55 quotes about hated follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved of you and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.

Charlotte Bronte

My parents were very pleased that I was in the army. The fact that I hated it somehow pleased them even more.

Barry Humphries

He who is hated by all can not expect to live long.

Pierre Corneille

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.

Jory Hancock

I'd rather be hated for who I am than be loved for who I'm not.

Kurt Cobain

The most-hated manager in British journalism.

David Montgomery

He was always smiling, never hated on anybody...he was a good guy, school ain't gonna be the same without him.

Mike Ramirez

I hated Big Brother, I hated him, ... But I don't mind him now.

Gretel Killeen

In the Donn, he hated the track. We want it to be a nice day so he can show what he can do.

Randy Martin

The dog hated everyone except Harry Lee, but he loved beef jerky.

Timothy Clougherty Sr

I hated the bangs in the war: I always felt a silent war would be more tolerable.

Pamela Hansford Johnson

Poets, like whores, are only hated by each other.

William Wycherley

Hated it when he called me 'kid.' .

Tom Horton

He who believes in freedom of the will has never loved and never hated.

Marie Von Ebner eschenbach

It has to be more than just the music, ... When I was in college, I hated classical music. Then, a girl got me to go to a concert and because I wanted to be there, the night flew by.

Michael Grice

He just hated the soft ground. We thought beforehand he would go on it but we were wrong and there will be another day with him.

Peter Reynolds

Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.

Coretta Scott King

I loved going back there. I hated that I missed that.

Jeff Neely

The Puritan hated bear-baiting, not because it gave pain to the bear, but because it gave pleasure to the spectators.

Thomas Babington Macaulay

I hated it so much. I want to be out there all the time.

Danielle Austin

Life has taught me that it is not for our faults that we are disliked and even hated, but for our qualities.

Bernard Berenson

To be loved is to be fortunate, but to be hated is to achieve distinction.

Minna Antrim

You got the more sugary one. The Brits hated it.

Matthew Macfadyen

My father hated radio and could not wait for television to be invented so he could hate that too.

Peter De Vries

I had dreams of it tasting like a pumpkin pie. Of course, it didn't. I hated it.

Brian Long

America is simultaneously the most attractive and most repulsive place on the planet. It is most loved and most hated.

Dinesh D'Souza

For nowaday deference gets you friends, honesty gets you hated.


I came to Hermiston in 1982 and I loved the area, but I hated this 395 corridor.

Fred Ziari

Everybody hated that gate.

Michael Conway

Life is obstinate and clings closest where it is most hated.

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

He hated him with a passion because Garrison got all of the press and accolades Shepherd felt he should have had.

Fred Barzyk

The feminists still hated it. The anti-pornographers still hated it. [Gross] would probably still hate it. Nothing we do is going to satisfy those who hate our business.

Ron Jeremy

He was the most hated man in North Florida.

Gary Mormino

What's really amazing is some of them hated Bill more than they hated me.

Patrick Barry

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.

Andre Gide

I have hated Keith Foster since I was 15 years old. I hate him because he used to beat on me.

Dorothy Hallas

Even though she was good at it, she hated doing divorces. All the messy emotion and anger.

Jill Adels

John Belushi always hated the puppets. He just hated them with a passion.

Jerry Nelson

There were two things investors hated about Motorola: Chris Galvin and the semi business. Now they are getting rid of both.

Casey Ryan

I really hated that for Juan because I believe, down the line, he will be one of those guys that really does get better in the fourth quarter.

Mike Redwine

Not that I hated to play defense but maybe I didn't know exactly what they wanted.

Aya Traore

He always hated that he'd never be able to donate blood for someone else.

Angela Adams

I have never hated a man enough to give his diamonds back.

Zsa Zsa Gabor

Everybody says we hated the Yankees. We didn't hate the Yankees. We just hated the way they beat us.

Al Lopez

He demanded and expected excellence, not just in the game of football but in the way you acted in public, the way you went about attacking your academics. He expected you to be the best you possibly could, and you hated to disappoint him.

Chuck Bredlow

He always said how much he hated going to the hospitals. He became more (vocal) about how much he hated it after he retired, but he always said he hated it.

Laura Nygren

I'm always the most hated player on the road.

Travis Niesen

I always wanted to be a driver because I wanted more control. I hated being a brakeman because you have no control. I'm extremely excited about going to the Olympics.

Shauna Rohbock

His players hated playing for him, but they wound up being lifelong friends, almost across the board.

Josh Lucas

I am extremely disappointed in this year. I hated it; it made my life miserable.

Steve Bisciotti

It's a sign of your own worth sometimes if you are hated by the right people.

Miles Franklin

That was so dumb. I hated it.

Jamie Doran

He loved the Steelers. He hated that he never got to win there.

Jill Stautner

My father and mother were killed by the Japanese. I hated the Japanese very much.

Long Qiming

I saw a great difference in him, ... He had gotten to a point where he could even talk to his pitchers. He hated pitchers.

Elrod Hendricks