52 quotes about guidelines follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Nobody has the kind of infrastructure and guidelines and policies that we do.

Lenny Klompus

We have no particular guidelines.

Rhonda Dunham

We believe we are in full compliance with the law, guidelines and contracts.

Brian Henry

These guidelines are not that different from what you as a parent should be following. Kids will follow the example of their parents if the example is there.

Lona Sandon

Guidelines are good but a program is better.

Barbara Kaminsky

We applaud these (new) guidelines.

Tom Minnery

That the Levi guidelines had been tossed into the wastebasket.

James Sensenbrenner

NICE should be in charge of implementing any guidelines, not the government.

Andrew Lansley

All construction is going to impact the traveling public a bit. But everything is set up according to Florida Department of Transportation guidelines.

Peter Bonk

The 2005 guidelines take a 'back to basics' approach to resuscitation. The association believes the new guidelines will contribute to more people doing CPR effectively.

Robert Hickey

There was a lot of concern that work was going to go forward without standardized guidelines.

Jonathan Moreno

What every one of those guidelines say is that if you're going to really significantly change something, you have to have pictorial evidence, and that's what the commission has asked them for.

Lisa Wright

Human nature being what it is, we tend to say we're following all the guidelines when in reality we're not.

Rita Marker

We will follow federal guidelines on calculating casualty loss.

Kathy Waterbury

The [W3C] guidelines are not rocket science, but they're not that easy to figure out how to apply in some cases.

Dick Brown

The guidelines that they need to know have not fully come out yet.

Mike James

It's not enough any more for the government to publish dietary guidelines and point their finger at Americans and say, 'Eat better.' It takes more than that.

Margo Wootan

The trout are fine. If you?re going to eat other resident fish, you should follow the guidelines for bass.

Dave Stone

We'd like that decision to be left up to medical guidelines.

Julie Salz Greenstein

I think some of it has to be the new [guidelines].

Derek Fisher

We're ensuring we meet the guidelines already in the law to maintain public confidence in our efforts to build schools.

Susan Harrison

In addition, the income guidelines have been increased by 25 percent which allows more people to apply for assistance.

Rita Smith

The guidelines that have been set to address the achievement gap can only be done fairly and accurately if you pinpoint a number, and that number is 40.

Brian Mcdonald

I have not yet seen a final draft of the new government's guidelines, but we will not compromise on ours.

Avigdor Lieberman

The NTC will enforce these guidelines even on non-KBP members. If they don't accede to it, we'll still enforce it.

Ronald Solis

I know we can't abolish prejudice through laws, but we can set up guidelines for our actions by legislation.

Belva Lockwood

This is an ongoing process. The guidelines are not static.

Dan Grunig

We applaud these guidelines. If they are applied properly, they will safeguard the free exercise of religion guaranteed to all citizens, both military and civilian.

Tom Minnery

We need very specific legal advice to determine the guidelines and if it's in the best interests of the community.

Joe Mark

Guidelines simply aren't enough to keep us safe.

Gary Arthur

The ceiling conforms to those elliptical guidelines. The ideal is no dead spots.

Robert Mahoney

We purchased oil through the oil-for-food program from the beginning of the program to its end, and everything we did was within U.S. law and U.N. guidelines.

Prem Nair

Unless the nominating committee of our board of directors decides otherwise in accordance with our corporate governance guidelines.

David Courtney

We feel that our data are completely consistent with the current American Heart Association guidelines and the current FDA guidance to use the lowest possible dose for the shortest possible duration.

Dr. Judith Hsia

The market did not go very far in either direction due to continuing uncertainty over Chen's final decision on the unification guidelines.

Alvin Teng

The conference guidelines for breaking a multiteam tie for the title seem complicated.

Reggie Hayes

The form provides easy and clear guidelines. It is a one-page form that tells you step-by-step how to do it.

Brandon Roberts

You can be sure that in countries like Brazil and India, there may be guidelines in place, but they're not being followed as strictly as they are here.

Mark Bannister

Basically just didn't care if we followed Justice Department guidelines.

John Podesta

The detailed guidelines would make work more straightforward in those areas.

Yi Xianrong

We're going to build a new home meeting the new guidelines.

Jeb Bruneau

If you have an existing business or home and you are not doing anything to that these guidelines will not impact you whatsoever.

Randy Caldwell

We'd like to have clear guidelines, and we'd be happy to follow them.

Sam Rovit

They (the guidelines) are designed as a desperate attempt to fend off real regulation of drug ads.

Sidney Wolfe

There are no intermediate guidelines for officials to step in before a dog is declared vicious.

Jeff Rosenthal

If it fits the guidelines and all of their ducks are in a row, then we can approve the project.

Lynn Kueck

For something as big as this I thought we would get something from the state about guidelines to follow.

Pete Prestipino Jr

First of all. We're not restricted to the government guidelines.

Alberta Stima

Yes, there will certainly be one company that ignores the guidelines. That company might live to regret that decision.

Frank Saia

We have no guidelines though. You come when you feel you have the time.

Judy Gober

There's a huge amount of frustration among those who have to produce the reports. The guidelines that are out there are very challenging.

Ed Goble

If they follow these guidelines the risk is basically nonexistent.

Zsuzsanna Jakab