88 quotes about undertaking follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It is a very hard undertaking to seek to please everybody.

Publilius Syrus

The Teddy Bears Child Care Centre has been offered a 24-month lease based on the fact that we gave them an undertaking that we wouldn't throw them out on the street and their solution, to build a new centre, could not be feasibly done in 12 months.

John Hargreaves

Some people will come in and want something very simple, painted black, nothing to it. Others, like say Nick McCarthy from Franz Ferdinand was very specific about things he wanted. He wanted a particular tone, but he also wanted it dressed up, pimped out just right. That was a major undertaking.

Kelly Butler

[It's an ambitious undertaking. Most of the artifacts come from outside the museum.] We're really lucky, ... We don't have a large collection. Most of what we use is loaned to us from members of the community.

Paul Russell

We have opened our hearts, our homes and our university to families and individuals displaced by this disaster. But as the relief effort moves from despair to hope and destruction to rebuilding, all of us are being called on to share our blessings in this unprecedented undertaking to rebuild communities and help those in need put their lives back together again.

Andrew Sorensen

The specific chore that we're undertaking at the moment is taking the routes of the existing systems and doing an overlay map to see where we're redundant and what's not served and see if we can address that. We want to get routes that are user-friendly and frequency that is practical, and that means from the user standpoint and from the cost standpoint.

Carol Patterson

It's a big undertaking. When we unveil it, we want it to be done right.

Luke Muzzy

The whole idea is to provide a project with a minimal amount of disruption. It doesn't mean no disruption to you or your customers. It isn't possible. It's an enormous undertaking. It will be painful at best.

Bruce Shipley

Egyptians obviously went to sea frequently during this time, despite the fact that it was a huge undertaking. It required several thousand people trekking supplies across the desert.

Cheryl Ward

If properly structured, the panel's work will be complementary to our root-cause investigation as well as to the safety audits that BP itself is undertaking. However, the panel will function at arm's length from both BP and the CSB.

Carolyn W. Merritt

Although I have only been here a short time, I am very excited to be at this point. This was a huge undertaking and it is a huge relief to be at this dedication ceremony for our new building.

John Kirchner

The venue is just unbelievable. There are over 200 clubs in the Southwest region. That's a huge undertaking, and they've done an amazing job organizing and displaying the artwork.

Jennifer Young

When we wrote the strategic plan for 2004-05 it most definitely represented a very enthusiastic undertaking, to say the least. However, we were able to once again, accomplish everything we set out to do, and more importantly, exceed what we originally intended to accomplish.

Steve Bloomberg

Every six to nine months, 99 percent of the space inside the museum changes. That's a big undertaking.

Paul Russell

The taping went remarkably well. We've been gone the last three months and the post process has been a major undertaking because we've got such good stuff.

Rob Lundgren

Writing is a solitary occupation. Family, friends, and society are the natural enemies of the writer. He must be alone, uninterrupted, and slightly savage if he is to sustain and complete an undertaking.

Jessamyn West

It's very clear, under anyone's scenario, that it's a massive, extensive undertaking regardless of where you might ultimately draw the line as to when the nuisance is abated.

Jack Mcconnell

I am very proud to have played a very small role in this undertaking.

Carl Williams

Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself.

Robert Collier

We appreciate the patience and understanding that so many of our Firestone customers have shown during this major undertaking, ... We're doing everything in our power to replace all recalled tires as quickly as possible.

John Lampe

This was a huge, huge undertaking. I composed this concerto from the ground up. It took about two years total to compose, but there were interruptions when I was touring and making rock albums.

Yngwie Malmsteen

It's huge undertaking, there's no question about it.

Mary Johnson

Enrichment, exercise and several other things that are independent of drugs can actually impact the course of brain aging and pathology. We really need a massive undertaking in terms of clinical trials and to do placebo control studies. 98% percent of the research concludes that lifestyle can affect the outcome.

Carl Cotman

We have to clean out from the registry all existing HIV data, and start all over again. The counties will have to redo it. It will be a big undertaking.

Michael Montgomery

Beware of undertaking too much at the start. Be content with quite a little. Allow for accidents. Allow for human nature, especially your own.

Arnold Bennett

This is an incredibly daunting task he has taken on. With the museum's location being somewhere on the National Mall, and his role in deciding where it's actually going to be and what's going to be in it, it's a massive undertaking.

John Krugler

That's the job Hubble had to do at the moon. It was a noteworthy undertaking. This is in some sense the miracle on the moon.

Jim Garvin

It's the fifth anniversary and we're really proud of that. We always had a long-term vision for this. It's such a massive undertaking that to only do it once would not be the best use of anyone's time.

Ashley Capps

It has been quite a remarkable undertaking. We are making really good progress.

Michael Thomas

This morning's running was wet and although Mark managed to put more mileage on the FW28 we had to stop mid afternoon with a known gearbox problem. Alex was undertaking some tire testing for Bridgestone in the FW27C and also stopped mid afternoon with a fuel pump failure.

Sam Michael

This will be a very time-consuming and expensive undertaking if owners are to salvage the vintage planes. As a practical matter, it's a good bet that many of these seaplanes will not fly again.

Bob Orr

Paul Gascoigne has been under the influence of alcohol before, during and after several first-team games and training sessions. I have tried to help Paul through this difficult period but gave an undertaking to the board prior to my takeover that if Paul hit the bottle I would remove him as manager.

Imraan Ladak

An excellent job with a dubious undertaking, which is like saying it would be great if it wasn't awful.

Ada Louise Huxtable

It's obviously over and above just the normal filings that we have on all the other cases. It's a massive undertaking and a unique undertaking for the whole Raleigh County court system.

Paul Flanagan

This is a major undertaking. The society is a group of volunteers, all very committed, but still volunteers with limited time and limited experience in fundraising. We realize we need some expertise to guide us.

Glenn Reyer

The sheer volume of communicating with three-quarters of a million people is quite an undertaking, much more than I expected.

John Stemberger

There is much more awareness now than 10 to 15 years ago that it is a tricky, risky undertaking, and that you have to be good at it. That has led to better execution because people are more thoughtful about it.

Stephen Glover

We threw so much at her when she walked in the door. I think she's pretty prepped for the undertaking.

Mary Murphy

It's a pretty massive undertaking to go from ground zero to full distribution.

Richard Ragan

Running for President is physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually the most demanding single undertaking I can envisage unless it's World War III>.

Walter F. Mondale

It's a major undertaking that will come in the future. It's just a matter of how and when.

Bruce Lippincott

The Monitor is undertaking strenuous efforts on Jill's behalf, taking advantage of every opportunity we have at our disposal. People at the Monitor are working on this night and day in a variety of cities around the world.

David Cook

What we would also need to have some guarantees about is the probity of the police force undertaking these tests themselves to make sure that they are free from corruption or any other maleficence.

Kevin Rudd

The logistics of moving to and from the fair is a big deal. It's a huge undertaking.

Doug Smith

It's a huge undertaking. We try to organize other churches and organizations - it's intense.

Gwen Stowers

This is a great undertaking. This is one of the projects which only the grand coalition has made possible in this parliament.

Norbert Roettgen

It was a real easy decision and not a big undertaking at all. We knew those arrangements, and those ideas would get kind of lost if we didn't record them.

Will Turpin

We discussed...in broad strokes, the aid that's already going to help the Afghan people, ... the need to put together a broader coalition, probably under the mandate of the United Nations, but with our strong support of follow-on after this undertaking to take out Mr. bin Laden and his associates happens.

Joseph Biden

I don't want to sound like a snake-oil salesman here. There will be debate. It's not really a time-consuming undertaking. It's a matter of defining your neighborhood elements.

Peter Katz

Internet offers the church the opportunity to make the saving message of Christ accessible throughout the world, ... In societies that don't allow the presence of priests, nuns, religious or lay missionaries, Internet can offer people undertaking a spiritual quest, or even just the curious, a chance to obtain information or find an inspiration that would otherwise be impossible.

John P. Foley

I am delighted that the USDA has backed off its irresponsible plan to close or relocate FSA offices that our farmers depend on without first undertaking a serious analysis of the effects of that plan.

Bob Etheridge

It's definitely going to impact the environment economically. This is a serious undertaking.

Linda Cook

They (the Marcos family) always seem to find money to run for office in the Philippines, which is an expensive undertaking.

Sherry Broder

Cal was a close friend. He has done a lot of good things over the past three years (as chief) ... filling his shoes will be a big undertaking.

Bob Blanchard

The deal is going to take between six and 12 months to clear, and then a couple of years -- at the very least -- will be needed to integrate the two companies. This is going to be a very complex undertaking.

Lars Godell

This is the biggest undertaking that I've ever done in terms of an art piece.

Chad Person

To say it is a complex and large-scale undertaking is an understatement and I cannot formally announce the project until all of the crucial elements are secure.

Baz Luhrmann

The burden is on the ESDC to show that they will bring in the whole community. This is a state project where they are taking away the city's right to review it under the city's zoning laws. It's an enormous undertaking, and they'd better be careful how they do it.

Jeffrey Baker

This is a huge undertaking on our co-op's part, but I think the risk is worth it because I think it will help stabilize LCK.

Brenda Fritz

In trying to make something new, half the undertaking lies in discovering whether it can be done. Once it has been established that it can, duplication is inevitable.

Helen Gahagan Douglas

It's obvious there's a lot of hand-to-mouth production going on, as businesses are still very wary about undertaking big projects or any sort of new activity for a variety of reasons, some intangible.

Robert Diclemente

As we have previously said, the magnitude of the worldwide restructuring program the company is undertaking imposes significant challenges to ensure the appropriate accounting.

Robert Brust

The assessment and investigation of all the material recovered is a colossal undertaking.

Andy Hayman

'The Music Man' is a big undertaking. It's a huge role (for Dan Hill). It's on his back. The character has developed -- he's just doing a terrific job for us.

Rebecca Davis

This is a huge undertaking. We're not an engraving shop and have never done anything like this.

Jeff Raines

They are politicizing intelligence, no question about it, ... And they are undertaking a campaign to get George Tenet [the director of central intelligence] fired because they can't get him to say what they want on Iraq.

Vincent Cannistraro

It's a big undertaking for us, but one that was very successful last year.

Mimi Pearson

It's a major undertaking, and that's what the Council on Postsecondary Education is directing all its goals toward. The recommended numbers weren't going to get us there, but it is an important step toward the goal.

Debbie Newsom

We had actually given in August an undertaking to bring a final proposal in time for the ministerial council to consider it in October.

Dean Stockwell

It shows that science has prevailed, which is a good step forward, and ... is going to prevent other countries from undertaking a similar kind of moratorium.

Michelle Gorman

We can't begin to do that without first doing our homework, which is why we're undertaking this study. We need a clear, up-to-date snapshot of the labor market in the region.

Gary Rhodes

This expansion and renovation project is without question the most significant undertaking the Fine Arts Center has initiated since its founding.

Michael De Marsche

The study will continue. Gov. Rell is concerned about the long-term outlook in Connecticut. The governor wants to be sure the state is prepared for anything nature throws at us. To respond adequately, we need to prepare adequately. The studies the governor's work group is undertaking will provide benefits for many years to come.

Adam Liegeot

Covering a war like Iraq is a terribly dangerous yet vital undertaking. We do everything in our power to protect journalists while still reporting the full story to serve our global audience.

David Schlesinger

That's really tough on them, but (Oklahoma City) is probably the best selection that was there for them, ... On such a short time frame to work with, (moving there) is an enormous undertaking.

Geoff Petrie

The laying of an underwater gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea is a very complicated undertaking and requires utmost public attention.

Arnold Ruutel

We are determined to cooperate with the Iraqi government, ... We are determined to help whatever we can help so that the suffering of the Iraqi people, which is painful for us, could be stopped. And this is a major task that my government is undertaking all the time.

Fayssal Mekdad

The undertaking of a new action brings new strength.


It's going to take a while to clean this up. It's a massive undertaking.

Paul Mackey

Global anti- terrorism can be sustained only by action taken at the Security Council level. It has to be a UN undertaking as a whole.

Traian Basescu

It's a huge undertaking to try to portray. That's such a delicate subject that's still fresh on everyone's mind.

Derek Jones

If you've got enthusiastic girls, it's not a difficult undertaking, and I do and they're very excited about it. But you have to teach them a whole new game they've never played before. We have no interest in winning championships right now, because we're starting a legacy, and these girls are excited about that.

Nancy Stewart

It's probably the biggest single undertaking the department has ever done.

Chris Mccloud

The decision to commence blasting in this specific quadrant two weeks before the hearing seems intended to carry out as much irreversible demolition of protected resources as possible before the Court can consider the merits. This decision is also fiscally irresponsible . . . as the cost of undertaking this activity will be completely wasted in the event the plaintiffs prevail in this litigation.

Peter Malkin

It's a massive undertaking that's going to change the landscape of Pittsburgh. We want to make sure we're really making recommendations that are in the best interests for the city of Pittsburgh.

Ron Porter

Basically, it's the same underlying picture and certainly supportive of the monetary policy action they've been undertaking.

Eric Lascelles

That was quite the undertaking. There was a lot of pressure on us to get this back in line and reproduce the best possible golf course that we could. We literally finished the cleanup just a few weeks ago.

Eric Von Hofen

The supply situation was very spotty. We got them (parts) off the ships, but to get them out of the dock area was not an easy undertaking.

Fred Miller