I always say baseball is my favorite sport but that this is the best event.

It's been worth the wait. We're both going to be 70. We didn't think it would take this long, but we made it.

We've been getting sick for 25 years around here. But to see him and how much he loves the team and wants to win for this club, that was one of the biggest things he had going for him when he applied for the job.

Anybody who puts up with getting the heat should get all the accolades.

You always think about this, but we've had the culture of losing for so long, you try not to get your hopes up. You just hold your breathe.

All the frustration, it's been worth the wait. It's a generation-long wait. I mean, that's a long wait.

CBS called everything the Road to the Final Four. The season was just leading up to the Final Four. The office pools started to grow. It became a social interaction phenomenon.

The office pool. I don't consider it gambling. I think it's social interaction. And every office has it.

Look at this. The baseball gods are still smiling on us.