Eugene Parker
FameRank: 4

"Eugene N. Parker" is an American solar astrophysicist who received his B.S. degree in physics from Michigan State University in 1948 and Ph.D. from Caltech in 1951. In the mid-1950s Parker developed the theory on the supersonic solar wind and predicted the Parker spiral shape of the solar magnetic field in the outer solar system. In 1987, Parker proposed that the corona/solar corona might be heated by myriad tiny "nanoflares", miniature brightenings resembling solar flares that would occur all over the surface of the Sun.

Parker was elected to the United States National Academy of Sciences/National Academy of Sciences in 1967. As of early 2005, he was still engaged in active research at the University of Chicago. His daughter and son-in-law are both faculty members at Michigan State University.

More Eugene Parker on Wikipedia.

Once they make that decision, you can't really look back. I lay out their options and educate them on the risks. We just want to make sure that they make an informed decision, not an emotional one.

Not having a point of agreement can tend to be frustrating on both sides. Communication helps to keep the emotions managed.

We knew the season was approaching, ... and we wanted to get things resolved prior to that because he didn't want that distraction, nor did the Steelers. I think both sides created a sense of urgency, and we had substantial talks over the last couple of days to get where we are.

I think he's keeping his options open, maybe for the right situation.

I think he would consider (playing). He's in shape. He's just taking his time and keeping his options open. ... He's not quick to make decisions. He's pretty thoughtful.

It's something they have to go through. And they won't do it again.

In a sense, what you do is like a referee: Half the people are going to like it, half are going to hate it. Humility, to me, is the key to not letting it get to you. Every day you evaluate, stay humble, pliable, flexible and still have strong convictions. I'm not looking for someone's approval. My focus is my client.

It's very unusual, but it's a credit to the Bears. I try hard to disengage the personal from the professional.

These are decent people. We're in a situation with Cedric that's tough because of a lot of factors. I think the expectation was that this one would go smoother than the facts have allowed it to go. But we've maintained a professional approach and respect, and that's been important.