56 quotes about unintended follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

There's so much pressure to reduce bed use. Folks are being discharged in unstable conditions. My concern is that we're putting too much attention on hospital-bed utilization and having these sorts of unintended consequences.

Dr. Marvin Swartz

They will need additional buses, additional employees, fuel - everything across the board goes up. Anything that improves safety, we're all for it. But the unintended consequences are too great to justify.

Keith Henry

It is not any part of my agenda to change the law. My agenda is to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies.

Bill Ritter

The results may have been unintended but they are what they are: ZIP codes have always been a big factor in determining insurance costs — and now it looks like it's going to be taken away. And let's face it, the urban areas have higher incidences of accidents, higher medical costs, higher legal costs and many more insurance claims than you're going to find in small towns.

Nancy Mcdonough

Don't aim at success - the more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue... as the unintended side-effect of one's personal dedication to a course greater than oneself.

Viktor Frankl

We certainly are sympathetic to the plight of the consumer but want to make sure there are no unintended consequences, to education, particularly. There is no predetermination at all.

John Long

We're not against the formation of this launch monopoly. But we are concerned that there may be some unintended consequences formed by this monopoly that may impede our ability to compete on a level playing field.

Randy Belote

In my mind, the core issue has always been prevention. My views were shaped by my experiences with women who were managing and coping with unintended pregnancies and unwanted children.

Faye Wattleton

A spark could lead to an unintended conflict.

Christina Rocca

It is time for the Department of Justice to be accountable for refusing to do everything it can to protect sexual assault survivors from unintended pregnancy.

Louise Melling

It's an entirely predictable example of the law of unintended consequences. The Republican party made a decision to use illegal immigration as the wedge issue of 2006, and the Mexican community was profoundly offended.

Joshua Hoyt

A law like this may have unintended consequences.

Mayco Villafana

Brownback is ambitious, and he has a goal, and that should be respected. Sometimes you have unintended consequences.

Joe Aistrup

I don't think anything would have or should have an impact on this state. Every time, they implement some artificial restrictions on the market, they have unintended results.

Roberto Denis

Expanding access to contraception is the best way to prevent unintended pregnancies, and Planned Parenthood continues to work with pharmacies throughout the country to improve access. Women should never have to worry about being denied contraception, which is basic healthcare for many American women.

Cecile Richards

It was for the nation's benefit. But the unintended consequence is that the natural annual overflow of sediment and fresh water has been cut off from the delta.

Sidney Coffee

A formula for bureaucracy building, government intrusion and a stifling of economic growth -- in other words, many potential unintended negative consequences.

Orson Swindle

Nothing is better than the unintended humor of reality.

Steve Allen

We are working with Rep. Pence on keeping the focus on preventing child pornography and eliminating any unintended consequences.

Gayle Osterberg

Groups feeding the homeless at the Downtown Plaza has had unintended consequences. There are so many folks clustered in downtown - it's becoming a crisis.

City Manager Russ Blackburn

They are displayed having a twisted sense of honor, 'taking no crap from anyone,' with easy access to women and money. Such displays romanticize organized crime and, as an unintended consequence, serve to perpetuate the phenomenon and create alluring myths about the Mafia.

Howard Abadinsky

It could have the unintended consequence of making it harder to actually catch those who commit sexual offenses because they won't have ties to the community. They'll be like a shark biting someone close to the beach and disappearing into the ocean.

Charles Rose

We want to make sure that no bureaucratic obstacles stand in the way of these relief efforts. We are also working to ensure that regulations issued in the normal course of agency business do not have unintended consequences that might impede relief from being delivered in the aftermath of the hurricane.

John Graham

We're not sure we nailed everything. This will evolve. But it's a terribly complicated process, and we hope to avoid unintended consequences.

Howard Katz

We want to make sure that there are no unintended barriers for Kiwis who are coming home. We want to give them the latest information about what's going on back here. We want to make it easier to find a job.

David Cunliffe

Without any evidence, the report just asserts that increased access to contraception reduces the numbers of unintended pregnancies and therefore abortions. But that assumption is unwarranted.

Deirdre Mcquade

Women were being denied access to a product that could reduce unintended pregnancy and the need for abortion and it was being blocked for reasons that were not credible or understandable by me.

Susan Wood

One of the things that's always interested me, from the first book on, is unintended consequences.

Joseph Kanon

History teaches us that punitive measures hastily crafted in response to short-term rises in prices will have unintended consequences and disincentives to investment.

Lee R. Raymond

We share this goal of making sure that individuals receive value for their premiums, on the other hand, we're looking to see the impact of potentially unintended consequences of affordability and access.

Karen Ignagni

An unintended consequence of such liberalization has been the often-reported blending of the dark-colored home-team jerseys and the light-colored visiting-team jerseys, creating confusion on the part of players, officials and spectators. Beginning in 2010, that confusion should be eliminated.

Brad Cashman

Laws designed to control the deer population seem to have had an unintended effect on accidental shootings.

John Pepper

If this minor did not want to have this birth, is that a good outcome? What are the consequences to the offspring of the women who have the unintended birth?

Ted Joyce

We believe that are some unintended consequences of the ruling and we think there are better ways to achieve the judge's intent without the consequences.

Charlie Schrock

It's complicated. There are too many unanswered questions and it's moving too quickly. We're worried about unintended consequences.

Jennifer Alexander

The evidence does not support abstinence-only interventions as the best way to keep young people from unintended pregnancy.

Jonathan Klein

We think the New Jersey law is too broad and may have unintended consequences, making coverage for those who are part of employer groups more expensive.

Susan Pisano

We must be careful to avoid any unintended consequences that may be hidden in the administration's proposal.

John Dingell

Any mismanagement can lead to unintended results.

Akira Chiba

This is the prescription given most in the United States. It helps a woman avoid an unintended pregnancy, which helps avoid abortion.

Joann Smith

Parents, in particular, must understand that problem gambling can be as devastating as substance abuse. There are often unintended negative consequences associated with problem gambling, and we recognize that problem gambling touches a broad range of people.

Steve Hedrick

The unintended consequence to disaster is more vulnerability, created by a culture of expectation that government will always be there to make us whole.

Jim Geringer

I believe we will stay together to fight for some real reform – education reform, health reform. I think the governor's unintended consequences brought together a group of people that isn't going to go away.

Barbara Kerr

It's the law of unintended consequences.

Bill Reinsch

I wish that what we did was provide an incentive to get here and do something more creative than money for gas. I'm sure it's unintended that they didn't necessarily think about how it fits into the city's goals of how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Dan Richardson

An unintended effect of the Medicare Part D benefit could be the creation of the world's most valuable resource for understanding how drugs are used, especially by the elderly and the chronically ill, and their risks and benefits.

Richard Platt

One of the unintended consequences of Roe vs. Wade is it stakes everything to viability. Well, viability moves. It's changed. In 1973, viability was a whole lot later. It's been pushed back.

Jeffrey Kahn

The reality is, if Ohio and lawmakers want to do something about abortion, then they need to do something about their efforts to prevent unintended pregnancy. Contraception is key to that.

Cynthia Dailard

Petroleum earnings go up and down with the volatility in the openly and globally traded commodities in which we deal. ... History teaches us that punitive measures hastily crafted in reception to short-term market manipulations, will likely have unintended negative consequences including creating disincentives for investment.

Lee R. Raymond

History teaches us that punitive measures, hastily crafted in reaction to short-term market fluctuations, will likely have unintended negative consequences.

Lee R. Raymond

History has shown us that when women are denied access to abortion they may resort to desperate measures. The women of Mississippi would be better served if the legislature would focus on commonsense solutions aimed at reducing unintended pregnancy such as funding medically accurate sex education and ensuring access to birth control, including emergency contraception.

Louise Melling

This must be I guess the most extreme form of unintended consequence, but it seemed to me a great metaphor for things that happen all the time.

Joseph Kanon

Even under close evaluation, PML remains a rare disease. But as we alter the immune system, we need to understand what unintended effects it might have.

Eugene Major

There were a few kinks to work out in the beginning. Like our first orders showing up on our doorstep with wild colors that were totally unintended.

Evan Steinberg

Bill is striving for common ground reducing the number of unintended pregnancies, getting to a place where there are fewer and fewer and fewer abortions. One of the great things about campaigning is you get to define and redefine yourself, and that's what Bill Ritter is doing right now.

Evan Dreyer

This means more pharmacists will refuse to fill basic birth control prescriptions here. They are promoting unintended pregnancy and in turn encouraging the very practice they detest.

Erin Matson