Iran has lots of influence in southern Iraq. And they have not used it nearly as much as they can.

Paul Pillar

What did Saddam Hussein ever do for Iraq ? ... The Iraqis have nothing.

Dr Kamal Hossain

Why Iraq Has No Army.

James Fallows

We have all agreed to a democratic Iraq. We have agreed to ballot boxes deciding everything, We have agreed that the people should chose everything. They've never said they wanted an Islamic law, Islamic state.

Mahmud Othman

These people think they have defeated Iran, but they should know that Iran is not a place where they can do what they did with Libya and Iraq.

Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani

I really think Canada should get over to Iraq as quickly as possible.

Paul Martin

They don't like the idea of Iraq being described as federal, they prefer united, but I don't think they are going to get that.

Mahmoud Othman

The more [people] know about the invasion and occupation of Iraq, the less they support it.

Tom Andrews

To secure better health and water and sanitation for the people of Iraq.

Margaret Hassan

Nothing has been announced. We still have to get over the elections and see what happens then and what the (new) government of Iraq wants.

Steven Boylan

It's just so much like Iraq, it's not funny, ... except for all the water, and they speak English.

Frank Atkinson

I expect a dull market here, especially given uncertainty in the Iraq war.

Hiroichi Nishi

The end of foreign occupation is one of the pre-requisites if we are to witness any progress in our efforts to help Iraq go forward.

Amr Mussa

If the Turkish base continues attacking Iraq, it will certainly be (targeted) like other bases.

Taha Yassin Ramadan

Had that brigade been at home and not in Iraq, their expertise and capabilities could have been brought to bear.

Steven Blum

All I am hearing is that they are getting cooperation from Iraq.

Anais Faraj

This is ridiculous. This war is not the same, ... It's not a war. It's an invasion on our part, what we did to those innocent citizens in Iraq.

John Francis

Iran is now much less worried about the US attacking them because of the mess in Iraq... They're testing the waters.

Gary Samore

Iraq and the Legacy of Saddam Hussein.

Sandra Mackey

KBR delivered fuel to Iraq at the best value, the best price and the best terms.

Wendy Hall

Free and democratic Iraq.

Bob Stern

In Iraq they zeroed in on oil, and this appears to be a creeping process, since it is happening in Saudi Arabia.

Youssef Ibrahim

As we consider $81.9 billion dollars for the continuation in our effort in Iraq and Afghanistan, if we look for optimism, it surrounds us everywhere.

Johnny Isakson

The war on terror is not limited to Iraq. It is not limited to Afghanistan. They are but fronts in the global war we are waging today.

John Cornyn

So at this point there is no connection with Iraq, just bad guys that have explosive devices.

Donnie Carter

It's a very powerful protest to tell the Bush administration to end the war in Iraq.

Bill Dobbs

The grassroots movement by veterans across the country who have decided to run for Congress as Democrats further highlights the dissatisfaction of the American public with the handling of the war in Iraq.

Jen Psaki

He has boots-on-the-ground experience about what the actual conduct of the war in Iraq is.

Jeffry House

He should not be allowed to come to the country and spread his tentacles on our soil. After Afghanistan and Iraq, he is now plotting to attack Iran.

Hannan Mollah

This winter is the first time I am generally discouraged about economic trends in Iraq.

Michael O'hanlon

America has its own agenda in dealing with different cases and Iraq has its own program, but the government is paying more attention to this issue and investigating it.

Laith Kubba

Republicans and Democrats have failed to connect the Iraq disaster to the unmet critical needs of America.

Dexter Kamilewicz

If you really want to cover the story, if you believe in what you're doing, you have absolutely no choice. If you want to be safe, don't go to Iraq.

Lara Logan

The policy was set. The war in Iraq was coming, and they were looking for intelligence to fit into the policy.

Tyler Drumheller

My inspiration for Baker Tonys Pizza came from my desire to educate our children on the politics of the Iraq war in a light-hearted fashion.

Angela Martin

Hackett brought credibility on the No. 1 issue facing the nation - the war in Iraq.

Jon Soltz

An early study in Iraq could either lay these fears to rest or confirm that there are indeed potential risks, which could then be addressed through immediate action.

Klaus Toepfer

I'm still planning on going to college, ... I'm planning as though I'm not going to Iraq but preparing for it in the back of my mind. If I have to go, I have to go.

Christine Cox

If he'd been away at college, I probably wouldn't have let him bring them home. But since he's been to Iraq . . . and he always wanted to be a herpetologist when he was growing up.

Judy Webster

It comes as a surprise to no one that after decades of internal and international conflict, Iraq is littered with land mines and bombs.

Joe Donahue

Every time we buy gas, we're just buying bullets to kill our guys in Iraq.

Kevin Ortiz

When I decided to stay in Iraq, I decided to take the fear out of my body and put it into a freezer.

Asne Seierstad

Don't invade Iraq. Inspections work, war won't.

Martin Sheen

What drives me is that I don't want to see [what] happened to us happen to the ones coming [home] from Iraq.

Jim Hubley

To support America's war on terrorism and to rid Iraq of a terrible dictator.

George Heath

Romania will continue to fulfil its obligations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Traian Basescu

I guess probably what I remember most is just before he went to Iraq, he was here, his final Sunday he was in church.

David Larson

We are caught in a vicious cycle of selling that only resolution on Iraq can break.

Gert De Mesure

Iraq is off the agenda for the time being. The main thing today, with the market focused on fundamentals, is the data coming out of the U.S..

Shahab Jalinoos

Mission accomplished? The mission in Iraq, as laid out by President Bush and Vice President Cheney, has failed.

Robert C. Byrd

We can't have a failure in Iraq, but we also can't be there for the next 10 years because if we are, it's going to become, I think, a failure in and of itself.

Dennis Ross

We came to Iraq to liberate them and to make our world a safer place.

Larry Craig

No matter what, in Iraq there's a baseline of humanity, humane treatment.

David Hodgkinson

The next US administration will have forces in Iraq and a fairly large number for some years to come.

Patrick Cronin

We did business with an authority in Iraq. The same authority tells our agent that you have to pay a fee to do any business at all.

Leif Johansson

Bulgaria must continue to support Iraq and its reconstruction, stabilization and democratic development.

Georgi Parvanov

We've also discussed the question of the death penalty and expressed the hope that the death penalty will be abolished in Iraq.

Bernard Bot

I don't think the constitution will make or break Iraq. What will make or break Iraq is the coalition of this national will.

Fouad Ajami

We're going to have to face the fact that there are strong centrifugal forces in Iraq that have the potential of tearing the country apart.

James Dobbins

Just about everybody who is deployed to Iraq is affected in some way.

Col. Charles Hoge

He's back in Iraq now for a second time, but apparently information got out. There's these phone banks and they can use phone cards.

Sue Wilson

We have operations in both Iran and Iraq, and when Iraq was invaded, the people there didn't even call headquarters, they just dealt with it.

David Sims

The U.S. and the international community has a failed policy in that it has not promoted security and democracy in Haiti. The election, if and when it takes place, will be as controversial as elections in Iraq.

Larry Birns

The fiasco in Iraq and the president's response to the Hurricane Katrina catastrophe were Mr. Bush's two most spectacular foul-ups.

Bob Herbert

If he doesn't get himself out of his cul-de-sac on Iraq, he may decide to step down and pave the way for a change of government.

Frank Decker

We suspect some terrorist groups in Iraq. The investigations will soon show who is behind this act.

Marwan Muasher

The result is that Chinese enterprises and corporations have not assisted Iraq in building the fiber-optic cable project used for air defense.

Tang Jiaxuan

It is clear that Germans will not [send troops] to Iraq and it is quite clear that Germans are against any military action against Iran.

Antonio Missiroli

Those who are counting on Iraq being divided ... should revise their assessment.

Hoshiyar Zebari

This kind of policy would bring nothing but more bloodshed, more chaos and more destruction to Iraq.

Adnan Dulaimi

The report seems, more (than) anything else, to be an elaborate justification of extending the occupation of Iraq.

Dylan Penner

Their son is a hero. He went to Iraq and thank God he didn't get a bullet, but he comes home and he gets three bullets....

Luis Carrillo

You can't attract capital investment from outside Iraq unless you have a constitution... get rule of law in place, capital will come, electricity will follow.

Steve King

What am I doing in your play? Mr. Gibson, we're about to go to war in Iraq; there's so much controversy about it. Contextualize the play through the war, not her life, and we've got a hit.' And it was all there. Gibson wrote everything. We just put some of his elements up front.

Tovah Feldshuh

You can't do counterinsurgency warfare without a large army. The operations in Iraq and Afghanistan are largely army affairs.

Steve Kosiak

I hope stability and security will reign in Iraq, and that fraternity and cooperation will prevail between its different communities.

Amr Mussa

There have clearly been serious questions raised about some of the contracts that were awarded in the immediate aftermath of the war in Iraq.

David Nussbaum

The US government, particularly the Pentagon, has been increasingly seeking outside PR help in its war in Iraq .

Mark Hand

We invaded Iraq to change a totalitarian, despotic regime, and we have been successful there.

Judd Gregg

These people are coming from Syria into Iraq and killing a lot of innocent people.

George W Bush

They told me they're hearing it's as dangerous down in the South as it is in Iraq.

Richard Nelson

The secretary-general expresses his deepest condolences to the government of Iraq and to the families of the bereaved.

Marie Okabe

If, A, we could have paid for it, and, B, we had a responsible policy in Iraq.

Stephanie Cutter

The enemies of Iraq [who] are carrying out aggressive acts to get Iraq back to the old days.

Ali Allawi

That was the only interest we received on forty campuses. That is not to say fellows are not organizing on Iraq--just not through the program.

Iara Peng

Military action on Iraq makes me feel ashamed to come from the United States. It is humiliating.

Jessica Lange

I think the press, which arguably was cowed by the (Bush) administration in the run-up to the war with Iraq, was certainly not cowed in covering the aftermath of Katrina.

Ken Auletta

The fact that they've had the same type of decline as Iraq shows what a mess Chavez has made.

Pavel Molchanov

The results of the referendum have indicated the degree of political polarization in Iraq.

Ashraf Qazi

Arrested by a resistance group in Iraq.

Roy Hallums

If she gets good care when she returns to Iraq, she should live a long and full life.

Dr. Roger Hudgins

We expected this disaster. Everyday I told the policemen not to eat among the civilians, but they didn't care and said all Iraq is targeted, not only our restaurant.

Uday Mohammed

The situation in Iraq looks austere and the implementation of a new all inclusive government is very important for better security.

Joost Hiltermann

I'm against this war, I'm against the torture. We're doing this for the people of Iraq.

Martha Conrad

I'm concerned about getting Iraq on its feet.

Douglas Feith

The threat table tries to identify the states where the threat is greatest, and, when we ran the figures, Iraq came out on top.

Mark Lattimer

It's by no means just about the BND activities in Iraq.

Petra Pau

Well, I've been to Iraq twice now. I was in Baghdad in June and then north of Baghdad in November.

Gary Sinise

I would say that we have courted disaster in Iraq , in North Korea , in Iran .

Lawrence Wilkerson

This is a meeting in the framework of our consultations about Iraq.

Catherine Colonna

We are the primary providers of eggs and chickens to Iraq, and currently, all deliveries have been suspended, costing us five million dollars so far.

Tahseen Nameq

They (Americans) gave Iraq to Iran on a gold plate free of charge. They did what Khomeini failed to achieve. He must be celebrating in his grave, thanking the Americans.

Mustafa Alani

I think George's film is a very courageous thing to do at this time. This idea that it's unpatriotic if you criticize our involvement in Iraq or the Patriot Act.

Shirley Wershba

I can't brag enough on Flo for going to Iraq and for doing what he is doing now to get back to work. We had a difficult time the whole time he was gone.

Travis Leggett

Does not represent a policy decision to disengage from Iraq.

Marie Okabe

He said 'I believe in the Almighty and I believe the Almighty's gift to man is freedom.' He elaborated on Iraq.

Pat Allen

Delays in rebuilding international good will are costing Americans lives in Iraq, and billions of dollars to the American taxpayers.

Sheila Jackson Lee

He was sent to Iraq based on lies.

Al Zappala

The season has come for Americans to look homeward ... instead of continuing to spend billions of dollars in Iraq .

Robert C. Byrd

In Iraq, we are ready in two fronts.

Naji Sabri

We are not aware of any other cases in Iraq.

Abdul Jalil Hassan

'God would tell me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan,' ... 'And I did, and then God would tell me, 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq' . . . And I did.' .

Nabil Shaath

One of the reasons we came to the States is to diversify, and not be reliant on Iraq as a source of funding, because — let's face it — eventually that has to go away.

Mike Smith

An independent investigation is essential because these killings have huge implications for efforts to establish the rule of law in Iraq.

Philip Alston

I still did, until about December 2003 -- even if my son was killed -- until we found out that the reason we started (the Iraq war) was a big lie.

Jean Prewitt

This (impeachment) is the only way left to MPs to call the prime minister to account over his conduct in the war against Iraq.

Adam Price

In the eyes of many, America is no different than the former regime in Iraq that brutally tortured and intimidated prisoners.

Shelley Berkley

It was less of a decline that we expected, so Iraq was really in line of how we modeled it.

Jeff Tillery

Chris felt he had to make a statement. His feelings [about Iraq] were so strong he was prepared to be arrested.

Chris Eubank

It's fair to say that if his squadron goes to Iraq, he will probably go with it.

Prince Harry

I'm very confident that the solutions that we are developing are going to be effective not only in application in Iraq, but also will be very helpful for potential homeland security situations as well.

Geoff Davis

That's still what they really want, which is understandable, given how hot it is in the summer in Iraq.

Kristen Holloway

Some Democrats say the estimated $60 billion dollar cost of a war with Iraq could be better spent at home. When he heard that, President Bush agreed and announced plans to bomb Ohio.

Jay Leno

It would be a dereliction of my duty if I do not speak out along with the tens of thousands, this war in Iraq is illegal, George Bush should be impeached.

Ross Mirkarimi

Prepare for operations should military action against Iraq become necessary.

Robert Hill

We will propose a committee of inquiry with the task of clearing up everything about el-Masri, but also focusing on the question of involvement in the war in Iraq.

Renate Kuenast

We went through cupboards, files and drawers and turned up some extraordinary information about relations between Iraq and Moscow.

David Harrison

This is not so. In any case, the issue is not the executive chairman. It is how to get on with the work of disarming Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction.

Fred Eckhard

In Iraq, that's not what we find.

Marina Ottaway

Even when he was in Iraq fighting a war, he was always smiling.

Anthony Martinez

Iraq has passed through three years which are the worst in its history.

Munthir Rasheed

This refusal ... in effect means we cannot carry out our inspection and is a failure of Iraq to comply with its obligations.

Scott Ritter

If the situation in Iraq has not improved, and if the hurricane causes an economic downturn, then Republican candidates have something to worry about.

Dan Schnur

This is a cost we all counted before we went to Iraq.

Carol Rose

If we don't have accurate information, if we are not able to tell difficult truth one to another, we will never be able to effectively design a policy for Iraq.

Jack Reed

This was a shock, ... You are giving Iraq to the Iranians.

Salih Mutlak

I wouldn't get overly concerned about it. Iraq has been coming on and off the market all the time.

John Segner

In Iraq, to show sincerity you have to put more effort into your gestures.

Hannes Vilhjalmsson

My husband, he was out in Iraq fighting for his country, and he comes back and he gets shot down like an animal.

Mariela Carrion

We are saying 'no' to the Bush agenda, 'no' to the war in Iraq, 'no' to the regime change by our government, 'no' to pre-emptive war, 'no' to the economic policies.

Leslie Cagan

I think the right approach is to continue to do what we can to create the conditions for economic growth in Iraq, and I don't think that is putting more debt on an already heavily debt-burdened country and basically a bankrupt country.

Donald Evans

One outcome is almost certain. Extremism stands to benefit enormously from an uncalculated adventure in Iraq.

Javad Zarif

The (real) enemies are those occupiers who have set themselves up in Iraq, particularly Britain.

Gholamhossein Elham

Such equipment was not available in the region, and certainly not in Iraq.

Melissa Norcross

Americans don't know what to do about Iraq, other than being angry with the Bush administration for not knowing what to do about it. Iraq is constantly in the background as a source of disappointment and discontent.

Geoff Garin

If I had a nickel for every No. 2 and Nov. 3 they've arrested or killed in Iraq and Afghanistan , I'd be a millionaire.

Evan Kohlmann

Most people are frustrated with the omnipotence of Bush's government and the direction of his international policy, above all in Iraq but around the world as well.

Esteban Montes

Our focus (in Iraq) has been on national unity government formation.

Elizabeth Colton

What the people of Iraq have accomplished to date is historic and impressive, and we're confident that they'll put that same commitment and dedication to work in enacting the laws that will enforce this constitution.

Elizabeth Cheney

They've got his itinerary and everything now. We'll know for sure in 24 hours if he was in Iraq.

Ed Schulz

We are not going to abandon Iraq.

Zalmay Khalilzad