healthcare.

Blackford Middleton

Drilling systems today mainly use water to move mass up the tube and away from the bit. In space, you need to develop a closed system to do that.

Matthew Graham

SGI is using Itanium to cut the cost of designing its own chips. Intel is putting a lot of resources into developing Itanium. So instead of developing processors, we can use Itanium and put our effort into developing systems.

Tony Devarco

We believe the efficiency, image quality and, most importantly, the overall movie going experience will be greatly enhanced through projection systems.

Bruce Snyder

The success and even survival of many businesses today rests squarely on the security and reliability of their technology systems.

Shaun Cooper

What they want the communities to do is apply for the work they will do. HUD (the Department of Housing and Urban Development) wants to know how many roofs, how many plumbing systems and how many furnaces were replaced. There's a lot of money being spent, but no accountability.

Paul Tecpanecatl

More than the federal government will spend on education this year, twice as much as the federal government will spend on our roads, bridges, highways and public transit systems.

Bob Graham

It was an important point in both systems to build a military road along the limes, as well as a row of beacon towers in a strict sequence. Also the military centers and bigger forts are similar in the Roman and in the Chinese constructions.

Visy Zsolt

We have systems that are robust and strong enough to do important things like move money, but not apparently robust enough to allow privacy choice.

Peter Swire

This is one of the most industrialized, highly engineered delta systems in the world.

Robert Twilley

Before you run off to a million different tutoring systems, have the school test the student to see if he or she is grappling with issues or just needs some extra help. You don't want to fix what is not broken.

Carol Loewith

Axis has seen an increased demand for network video systems in retail environments. The technology integrates easily with many other systems found in retail stores, such as point-of-sale and access control systems, so retailers are able to better manage inventories, loss and fraud.

Ray Mauritsson

Any sensor can talk to any application. Just like with the Internet or with telephone systems, it doesn't matter what kind of computer or telephone you have, where you are or what application you're running. The system just works.

Bryan Gorman

Eighty-five to ninety percent of our nation's critical infrastructure systems are owned by the private sector.

Tom Noonan

[But consumers should not give up hope for WAP in the near future; at least not in Europe, where the mobile market is] much more mature and stable, ... The European market is, in terms of networks, a GSM (Global Systems for Mobile Communications) market that has enabled operators and terminal manufacturers to forget about competing in terms of technology.

Duncan Brown

You're facing one of the toughest systems in the whole country. You never look forward to playing a Dick Bennett team.

Jim Rosborough

Every man, woman and child in this country may have been put in jeopardy because American technology could well have been transferred to the Communist Chinese in order to perfect their nuclear weapons delivery systems.

Dana Rohrabacher

We don't have any assurance that the Indians or the Pakistanis have such systems.

Gary Milhollin

When they're not identified and they're thrown into school systems where they cannot cope, they fail.

James Reynolds

I know we're going to be tired. We're going to go in there and get two [points]. If we do that, we'll have a whole week to rest and work our new guys into our systems.

Jeff Pyle

Participants in the markets are working actively to figure out alternative distribution routes and alternative transportation systems to move their products.

Michael Moskow

Most research projects just look at impacts on biodiversity and land degradation without integrating socioeconomic factors. Changes in social systems are all reflected in the environment. It is critical to link the two.

Jennifer Olson

These are places where people come to appreciate natural systems. If they want to go to a restaurant, there are commercial restaurants.

Ann Paul

It?s curious that the two people who are pushing the closed-window policy are the two people who own (channels) that need to get on cable systems.

Tom Bernard

This is the kind of bio-inspired technologies and systems of the future where self-directed and self-correcting swarms of robots can be assigned to do any task that a human cannot or would rather not do.

Ram Prasad

Sales of especially our new systems will grow clearly by two-digit rates annually until 2015.

Bernd Bohr

We are pricing our systems very, very competitively, even compared with the x86 standard.

David Yen

Few legacy systems have simple, easily applied fixes. They normally require assessment, risk evaluation, development of solutions where appropriate, testing, and ongoing attention.

Bob Webb

Attackers are moving away from large, multipurpose attacks on network perimeters and toward smaller, more targeted attacks directed at web and client-side applications. As the threat landscape continues to change, users need to be diligent in keeping systems up-to-date with security patches and security solutions.

Richard Batchelar

We have heard from Microsoft that no representative from the company will attend the briefing. So, with Cisco Systems, this makes two companies that have confirmed they're opting out.

Lynne Weil

The global centre will create a portfolio of replicable industry solutions, being developed by combining the skill sets of our business consulting, research, software, systems, engineering, and emerging technologies.

Amitabh Ray

It's more than just a phone selling into the marketplace. In many of these countries, we don't have very sophisticated logistics systems, obviously, and when we were awarded the tender, there were a number of criteria that were met. It wasn't just based on price -- logistics, capability of service of the phone in the marketplace.

David A. Taylor

We located 118 marijuana plants and 54 root systems, which is an indication to us that those plants had already been harvested, dried out and sold.

Capt. Dominick Ferrante

That's the reality of the stuff we're working on: Everything is connected. We want to improve all systems, not only for the organization but also for the community.

Gavin Malia

All the systems are optimized, and you're performing at the optimum level that your body is capable of.

Robert Kass

In China and most of the Asia/Pacific region, it is important to note that the market for PC-based POS systems is quite a bit different than the other parts of the world. While in more mature markets the POS systems are predominantly retail-hardened devices, the growth in China and most Asian countries is coming in the form of low-end PC POS devices and PC-on-Cash Drawer devices.

Greg Buzek

We have strong data security systems and procedures in place and constantly evaluate them. Consumers should feel confident in their ability to safely use debit cards at OfficeMax.

Bill Bonner

What happens is the cases that we are talking about here have involved elderly people or people with compromised immune systems who come into contact with this water. It can enter the body through a cut or scratch or some kind of abrasion and if it is not treated with antibiotics it can lead to bloodstream or other kinds of infections.

Tom Skinner

We want to protect the asset we have here and most importantly, it is rebuilding the (heating and air conditioning) systems, ... The aesthetics are important, but have to be done conservatively.

Nicki Harrington

There are different systems that we can play now, we're very versatile so he gives us another dimension to our team.

Brian Deane

It is basically a cultural look at women and body image and how they express that body image, through interactions with other women, and with their partners; a look at body image and sexuality and belief systems; who they are and how they are.

Maria Williams

This companion is probably too massive to have formed the way we believe that planets do, namely from a circumstellar disk of gas and dust when the star was young. This finding suggests that a diversity of processes act to populate the outer regions of other systems.

Michael Liu

We have very good business practices in terms of trade-in policies, in terms of putting side by side systems, so you can try out an Integrity box while you still have your PA box.

Richard Marcello

Saddam spent 35 years stealing and wasting money, and all of these systems are very fragile and brittle, and you try to fix one thing and something else gets in trouble.

Paul Bremer

This is just precautionary at this time. Due to the unpredictable nature of tropical systems, we want our residents to begin planning.

Butch Loper

Every one of the best tax systems raises sufficient revenue without imposing at least one of the three major state taxes -- sales taxes, personal income tax and corporate income taxes.

Curtis Dubay

The past three years have been a very large disturbance in the climate force. The Pacific is really the mother of these global climate systems -- and there has been a fundamental switch in the climate in the past two years.

Bill Patzert

Interconnects and file systems are critical to what we do, the availability of a smaller advanced development system will ensure our users a positive first experience when they get onto the larger production machines.

Tom Kendall

We have completed the assessment, rectification and upgrade of our critical systems and equipment as of June 30, 1999.

Christina Lee

We've acquired a lot of different companies and architectures and we were outgrowing those clothes as we speak ... [records management] was hard with those disparate systems in place.

Larry Hawkins

The systems they wanted to make disappear are being strengthened because of the chaos prevailing in Iraq and America's blind support for Israel.

Mustafa Hamarneh

All the companies that have home-grown systems are doing everything they can to ditch them.

Carrie Johnson

The problems we had going in had to do with the fact that the building was old and we had to put in new systems - mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire life safety. Trying to fit that back in and trying to get the Fire Department to sign off was hard.

Kevin Ratner

The first time around with SOX, there was an imposed deadline and everyone scrambled to meet minimum compliance requirements. Now, it's time to look at the underlying systems and processes, and see how they can gain efficiencies from them.

Paul Hamerman

I think passage in April is likely. These increases are to offset prices for labor, supplies, materials and other items necessary to operate the public water, sewer and refuse systems.

Lee Yoakum

The main concern regarding Ericsson is its mobile systems division, which is experiencing slower growth in the U.S. and marginally disappointing growth in Europe.

Adnaan Ahmad

This collaboration will create systems that will bring biometrics into areas that were previously out of reach. In producing inexpensive but high quality powerful biometric applications, the consumer and small business space becomes an instantly achievable market.

Kevin Henderson

Credit unions and smaller banks were actually quicker than most large banks to offer online services because of the relationship they had with vendors and their capability to integrate web operations into their systems at a reasonable sum. A bank like Citibank had to do a huge internal thing to get the system up.

Jim Bruene

Attackers are moving away from large, multipurpose attacks on network perimeters toward smaller, more targeted attacks directed at Web and client-side applications. As the threat landscape continues to change, users need to be diligent in keeping systems up to date with security patches and security solutions.

Arthur Wong