To be able to maintain our scores and increase slightly is a tribute that so many students are taking the SAT.

I'll tell you how hard he hits, ... It was the third play of the game last week against Winnipeg, and I was coming to hit (Milt) Stegall myself; Scott missed him and hit me and about knocked me silly for the whole first half.

We're not going to fight the six months, ... We don't want the IRS to put the entire retirement system into jeopardy.

I looked in Kevin Glenn's eyes and I seen him looking at Milt Stegall the whole way and I just knew I had to step up. I stepped in front and made the play and got down so I didn't fumble the ball.

It was a good feeling for us to finally come here and get a win. It's been a long time coming for us.

Sometimes coaches can be so uptight that they bring down the game.

That's one of our concerns - to make sure that they'll follow up. We're going to be holding them accountable for the statements made here and the 5 percent (a year). We're going to be working hard to make sure that is there.

That statute certainly calls into question our ability to move those plaques.

I'm very excited and I feel relieved. It's in my hometown. I like the facilities and the people.