Clean Air Act rules are very clear on the need for both appropriate emission limits and continuous monitoring of power plant emissions. We will continue to ensure that facilities comply with these regulations and do their part to protect air quality.

Deborah Jordan

I guess the Internet grew so fast, so quickly, there probably needs to be regulations on these very same things.

Joyce Kesse

We have no idea until the federal regulations are promulgated how, in fact, they will deal with California.

Richard Costigan

Sam Mazzola continues to flout federal regulations and expose the public to very real danger. Bear wrestling is as ludicrous as it sounds, and it's high time that it was relegated to the dustbin of history.

Debbie Leahy

We are continuing to work with the airport, and our hope is they will come into full compliance with our regulations.

Christopher White

When we looked at these regulations, we found a number of frightening divergences from the way the law is written.

Bobbie Chase Wilding

Since all limestone mines are captive mines of cement plants and mining regulations are poor, cement industry is not investing in mine management.

Chandra Bhushan

After Hurricane Andrew, Florida laws were changed because it was a new landmark as the most devastating hurricane in the U.S.. In regards to insurance, people in Florida didn't pay their premium risk that they should have. That really changed insurance regulations and building codes.

John Benson

I'm very disappointed in the circuit court ruling, but I respect and accept the court's decision, ... The FEC has an institutional obligation to revisit all the regulations at issue and to do so as soon as possible.

Michael Toner

Draconian regulations on property owners don't attract business. Businesses want the right to do what they want with their properties.

Peyton Knight

As long as the regulations have not been revised, all prisoners will be given a sentence cut in line with their rights under prevailing laws and regulations.

Hamid Awaluddin

Like many countries, they would like to develop exports of higher-value products, including fruits, such as mangos, and also fresh fish. To do that, they have to implement the very high health and safety regulations enforced by developed-country importers.

Linda Young

We believe we were playing by the rules and regulations and guidelines as we understood them at the time.

Billy Payne

They are violating university regulations. The field was posted with 'No trespassing' (signs) and the field was closed.

Barrie Hartman

Just making regulations for IPR is not enough. Its enforcement and conviction are also important to win the confidence of global companies.

Kiran Karnik

They can read the fish and game regulations. They're not stupid. If they were the victims of fraud, I don't think the federal government would be prosecuting them.

Chuck Watson

The tax code now is filled with regulations that not only adjust for inflation but phase in or phase out at different points, making tax planning impossible unless you have a clear road map of the rules and understand them.

Paul Gada

We don't anticipate the new gift-giving regulations to have much impact on our program, as Broward Days is based more on issues advocacy and education rather than on social events.

John Pisula

These are draft regulations. All input is being considered, and all information in the draft regulations is not final.

Gabrielle Demarco

I really hope that this technology will reduce the cost and make it easier for the small communities in New Mexico to deal with the new arsenic regulations. And I thank all the groups that have funded this project in the past and present.

Gregory Miller

The newest battlefield in the fight to protect the First Amendment is the Internet, ... The Internet is the new town square, and campaign finance regulations are not appropriate there.

Jeb Hensarling

The new regulations may work or they may need to be adjusted in the future. We will just have to watch it and see what happens.

Tom Dempsey

This is a typical case caused by violation of safety regulations.

Li Yizhong

They do not want to see any government regulations or control because it limits the profitability. The free market is not doing anything to yield more affordable housing.

Jack Mccabe

If it were possible to make an accurate calculation of the evils which police regulations occasion, and of those which they prevent, the number of the former would, in all cases, exceed that of the latter.

Karl Wilhelm Von Humboldt

This makes a mockery of planning regulations. We feel this is outrageous there is nowhere for the children to play. There is a huge groundswell of bad feeling among the local community about this. How can the school ignore all the rules?

Judy Shepherd

The impediments placed in the way of attracting these much-needed skills and investment into the country are increasing and making it more difficult than it was prior to the Immigration Act and the introduction of the new immigration regulations.

Julian Pokroy

A few years ago both dams were declared to be out of compliance with Virginia dam safety regulations by the Office of Dam Safety and Department of Conservation and Recreation.

Cathy Riddle

Accidents most often happen when standards and regulations are not applied on a consistent basis.

Assad Kotaite

We're creating a community plan for each community and we're working with the county to revise some of its regulations to make rebuilding easier and more planned.

Jennifer Cowley

The risks of email and its overwhelming volume are among the biggest concerns for our customers. We're giving customers comprehensive solutions they can apply to a broad range of requirements, including government regulations, litigation e-discovery and internal policy mandates.

Mark Portu

To insure peace of mind ignore the rules and regulations.

George Ade

All participants of the fishery will be better off in the long run if stricter regulations are enforced.

Scott Burns

(If) Turkey continues not to implement (EU rules and regulations) ... its path towards the European Union will end.

George Lillikas

The way they're going about limiting consumers' ability to get reduced fees on real estate transactions is to go state by state to get the regulations changed.

Colby Sambrotto

The Shanghai government works faster than other cities, and we expect the whole country will have unified regulations in the future.

Bian Lieqiang

Some of the things that concerned legislators is the lack of regulations.

Dennis Cohoon

You've got rules and regulations to follow.

Michael Henderson

The network would have the ability to bring users into the enclave with the rules and regulations that exist in that community already in place through the device.

Marlin Forbes

It's a strange situation to have one set of regulations in one port and not in others, isn't it?

Mark Page

You've got obligations, not quite on the same level as the CFO going to jail if they run afoul of Sarbanes-Oxley. But if you are not complying with some of the data privacy regulations these days, the company is potentially going to get fined. It's going be … very negative for PR and company branding.

John Radcliffe

The Bank of China has always paid close attention to anti-laundering efforts to ensure the bank was operating according to relevant laws and regulations.

Wang Zhaowen

We have clear documentation that the line met construction standards under regulations of the state public utility commission.

Michael Wood

They have the same number of regulations to comply with as larger organizations, but they don't have the full time staff to cover them.

Patrick Mcbride

Town employees were concerned about interpretation of the personnel manual and some of the regulations, and I think addressing those with the involvement of as many town employees as he could ... has been received very positively.

Tom Mason

Investors have lost sight of what these companies have to do now to comply with SEC regulations. There is no reason for anybody to give optimistic forecasts since you may put yourself in legal jeopardy.

Stephen Mergler

New regulations would be a disaster at this point. Nanotechnology, the manipulation of matter at the level of individual atoms and molecules, offers the greatest benefits for society if left to grow through modest regulation, civilian research, and an emphasis on self-regulation and responsible professional culture.

Sonia Arrison

We've always worked well within DoD guidelines and of course will continue to do so. We support the directive and all regulations that would protect military members from unscrupulous business practices.

David Snowden

I feel that we have followed all the rules and regulations, and we waited for years [for citizenship].

Orlando Gonzalez

We encourage the homes to have back-up plans aside from what the regulations say they must have.

Jerry Paul

I'll wait and see. I wouldn't hold my breath. You'd need massive changes in regulations to do that.

Tom Wolzien

We will be updating growers on the number of chill hours (currently 880), as well as labor regulations and new worker protection standard guidelines.

Gary Gray

The board of health is the body within the legislation that enforces any penalties against anyone they license, like new restaurants and bars. Regulations are being formulated now and will be passed. There will be a public comment period as part of our administrative procedures in June — no set date yet. The next discussion will be at the board of health meeting this Thursday, April 27 at 10 a.m.

Julie Munsell

It's one of the biggest problems with the system now. Vague regulations leave the system open to abuse.

Chris Asplen

Election campaigns are allowed for all registered coalitions and political parties within the frame of the commission's regulations.

Farid Ayar

A set of universally enforced rules and regulations directed at increasing the safety of cheerleading should be implemented.

Brenda Shields

This review could also help the Administration and Congress to assess whether additional regulations are needed in order to protect consumers against price manipulation.

Lincoln Chafee

Being out there speaking to neighbors ... is as important as talking to the TCEQ. We updated the TCEQ according to the regulations.

Jeanne Miller

The regulations will also be applied for this World Cup. At the first sign (of racism) there will be a deduction of three points, then we are finished with the problems of discrimination.

Joseph Blatter

The Club's principal purpose is to advocate for and defend pro-growth policies, ... We have consulted with counsel every step of the way and have followed the law and regulations that govern our work.

Pat Toomey

We respect our employees rights to organize and engage in collective bargaining and we respect all the rules and regulations in all the jurisdictions that we operate.

Tony Ross

I believe that the federal government should be doing more to reduce taxes and unnecessary regulations that hamper small business growth.

Sue Kelly

[But supporters of the new regulations say they will open discussions.] We are brave enough to have all areas discussed, ... Students will be informed and not indoctrinated.

Kathy Martin

Now that they have the agreement, it's just a matter of drafting the rules and regulations.

Mark Ludwig

There is nothing to indicate that additional regulations are needed.

Al Belsky

We followed the rules and regulations of the federal government. The process that has been followed in the last year was as open and as transparent as the law and the regulations permit.

Ric Williamson

Regulations grow at the same rate as weeds.

Norman R. Augustine

We're hoping to see strong regulations down the road. The challenge is how to do that. As with any task force, it depends on what happens to the recommendations.

Damien Newton

We have a lot of questions with the technology and the regulations themselves and until we see specifics on paper in a couple weeks, we really can't comment.

Fred Solomon

There were new building regulations there that took effect from July 1 which are going to bump up the cost of new houses. It looks like there was a last minute rush to beat that which pumped up previous months and created this pothole for us to fall into in July.

Michael Blythe

We have a fair idea how we would like to approach it but we are going with a little bit of uncertainty as to what is the perfect way of approaching the new regulations.

Tom Moody

If the snowmobile goes through the ice, there are certain DNR regulations that cover that, but no, skipping is not illegal. It's not a safe practice and it's not something to be encouraged.

Chris Wunrow

When you get to that size, that's where government really does have a purpose, have a role. We have regulations, but I just don't believe they're tight enough right now.

Sen. Michael Waddoups

Let's put some teeth into the regulations, because we don't think we have anything to hide.

Lawrence Bowman

The regulations on exchange controls were significant to local firms as they brought enormous exposure to risk. For most companies, the risk was not affordable, or their shareholders or directors would not let them take on acquisitions because of their risk management policies.

Loyiso Jiya

EU regulations are more complex than the moratorium --there's also traceability and labeling regulations.

Michelle Gorman

I think they've been conducting themselves in violation of a lot of different rules and regulations.

Peter Hamilton

Doing Business in 2006. The fewer regulations, the higher the ranking.

Michael Klein

This is about the sixth year of using the regulations. And we're starting to see some nice bucks.

Richard Morton

It's important to farmers because we will be looking at what can be done to have that balance between land-use regulations and making it so farmers can continue to thrive in San Diego County. The resulting plan could be one of the best things to come in 2006.

Dr. Eric Larson

The impact of environmental regulations is blind to company size.

Eric Larkin

Some of the regulations will spur more technology innovations. California will be in the forefront as far as creating technologies that would lower emissions.

Erin Rogers

If the regulations were to change at any given point...the regulations that were in effect on the date the application was submitted are the regulations that would apply to that application.

Erica Eichert

Companies distributing products over the Internet cannot ignore federal pesticide laws. Due to the scope of the Internet, these products have the potential for negative impacts on human health and the environment over a wide geographic area. All pesticide producers need to ensure that their products meet all federal and state regulations.

Enrique Manzanilla

The bottom line is that we take enforcement of compliance with our regulations seriously, and we are concerned about the quality of life of residents in the area.

Elaine Makatura

We're very confident that what is happening is a normal reaction to a market system, ... At the base of that is problems with the regulations that the (Clinton) administration has imposed on the industry.

Edward Murphy

The park rides are regulated by the states as they see fit, ... It's a patchwork of regulations; there's no uniformity. Some states don't regulate them at all.

Ed Markey

It is also the first National Games after the two important regulations on doping control were issued, and it's an important opportunity to check our work.

Zhao Jian

The entire process of the trial in this case also was conducted in strict legal compliance, and the rights and interests of the defendant was protected in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations.

Zhang Qiyue