He was a loving father and husband and very proud of his country, ... We all respect him for what he decided to do.

James Sutton

I was angry about the fact that my father would beat my mother on a daily basis, that my mother would take it in turn and beat on me. I was an abused child. I was mad about all those things, very bitter and very angry.

Rick James

I watched my father being slowly crucified by it.

Keith Anderson

I've done my work and I'm happy with it... I respect my father very much, but I'm a very different person than he was.

Brandon Lee

He was worried about what Father would say.

Pat Mozdzen

That picture that they showed with the father, that is not Elian. That hair is not Elian's.

Marisleysis Gonzalez

I'm not a politician, but I am the father of a murdered child.

Kevin Fox

You're nervous. You block everything out except maybe for your father and your coach. There's no one to blame but yourself.

Luke Lanno

In their culture, they were told education is your mother and ... their father. They had this amazing devotion to education.

Trudy Cunningham

My father would take me to the playground, and put me on mood swings.

Jay London

Our father always said, 'She'll come back to us,'.

James Roberts

My father just got back from a trip to Canada and gas was $6 a gallon there. And I have relatives in Europe, where it's also $6 a gallon.

Doris Jones

He's a very good father. I couldn't have asked for a better father. He loved his kids.

Natalie Henderson

My father was a disabled veteran; my husband is also.

Sue Allen

My father never raised his hand to any one of his children, except in self-defense.

Fred Allen

My father was an Episcopalian minister, and I've always been comforted by the power of prayer.

Anna Lee

I try to be a mother and a father but it's a Herculean task.

Howard Kavaler

Father of the Pride.

John Goodman

It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father.

Pope John Xxiii

I've always been around cars. My father was always working on a car engine.

Tim Wall

My father was a builder. He had a contracting company. And I'm a people person.

Terry Hall

I did not ask them to come, they are not our family. My father was everything to me, my greatest love.

Marija Milosevic

I sort of adopted Manson as my father.

Bruce Davis

We have cases where the man seems to think that if he doesn't show up for the case, it will all go away, Even if he's not the father.

Susan Moore

Here's a woman who confesses to this horrible crime - what she did to my father, who we love very much.

Timothy Lord

He actually introduced himself to her father, and asked if it would be OK to date his daughter. Dad just had those values all through life.

Daniel Ostermann

As a father, I wish he would have stopped.

William Costopoulos

He was always like a father to me.

Carroll Baker

He had paranoid delusions. But I have no doubt that Father Chevedden was accurate in what he described. He was very precise in detailing and documenting what transpired.

George Maloof

Our Father and Our God, unto thee, O Lord we lift our souls.

William Pennington

My father instilled in me the attitude of prevailing. If there's a challenge, go for it. If there's a wall to break down, break it down.

Donny Osmond

They don't think he would do this. He's good to his children. He's a good father.

Richard Detoto

Had your father spend more of your mother's immoral earnings on your education you would not even then have been a gentleman.

Seymour Hicks

I have patterned myself after my father and God.

Adam Petty

It means another day of potential damage between father and son.

Greg Craig

He's just like his father. The muse comes and goes.

Cynthia Lennon

That has helped me a lot. We knew how to balance the father-and-coach relationship.

Mario Chalmers

One father said to me yesterday that he was looking forward to the career his son was going to have.

Gwyn Richards

I?m going to find who did this to my son. Any father would feel this way. I might call the police, I might not.

Michael Tillman

He has big eyebrows. I can see in the photos that my father had big eyebrows. Yes, my first one's face looks a lot like his.

Martin Briere

She never spoke to her father again after her conversion to Catholicism.

Sister Maria Giuseppe

Father sticks to it that anything that promises to pay too much can't help being risky.

Dorothy Canfield Fisher

If necessity is the mother of invention, then laziness must be its father.

Carl Stoddard

I always joke with (father) Les and his wife, asking them if they can kick out a couple more sons for us.

Chris West

There is a difference between a father and a dad. He was not only my father but my dad — and my friend.

Thomas Lake

He was just beginning to find his vocation and to escape from the orbit of his father.

Lance Morrow

I've seen Buddy and the way he handles the (father-son) situation, and I think he does an excellent job.

Brandy King

It's very difficult - he has 10 kids all looking for him - this is not the way you should lose your father - not the way it should be.

Irma Fierro

Rachel: Oh my God. I've become my father. I've been trying so hard not to become my mother, I didn't see this coming.


I would also like to thank my father who discouraged me from playing the violin at an early age.

Paul Desmond

Two days later, on August 20th, Eric woke up. August 20th happens to be my birthday and it's the best birthday present a father could ever have.

Rich Henrikson

First you must forgive those who you have any grudges against, ... That way the Father will forgive you and answer your prayers.

Robert Pitts

We called it Father Baker's miracle. Miracles don't have to last forever.

Sue Haefner

It now costs more to amuse a child than it once did to educate his father.

Vaughn Monroe

I think him and his father are in communication and I think everything looks good.

Robert Prunty

I used to visit that bank with my father in the 1930s.

Boyd Ealy

Sometimes I see my father in me.

Peter Falk

It was the true father of all the variety shows.

Andrew Solt

My grandfather and father have run the same system for 50 years.

Adam Hoover

But, ... my father listened to his heart, and not to the chorus.

Mark Reese

They have each other. They don't have the donor, the father; they have each other.

Robin Anderson

The Story of My Father.

Sue Miller

Absolutely. No question about that ... He looked upon Father Geoghan as a prize.

John Conte

I've been the chairman of a lot of boards, I've been a worker, I've been a father, and I've been a leader.

Byron Morrison

The average man will bristle if you say his father was dishonest, but he will brag a little if he discovers that his great-grandfather was a pirate.

Bern Williams

He'd get mad if you called him Lester. He said that when his father called him Lester, he knew he was in trouble.

Gary Marsh

My father said, 'You better get out of Hong Kong. They are real barbarians'.

Long Qiming

I asked him if he would help. He said, 'I'm glad you're concerned,' and promised to speak to his father.

Clara Taylor

I wish I had my father to hug yet.

Kekai Seabury

At the Apollo, he asked me to come and stand in for him. He's like my father.

Al Sharpton

My father said it was cold that night.

Norma Norwood

This is great for me to be able to join my father. I certainly hope my daughter and my son, who is a cameraman, can join me soon.

Peter Fonda

'Father' meant to me provider... and I was working myself to death... but I wasn't physically home; I wasn't there every day.

Lionel Richie

I feel really bad for Brian. Brian wanted everybody to be sure that his father was a very sick man.

Daniel Joseph

In the court of public opinion that he, and not Neil Bush, is the father of his son.

Robert Andrews

My parents were very brave. It's been really hard for my father. When you own your own business, and then you have to go to work for someone else, it's not easy.

Tugba Karademir

I really identified with this guy. This guy is my father, to be honest.

Terry Crews

He told us a story once that his father would never accept 'I can't' as an answer. We never tell him we can't do something.

Boo Davis

I want to be more like him. He's just been an awesome father and an awesome example of good Christian faith.

Kristin Hawkins

My father and mother were killed by the Japanese. I hated the Japanese very much.

Long Qiming

Superman is a defender of all that is right, and he gets that, by God, from his father, and I like that.

John Schneider

If the father is not straight naider will be the son.

Rod Stewart

My father had a varied ear, from Hank Williams to Ravel.

Madeleine Peyroux

We came this far with him, there's no point in giving up now. This would be big for him, to give to his father.

Kyle Kannenberg

Pride is the master sin of the devil, and the devil is the father of lies.

Edwin Hubbel Chapin

The children will not leave unless I do. I shall not leave unless their father does, and the King will not leave the country in any circumstances whatever.

Elizabeth, The Queen Mother

Peter Falk and my father are very much the same.

Paul Reiser

Please keep the Holy Father in your prayers.

Edward Egan

Do they know they're old, these two who are my father and my mother whose fire from which I came, has now grown cold?

Elizabeth Jennings

No father is happy to find his son has been arrested by the DEA.

Edward Hayes

He has dozens of our friends who consider him like a second father.

Eric Kirby

It wasn't until 1988 in many cases that I could apply for a business loan without my husband or my father co-signing.

Erin Fuller