But when you think about it, the Nikkei remains above 16,000 and, level-wise, the 1.4 percent region (for 10-year bonds) is too low, so we're not likely to see too much more buying from this point on.

Akihiko Inoue

One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done.

Marie Curie

Overall, we believe that the earnings outlook for Medtronic is the strongest in the industry, and Medtronic remains the one company that we have the most confidence in with respect to delivering on its earnings guidance.

Glenn Novarro

It is important to open up the dialogue and debate this issue given the pronouncement by the Supreme Court justices coupled with his (Lee's) desire to ensure that the death penalty remains a policy in Florida.

Kathy Mears

We're on par to win the nomination with flying colors. It remains to be seen what kind of showing Jim Gilchrist is going to make. ... He's talked about one issue and this is a fairly sophisticated district.

Jim Terry

The market remains very tight. There is a thin cushion of spare capacity. And the market keeps wanting to grow, even with these prices. Demand keeps going up, and there's the problem.

Bob Tippee

The Grateful Dead remains as it always has -- in favor of tape trading.

Dennis Mcnally

Sentiment remains fragile... We are still waiting for signs that companies are rebuilding margins and investing again.

Valerie Plagnol

Management remains very upbeat and enthusiastic about Oracle's prospects over the next 12 months, driven by a strengthening product cycle, market share gains, continued margin expansion and sustained execution.

Wendell Laidley

The bottom line is that you still have buoyant company profits and the overall growth story remains positive. I'm a rand bull and not surprised we are seeing these levels.

Goolam Ballim

Our market share remains broadly where it was in the last few quarters, ... It's a monetization issue, and that is something we're going to have to reverse in the future.

Chris Liddell

Suffering, once accepted, loses its edge, for the terror of it lessens, and what remains is generally far more manageable than we had imagined.

Lesley Hazelton

Our view is that sentiment remains cautious.

Robin Marshall

Not withstanding the kudos, these are niche films and their audience remains unchanged.

Peter Guber

It remains to be seen whether the end of the strike will do enough to help a recoil in sales. There have been some sales lost -- there's no question about it.

Robbert Van Batenburg

The safety record of MMR is possibly best attested by its almost universal use, ... Its evaluation cannot be divorced from its effectiveness and the importance of the target diseases. As such, MMR remains an important preventive global intervention.

Vittorio Demicheli

Growth remains limited, but at least the market is moving in the right direction again. We believe the market is a lot healthier than it was three months ago, as inventories have come down and expectations for growth are more realistic.

Loren Loverde

Bad weather and the war did affect Lowe's sales in the quarter. That's the logical assumption. But whether that was 100 percent of the reasons for disappointing sales remains to be seen. If Home Depot reports better earnings and the comparable sales gap between Home Depot and Lowe's narrows, that will raise questions.

Colin Mcgranahan

Forty-eight years ago a museum and a 3,000-acre park was promised to Northern Kentucky. However, much of the area remains largely hidden and a promise unfulfilled.

Pat Fox

At the moment that is my major target and remains my primary aim.

Jason Gardener

Today, the outdoor living market has expanded to encompass far more than just gardening, though gardening remains an important aspect of outdoor living. Outdoor living is a lifestyle, not just a hobby... .

Pam Danziger

And my interest in history was, and remains, very strong: what I wanted was to understand certain things better by understanding them psychoanalytically.

Peter Gay

All that remains is for a few dots and commas to be crossed.

Thomas Mitchell

He is not particularly quick or physical, but his sense of timing and his finishing are high quality. He remains a threat.

Sidney Govou

A lot remains to be done when it comes to Turkish policies towards minorities.

Heinz Kramer

Beauty Passes, wisdom remains.

Turkish proverb

We would like to keep the drive-in if it remains fiscally operative.

Marjorie Smith

We know his organization remains active, planning terrorist activity.

Michael Sheehan

Our own belief remains that while core inflation could well inch up in the coming months, it is unlikely to accelerate significantly.

Joshua Shapiro

The city remains concerned about several events that have occurred at the Hudson Duster, and we'll continue to monitor the situation.

Jeff Buell

We're budgeted for this year. We did the budgeting for this year in the spring, so our year is set. However, if the price remains high or goes higher, then we may have to drop a home-and-home series with someone.

Joe Asher

The level of detail in this report shows the importance we lay to our project's impact on the community. The economic numbers you don't see are contained in another part of our application to the state that remains sealed.

Andy Abboud

Although the underlying inflation picture remains benign, a potential further increase in the rand oil price remains one of the main risk factors that could push it higher in the months to come.

Johan Rossouw

CLOCK, n. A machine of great moral value to man, allaying his concern for the future by reminding him what a lot of time remains to him. A busy man complained one day: 'I get no time!' 'What's that you say?' Cried out his friend, a lazy quiz; 'You have, sir, all the time there is. There's plenty, too, and don't you doubt it - We're never for an hour without it.'

Ambrose Bierce

How we will do it and what exactly we will offer remains of course a trade secret. However, we are 100 percent confident that what we want to do can be done.

Andrew Jones

We are not opposed to the rebuilding moving forward. We just don't want it to move forward and the physical remains of the footprints to be destroyed in that process.

Anthony Gardner

The residential housing market is well off its peak now. The Reserve Bank remains on hold for now with domestic demand moderating.

Michael Every

The status remains quo as far as passengers are concerned. The tickets are good, everything functions normally, there's no real impact.

David Stempler

It's certainly a possibility ... It remains to be seen how much can be accomplished how quickly.

Cal Cohen

The governor remains disappointed in the court actions that compelled the state's involvement.

Spence Jackson

It remains to be seen whether people are willing to pay for excellent information or not.

Patricia Adams

Their PC business remains really strong.

Jeff Baker

All I've wanted, all these years, was to find the remains of my father and be able to bury them, ... Now, I am told that I will never be able to do so.

Viviana Diaz

It?s a cemetery that will be there for a long time. Fortunately, these remains won?t be disturbed anymore.

Robert Hollis

What remains to be done is intensely investigate these claims.

Burt Neuborne

So of cheerfulness, or a good temper, the more it is spent, the more it remains.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our priority remains to rein in this disease. We are beginning to see some improvements in the control of foot-and-mouth disease but there is still a very long way to go.

Ben Gill

Playing for my country remains close to my heart and I have made myself available to play if chosen.

Ben Kennedy

That remains to be seen. We have to try and work out a deal with Wilfred.

Rick Ross

While there are difficult economic environments throughout Asia, our fundamental business remains strong.

Douglas Ivester

The taboo against talking about sex in general and homosexuality in particular in the country remains a block against getting information to those in need.

Xiao Dong

While this remains a single case, it is prudent to closely watch for any additional possible cases while continuing to emphasize the importance of reducing HIV risk behavior.

David Ho

Perseverance means realizing this battle may not be over tomorrow, and we may face new challenges. But the debate doesn't change, and the gravity doesn't change, and the urgency remains.

Olivia Gans

We saw the market take a pause for breath in February, but Brazil remains the star of the emerging markets and, as long as the international outlook remains positive, stocks should rise.

Alvaro Bandeira

As we expected, the strong rebound in prices in October was temporary, driven by buyers postponing purchases until after the August base rate cut and the overall picture remains one of stability rather than acceleration.

Fionnuala Earley

However, the question remains, where will we store the stockpile?

Steve Kuo

I said ... on Tuesday we are not saying anything on or off the record. That remains the position.

Alan Young

United certainly made a lot of cost reductions. But whether they really had a metamorphosis to compete without the help of a bankruptcy court remains to be seen.

George Hamlin

As we are going through this crisis, the fundamental laws of economics tend to apply forcefully - if demand remains the same or increases and supply is reduced, prices will rise.

Bill Douglass

I am saying Manny remains willing to consider trade possibilities that the Red Sox may wish to pursue.

Greg Genske

Religion always remains higher than everyday life. In order to make the elevation towards religion easier for people, religion must be able to alter its forms in relation to the consciousness of modern man.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

I think higher energy prices might have given us the excuse to correct today, but overall, the market remains healthy.

Paul Rabbit

Some properties are going to be sold as companies consolidate. It was a great time to be a gaming lawyer in the 90s and it will continue to be good as long as gaming remains the economic lifeblood of the state.

Greg Giordano

Certain brief sentences are peerless in their ability to give one the feeling that nothing remains to be said.

Jean Rostand

No man remains quite what he was when he recognizes himself.

Thomas Mann

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.

Albert Pine

To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today.

Isaac Asimov

I've always thought you'll have the movement in price before you'll see it on quantity side, ... As long as the price remains high, if you're a builder, you want to get the houses up in order to cash in.

Dean Baker

That's always been one of our concerns ? that there would be no local production. We knew we would have to import at least in the beginning. Whether we will have to import during the whole life of the program remains to be seen.

Albert Chee

They're playing politics to look like global firms. It remains to be seen how many Americans they are going to hire. My guess is it won't be a lot.

Ron Hira

This project is hanging by a thread. Chad remains unprepared for the complexities of an economy increasingly dominated by oil.

Ian Gary

The recovery remains very fragile. Consumption slowed, investments are still subdued, and exports are having difficulty picking up.

Marc Touati

While we're very disappointed by the information we have received thus far, we remain determined to continue the search so long as there is hope, and hope remains.

Ben Hatfield

The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.

Wendell Berry

The duality of St Petersburg and Leningrad remains. They are not even on speaking terms.

Joseph Wechsberg

While the television advertising market is currently subdued, the medium term outlook remains positive.

Gerry Murphy

As long as H5N1 remains a bird virus, the threat to human health is not grave. But influenza viruses change constantly, and the danger is that, in the future, it could evolve into a virus that is easily transmissible among humans.

Carissa Etienne

For most families, I would say truly that is where their loved one died and that's where their loved one remains.

Mary Fetchet

It is the greatest mistake to think that man is always one and the same. A man is never the same for long. He is continually changing. He seldom remains the same even for half an hour.

George Gurdjieff

The dollar's decline was quite fast, particularly last week, so it's very likely we will see a correction upward. Sentiment remains bearish for the dollar, but the currency needs to rebound first.

Tsutomu Soma

The investigation remains open, we've contacted next of kin. We're trying to determine now exactly what caused his death.

Dr. Sara Murray Jordan

Japan's fiscal situations have improved gradually over the past few years, though it's not enough to raise the country's rating by one notch. Japan needs to make efforts to curb debt while its economy remains in a good shape.

Takahira Ogawa

Mail remains a very good way to market your business.

Robert Cooper

We expect strong year-over-year sales growth in the first quarter, and our outlook for growth in 2000 remains strong. We expect that in 2000, our overall operating loss will decrease significantly as a percentage of sales.

Warren Jenson

The Mexican market remains obsessed with the extent of the U.S. economy's slowdown.

Alberto Sanchez

It still remains that people go to Apple Valley because of its quaintness.

Janice Moore

Most couples make the mistake of giving each other the 'remains of the day'—the leftover time after every other relationship and task has been attended to. This is not only backwards, but destructive. Stellar partners give each other prime time and make each other their top priority.

Rhoberta Shaler, Phd

But the overall economy is still sluggish. As a result, our near-term outlook remains cautious.

Brian L. Halla

We believe our ability to successfully reverse this volume erosion is limited by the continuing overhang of government litigation and investigation issues. The resolution of these issues remains among our highest priorities.

Trevor Fetter

I was a queen, and you took away my crown; a wife, and you killed my husband; a mother, and you deprived me of my children. My blood alone remains: take it, but do not make me suffer long.

Marie Antoinette

HIV remains a huge problem in India and we have to remain vigilant.

Rajesh Kumar

It's the right thing to do. It still remains to be seen how well she follows it through.

Dede Miller

While it remains early days, change is in the air and in the results at WMT.

Adrianne Shapira

While the market environment remains difficult, we are beginning to see positive signs for our industry, as demonstrated by the improvement in the equity markets, as well as a rise in announced mergers and acquisitions transactions.

Richard Fuld

In art, truth and reality begin when one no longer understands what one is doing or what one knows, and when there remains an energy that is all the stronger for being constrained, controlled and compressed.

Henri Matisse

While the credit environment remains challenging, we are beginning to see a slowing of deterioration in parts of our business, ... Although this is not expected to improve credit costs in the near term, it could lead to improvement in the latter part of the year.

James Dimon

Although there remains a degree of uncertainty, the economic environment is improving and is substantially better than this time last year.

Ray Webster

The best you can say is that the German economy remains in dire straits and under duress and as far as what it means for policy... it's a beacon call to the ECB to cut rates.

Joe Brown and David Brown

Having imports grow as the economy is slowing is telling you that American companies are facing great competitive pressure, especially in capital equipment. It doesn't help American companies because international competition remains very, very strong.

Pierre Ellis

The dollar remains firm, as the absolute U.S. interest- rate advantage still continues to exist. Rates hikes by the BOJ are a long way off.

Yuji Saito

The market remains very nervous and volatile. While we have the turbulence in the U.S. markets, it's best to stay clear.

Celso Senise

This remains a highly competitive industry.

John Hofmeister

But there are still real humanitarian needs here, and it remains to be seen now they deal with them.

Richard Ragan

This is a very deep emotional aspect of our work down there, and we need to make sure we respect as best as possible those remains.

John Rickey

Although demand for our products remains significantly higher than it was in the fourth quarter of 1999, the order rate has slowed considerably from the record pace experienced in the third quarter of 2000.

Robert Shillman

Oh man, that remains to be seen. I know I'd like to.

Dennis Kitko

The Fed is much more concerned that policy remains accommodative, which means that rate hikes will be measured going forward.

Richard Franulovich

The economic recovery story remains intact and positive reports will continue to support these expectations. Financials and other domestic demand-driven stocks look attractive.

Seo Jung Ho

Joe sees a reflection of his wife in Pauline. That was his first instinct which attracted him, and it remains the underlying reason for his affection.

Ray Brooks

Companies that rely on the Internet for their business models should be contributing to guarantee that the Internet remains stable.

Vint Cerf

The individual involved has been stripped of police powers and the matter remains under investigation.

Monique Bond

The main goals in the conduct of monetary policy after quantitative easing will be to ensure that the ensuing adjustment in the bond market remains orderly.

Atsushi Mizuno

We're probably in a quiet period, maybe even a bit of a pullback. But I think if you're a long-term investor, the environment remains good and I would definitely remain in equities.

Patricia Chadwick

There was nothing serious so far, and we hope that this remains that way.

Martin Mchugh

You can listen to what everybody says, but the fact remains that you've got to get out there and do the thing yourself.

Joan Sutherland

The rate of early cancer detection was better than what we see in the general community. But it remains to be seen if that translates into a mortality benefit. It is too early to make any recommendations regarding chest X-rays as a lung cancer screening tool in the general population.

Christine Berg

Housing may get another mini boost from the recent drop in rates. These data do lag a bit. Still, it is clear that, low rates or not, housing is not on fire the way it once was. The level of activity remains quite high for housing. But the prospects for further growth do not look that strong based on momentum.

Robert Brusca

The index, however, remains well below the peak of 60 reached in July last year.

André Roux

While there is no room for complacency, the Fed can take comfort in the fact that core inflation remains tame.

Patrick Newport

Our resources are extremely strained. Our main concern still remains the funding.

Hansjoerg Strohmeyer

But how well organized they are, what their capacity is to actually mount any operation remains to be seen.

Mick Keelty

We have done so in the past. As long as the economy remains vibrant, (one company's setback) won't bring the economy to its knees.

Steve Hine

If the election period passes smoothly and the inflation picture remains benign, further easing is not excluded.

Beat Siegenthaler

Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?

Rose F. Kennedy

Impunity in the killing of journalists remains the intolerable scandal of our times that can no longer be ignored by the international community.

Aidan White

The most immediate concern remains Iraq, where the prospect of further severe political and economic setbacks appears to be increasing.

Paul Horsnell

Why American pharmaceutical companies have not pursued a similar ethical avenue, remains a mystery.

Patti Johnson

Although DeLay remains legally innocent, his announcement will lead more people, perhaps including those within his own district, to believe that he is guilty. DeLay has clearly become a liability for the Republican Party.

John Vile

It's time for Republicans to join with Democrats to enact a jobs plan that keeps American jobs in America and ensures that America remains the world's foremost land of opportunity.

Nick Lampson

We have had some good indicators recently regarding the business climate. Here we see a small drop ... confirming what we have been saying for months -- that the business situation in France remains fragile.

Nicolas Claquin

Our biggest positive for 2006 is that inflation remains contained and that valuations for the first time in several years could really go higher. That could be more of the driver for the market in 2006.

David Chalupnik

The program remains controversial, in part because of the significant investment in plants and associated tax benefits by the owners.

Jodi Hecht

We have a handful of guys right there who are knocking on the door. How that plays out remains to be seen, but that will be something we will try to manage on a day-to-day or a week-to-week basis. We will certainly have some difficult decisions to make.

Mike Sullivan

What we're seeing happening is the best of all worlds. The economy is strong yet inflation remains quiescent. The earnings outlook remains reasonably good. Given those things, the money continues to flow into the market from both domestic and foreign sources.

John Shaughnessy

That's not to say we won't hear an aircraft occasionally, but the national standard for noise compatibility remains on the airport.

Alan Alexander

This army will continue to defend our homeland as long as one inch of Palestine remains occupied.

Mahmud Zahar

The economy remains very solid and it appears likely to expand at a pace of 4-1/2 percent to 5 percent in the second half of the year.

Lynn Reaser

Support for the Koizumi cabinet remains quite high among voters. But he can't solve the problems inside his own backyard. The election will be a great chance for the Democratic Party.

Yasunori Sone

There is no part of the UK that remains unaffected by HIV or other sexually transmitted infections.

Barry Evans

Even if the economy remains very strong, we would expect an increase in the delinquency and foreclosure rate.

Mike Fratantoni

We had a very full exchange about relevant issues including the importance ... of controlling infiltration across the line of control that remains a matter of great concern to the United Kingdom and something we strongly emphasized to the government of Pakistan.

Geoff Hoon

Aviation is a key driver of the global economy... yet it remains shackled by an outdated regulatory framework.

Andrew Herdman

We usually have to catch someone in the act. But it's always a good idea to dispose of it properly, and depending on the rate of decay, our wildlife people may want to examine the remains.

Wendy Rosenbach

The bottom line is that it will be challenging to substantially improve the labor market data because the numbers are so good now. I say challenging but not impossible. If the national economy remains on track, then we will achieve some improvement.

Gordon Kettle

The Mac remains an important part of who we are and what we do.

Tim Wilson

Sun is seeing some strength in government and healthcare, but competition -- mostly with IBM -- remains acute.

Steve Milunovich

At the end of the day, this is still a growth market, and the best growth remains in technology.

Tom Galvin

It is very encouraging to see that the Northern Ireland labour market is getting stronger. Employment is at a record high and the unemployment rate remains low, at a level below the UK average.

Angela Smith

U.S.A.D.A. is pleased there are companies interested in showing they are producing clean supplements, ... But our policy remains that athletes are responsible for what they put in their bodies.

Terry Madden

Much about Kim -- and what he may do -- remains difficult to fathom.

Jiang Zemin

Today, the current military demarcation line between North and South Korea is the most heavily armed in the world and it remains an arena for potential confrontation.

Leon Laporte

Did Karl purposely set out to disclose Valerie Plame's identity in order to punish Joe Wilson for his criticism? The answer is, 'No,' ... That was his answer in July 2003 and in October 2003 (when he first testified) And it remains his answer today.

Robert Luskin

Preserving honor and dignity for me remains the chief value, more than any job.

Petro Poroshenko

Interest rates remain at relatively low levels and consequently the mortgage business remains robust.

Howard Atkins

I listened to Billie Holiday a lot in order to learn to sing. She remains one of the extraordinary jazz singers. But my intent is to become my own voice, to be able to interpret these songs in my own way.

Madeleine Peyroux

Despite a slowdown in earnings growth, industry profitability remains strong. With premium rate increases leveling off, insurers will look for more innovative cost-control measures to remain competitive and financially secure.

Melissa Gannon

Consumer caution persists and a weak housing sector remains a drag on overall services sector activity.

Michael Blythe

We have a severe fire in one of those carriages, with tremendous devastation in there, ... And we face some considerable challenges as far as identification of the numbers who are in there and the identification of anything that remains in there.

Andy Trotter

The result has been that although few conservative Presbyterian churches actually worship in the Puritan way, the Puritan theology of worship remains the standard orthodoxy among them. This discrepancy sometimes leads to guilty consciences.

John Frame

But there remains the problem of how to deal with ties with neighboring countries, especially China and South Korea, ... We must strive to improve relations with China and South Korea with a forward-looking view.

Yoshinori Ohno

A flight to quality remains the front mission of the Street's investment banking community.

Jeffrey R. Hirschkorn

We're pleased that the judge ruled that he remains governor and can continue to sign legislation.

Peter Aseltine

This remains our major concern. The decline in business revenue looks like it has continued to accelerate.

David Halliday

The one thing that we're certain of is that the remains in the two graves are not family-related.

Nick Clarke

The only thing that remains for this to be a complete revolution is for the security forces to defect from the king.

Krishna Khanal

The overall demand for Palm-brand handheld devices remains robust. From our vantage point, Palm and others in the [handheld computing] space are in a perfect position this holiday season.

Carl Yankowski

Prostitution remains largely a black market and Germany still needs to do much, much more against forced prostitution.

Hiltrud Breyer

It has been hard all these years, wondering and not knowing, ... We finally got remains back.

Dan Washburn

We're treating those remains with the ultimate respect and care that they deserve.

Bob Cabana

It remains uncertain whether there will be enough consensus in Congress to approve the amount requested.

Horacio Aldrete

The Zionists should prepare ... bags to collect the remains of their soldiers and settlers because we are going to hit in the depths of the entity.

Abu Abdullah

It is a pact that remains in favor of the farm export policies of the rich countries and big emerging countries ... and does little for the majority of farmers.

Jose Bove

J.J. plays with that edge. When you see J.J. on the court, you can see it in his eyes. It's the eyes of a killer. He's really focused. His emotion seldom changes. If you watch him, whether he's making every shot or missing every shot, you can see that his facial expression never changes. He remains focused.

Curtis Staples

We will not regard the withdrawal as complete if one single soldier will remains at the crossing.

Nafez Azzam

There was some buying back in the early morning, but the market remains top-heavy, as market players are waiting for the results of auction of 10-year bonds this afternoon.

Akitsugu Bando

As long as the employment picture remains good and interest rates remain in a lower fashion, as they have right now. As long as those two factors remain in play, I think you're going to see a lot of demand in terms of buying homes or refinancing.

Bill Emerson

Inventories have been drawn down, industrial production has stabilized and consumer spending remains strong.

Jerry Jasinowski

We don't do the avian flu. DMORT is responsible for [processing] the remains only ... they don't identify, they don't do autopsies -- those are done by local medical examiners. We aren't responsible for that.

Barbara Ellis

They're kind of saying that it's going to be OK, but that remains to be seen.

George Davis

The outlook for the year remains unchanged, which means that the group should achieve an improvement in operating income.

Michael Treschow

I told the players that we've got the potential to do it, but the potential has got to be put into action. We've got to be able to make plays and have quality at-bats. I think our team is capable, but it remains to be seen.

Bob Kalp

Although it is clear that consumer demand in the U.S. is weakening, buying in other regions remains strong. PCs remain the dominant means of accessing the Internet, and a lot of people out there are still buying PCs to get online.

Loren Loverde

The flight schedule remains intact and, since we're remaining hopeful that this will be resolved between now and the first, we have no reason to cancel flights.

Dave Messing

The incident remains under investigation, but from preliminary investigation appears to have been accidental.

Justin Wilson

U.S. High Yield Monthly: Cautionary Flags. However, the below 3.0% growth projected for the second-half of the year and into 2007 has historically not favored the high yield market, and a cautionary position on this asset class remains.

Diane Vazza

Lovers of literature will look for the remains of the golden treasure in that shipwreck on the bottom of the sea of criticism.

Josef Skvorecky

Give exceeding thanks for the mystery which remains a mystery still -- the veil that hides you from the infinite, which makes it possible for you to believe in what you cannot see.

Robert Nathan

Teaching was the hardest work I had ever done, and it remains the hardest work I have done to date.

Ann Richards

The ultimate outcome of their punishment remains to be seen. We have to let the criminal system work.

John Weidlich

I cannot stop them. This is their affection and love and we live for this. And I hope that this love and affection remains with us so that we are inspired to work more and be able to satisfy their desires and expectations.

Amitabh Bachchan

Even after significant progress, overhead remains high, some businesses appear difficult to fix, and commodity costs are eating away savings earmarked for reinvestment, ... buy.

William Schmitz

New Cut remains elevated above sea level.

Gregory Stone

The index remains below 50, so employment in manufacturing is still shrinking, but at a slower rate than in February.

Nazmeera Moola

From beginning to end this situation is a tragedy, and it remains a tragedy. There is a man murdered brutally in a park -- that's a tragedy. His family, the Rivera family, are the forgotten ones now.

Joseph Towle

It looks like demand for high-quality steel remains strong and supply remains limited.

Yoji Takeda

The senator remains open to a number of legislative and oversight options. His preference is always that the entire [intelligence] committee be briefed and involved in oversight issues.

Bill Duhnke

Remains very strong, with over $4.3 billion in cash.

Alfred Anderson

He remains grounded. And I want him to be well balanced. I don't want him to do just acting and that's the only thing he's going to do. There's a lot to do in life.

Jennae Harwell

For us having a single standard of citizenship for all New Zealanders irrespective of race remains a very important objective indeed.

Don Brash

The Japanese consumer remains reluctant to buy U.S. beef.

Bruce Berven