I'd be surprised if we get tacit admission from the company, but the takeover probably distracted Oracle's front-line sales reps and customers.

Investors fail to appreciate is that this is one of Li's companies. Having one of the wealthiest and most influential men in China owning your company carries a lot of weight.

When Oracle first announced the takeover, success was more important because the applications business wasn't doing well, ... Now it's doing well enough that I'm significantly less concerned about Oracle not being able to take over PeopleSoft.

We are early in this market and there could be six or seven winners. It's not a winner take all business.

If Oracle wants to spend more money on lawyers, they should go ahead, but investors should be planning for a world where Oracle and PeopleSoft are separate, ... Unfortunately, the script of this movie ends with Oracle being disappointed.

I'm pretty confident that they'll be fighting the European Union as well.

The corporate spending environment was better in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2004 than fiscal 2003 and yet, Oracle's application sales business declined, ... This suggests that clearly it's a company-specific problem.

This is a company that is now facing a very competitive landscape and the management team, rather than going quietly into that good night, is now going to spend on a costly legal battle with the government.