You can never spend enough time with children.

I have always loved art and architecture, in fact, that has always been my first love, never acting or film work.

That said, let me add that Joan and I never want him to be a child actor. We both feel that it takes away their childhood and puts untold pressure on children.

My background with Cummings was rehearse, rehearse, rehearse, but Tuesday liked to walk in and do the scene. I must say that she was really wonderful. Aggravating, but wonderful.

I was always very shy but my older brother, Darryl, was working and my mother couldn't leave me home alone so I was dragged along to the studio.

Some couples could not work together but we enjoy working on our projects and building our art business.

I would never recommend it. I have a six-year-old son who wants to be an actor (as well as a vet and an artist) but I would not encourage it.

Breaking the fourth wall and having Dobie talk to the audience was ground-breaking.

I read several scenes and then I was called back and everyone just acted like I had the part. I went home and still wasn't sure if I had it or not. Finally Ted called and informed me that I had, indeed, been cast as Dobie Gillis.