There are potential ineffective assistance of counsel issues that the judge is going to have to look at. If they didn't do all that because they thought the case was so bogus that they didn't need to prepare, that's an issue of competency. Because even if you think it's bogus, you need to prepare.

As long as the argument that they make to the judge comports with the minimum and the maximum allowed by the statute and the aggravating factors they bring forward are allowed by the sentencing statute ... that's their discretion and their job, ... And if they didn't do it, then we'd probably live in a less safe community.

It could have the unintended consequence of making it harder to actually catch those who commit sexual offenses because they won't have ties to the community. They'll be like a shark biting someone close to the beach and disappearing into the ocean.

It's our position that the school district acted appropriately in disciplining the student, and we are confident that the court will ultimately agree with us.

We are thrilled to bring him here. He has helped develop economic plans in more than 250 cities and his focus on small business growth should be very beneficial to the city.

We are regulating the conduct of the student while the student is in school. The student doesn't have the right to engage in gang activity while in school.

It's very harsh. It's much harsher than you usually see. It alleges an awful lot. And if true, it's troubling.

Riddle me this, Batman. Look at what was said on the news, and look at what's going to come out in the trial, anyway - and then some. So where's the prejudice to these two individuals? It's not there.

Battle Creek has such a rich history of entrepreneurs and invention, and it seems some of that spirit had died down. I'd like to see it back.