Many of the statements (appeared) to have been provided to her.

David Defazio

I told you [during opening statements] that the prosecution built its case on the backs of two drug-addicted men, and the evidence showed that.

Gerald Schwartzbach

I must say I have to be a little skeptical, because Arafat made these statements before. He made it on the 27th of September when he accepted a cease-fire. We buried 67 people since then and 500 more were wounded.

Ra'anan Gissin

Executives at these companies are often isolated from the horrors of what the farm animals have to endure. The resolutions will raise the issue because they are printed in the companies' proxy statements and mailed to the shareholders. This way, our campaign moves into an actual agenda, and companies will have to address it and argue their case.

Bruce Friedrich

If you look at Halliburton's history and financial statements, the oilfield services business has materially higher margins than does the engineering and construction side, and this would be a small chunk of the engineering and construction business.

Stephen Gengaro

I've got to give Quincy credit throughout that whole ordeal because he never wavered. All these statements didn't come from Quincy. Quincy wanted to be here.

Gary Waters

The message we've received from Fed statements lately has been quite consistent. I don't expect what he says to depart very much from that.

Michael Prell

Jennifer asked that I convey her appreciation of the many prayers and statements of support she has received from countless individuals.

Lydia Sartain

I get pretty angry that a man in his position can make statements like this. It's sad. We're dealing with a good soccer player, but a very unskilled leader and careless man.

Lennart Johansson

I am relatively optimistic that by the end of the day there will be statements that we have substantive agreements.

Karl Falkenberg

It wasn't my intention to make any grandiose political statements here.

Sally Potter

[The tapes] reflect my client's best responses to a con job that Alsup was pulling. He's going to testify to explain the context in which the statements were made.

Robert Udell

They gave different statements as to what each other did.

Steve Kohn

Bank of America is trying to move people to the idea of paperless statements. In a parallel study, we asked consumers if they received paper statements, and the majority that said 'no' were Bank of America customers.

Lance Jones

It is a sad day in the history of a public company when its best argument is that it previously filed false statements with the SEC.

Greg Taxin

Kerry's statements to Dubuque voters make it clear that he will say anything to anyone at any time if he thinks it will help him score political points.

Steve Schmidt

It's important to have a product that investors like. That is a real positive they have going for them. Their financial statements also look good.

Kathleen Smith

When I decided to run for sheriff, I promised myself three things: there would be no dirty politics; to be true to the residents of Macoupin County; and to be true to myself. I am an honest person and will stand by my statements.

Jeff Rhodes

We are pleased to have completed the past financial filings and restatement of our financial statements, and we expect to remain current on an ongoing basis. We hope to regain compliance with AMEX listing standards for reporting requirements and resolve the de-listing process.

Paul Murphy

We have a chorus of people that have discredited and repudiated the Dean statements. The only person who stands by Dean and kept him as a senior adviser is John Kerry.

Terry Holt

We appreciate the wide ranging efforts being made by Iraqi and US officials to secure Jill's release. We hope that today's encouraging statements about Jill's condition and prospects for safe return are proved correct.

Richard Bergenheim

What Mugabe is saying is nothing new and is insincere. He has made similar statements before and not stuck to them and it is also very clear that he still believes he has never been wrong.

James Jowa

The burden of proof is on the defendant to show that the statements were true.

Howard Wasserman

I don't like the pot calling the kettles black. It's something that has to stop if we're going to get along. Tonight, sores have been reopened with many statements made by new and old board members. Those things could have been avoided here tonight, and should have.

Margaret Craft

For years he was sort of written off as a mere celebrity portraitist, and I think that was encouraged by his own commentary, which included a lot of inflammatory, incredibly banal statements in which a certain kind of persona is being created and played with. He might really have felt that way, but I don't think he can control how we read the paintings now.

Douglas Fogle

We're concerned about these statements. But the proof will come when it's time for him to rule on these cases as a justice.

Troy Newman

We need to get their statements transcribed.

Ruel Lasala

Blackwell's campaign makes a lot of silly statements but these comments are ridiculous.

Bob Paduchik

If they decided he was, he'd have the full rights under the Geneva Conventions: the right to call witnesses, the right of appeal and the right to view all the evidence against him. In a military commission, no enemy combatant has these rights and the prosecution can bring evidence, hearsay and statements taken by coercion.

Terry Hicks

The reason behind the rise is the change in perception of Hugo Chavez, both among local investors and foreigners. The statements from the president-elect were taken very positively by the market.

Hector Perez

The Quartet - the United Nations, the European Union, Russia and the United States - must move past their formal meetings. The Security Council must go beyond presidential and press statements after its monthly meetings on the Middle East and the Arabs must do more that what they are doing now.

Lauro Baja

The pharmacy doubled her dosage for a period of several months. By making those statements, she firmly believed that due to the condition she was in at the time.

Fred Gibson

AIDS has always been a political disease and it was absolutely anathema to talk about AIDS during the Reagan administration. Applications to study AIDS in the early 80s were buried. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop was barred from making public statements about AIDS until 1986.

Richard Keller

To make blanket statements and make blanket indictments, it's not correct. A lot of people were offended by that because we took pride in what we did. ...For him to say something like that is like rubbing salt in an open wound. So for him to apologize is tremendous.

Vincent Wilson

He's known for being a good negotiator and less confrontational. And you won't see him issuing any scathing public statements.

Alex Koppelman

I have testimony and written statements from over 185 judges of election, and lengthy lists of vote counting and ballot security problems.

Maureen Murphy

Crude is down, but it's still much higher than it was last year, the same with natural gas. When investors see their October statements, they're not going to be too thrilled and that's not good for November.

Martin Yokosawa

Hopefully, they're in a paper bag or a shoe box somewhere. But if you don't have the actual receipts, payments will be noted on your bank statements. Most banks print out copies of the checks you've written during the year.

Keith Hall

A story is word-of-mouth marketing at its most powerful. People are finding out that vision statements, mission statements, corporate charters ? they just don't inspire people. A story, on the other hand, helps create a community or family.

Jim Randall

It's natural at my age that people will speculate on when I will retire. I'm not going to make any public statements on when I will retire until I meet with the president.

Jim Copeland

Before you fax your statements you can block out any information you wish. I only need the dollar figures. It's that simple. Once I complete my research I provide a free report detailing exactly how much money is being wasted each month because of high fees.

Chris Enders

He gave many statements. He gave many interviews. Only when he began to reap what he sowed did he back off that type of conduct.

Freda Black

We have statements from both of them, we interviewed them at length and they ultimately admitted a huge dependency problem.

Lt. Gary Ingham

I suppose such statements would not be accepted, ... seems to indicate that the second stage of negotiations has already begun.

Nobutaka Machimura

It's preferred that, if in fact there are additional statements made to authorities [about a alleged crime which happened off campus], that it would be done through personal contact.

Tiffany Anderson

The whole state of Michigan was waiting for us. They started shaking the bus and making some nasty statements.

John Brockington

Even when you knew people who give statements really are in trouble when they get into the courtroom? Yes.

John Miles

In any managed firewall service, you would rather not have any blanket statements. You want to deny traffic by default, not by exception.

Roger Grimes

There's a lot of evidence that those who cheat on job applications also cheat in school and in life. If someone says they have a degree and they don't, I'd have little faith that person would tell the truth when it came to financial statements and so on.

Richard Griffith

I think we've been making statements along the way. Seven and 0 can't not make a statement. That kind of speaks for itself, and it's the kids.

Tod Martin

I'm speechless. What can you say when you can't trust a company's statements or the exchange's trading system.

Yuuki Sakurai

These statements shouldn't be given any weight.

Santha Sonenberg

We are keenly aware that our shareholders are anxious to receive accurate financial information on the company, ... We have taken special measures to produce statements as quickly as possible.

Bill Lusher

The passage of this bill represents hope to the families affected by this artificially low cap. I am hopeful that the governor will sign this legislation quickly given his public statements in support of raising the cap.

Sen. Cathy Stepp

People ask me if I left the lyrics open to ambiguity. Of course I did. I wanted to make a whole series of complex statements. The lyrics had to do with the state of society at the time.

Don Mclean

There have been various accounts of an incident that occurred on one of our flights, and I have issued earlier statements about that. We can confirm that there are no remaining issues between Continental and those passengers. ... Both parties feel no further comment is necessary.

Julie King

On the basis of public statements and my consultations with my colleagues, I cannot see 18 senators voting to propose amendments to the Constitution through a constituent assembly.

Franklin Drilon

We think we're doing this the right way, handling it in an appropriate manner. We've fully and openly disclosed the impact of each of our write-downs. We break that out in our earnings statements and filings. We've had many write-downs in the last six years, and we've handled them the same way.

Rob Wilson

The sheriff denies making those statements.

Jeffrey Stankunas

He was trying to help a friend who got sent to prison, and made inaccurate statements about his businesses relationship with us. We are going to have our attorney look at statement and transcript to see what actions we can potentially take.

Adam Day

There is no evidence to back that up. And, on the contrary, the IRA, in a number of high-profile statements, have made it very, very clear that people should not be intimidated.

Gerry Adams

NASA's financial management challenges impact its ability to not only prepare financial statements but, more importantly, to effectively manage its contractors and major programs.

Greg Kutz

We have statements that she is the one who supplied the teenagers with the drugs that filtered down to the 14- or 15-year old who killed herself.

Jim Bailey

I think they have a good case, given his own statements. He admits that he lied to further the conspiracy. Legally, that probably makes it.

Andrew Mcbride

The nomination of john Roberts as chief justice underscores the need for a full examination of his record and past statements.

John Marble

They've been the cause of many fashion-forward statements and many fashion faux pas.

Constance White

The ball is in the U.S. court after this criminal statement by a citizen of that country, ... It's huge hypocrisy to maintain this discourse against terrorism and at the same time, in the heart of that country, there are entirely terrorist statements like those.

Jose Vicente Rangel

It's important that if you throw away receipts and statements that you shred them.

Scott Stane

What Hilton has done now is a little bit of a surprise in that some statements made earlier by Hilton were that it seemed that the deal was getting too rich for them.

Arthur Adler

It's clear full color is coming to statements, transaction documents and direct mail, replacing pre-printed color forms as well as adding new color elements where it's cost effective.

Andy Gordon

Our problem with the Palestinian leadership - and none of us has given up on them as partners - is not their words. But it stays at the level of articulated statements and is not translated on the ground into action.

Mark Regev

Company CEOs and chief financial officers must vouch for the accuracy of their companies' public statements.

Paul Sarbanes

Has no authority over the statements of that organization.

Jennifer Stephens

I expect that you are going to see people now asking for Wisconsin to reinstate the death penalty because, if these statements are true, this man's as vicious as they come. I've already heard that argument being made on the radio.

Gerald Boyle

For those who have been offended by my statements, I offer a sincere apology.

William Boykin

The message we want to send is that if you engage in fraud, if you participate in providing false statements, you're going to be prosecuted. We want to be very, very clear: there is no company that is too big or too important an industry that will escape prosecution if they in fact engage in wrongdoing.

Alberto R. Gonzales

Frank has got a shock from our witness statements. He feels it's better if they are cross-examined - but he should be prepared for the truth to come out.

Ricky Hatton

To me, it's primarily a 'walking city' thing. But when I go to my gym in Atlanta, the one thing I notice is that guys are showing more concern for the details, and they're starting to make statements with the bags they carry.

Jeffrey Kalinsky

It's a positive story for Asian currencies, especially with these kinds of statements.

Irene Cheung

These kids were willing to take polygraphs. These kids were willing to take blood tests. They were willing to come down and give statements.

Brian Loftus

These statements are extremely regrettable... coming from a colleague of ours in government, ... a bedouin on a camel.

Hoshyar Zebari

Many of the statements made concerning this matter are inaccurate or exaggerated. Clearly, there is another side to this story. The Gravelles love and miss their children and are devastated and broken-hearted with worry since their children have been ripped away from them. Their motives and intentions were good. They would never harm a child. The children love their parents and want to come home.

David Sherman

I think that we're now inescapably in an age where the large statements of mathematics are so complex that we may never know for sure whether they're true or false.

Keith Devlin

This means having to listen to victims' impact statements, and to have to sit there and listen to all of that, I don't know, personally, how I am going to do it.

Christie Coombs

There are many true statements about complex topics that are too long to fit on a PowerPoint slide.

Edward Tufte

Was very gracious in listening to a recitation of memos that go back a long way. I think the record will report that Judge Roberts has been entirely accurate in his statements.

Reed Gillespie

That's one of our concerns - to make sure that they'll follow up. We're going to be holding them accountable for the statements made here and the 5 percent (a year). We're going to be working hard to make sure that is there.

Eddie Davis

I anticipate we will have hearings on statements that he's made, with respect to witnesses and the search of the vehicle.

E. Stewart Jones

The judge basically said ... can't you guys get together and decide which ones really you can perhaps agree on? So we're delineating that down to a few statements.

Ed Parkinson

With few signs that consumer prices are about to break to the upside ... along with signs that aggregate demand remains robust, we expect the Fed will not only vote to keep rates constant, but will leave the growth and inflation bias statements unchanged.

Ethan Harris

It was a really good experience for all of us. We each used our platforms to make other statements besides entertainment. We're artists who are often unheard. And Dave has chosen to define himself. I'm with that and I love him for that.

Erykah Badu

That was one of most horrifying statements I've ever heard in 12 years of doing this work.

Eric Rosenthal

Due to the potential for health risks and environmental impacts, pesticide producers need to ensure that their products carry current and accurate labels. Every pesticide product label must show clearly and prominently the hazard and precautionary statements.

Enrique Manzanilla

There is also the danger in our culture that because a person is called upon to give public statements and is acclaimed by the establishment, such a person gets to the point of believing that he is the movement.

Ella Baker

They are reasonably inexpensive and can give you peace of mind when disposing of old letters, documents and bank statements that contain highly sensitive information about you and your family.

Elaine Mclain

The most important thing in my mind is to add one more voice clearly that will be heard in Iraq on the ground there. We don't know how much the statements issued here reach the ground there.

Ehab Lotayef