The argument that making contraceptives available to young people would prevent teen pregnancies is ridiculous. That's like offering a cookbook as a cure to people who are trying to lose weight.

Jerry Falwell

This is ridiculous. This war is not the same, ... It's not a war. It's an invasion on our part, what we did to those innocent citizens in Iraq.

John Francis

Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. What if they decided to improve scoring in the NBA and made the hoop 4 inches bigger in diameter? You don't want to artificially improve scoring. What if the NBA developed a half-court shot that was worth 5 points? You can't do things like that.

Harry Sinden

We really need them to stay there because the numbers over there are ridiculous. It's important that they stay healthy to provide healthcare there.

Grier Stanley

It's really ridiculous to charge your taxes just to gain frequent flier miles or any kind of other perks given to you by your credit card company.

Jim Tehan

What with the number of courthouses and post offices the Republican Congress names, it's ridiculous that they chose this one to make a point. This is a local issue.

Jennifer Crider

I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous - everyone hasn't met me yet.

Rodney Dangerfield

How ridiculous and unrealistic is the man who is astonished at anything that happens in life.

Marcus Aurelius

That was not just a red card -- it was worth three or four red cards, ... It was ridiculous that he stayed on the pitch. He should be suspended for four games.

Branko Ivankovic

As you set hard goals, industry is driven to profitability. You can produce energy for the private sphere and for public benefit. The public goal is important and the idea that the best prevails in the marketplace is ridiculous.

George Sterzinger

It's ridiculous. I don't understand it. I like it when it's supposed to be here, but not now.

Tim Snyder

It's time to bring down the curtain on this ridiculous farce. This conflict revealed a profound regime crisis.

Jack Lang

It's a little ridiculous.

Guy Kawasaki

I can't comment negatively on the officiating, but I thought it was ridiculous. It's sad to get to this point in the season and neither team accounted for the outcome.

Stu Katz

Hitting two shots like that is ridiculous.

Bob Tway

I am very happy. I am pleased that it is misdemeanor and there wasn't a conspiracy because that is just ridiculous.

Daniel Burns

They're trying to have us, have like three English classes and two math classes which is ridiculous.

Christine Martinez

That's ridiculous, I don't know where that came from.

Oregan Hoskins

How ridiculous, how asinine, how insane can one be?!

Bobby Rush

The volume is simply ridiculous.

Andre Mamed

My wife's jealousy is getting ridiculous. The other day she looked at my calendar and wanted to know who May was.

Rodney Dangerfield

No. Don't be ridiculous. The tour starts in a few days. He needs as much practice as he can get before then. He has to be the best.

Christopher Navin

(The Bulldogs) got so many points off our turnovers it was ridiculous. If we cut down on our turnovers and be patient with our offense, things will be way better than it was at Fresno.

Janevia Taylor

An amazing vocalist and a ridiculous songwriter.

Luis Fonsi

We want to look as ridiculous to our fans as the NBA players are going to look to their fans.

David Burke

Of course there are some evening dresses that you cannot wear in daylight because it would be ridiculous, but there is a kind of dressy touch for daywear, too, ... And everything, it's easy. (There's) no barrier between dressy, day and sports. It's feminine 24 hours a day.

Karl Lagerfeld

They very seldom let me lose my cool. They made me like I was Polly Perfect, which was ridiculous so that when I bump into kids on the street they'd say 'I wish my Mom were like you".

Charlotte Rae

I think those contentions are ridiculous.

Art Leach

A woman will allow herself to be clouded by her emotions. Her reasonable thought becomes completely unreasonable over the most ridiculous thing. It's a girl thing.

Lea Delaria

Anyone who is pointing to any one person, saying 'It's your fault,' that's ridiculous.

Bert Crews

I've been a government contractor for years, so I'm used to bureaucracy, but this is just ridiculous, ... I am finding this the most labyrinthine experience I've ever had with government.

Barbara Potter

Blackwell's campaign makes a lot of silly statements but these comments are ridiculous.

Bob Paduchik

It's a ridiculous thing to say, but truthfully I don't really like guns. But, I end up playing characters that use a lot of guns.

Oded Fehr

I did what I could and never felt ridiculous but it was a bit difficult at the end.

Benjamin Balleret

Of children as of procreation - the pleasure momentary, the posture ridiculous, the expense damnable.

Evelyn Waugh

Maple syrup can help you lose weight -- if you eat nothing else and don't have too much! Otherwise, I agree that the whole idea is a little ridiculous.

Mark Hyman

In the past couple years we really didn't have a keeper who can make those incredible saves. The saves he made weren't just the regular ones, they were just ridiculous.

Nate Whitaker

You do what's best for your team, ... throw passes and get (the quarterback) killed. Are you kidding me? For what? That's ridiculous.

Herm Edwards

The charges were ridiculous. The whole theory of the government's case was ridiculous, and I wished they looked at the evidence like I and the jurors did.

Jonathan Burge

It was ridiculous even to be nominated with these people.

Laura Solon

It's ridiculous that they worry about stuff like that. It shows they [the Marlins organization] don't know anything about the game. That kind of stuff goes on everywhere. It didn't affect the way he worked, the way he did his job.

Brad Penny

Obviously this is big for Mary Alice. She's broken just ridiculous amounts of school records and she had her best indoor season ever.

Tim Fulton

You lot are the most ridiculous looking men I have ever seen in my life.

Abi Titmuss

Not from the sublime to the ridiculous -- from the very ridiculous to simply the ridiculous.

George Gekas

I know when you're out of form you go after the ball, but this is just ridiculous.

Nasser Hussain

It's a ridiculous idea. I hate going to other states and having to pump my own gas.

Charles Mueller

Some of them had done things that really, really stun you when you hear about them. Nothing would ever be considered a breakthrough unless it first seemed a little ridiculous.

Marc Abrahams

A group of my friends would get together and go to dinner, pretending to take photos of each other when we were really investigating the place. I didn't want people to know what we were doing because it seemed ridiculous.

L'aura Goldner

It is ridiculous that they have been allowing the import of birds as pets in recent weeks without even placing them in quarantine.

Sue Miller

For the administrator of our high school to not accept us -- to not say, 'Yeah, I'll listen to your concerns,' is just ridiculous. We're not asking for people's jobs, we're just saying that we have concerns ...

Anna Peterson

Either they'll spend a ridiculous, unsubstantiated amount of money on this or, more likely, they'll move to a more private model of corrections.

Neil Boyd

It is ridiculous. It shows a lack of understanding of what a town officer does. It shows a total lack of experience from those board members. As far as I'm concerned, I don't honor it, and I never will.

Rod Ferrentino

That's ridiculous if you ask me. It's just funny all the property they're buying around the state ...

Robert Wiggins

It's ridiculous. How can you have 75% of the people vote themselves out of a job?

Bob Rose

I knew he was unbelievable before I got here, but he's even better than I thought. He's making ridiculous saves look routine.

Sean Hill

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of -- absolutely has no basis in fact.

Peggy Wilson

For anybody to question whether I am behind the Wales cause is ridiculous and unfair. I have hardly missed a training session with any of my managers during my career and recent remarks about me are complete nonsense. I am proud to play for Wales and always will be.

Ben Thatcher

I think it?s ridiculous. I heard it was going to go up and with the Texas thing, we filled up all our cars.

Carlos Rivera

It's ridiculous to try as a manager to go along with that, because there are always stocks and opportunities to invest in.

Richard Freeman has connected so many people in the poster world via the Internet that it's ridiculous. From fans to pros, everyone drops by that site to check out the latest and get their two bits in.

Justin Hampton

Rotisserie baseball may be the most ridiculous duplication of effort in the history of human beings, but that's hardly a concern.

Sam Walker

Look, when people came after me for doing 'Indecent Proposal' or 'Disclosure,' I thought, 'Ridiculous.' These people are trying to limit me as an actor. Are they saying I can't play these roles? Well, I've proved I can.

Demi Moore

We've been here how many hours, four and a half? There comes a time when you have to make a decision and we're leaving, this is sort of ridiculous.

Muzzy Colosimo

It's really ridiculous.

Lucy Dalglish

It's really ridiculous. I'm just waiting for the first search of a newsroom to come down and for someone to say, 'You can't report we just searched you.

Lucy Dalglish

You shine the light and you let them come out with their own words and they'll be exposed for what they really are, which is ridiculous.

Karen Aroesty

I think if they build those things, it could do more damage than good. It's just ridiculous. It trivializes the architecture and will ultimately detract from the good things being done.

Neil Levine

It's a ridiculous idea, ... We won't to agree to a 'grand coalition' at any price.

Christian Wulff

I think the tax cut is ridiculous but so am I.

Randy Newman

It's almost impossible to go into the Hall of Fame the way the system is now. It's ridiculous ... If I played in New York, I'd be there a long time ago. You play in Minnesota, they stick it to you.

Tony Oliva

There is an average of 10 percent utilization [of a network]. That's ridiculous -- who actually buys 10 times as much as they actually use? It's like going to McDonald's and ordering 10 Big Macs, but throwing away nine of them because you only need one.

Joe Weinman

Snappers in the NFL get absolutely abused. If the snappers had a union they wouldn't play on Sundays because it's ridiculous.

Bob Casullo

There are people who think this is a ridiculous extension of their job. I look at this as my new job. It's the future of news. I love it.

Mary Flood

Prudential's point of view was that, 'We are not the ones faxing the information,' which is ridiculous. They are the ones that solicited the business from doctors and clinics, and they are the ones setting up the protocols for receiving the information.

Jody Baxmeyer

They shoot it so well. It seems like every guy is shooting it 40 to 45 percent from 3. I mean, it's ridiculous.

Dave Loos

Never, in my experience, has the IETF seen such a ridiculous flap over intellectual property rights.

Ned Freed

Movie stars get paid these ridiculous amounts of money - I don't know if they deserve it.

Michael Pitt

That was ridiculous, ... I've never seen a ball hit that far.

Tino Martinez

If there are signs that Americans bow to the gods of advertising, there are equally indications that people find the gods ridiculous. It is part of the popular culture that advertisements are silly.

Michael Schudson

To even consider winning seven gold medals wouldn't be a smart thing to do. To think about a potential seven gold medals is just ridiculous.

Libby Lenton

One example of this is the unbridled attacks by some of the media on the majority ruling of Cohen's disciplinary court. The criticism included inferences that ties of friendship between one of the judges and the judge's attorney shaped the outcome of the hearing; that the judges ought to admit their error in public; and that the ruling was ridiculous, distorted and revolting. This isn't criticism.

Aharon Barak

There's nothing ridiculous about our appeal.

Jeffry House

They are so unfounded as to be ridiculous. We are not shopping players. We're rebuilding a team here.

Jeffrey Loria

Ridiculous, a joke taken too far.

Mahesh Bhatt

None of us was making much money, but if everybody throws in $5 a person, you can buy a lot of food. It was ridiculous. We ate like kings. Those days made us real close as a staff.

Rick Kravitz

He's ridiculous. I've never seen anybody have the kind of impact he has. He's getting better and better. I'm happy I don't have to play against him.

Harrison Smith

Nobody wants to be called the No Fun League. But we also don't want it to be ridiculous. We have to balance in here that kids do emulate what our players do. What we deem to be acceptable is not acceptable on other levels, like high school and college.

Mike Pereira

The idea has been suggested that he wasn't a fast hunter, that he was a carrion feeder. I would describe that idea as ridiculous. All the evidence points to him as a powerful killer and hunter.

Spencer Lucas

East Haven is known to have a great power play. As a coach, it's probably the most embarrassing game I've been associated with in 23 years. We had 12 penalties and two were hitting from behind. We were in the box the entire night on ridiculous penalties.

Larry Vieira

The defense is playing ridiculous right now.

Chad Johnson

It's ridiculous. It's just people playing people. That's all. Basically it's just common sense things, but over the years I think we have a tendency to forget them.

Pat Cole

I have seen the day, when, if a man made himself ridiculous, the world would laugh at him. But now, everything that is mean, disgusting, and absurd, pleases them but so much the better!

Joanna Baillie

It's ridiculous. This goes on every day.

Bruce Parker

Hope, like faith, is nothing if it is not courageous; it is nothing if it is not ridiculous.

Thornton Wilder

Affectation is certain deformity; by forming themselves on fantastic models, the young begin with being ridiculous, and often end in being vicious.

Robert Blair

They think customers are liars and cheats and, if given the chance, will rip off the company. To prevent that from happening, they develop ridiculous rules, policies, and procedures.

John Tschohl

Michael Moore is free to denounce every manifestation of American foreign policy; is he not? And we are upholding his right to do so, as ridiculous and inane and asinine as his comments are.

Orrin Hatch

It's almost hilarious and ridiculous at some level. But we're definitely serious about that test.

Margi Nanney

It's quite a ridiculous position to take.

Tarek Fatah

It's basically the right thing to do. We don't see a need to go back to pursue them and said, 'OK, We gave you $2,500 and you only spent $2,200. Where is our $300?' That seems somewhat ridiculous.

Dick Luedke

I think I look ridiculous. But we're doing it for him; we're not doing it for the look. We're doing it to support him and to let him know he was a big part of our team and that it was a major loss.

Justin Doellman

That's totally ridiculous, ... I would say on a scale of 1 to 100 that had zero to do with it. The organization has moved on.

Andrew Heyward

Nature should have been pleased to have made this age miserable, without making it also ridiculous.

Elizabeth Hardwick

I have a fine sense of the ridiculous, but no sense of humor.

Edward Albee

Mary believes that at the center of everyone is a mystery. And the idea that you can sum up a person in two hours, to say that this one event or this one person is what made such and such happen, is ridiculous.

Gretchen Mol

It's ridiculous that they worry about stuff like that. It shows (the Marlins) don't know anything about the game.

Brad Penny

(This game was) ridiculous and horrible, but we've done a lot of good things this season. You have to take the embarrassment from this game and move on to Thursday. Because that's what matters as far as us getting the No. 4 spot.

Debbie Taylor

In marriage there are no manners to keep up, and beneath the wildest accusations no real criticism. Each is familiar with that ancient child in the other who may erupt again. We are not ridiculous to ourselves. We are ageless. That is the luxury of the wedding ring.

Enid Bagnold

Often, Kiefer's portrayal is riveting. He's really able to make these occasionally ridiculous situations feel extremely real, and more importantly, extremely personal.

Evan Katz

It's ridiculous. There's no excuse for it.

Ethan Moreau

It would have been a little ridiculous if I didn't play well. They name the whole thing after me and I went out and had a bad game.

Eric Meister

It is ridiculous that the media doesn't pick up every story where a child disappears from their home. It's horrible. But at the same time, without those stories that do make it ... this wouldn't even be in our consciousness. So whatever the reason, I'm grateful because the level of national awareness is higher than it's ever been.

Erin Runnion

The fate of animals is of greater importance to me than the fear of appearing ridiculous; it is indissolubly connected with the fate of men.

Emile Zola

It stinks. It's got bodies floating in it. You got flies, just the air, the quality of the city is ridiculous.

Edward Harris

It's almost ridiculous to think that somebody could have won the election that hadn't had something to do with Aristide.

Eduardo Gamarra

Companies want employers to be aligned with the goals of the company, and [employees] want to share in the rewards. To say that making employees owners of companies is not a good idea because of what happened with Enron is just ridiculous.

Ed Ferrigno

I have lived in many places. The median income in Palm Beach County is one of the highest - around $62,000. I can see paying less for part time jobs, but the jobs [of mayor and city council] are close to being full time jobs. Paying them $9,000 and $7,200 is ridiculous.

Jed Westover

I don't know where this goes from here, but this is the most ridiculous way I've seen to conduct business.

Earle Mccurdy

It's a ridiculous question.

Earle Caldwell

That's so ridiculous. Go up the chain and find out where on earth they got that policy. They could be costing people a lot of money.

Ed Slott

Although the belief is ridiculous, the fact that people try to avoid it reflects a strong desire for a happy marriage.

Zhang Youde

It's not a ridiculous contrast; it's more a man hiding a secret and being a little smarter about how he projects himself than we thought.

Evan Katz

Making things feel real is one of our primary concerns in the way we write it. And it's one of the gifts that the actors who do the show really have to make ridiculous situations feel real.

Evan Katz