239 quotes about billing follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

But most people don't believe the bill will past the final two readings.

Bill Huang

Bill has come down to Hollywood to make this announcement, and that is a first.

James Cameron

I got here late in the game. We did not realize this bill would fly by so fast.

Laura Simon

Bill and Jerry have surrounded me with people I trust.

Jeff Ireland

But regardless of how this was crafted or why, this is a good bill for most of us on the lake.

Dick Bronson

Bill King could not get enough of Duke.

Richard Brodhead

She wants to see the goals in the bill become a reality.

Maria Alvarado

With or without the bill, we refuse Playboy magazine.

Maruf Amin

You don't want to be lackadaisical about checking your bill.

Linda Sherry

In principal, we've all been supporting Congressman Baker's bill because it's the best plan out there.

John Mcilwain

Bill . . . called a guy who was a towering figure and he totally defanged him.

David Axelrod

We have now fully crafted a bill that we can all live with and enjoy.

John Conyers

It is not a for-profit bill - it is a for-safety bill.

Joe Robinson

I love Bill, ... and I want to marry him.

Sheila Johnson

When someone only has $200 to their name and has to pay their electric bill soon, why make them pay for basic necessities?

Claudia Tremaine

They weren't headlining. They were third down the bill.

Pete Shelley

We ask that they appropriate the funds to implement the Garrett Lee Smith Bill.

Anne Tyson

We're in the process of reviewing the bill.

Mark York

She wants to put it all in one bill.

Adam Wood

It was about $7,000. My tax bill was higher in Hopkinton than it was in Cranston.

Steve Laffey

We think this bill raises some good issues.

Ari Schwartz

But they wanted to get right back out there and do what they could to win it for Bill.

Christopher Carroll

You don't know cause you have always been paying the same bill.

Dave Mccullough

I'll pay the bill, but I'm not handing a check to the city to go into that fund.

Paul Valletta

Do we need the bill? Couldn't we just use the Criminal Code?

Todung Mulya Lubis

It's up there competing with the electric bill.

Roger Mitchell

There is enormous opposition to this bill.

Michael Lang

We're here to represent our constituents, and there's no question they want this bill.

Rep. David Schultheis

Don't mess with the Constitution, don't mess with the Bill of Rights and don't mess with Christianity.

Jim Goodnow

In May 1998, Bill made soup for people in a house in Belfast.

Sarah Hughes

Nobody in town takes training as seriously as Bill does, ... I wouldn't go anywhere else.

Ann Williams

A bill that would allow civil unions is a bill that allows same-sex marriage.

Chuck Darrell

But it's still hard to tell which Bill will win out.

Sue Carter

I think personally the bill was misguided from the start.

Dyana Mason

We were not aware that Reed was working against our bill.

Kathryn Rexrode

Go ahead and bill these people, hit them in the pocketbook. You will get somewhere.

Harold Smith

We have made clear all along that this bill is for discussion and debate.

Geoff Hoon

There is nothing in the tax bill that requires an immediate response.

Harold Evensky

If this bill is enacted, I would have no hesitation to recommend a challenge.

Larry Spalding

If the government sends you a bill for $200 and you have to pay it, it's a tax.

Joe Negron

Your bill lacks any hard standards, ... That concerns me.

Doug Price

This is not our bill. We didn't ask for the bill. We're not lobbying on the bill.

Jeff Bentoff

Their bill is not sharp. They don't suck at all.

Fred Bassett

This is a bad omen, a bad bill and a disaster for Africa.

Randall Robinson

This is a disastrous amendment bill.

Lovemore Madhuku

This really is Melanie's Bill.

Ron Bersani

It was the equivalent of Bill Gates saying, .

Paul Phillips

This bill has the potential to end sex trafficking.

Janice Crouse

They said he saw a dollar bill lying on the ground.

John Thigpen

It's cheaper for us to pay a lawyer and tie it up in court than it is to pay the tax bill.

Randy Perry

What's wrong with Bill Hall?

Milwaukee Brewers

This is the secretary of transportation bill, that's what this is.

J. Lowell Stoltzfus

There's never been a problem in this state with gay marriage since we passed the bill in 1996.

Jim Black

There is no significant teeth in this bill.

Rep. David Schultheis

This is basically a bill about fairness.

Sen Karin Brownlee

You will see Bill Cosby on steroids.

Russell Simmons

My goal was to try and win that seat. My only question was could I beat Bill Nelson.

Tom Rooney

Do they even have anyone who knows how to draft a bill in parliament?

Adrien Wing

That's been one of the most problematic parts for anyone who's in this alternative billing space.

Sucharita Mulpuru

Most [charges] do get overturned. We wouldn't bill if there wasn't a reason for it.

Rene Coderre

This is what is called a 'me-too' bill. If other states are doing it, why are we doing it too?

Bernie Pinsonat

This bill is all about fighting fraud.

Sen. Rudy Garcia

We owe Bill Gates or whoever it is for bringing us together.

Sally Davis

We have a bill which to my way of thinking has stripped out very significant reforms.

Howard Berman

If you owe money it will be added to your tax bill. If you expect a refund it will be deducted.

Gretchen Dykstra

We haven't seen a bill.

Codee Franco

This (house) is paid for. (Moving) would be another bill.

Sally Pacheco

I talked to Bill McArthur today as he was passing by.

Lou Mcfadin

Microsoft's Bill Gates could have filed for free.

Denise Sposato

We have identified the individuals, and they will be getting a bill.

Ben Wolcott

Bill Cosby, you name it, I never knew who would be there; but it was wonderful.

Marvin Hamlisch

We had the most forward-looking and aggressive recycling bill in the country.

Larry Martin

This is a serious bill.

Blair Levin

We would be happy not to do the billing ourselves.

Tom Herman

I think the issue about the proposed bill was an issue of transparency.

Mick Keelty

We really don't have any plans in taking that bill up anytime soon.

Jon Brandt

The hospital bill was almost $1,600.

Martha Rodee

I'll let you guys know how painful the bill gets for us.

Dr. Drew Dossett

We think we can defeat the bill.

Jasmine Harris

Somebody paid the bill. But this is my question: Who paid?

Claudio Fava

So we have an additional question. Who paid the bill?

Claudio Fava

It's fundamentally novel, difficult to set up and not something you can bill extra for.

William Hrushesky

Kill Bill Vol. 2.

David Carradine

You will ultimately see a bill offered.

Craig Orfield

For a kid who doesn't play a lot, Bill has been great.

Ron Hunter

She's OK, it's just that Bill is much better.

Richard Pearson

The good news is we may actually pass a bill. The bad news is we may actually pass a bill.

Sen. Kip Averitt

The airlines are driving the bill. Everyone understands the urgency.

Andrea Fischer Newman

It's still a great bill and it allows us to do what we want to do.

Mary Okoye

It's not easy to win a batting title if your name's not Bill.

Billy J. Williams

I'm elated, just elated. I thought there would be one bill or another but not both.

Jackie Young

Wanted to veto the defense bill, go ahead.

Tom Daschle

We believed he fit the bill at that time.

Al Davis

Bill has a great way of communicating. No one believes more in this than he does. No one wants to succeed as much as he does.

Josh Gottheimer

It's not a bill that protects. It was not intended to protect.

Don Casey

I agree with the spirit of the bill, but I'm not sure about it.

Kevin Gosper

It's a massive bill that's going to be really hard to pass.

Melinda Pierce

For our residential customers it's a monthly bill increase by $2.96.

Faye Andersen

Applause is a receipt, not a bill.

Artur Schnabel

We're actively lobbying for the bill. We're down there every day.

Lou Gellos

The governor would maintain his position if the bill comes to him.

Kate Philips

This is just about the billing of the room. It will no longer be billed to FEMA.

Libby Turner

On Bill Clinton: "Bill's got this big aura, he's a big guy, he's got big hands."

Natalie Appleton

Why not bill these people are fee for the 911 calls coming in that are not real.

Harold Smith

Probably the most dangerous and powerful industrialist of our age. [About Bill Gates].

Scott Mcnealy

The M & O is the lions' share of your property tax bill.

Rep. Lenore Barrett

We are not supporting that _ and that's a big not. It's a voucher bill.

Greg Weaver

Currently, they have frozen our bank accounts, they've frozen our assets, so that we are unable to access our assets to pay the tax bill.

Bruce Misamore

If there's a bill on the governor's desk that doesn't have his ink on it yet, he shouldn't get any contributions.

Jason Stanford

There's a subtle undertow here about buy America, ... This bill has picked up a little bit of steam because of that.

Cliff Stearns

This bill is almost like a freeze.

Ann Kobayashi

Although they promised to cover them, the system to bill for them doesn't work.

Phyllis Robinson

That would be a $174 versus a $153 bill. That's a savings of about $21, and every little bit helps this time of year.

Angie Townsend

It's pretty exciting. I've been asking Bill a lot about his experience.

Valery Tokarev

Our task is to make sure the government does not submit the bill.

Takeo Hiranuma

I think we tend to think this is a bill for farmers only, but really it affects everyone.

Susan Jutes

No one heard of Bill Clinton before he declared he was going to run.

Larry Harris

Why is that [museum], No. 1, part of a highway bill and, No. 2, why is it part of a federal highway bill?

David Boaz

They say, `How did Bill Snyder do it at Kansas State?'

Chuck Neinas

I hate Bill Buckner. He bobbled the ball.

Mark Tattersall

Anything less than the original bill will not allow parents to know what is going on.

Sadie Fields

Many of the regulations put into the new bill we already have best practices and do that.

Tim Page

We anticipate substantial amendments to the bill.

Anne Murphy

This bill could dramatically change the situation.

Todd Morgan

We're talking about the contents of essentially your telephone bill.

Tom Collier

This bill puts icing on a moldy cake.

Rep. Shelley Vana

It's too soon to say anything about the energy bill, ... We're still going through it.

Chris Millette

After getting my new tax bill, it looks like I won't be able to stay there anymore.

Robert Sullivan

This is probably the first true bill customers have seen. Until they see it, it doesn't hit them.

Larry Graham

This bill says go after the criminal, don't go after the law-abiding gun manufacturer or the law-abiding gun seller.

Larry Craig

We will be vetoing the driver's license bill.

Richard Costigan

What's really amazing is some of them hated Bill more than they hated me.

Patrick Barry

We've had no indication yet on either the content or timing of the Bill.

Mark Hastings

It's very unfair for senior citizens to pay the brunt of the bill.

Rudolph Harris

You don't come down and pay 25 cents a day. When you return the book, then you pay the bill.

Andrea Esquer

Bill Edwards practices here because he's a professional.

Lee Meyer

This bill is not about fixing the Endangered Species Act, it's about gutting it.

James Mcgovern

If it IS counterfeit, you will not be reimbursed because knowingly passing a counterfeit bill is against the law.

Tim Quinlan

Bill is an emotional guy.

Harry Pearce

The idea is to get you to look at a bill insert.

Lance Miller

If your usage has gone up, your bill will be adjusted upward.

Leigh Morris

Make rules about what they can and can't use it for. Or else you might be amazed when you get the bill for a new Bose stereo.

Scott Swail

I expect our electric bill this month will be about $30.

Brian Holland

It is hard to write the perfect farm bill.

Ron Heck

If we don't begin to hear from consumers across the state, we're going to end up with a very bad bill.

Matt Pierce

The story is more than this bill. The story is homelessness. There's so much more we need to do.

Attorney General Steven Rowe

We're hoping the reconciliation bill does go away. It's becoming very controversial.

Anna Aurilio

He is planning on introducing a bill shortly.

Carte Goodwin

2006 should be a lot more challenging with the fuel bill expected to soar.

Panmure Gordon

If it can be done the way the bill states, it can be a great thing.

Jonathan Vinson

Start a file for billing, a file for UC information.

Mary Gorman

It was Bill, ... who pushed Willie to go to New York.

Willie Morris

That's like kicking 'In God We Trust' off the dollar bill.

Tony Chen

The ... bill is quite troubling.

Christian Ramirez

I think, ultimately, this committee can report out a bill.

Cecilia Munoz

Basically, all Creedmoor has to offer us is a tax bill.

Randy Perry

The American people believe that there is something out there . . . with their name on it, ... There is not now -- but there will be if we pass this bill.

Clay Shaw

A lot of people don't know the details of the bill, and you can really say the bill is bad.

Cesar Lara

There were a lot of amendments that would have watered down the bill so it got stalled.

Debra Cohen

Americans may rally around a president when he sends troops to war but not when he sends them the bill.

Keating Holland

Greta is a player. If I were Bill O'Reilly, I'd watch out.

Gail Evans

Bill and I have a rule. If a guy needs the sizzle, he's not for us.

Scott Pioli

Billing is a logical and complementary addition.

Chuck Phillips

It turned out to be a fine bill, and one that we are anxious to help implement.

Anglican Bishop Robert Duncan

It looks good that Dodd will support the bill.

David Paddock

If I got one of those phones, would I have to pay the bill?

Melvin Taylor

So, I got stuck reading for them and paying the bill.

Chris Mckay

We can't afford these kinds of rate increases. It's imperative to get this bill.

Jerry Cerasale

Small business couldn't be more tickled with this bill.

Tom Underwood

The reason we are supporting the bill is because it's not their money to begin with.

Jennifer Perrone

There is a lot of support for this bill not going forward.

Keith Sexson

The desk in here is where he sat to sign that bill.

Phil Dixon

The Academic Bill of Rights is actually more of a bill of why don't we just strip away academia?

Sen. Ryan Birkman

I call it 'the shame bill.' Shame on you.

Ralph Pollock

Promoter Bill Graham brought us to Fillmore to back up the Who.

Joe Zawinul

It was a very inhumane bill.

Lois Nelson

So we will be adding that to our billing records.

Mayco Villafana

This is Bill Pardy.

Nathan Fillion

Most of the prohibitions in the bill have loopholes in them. It actually identifies the way lenders can get around them.

Bill Faith

I just paid $500 for my electric bill!

Charlotte Curry

The only reason I made a commercial for American Express was to pay for my American Express bill.

Peter Ustinov

I am convinced that the McCain-Kennedy bill is an amnesty.

Richard Lamm

In their opposition to our amendment, big oil lied to get our bill killed, ... They lied then, and they'll lie again.

Joe Dunn

Do we really deserve top billing?

Fred Allen

The pro-abortion lobbyists are so hot for this bill. We expect them to bring it up for an amendment.

Peter Wolfgang

We will not be sending a bill to the contractor.

Beth Martin

Anyone who is afraid [of the bill] can announce that they want to host the software in the reserve.

Loïc Dachary

She agreed to pay the huge postage bill. It was one-third of the bill.

Shearon Bailey

[The bill] will affect every American in some way, ... The impact of this bill will be felt for decades to come.

James Jeffords

Since we're responsible for the fire, we're going to pay for the bill for this fire.

Richard Hawkins

We believe that?s an essential component of the bill.

Sam Lee

Then she voted to gut the Treasurer's oversight bill.

Dave Contarino

What we show with our bill is that with large personal accounts, you don't have to change benefits.

Paul Ryan

Instead, it's, 'Let's do Bill Parcells again.'

Frank Deford

We are a pure stand-alone dot.com. About.com has always been able to pay the bill.

Scott Kurnit

Bill is kind of Mr. Organizer on board.

Pete Hasbrook

That establishes their flat bill amount. For 12 months. Their bill will not go above that amount.

Buddy Eiland

If we had put (Arctic drilling) in the bill, we wouldn't be here.

Pete Domenici

We have a lot of financial problems. If they don't give us this bill, we could be in bankruptcy. That's a fact.

Peter Davis

Bill would be invaluable as a member of our coaching staff.

Glenn Tasker