We have a dialogue, and then we can recommend what would be the best fit for them. We want our customers to be successful. It's all about fitness. This (the equipment) is just a means to an end.

Tony Pfaff

I would recommend it to everybody, every now and again you just put a dress on, see what it feels like, because it's, its interesting. A whole complex series of thoughts and feelings assail you as you look at yourself.

Tom Wilkinson

Until the human rights of those affected can be guaranteed we recommend that the construction of the dam is halted.

Hina Jilani

The Catholic laity doesn't know what priests the Vatican is being asked to sanction. They don't know what the bishops are recommending. We don't know why some get no sanctions, some get minimal sanctions and some get removed from the priesthood. If sanctions are imposed, it is often months before it's announced. And there seems to be absolutely no monitoring of these prayer and penance guys.

David Clohessy

In 2004 we went and observed student parking lots and half the cars were cars the institute does not recommend.

Russ Rader

To me it is a very straightforward decision. I would strongly recommend that the consumer consider the safest effective procedure first.

Paul O'brien

Some things are out of my control. I recommend they carpool.

Victor Mayeron

I guess he can recommend what he wants to recommend, but I'm not going to vote for it.

Cary Stidham

There are two versions, paper and electronic. Both are processed the same way by the federal government. With the paper application, it takes just a little longer because of the mailing time. So I recommend that the families use the form of the FAFSA they are most comfortable with.

Verna Hazen

Alberta Environment is doing, and has been doing, everything possible to respond to protect the environment, ... We can always learn from these incidents how we can do better and that's why I've established this commission to review our capability to respond to these types of situations and recommend how we can improve.

Guy Boutilier

It's comforting to know that when you recommend something that the people believe you. Basically, the bargaining team was recommending that the agreement be passed. We wouldn't have done that if we didn't think it was reasonably good.

Mark Perlman

We recommend that teachers don't give homework or have big projects due during testing.

Kandise Gilbertson

The physician may also recommend additional tests if necessary.

Dr. Wilma Wooten

Sometimes the best therapy I can recommend is getting a new puppy or kitten. It's not a betrayal of their other pet; it's just a new beginning and a way to move past the grief.

Julie Breault

I would recommend that consumers read the disclosures before they sign the agreement. Not all disclosures are in … fine print.

Tracy Mills

The superintendent, along with a hiring board, is going through the elimination process and will recommend a final candidate for hiring to the school board.

Jim Curran

We're hoping they will recommend civil unions becoming legal and established in the state of Oregon and discrimination becoming illegal.

Roey Thorpe

I would never recommend it. I have a six-year-old son who wants to be an actor (as well as a vet and an artist) but I would not encourage it.

Dwayne Hickman

We recommend adding to positions on weakness as we expect the share gain and profitability improvement thesis to reaccelerate in 2006.

Scott Coleman

I would recommend people think long and hard before they do it, but it works great for us. You have to make sure you are able to compartmentalize things and separate your personal life from your professional life.

Kelly Curry

There's not enough data to suggest there's a problem with PAH in Lake Tahoe except with some of the marinas, ... We didn't see anything that compelled us to recommend management of boating at Tahoe solely because of PAH.

Glenn Miller

There is a lack of innovation, lack of reinvestment, and lack of news in the category. We're not recommending any large-cap food names.

Timothy Ramey

I feel great. It's a way of life, it's something that everyone should do. A lot of people don't do anything, but I've always believed in staying active. I would recommend this for anyone.

Cathy Elliott

I think she would be a very interesting patient. I'd recommend she come three times a week.

Marcia Cross

I would recommend books weigh between two and three pounds.

Frank Edwards

I would highly recommend it. You have the opportunity to minister to others and to serve others, no matter what age.

Carmen Caban

I recommend reading them in private.

Marilyn Johnson

It's not something we would recommend. [Art] is not a very liquid market. There are big spreads and high transaction costs.

Harold Evensky

The fans and the players cheered all they did see, But not everyone present reacted with glee. "Reckless endangerment!" the DA spoke stern. "I recommend jail-there, a lesson he'd learn!"

Phyllis Orlikoff Flug

I recommend it to my patients as an exercise.

James Rodriguez

The most restrictive thing we'd recommend would be that they'd have an alarm put on their bedroom doors.

Gregory Keck

The biggest reason for business failure is lack of planning. We recommend that people do their planning first.

John Miller

At the outset, at least, all three groups had something else to recommend them, as well: They were headquartered 3,000 miles away from the East Side of Manhattan.

Tom Wolfe

Based on our findings, we cannot recommend that most women should follow a low-fat diet.

Jacques Rossouw

(Low iron count) is higher in women. We recommend eating food like red meat or leafy green vegetables that are iron rich before coming in.

Cortney Martin

In general we'd recommend that people contact some Realtors in their area to get an idea of the value of their home, even given its condition.

Stephanie Singer

I would recommend acupuncture without a doubt. It made a big difference.

Linda Karen

We're recommending a yes vote on this , but it's your call.

Mike Johnston

Its evident from a $50 million project to $13 million, which project I would recommend to the commission.

Karen Jones

I don't think it matters who is doing that -- whether it's a specialist or their primary care physician or a gynecologist -- but I think someone needs to be there to recommend it every year.

Dr. Kathryn Edmiston

We don't recommend buying gas masks since you need to be trained to use them properly, but if you sleep better at night because you have them, go ahead and include those in your disaster kit.

Darren Irby

We recommend to our clients to get behind great, big, innovative ideas to break through the clutter. So we decided not only to talk the talk, but walk the walk.

David Goodman

It was cherry syrup, very sticky, very sweet, very cold. I wouldn't recommend it.

Polly Walker

We recommend this fund because we like Whitman's experienced and disciplined approach.

Kerry O'boyle

Many programs were quite expensive, but this is a wonderful program and a wonderful company. It provides care at a reasonable cost to the employee and graduate student. We were delighted to find it and delighted to recommend it to the University and then have them approve it.

Joan Girgus

And don't use green ink on red envelopes. It looks Christmassy, but we don't recommend it.

Brenda Ryans

The ministers have today identified 26 measures and will recommend to the European Council [on 23-24 March] nine key actions for an energy plan.

Martin Bartenstein

Our mission is to recommend changes to the legislature and Gov. Blagojevich for programs and policies that could promote the positive involvement of both parents.

Joe Englert

I never thought I'd recommend a position in gold.

Peter Bernstein

During the negotiations we will continue to monitor progress closely and the European Commission will not hesitate to recommend the suspension of negotiations if the efforts.

Olli Rehn

I would recommend them highly. They are good reading.

Richard Hoyer

Given the negative business climate created by the federal government, we cannot today recommend to our shareholders that CI pursue an income trust structure.

William Holland

Years ago my mother said to me, 'In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant.' For years I was smart. I recommend pleasant.

Mary Chase

It is worth trying for someone who is allergic. Some products are over hyped. But one thing I recommend is getting HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filters. They do decrease the allergens in the air.

Dr. Lyndon Mansfield

I always recommend that students study abroad because it is important to experience and immerse yourself in another culture.

Beth Barnes

Most of the time, I'd say the majority of condo owners don't even look at that until the time of closing, when they're provided with it. I'd recommend they get a hold of that public offering statement well in advance of closing — before they've made a decision [to buy].

Dan Zimberoff

So there's another motive for recommending these people, ... I think it's incredibly confusing for investors.

Karl Graf

Maybe she will recommend prison. It's certainly working for her, ... Celebrity Justice.

Harvey Levin

It was definitely an adult audience and it was all ethnicities. It was 56 percent non-African-American. The exit polls are 80 percent in the top two boxes with a 69 percent 'definite recommend.' I think the picture's going to have pretty good legs.

Erik Lomis

We couldn't recommend everybody, but not because they aren't good. It's not because they aren't doing a good job; it's because we don't have enough money.

Elizabeth Hansen

I would recommend this to younger and older kids. I've recommended it to my friends.

Zack Santry