We want to bring everybody back together again.

Robert Wilhite

I'm here to handle the job that is at hand. Who knows what the future will bring?

Rep. Leonard Bentz

I led a people's revolution that was justified, ... Our revolution was one to bring about change.

Charles Taylor

We bring that into the gym with us every day. It motivates us every day. We know what it takes to get there and having been there, we know what it takes to win.

Cristen Trent

Bring on Arsenal, that's what I say.

Jermaine Jenas

I was really tired at the end, having to bring the ball up every time. It was fun, though.

Ashley Baker

Without him I would not have been able to bring that emotion up.

Michael Clarke Duncan

We also hope to see the Mountaineers bring home a victory.

Tom Joyce

I know I have to bring it, though, I have to be the leader.

Tyler Mcneece

It's a Cup tie and anything to happen in these games. Hopefully we can get a little break which may bring our run of bad luck to an end.

Allan Moore

He was trying to bring to life Russian culture.

Rodney Wynkoop

Whoever we bring in, ... his input is very very necessary.

James Barry

He did whatever he had to do to bring attention on him and his campaign.

Charles Dean

We want to bring our newest and our finest to Medina.

Jeff Fink

He always expected us, when we went off to college, to do well and not to bring any bad grades back.

Tom Crosby

Our eyes lit up. That's a huge person to bring in.

Jacob Burtschi

We bring an aggressiveness to basketball.

Royce Rowe

They are similar to the beacons on Petaluma Hill Road, and are meant to bring attention that there is something new on the road.

Dave Knight

We are a people who can bring about miracles if united.

Moo hyum Roh

You should bring in new people because you get new ideas, new enthusiasm.

Councilman Gary Okino

They used to get us out of grade school and bring us here. I'll do the same with him.

Brett Morgan

Bring him on so we can get some life in this town!

Kevin Powell

Bring ideas in and entertain them royally, for one of them may be the king.

Mark Van Doren

There is nothing like a challenge to bring out the best in man.

Sean Connery

If you're going to bring the city back, you got to bring it back with the musicians. If it wasn't for this place, I'd be out.

Jo Davis

No one else can bring this overwhelming advantage, ... We can see and know where the enemy is and they cannot see and know where we are. They are fighting blind.

Don Shepperd

We bring the pressure and those plays are there.

Dennis King

It's a lot of fun. It's a good place to bring the family and have a good time.

Calvin Johnson

One of the most dangerous things we do is bring units up and down.

Bill Stephens

When you're down in the dumps, an animal can always bring you up.

Carrie Schmitt

I don't know what they are going to bring to the table, we have to meet.

Chris Bowman

You tell me. What would it take (to bring in more people)?

Kelly Krauskopf

We'll bring the school to under 900 students.

Carolyn Edwards

I felt immediately we should bring it here.

Bob Boyett

This kid who was always laid back, he's got a few bubbles in him, he said: 'Bring 'em on today, I'll beat 'em again. That was so uncharacteristic.

Carl Erskine

I think we bring an element of fun to the Olympics.

Maelle Ricker

Angela Merkel would bring an interesting perspective.

Peter Murphy

Camp Casey Philadelphia. I would even go to jail if it would bring my son back.

Michael Berg

We were able to bring in 32 speakers.

Christine Heeren

The number of charges I'm about to bring would support a bail of $2 million.

Gary Thelander

Here's to our soldiers. Let's bring them home safe.

Mike Dirnt

He helped us bring together our ideas. We had 31 members with 31 ideas.

C. Fred Bergsten

We often call a certainty a hope, to bring it luck.

Elizabeth Bibesco

It's going to bring people to the hotel.

Ron Garrett

Most of the time I'm like that, and when I've got another guy doing this to me, I'm mad. It did bring a lot more passion out of us.

Harvey Hale

This exercise is designed to bring in Gamal.

Ayman Nour

We're lost, not knowing what the next day is going to bring.

Deborah Lewis

To bring in tournaments, you have to have a nicer designation area.

Fred Voss

We thought it would be a good tie-in and bring more people.

Zachary Jeremiah

That's what I am trying to bring to the team. I was trying to influence them with my confidence.

Zhang Yadong

When you bring consciousness to anything, things begin to shift.

Eve Ensler

We can do better than the false bravado of 'bring 'em on' — remember that? We can do better than the illusion of 'mission accomplished,' .

Evan Bayh

How can we improve the organization? How can we bring better services to the citizenry?,

Eric Swanson

We feel the arts bring out academic rigor.

Emily Hamilton

They bring another thing to the dimension. They like to run like we do.

Eli Crawford

Dead artists always bring out an older, richer crowd.

Elizabeth Shaw

Our forces are tracking the attackers and we will arrest them and bring justice to the victims.

Eid Kabalu

They're making arrangements to bring her body home to Atlanta at the moment.

Edythe Scott Bagley

We didn't bring our 'A' game tonight.

Fred Miller

We do rehab here, but because we have Phys A's, it doesn't bring up our Medicaid enough.

Ted Marchibroda

Would bring significant value to our shareholders.

Edgar Bronfman

The greatest thing of all is that he's got super kids on the bench that they can bring in and they can do the exact same thing.

Eddie Lloyd

Sometimes coaches can be so uptight that they bring down the game.

Eddie Davis

I will listen to anything they bring. I want to hear what they have to say.

Fred Young