83 quotes about restoration follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

When the C-43 first became an Everglades restoration project, quantity was the issue. But then last summer we had all the problems with blue-green algae and concern over whether it would have low water quality. So at that point the district said we would include water-quality options when we are creating our test cell.

Kurt Harclerode

The Everglades restoration plan was designed to deal with water quantity and storage.

Tommy Strowd

It is the intention that, in due course, the company will carry out a capital reconstruction to enable the restoration of dividend payments at the appropriate time.

John Macarthur

If you put cattle on this type of habitat, it's going to completely defeat the purpose of scrub restoration.

Laura Morris

Bringing the Willard back was absolutely one of the key elements in the restoration of Pennsylvania Avenue. It fell on hard times. Fortunately, it was saved and brought back to its former glory.

C. Ford Peatross

This is one of the most impressive restoration projects seen in the Northwest.

Roger Thompson

We've made some really good progress. We're looking at continued restoration today.

Kevin Howes

The Alliance calls for a rapid restoration of (control of) security matters to the Iraqi government.

Jawad Al maliki

Some of them are just as original as can be, and some of them, people don't know when to quit (with restoration). Even the engine compartments are a lot shinier than a lot of new cars, ... They are operational works of art.

Brian Phillips

We thought it was critical to continue our restoration efforts. We really needed to be able to do something that would avoid severe rate shock. That's what we're trying to do.

Dan Packer

If we don't undertake the levee reconstruction and coastal restoration, we're just leaving New Orleans more vulnerable than it was before.

Ivor Van Heerden

Progress was slow at first, but the evidence is mounting that restoration is working.

Michael Hendricks

We are hoping to get that restored maybe very late today. The priority was getting as many people on as possible. Most of the downtown area was restored at 8:30 this morning. Crews worked all night to restore power. There is no cause yet of the explosion. Our priority was the restoration of power.

Teresa Souza

We want this site to keep customers as informed as possible. So we will publish estimates of service restoration whenever we have a reasonable estimate.

Bruce Francis

She has been very well cared for and it is going to be a reasonably moderate restoration project.

Dana Hewson

All of these projects are extremely exciting as they are both contributing to the preservation and restoration of Britain's valued rural heritage and safeguarding it for future generations.

Jim Knight

It's in bad shape and will take a complete, major restoration.

Harold Mentzer

If they can put the hurricane restoration issue behind them, that would be a huge positive for the company.

Gordon Howald

KBR remains committed to assist in the rebuilding and restoration of Iraq to help restore needed services for the Iraqi people, ... The company would comply with other bid requests should we determine the opportunity was a good business venture. KBR is proud to offer the company's global resources at this critical time.

Wendy Hall

I'm satisfied the community got at least a glimpse of the restoration projects that have occurred and the one's that have yet to occur.

Tim Frahm

One of my first achievements in Congress was enactment of the Hudson River Habitat Restoration Act back in 1996.

Sue Kelly

There is interest in Kuwait and Iran regarding cooperation on the issue of restoration, as the dried marshes adversely affects all three of those countries and others on the [Persian] Gulf. Turkey and Syria need to also be engaged to help in the management of the water resources of the entire basin.

Azzam Alwash

We're in the tough stage of the restoration.

Geisha Williams

I really like the pastor here. And I agree with his philosophy that the church has to be more than worrying about the building. ... There is no mandatory giving to the restoration. We tithe, and if I want to donate money to the restoration, it's my choice.

Tracy Johnson

A much better way has to be found in managing the public purse on the restoration of these buildings and there must be far better accountability.

Gary Lunn

Forty years, degenerative hips were fused. We are clearly experiencing a paradigm shift in spine care from fusion to motion restoration and joint replacement, which is why spine the fastest growing segment of the orthopedic market.

Jim Fitzsimmons

Restoration I did because I really loved e novel and I like Michael Hoffman, who directed it, but it wasn't a really challenging part for me. I'm not critical of the film: I just don't think I gave a very interesting performance.

David Thewlis

[The group identifying itself as] the National Movement for the Restoration of Pakistani Sovereignty ... in very inhumane conditions.

Daniel Pearl

It's the best job I ever had. I did photo restoration and hand coloring in the 1970s. Oh, it was laborious. What took one day or more now takes three or four minutes .

Mark Manion

(The grants) are one of many things we're doing to try to revive the downtown. It funnels money received from state or federal government to individual property owners performing restoration or improvements on the fronts of their buildings.

Jim Fisher

We have to raise the money to do this move. We're paying for that concrete slab at the VAC; it's only fair. And we'll need to sustain funding for the ongoing restoration, too.

Paul Vasconi

Restoring consumer confidence becomes more than just a matter of economic stimulus. A renewal in confidence may also require the restoration of a sense of personal safety among large parts of the population.

Richard Curtin

It's a very difficult position to be in personally. It's uncomfortable to be opposing a non-profit organization that is doing restoration projects.

Lennie Roberts

We're going to try to get as many as we can done by this evening, but we don't have an estimated time of restoration for everyone.

Paul Adelmann

It's multifaceted. You may be working with one type of material one day, maybe furniture, on an issue related to restoration, and the next day we might be working on the interpretation of the house itself, the rooms, the story of it.

Duane Watson

America's present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration.

Warren G. Harding

This restoration plan comes just in time. The Great Lakes are sick. Their immune system is damaged. If we quickly take the actions in this plan we can heal the lakes.

Andy Buchsbaum

Such thinking -- in which the responsibility for repentance, restoration and healing falls exclusively on one side of a disagreement -- is not the way of reconciliation laid out for us by the Scripture.

Frank Griswold

Every such killing represents a major setback to the peace process, and every retaliatory death plays into the hands of those whose interests do not lie in the restoration of peace.

Philip Alston

Congratulations to GE Global Research for their commendable efforts towards the restoration and enhancement of wildlife habitat. Together, we are committed to being good stewards of the earth.

Bill Howard

What the detective story is about is not murder but the restoration of order.

P. D. James

I equate this to Noah and the flood. Noah had a lot of rising water. At the end of the boat ride was a promise of hope and restoration. We want to point them to the rainbow of hope and restoration.

Bobby Martin

We knew this was going to be a significant restoration effort.

Geisha Williams

In depression . . . faith in deliverance, in ultimate restoration, is absent. The pain is unrelenting, and what makes the condition intolerable is the foreknowledge that no remedy will come -- not in a day, an hour, a month, or a minute. . . . It is hopelessness even more than pain that crushes the soul.

William Styron

If it doesn't happen, the continuing oppression will be met by more resistance from a less tolerant populace which wants a democratic restoration. And that resistance will only invite further oppression.

Florencio Abad

I wanted everything to be in line so we could move forward with the fundraising and restoration.

David Paul

The wider the island, the less sand is lost from the system, ... That does have important implications for future coastal restoration efforts.

Gregory Stone

For reasons of her best physical restoration and inpatient insurance coverage, we want her (to remain an) inpatient as long as possible. The staff wants her here longer because the gains she's making are very positive.

Colin Dunnigan

We conclude that transplantation of a frozen-thawed ovary with its blood supply has allowed long-term fertility restoration.

Amir Arav

We?re glad to be able to support restoration efforts.

Stacey Johnson

The state's water policy and all its plans for restoration of the delta are predicated on one flawed assumption -- that the delta is a fixed landscape and will look the same for the indefinite future. And it won't.

Jeffrey Mount

As a result of our early assessment, we will be setting some aggressive restoration goals in an effort to get everyone's lives back to normal as quickly as possible.

Geisha Williams

They all have the same bottom line -- pumping federal dollars into the electricity and gas service restoration process, so that Entergy's dwindled New Orleans customer base doesn't get a huge, unaffordable rate increase, and the efforts to rebuild the local economy don't get derailed.

Yolanda Pollard

We look at restoration as a capital investment in our house. We're very pragmatic that it is going to add worth to the home.

John Mcpherson

We're going to spend the next 30 days at least focused on relief restoration rather than business as usual.

Mark Foley

With this plan, he's put California light years ahead of any other state in terms of ocean restoration, protection and management. He's put action, policy and money on the table.

Warner Chabot

The people and the government of Iran should be patient in this respect. It may seem easy to try to be quick and to implement rapid ways in the reconstruction of Bam Citadel, but it is really dangerous to act this way. There has to be a compatibility of material use in the restoration to use appropriate and strong materials in an appropriate way.

Mike Corfield

It's taking us a long time to even get to the locations where we can begin the restoration process.

Linda Foy

As restoration projects go, this one has gotten a lot of people's attention internationally.

Kevin Erwin

Restoration no longer attempts to strip everything down to the original surfaces. There are so many layers of history here. We want to be able to present that.

Anne Stillman

We are in infancy now. The next five years will see lots of growth in terms of restoration and programming.

Jenn Cram

The house was built for George King, the president of Wells Fargo Bank in Virginia City. He and my mom completely restored it in 1970 before they moved in. He loved restoration and preserving historical things.

Marshall Mcbride

Restoration is artificial, but (we do it) using the best scientific knowledge we have to reintroduce native populations and hopefully bring them back in abundance. Hopefully, (what we do) will be good for the fish.

Allen Haden

The Church's Restoration / In eighteen-eighty-three / Has left for contemplation / Not what there used to be.

John Betjeman

Now that the restoration project is completed and the new plantings have begun to take hold, the restoration will look as natural as other parts of our park that have been so wonderfully preserved.

Tony Taylor

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those caught in Hurricane Katrina's destructive path, ... We are proud to provide direct financial assistance as well as the direct participation and expertise of our power restoration team.

John W. Rowe

The next step is for the state and federal resource agencies to develop a course of action for restoration.

Frank Jezioro

With funding for restoration already lined up, we're ready to move quickly. Our goal is to restore the property to high-quality, native prairie as quickly as possible.

Pat Dunn

They know from their work on the case the facts and circumstances that may assist us in determining whether a particular individual is a good candidate for restoration of civil rights.

Jim Deckard

We will be able to see how the restoration is actually progressing, and if we collect enough data then this could serve as a model for restoration projects worldwide.

David Hicks

If he's chasing the full restoration of his legacy, he's chasing something that he really can't get.

Jim Lampley

This garden is the crown jewel of the entire restoration project. The flowers cost $150,000. But it cost four times that for the layers upon layers of work in this garden that people never see, such as the archeology, the engineering, and the irrigation.

David Andersen

It creates a mosaic of different habitats at different stages of restoration.

Andy Sudbrock

People want beautiful yards - you don't have to have 100 percent habitat restoration.

David Mizejewski

The Hope is the last remaining movie theatre down here, the last representative of when Stockton was a real entertainment capital. By making the choice not to do a quickie face lift but a loving restoration, that says we are important enough to do this right, that our history matters.

Kathy Miller

I see there is no legal basis to accuse Indonesia of not doing anything to meet all requirements for the restoration of military cooperation.

Juwono Sudarsono

The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America.

Jonathan Kozol

The worst of revolutions is a restoration.

Charles James Fox

All the basketball and football tapes, restoration might cost $75,000. We're hoping to get a grant. David and I both, we'd just like for Dad's work to be preserved in a way that people who are interested can get to it.

Alan Sullivan

This is the first step in a long process of restoration.

Bob Carlson

These barrier islands and wetlands are our first line of defense from hurricanes. This needs to be treated as an emergency. We need everyone to recognize that restoration efforts must begin immediately.

Sidney Coffee

We (the United States) have led peace efforts in Ireland and we can lead peace efforts in Afghanistan that bring about a permanent peace with democracy and restoration of full human rights for women.

Eleanor Smeal

The wetland restoration has started, but we need more water flow to have a functioning ecosystem.

Elizabeth Heise