Of course, over the winter months, we tend to get more kids who are sick because they're closer together. But this number is very unusual.

Peggy Rupprecht

I'm sick for him and sick for this team.

Dave Mcginnis

This is the best Lindsey has looked, with his energy and his pressure on the ball and getting the ball to the right guys at the right time. I thought he really looked great (Saturday). This is the first time of him not being sick, not being hurt or anything else.

Richard Hamilton

We need more clarification because both apparently had been exposed to sick chickens.

Maria Cheng

Clearly both of these guys have stepped out to race. The match-ups are in favor of the other teams right now. There has been more illness than injury; we've had somebody either sick or missing.

Terry Stoddard

They give you a chance and you go back in there. You're sick in the head.

Rm Gayle

Megan may be our best outside shooter and she's done a good job for us. She was sick earlier in the year and she could have hung her head about not getting back in the lineup, but she stayed with it and you have to give her credit for it.

Matt Swanson

One way or another, I've spent a lot of time in breeches and boots lately. I'm pretty sick of hanging round in frilly shirts. It makes you long to get back into your jeans!

Jonny Lee Miller

When I was sick, the people at Faulkner were mighty good to me. That meant a lot to me then and still does.

Jim Sanderson

I didn't really try to dissuade them because I was quite sick of the bike breaking. It's been pretty slow and I didn't know whether the thing would last either and I wasn't real confident with it.

Anthony West

She was a very sick child.

Michael Baden

She was at a concert in Dallas and the emcee got sick. She volunteered to emcee and she stole the show.

Al Ross

I'm sick of all these knights in shining armor parts, I want to do something worthwhile like plays and films that have something to say.

Tyrone Power

She hasn't gotten sick yet. I know it can happen, but after a month, she is still doing fine.

Donna Young

Our quilts typically go to really sick babies. Sometimes the moms don't go home with their babies. This (quilt) is all they have to remember their baby.

George Butler

We don't want any more sick puppies sold out of Keller's Flea Market.

Trey Stokes

We've got small children and sick and elderly people dying every day, small children being raped and killed, people running around with guns - I'm scared for my life, my wife and my 5-year-old daughter's life.

Alan Gould

What is so sick is how the charges bear no relation to the costs of care.

Richard Kirsch

It seems to me like our whole team is sick right now. They're all coughing and having trouble breathing, and it seems like it's making things harder for them.

Derek Heyliger

Some of them were really sick.

Nancy Howell

They were very sick that day. It's unfortunate, but that can happen to any team on any given day...It would have been nice for them to have a better performance, but I thought they did well overall given the circumstances.

Greg Zopatti

We were talking about Hurricane Katrina. If we were down there and his pump got wet or his insulin was in that 90-degree heat and wasn't any good . . . how sick he'd be.

Kathy Miller

When you're sick, do everything you can to avoid getting on a plane. I've boarded with what felt like the beginning of the flu, and landed hours later with a full-blown illness -- fever, chills, head pain.

Laurie Berger

Every single game we've had has been a close one. But I found we were more relaxed today. We were getting sick of losing. It's stressful being on the verge of being out, so we just decided to go out and have fun.

Krista Scharf

If the mother of small children was sick, they would stay overnight and take care of the children.

Donna Heath

Let them come and see our sick veterans, and say we don't need a hospital.

Lydia Caballero

I am excited about being involved in Daffodil Day. When I was sick my family needed to turn to someone for help and support. This is a chance for me to help the Cancer Council the same way they help people every day, it's important for people to believe they're going to get through everything.

Courtney Taylor

When you're in Life Flight and you've got just as sick a patient, you're it.

David Kim

The boys are sick but we just have to get on with it.

Gordon Chisholm

In that sense, it has been rewarding in a sick way. We're leaner and meaner with oil at $55 a barrel coming off the peak than we were going up to $55 the first time.

Paul Tate

That brought the total to $160,000. We probably get less money in radio pledges these days because of dream home ticket sales, but it's not a competition. All the money is going to help sick children get well at St. Jude.

Mark Cantrell

We really felt good about the decision to close the building, because we got more calls from parents this morning saying their kids got sick last night or overnight.

Peggy Rupprecht

We were very solid in the infield today and A.J. Grant made several great running catches in the gaps filling in for a kid who was out of school today sick.

Hank Ogilby

There really is a need for these types of clinics. It's wonderful for mothers to be able to scoot in quickly with a sick child.

Rob Lloyd

We have to change our way of thinking about this, because people are getting sick. We should eat for nutrition and not to stuff ourselves.

Leticia Van Osten

I feel really bad for Brian. Brian wanted everybody to be sure that his father was a very sick man.

Daniel Joseph

They're worried sick about Kara. Everybody is talking about [Kara] like she's this home-schooled weirdo, but if you knew this family you would know that's the farthest thing from the truth.

Kellymarie Conlon

The arrears built up over the years is shocking and their delay tactics make you sick.

Ratu Peniasi Kalisailoaqa

It's called 'pinkwashing,' ... You say you care about people's lives but you're doing things that make them sick at the same time. We're saying clean up your products or stop saying you care about breast cancer.

Barbara Brenner

I'm kind of sick of the fact that everyone wants to praise me in the running game. My goal is try to make them respect me in the passing game, too.

Michael Vick

I have never seen him so white and sick.

Greg Willett

How he can make people miss. It's unbelievable. He's a sick, sick athlete.

Matt Bernstein

They've been through several hurricanes, and they're sick of it.

Christy Martin

And it sends an important message to me, because I am sick to death to hear my opponent saying Republicans don't trust me. They do trust me, in landslide proportions, and they're proving it tonight. We're going to bury that for good.

Ben Nighthorse Campbell

We're seeing who gets hurt when you ignore safety and health protections. Contractors are hiring immigrant workers right here in Houston and taking them to New Orleans to do cleanup. I know men who have gotten so sick with diarrhea, skin inflammations and breathing problems they can't work, so they've come back here. The contractors just hire more.

Juan Alvarez

There are too many sick people here, and for them to get out of their bed to come get a visitor - it just doesn't make any sense. That's childish.

John Pollock

We've lost three games this season, but it feels like we've lost 15. I'm sick and tired of losing, sick and tired of feeling this way, sick and tired of not playing up to our potential and my potential.

Shanna Zolman

Mark called me this morning and said, 'I'm sick, get ready to play,' ... He's definitely the wrong guy; we do not need to lose him. I've just got to do my best and hope I don't hurt the team defensively.

Keith Ginter

I feel healthier than I ever felt, even before I found out I was sick. I've been about 110 percent for the last two years.

Barry Watson

When I was sick, it was important for me to have someone to look [at] for inspiration, such as Jose Carreras who went through a bone marrow transplant, ... If I can be that for anybody else, then I am happy.

Kevin Hearn

It was a very good game. The girls felt confident and thought we could play with them and we did. I'm sick of these runner-up trophies.

Kevin Cassidy

It just makes me sick to my stomach that we were close to doing something that would have been very significant and again, we come up just short on it. We had our chances.

Rich Brooks

Personally I am sick of hearing about Katrina.

Ronda Authement

A lot of these companies are sick. People are still enamored with the market leaders of two and three years ago.

Jordan Kimmel

An inspired, concerned and loving society will dignify man; will find the ways to develop his talent; will put the fruits of his labor and intellect to effective use; will achieve brotherhood; eliminate bigotry and intolerance; will care for the indigent, the delinquent, the sick, the aged; seek the truth and communicate it; respect differences among man.

James Rouse

Catherine is always giving 100 percent at meets. No matter if she is sick, tired or sore, she always tries to be the best and soon it will pay off.

Kameron Kennedy

Just the guilt of the unborn babies is enough. Also, I have asthma and if I get sick, it becomes double pneumonia. The doctor warned me it's getting serious — either sell the cafe or die early. It's so serious (cigarette smoke) that my help wasn't going to work here anymore.

Denise Trammell

If you are between 5 and 60, you may be as sick as a dog, but you will recover. It's the very young and very old who don't have that immunity that are at risk.

Dr. Roger Baxter

I'm sick of it man. But we haven't won. We have to go out this game and win. They are quality teams. It's not like we're playing the bottom. We're playing the top guys in the SEC.

Dontez Sanders

That's pretty sick too. It's not a pretty job.

Jim Mcdarrah

This is not about giving sick people medicine. No sick person could smoke that many joints.

Judy Kreamer

NIH is doing what it does best -- caring for the sickest of the sick, ... Our disease specialists and hospital staff are partnering with medical centers around the country to give expert advice and care to hurricane victims with the most challenging medical conditions.

Elias Zerhouni

Along with the overreaching department plan, each combatant commander must have a plan in place to address pandemic influenza, a potentially very infectious disease. Some people may be sick for a while, and the commanders have to project how this could affect their ability to perform the mission.

Ellen Embrey

It sucks, ... When they get old and sick, the state of Missouri puts them aside like trash.

Elizabeth Sullivan

It's sick. We have some questions as to why he would be offered a salary like that.

Eleanor Chavez

We are in desperate need for parking; students are having to walk across campus on crutches or while sick because there is nowhere close for them to park.

Elizabeth Greaney

We are the trade union for pensioners and children, the trade union for the disabled and the sick... the trade union for the nation as a whole.

Edward Heath

I was sick at the thought we were doing harm to patients.

Edward Scolnick

I think it's sick for you not to take people into consideration before you propose these lines.

Ed Krebs

We've been getting sick for 25 years around here. But to see him and how much he loves the team and wants to win for this club, that was one of the biggest things he had going for him when he applied for the job.

Eddie Einhorn

I'd say 'focus, focus, focus' so many times they probably got sick of it. But that's how we did things, and how we do things with the golf tournament.

Ed Brink

Let's get some compensation out there for people that's sick -- Get this over and done with, start making decisions.

Earl Graves

They knew the line was there. It could have caused a lot of people to get sick.

Earl Anderson

I would like to see justice, first of all, and I would like to see whoever wrote the letters. I would pray for them, first of all, because this is sick.

Eugene Anderson

Maybe when I'm not playing well I can get sick of golf. But then I get back into it again.

Evan Needham

We didn't know he had another case at the same time when Brad got sick. People don't know that Brad came within a half an hour of dying. [Doctors] are putting a monitor on his pancreas because it isn't working. This thing was a shock to everybody. You know he is the big healthy jock. You just don't expect him to suddenly get ill.

Ernest Kinney

And I was desolate and sick of an old passion.

Ernest Dowson

He appeared to be on drugs. He was kind of weird, saying kind of sick things.

Erika Cruz

We are still trying to get a handle on this. What if we find a couple of dead birds or a barn full of sick animals? We are trying to figure out the risk to the state.

Eric Dietz

I'm amazed there weren't more sick and injured considering what hit this city.

Erik Larsen

When you're sick, you think that money doesn't matter. I wanted him to get well.

Erica Mclean

Sure, we had a few girls sick, but that's not why we lost. North Side just beat us because they're a very, very good team. They control the boards and made our girls look tentative the entire night.

Eric Volbert

If a business has 60 percent of its employees who are sick, how are they going to keep operating? If schools have a lot of children who are sick, how are they going to keep operating? Are they going to have to close? Are their children going to have to be at home?

Emily Palmer

NIH is doing what it does best -- caring for the sickest of the sick. Our disease specialists and hospital staff are partnering with medical centers around the country to give expert advice and care to hurricane victims with the most challenging medical conditions.

Elias Zerhouni