56 quotes about owning follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

'World of Warcraft' is completely owning the online game space right now.

Chris Kramer

We know that people need homes, but there's ... something about owning a home and buying something that increases your chances for success.

Joedy Isert

I don't see any justification for the federal government owning land, other than the Statue of Liberty and maybe a few parks, maybe a few refuges. But to just own land to do nothing with it I think is a disservice to the Constitution.

Brandon Young

We have done better owning gold than shares.

Jay Taylor

If you think about investing as owning piece of a business, obviously a lower price is better than a higher price, as long as nothing is fundamentally wrong with the company.

Pat Dorsey

Having a W2 and owning something, an LLC or some type of corporation, is a model we should all be embracing.

Saundra Charles

I hadn't ever really planned on owning a house again because I'm on social security.

Loretta Dahl

The most overlooked advantage to owning a computer is that if they foul up there's no law against wacking them around a little.

Joe Martin

Running and owning a bookstore is kind of like a fantasy come true.

Gary Weissbrot

Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.

Jeff Cooper

It's not that we would begrudge anyone from owning a company, If you start here, how far can you go? Can Dubai come in and buy Pratt & Whitney? That would be the next logical step.

Ken Flanagan

America is about having hope and owning land. And knowing that it's yours today and tomorrow.

Donna Martin

This country is based on small businesses. You can't know what it's like to run a small business without owning one any more than you can know what it is to love a child without having one.

Tony Domenech

Owning our own business has given us the flexibility to spend time with our own kids.

Irene Watterson

Owning precious metals because you think the world is going to end? Forget it.

Marshall Front

Loving is misery for women always. I shall never forgive God for making me a woman and dearly am I beginning to pay for the honour of owning a pretty face.

Thomas Hardy

The company has lost credibility and if they were to disappoint this quarter, it would be a serious blow to the stock and I would have to question owning it going forward.

Ted Parrish

In our marketing efforts, we are owning (Wyoming's iconic features) and really putting emphasis on those things that really set Wyoming apart.

Diane Shober

I know a lot of women who are not compensated compared to their male counterparts in corporate America. Having a W-2 and owning something, an LLC or some type of corporation, is a model we should all be embracing.

Saundra Charles

If a deal doesn't get done, bondholders are looking at owning a credit that has seen its financial performance deteriorate at kind of a staggering rate.

Craig Hutson

It's giving people an option of owning your home, having that feel, but not having a lot of overhead.

Glenn Miller

It's not about planting flags in as many places as you can. It's about owning successful terminals in as many places as you can.

Neil Davidson

Consumers have decided what the real video-on-demand is, and that's owning it.

Tom Adams

Unless it's a big industry, (County Council) seems like they really don't care. The American dream is owning your own business and to buy a house. If I was opening a beer joint, I wouldn't have this problem.

Dennis Guinn

The potential advantages that we can get from owning Egg make it clear that retaining it is the right decision.

Mark Tucker

This ensures a future for the Boiler Room, if we can pull it off -- owning our own business.

Becky Shipley

Investors fail to appreciate is that this is one of Li's companies. Having one of the wealthiest and most influential men in China owning your company carries a lot of weight.

Jason Brueschke

When Harold asked [producer] Hal Roach if he could buy his movies, he really didn't know what he could do with them. Harold probably did himself a disservice, financially, but that's how strongly he felt about owning his own work.

Suzanne Lloyd

One of the advantages of owning commodities is that they have a low correlation to equities and bonds. By adding a low correlative asset to a portfolio, you lower the overall risk.

Kevin Rich

I enjoy being my own boss and owning my own business.

Sandy Prince

You can't maintain a pit or other facilities for fighting, but the county has no law against owning birds. There's a lucrative business in the buying and selling of specially bred roosters.

Garrick Phillips

Therefore, investor objections of not owning the stock based on 'breakup' fears are no longer rooted in reality.

Michael Stanek

Chains make dogs mean. People who keep their dogs chained have no business owning their dog to begin with. If they want an alarm system, they should buy one.

Martin Mersereau

If London Towne is really only concerned about the developer owning it, then they have no reason to be concerned, because we will own it.

Charlestine Fairley

The use of debit cards has become an accepted payment method, with two of three households owning a debit card.

Claire Peerson Braverman

Anyone with a business like Westinghouse, one of the major providers of nuclear equipment, has got to be an attractive purchase. The idea of owning that kind of company is a good idea given the current environment.

Andrew Moulder

In the past, when gas got real high, it helped us, ... People can't justify owning their own boat or driving from a long ways and hoping they catch fish.

Jason Mitchell

There's been a lot of ups and downs and a lot of meetings. When you consider this has been an all-volunteer effort, it's a good feeling to know we've met this milestone. Owning the building is a big feather in our cap. But it's still an uphill battle.

Bud Pisarek

Berry Gordy believed in owning the artist for life and controlling everything: the money, the station wagons, everything.

Wilson Pickett

From a business standpoint, the attractive thing of starting and owning and investing in a bank is that it is a service that everyone needs and uses.

Jack Seifrick

There are lots of eBay account information and names and addresses of the people owning those accounts. Names, passwords, all matched up.

Alex Eckelberry

It's the difference between owning the building and just being the contractor.

Chester Aldridge

The things you own end up owning you.

Chuck Palahniuk

For many Americans, working toward owning their own home is the dream of a lifetime. Carefully consider all your options and make an informed decision, should you decide to take out a reverse mortgage on your home.

Andrew B. Crocker

None of it really costs anything - other than owning a home.

Bob Garner

There are many advantages to owning your home - but we do think that sometimes the advantages to renting are overlooked. Neither owning nor renting is the right choice for everybody at all points in their life.

Mark Obrinsky

Owning a home is part of the American dream. But you have to be really prepared before you take that big of a step.

Lupe Gonzalez

We wanted our customer base to be owning our bank, and that's how it's worked out. I think in the long term, you're better off having a community bank owned by the community.

Jim Engel

You would own the negative after seven years. The company would actually own the film. It's kind of a financial and moral thing about owning your own creative work.

Alexander Payne

Most people see condo living as somewhere between owning your own home and renting an apartment, but it's more like owning your own home. There's a responsibility that each homeowner has, whether they accept it or not.

Jean Craig

There is something permanent, and something extremely profound, in owning a home.

Kenny Guinn

It had to be someone who knew they could never display them or sell them, but was obsessed with owning them.

Michael Shaw

Of course, we didn't look smart in 1999 owning Philip Morris.

Michael Sandler

This impressive growth is a direct result of our continued strategy of owning apartments in highly desirable neighborhoods with very expensive housing costs, together with our ongoing commitment to innovation.

R. Scot Sellers

I never expected them to get famous. It's been a lot of fun. It's been so like owning a sports franchise without the aggravation that goes with it. But there's a lot of pain that goes with it, too. They're like my kids. It's hard not to worry about the future.

Jim Wilkes

Good things come from owning some kind of community of readers or online users.

Howie Rosen