These are very good numbers. When you really get to see schools with similar challenges, and you see that in Monterey County you have 83 percent of schools in the top half, that's a huge number.

Nancy Kotowski

We came in cold turkey and it was mind blowing how similar our work was. Our cultural roots were imbued in all the work.

Licia Perea

It was just a mistake. There are 20 variables (in the similar school rankings), and when typing in the numbers, they missed that one.

Pat Mccabe

Unexpectedly we found that speaking and listening had very similar detrimental effects.

Tate Kubose

There's a natural inclination, as humans, to want to be with individuals who are similar to us, and who have interests similar to ours, but that's different from institutional segregation.

Jane Ivery

The E3Expo dress-code policy is the same as it has been for the past several years and is similar to the policies of the vast majority of other major trade shows.

Mary Dolaher

We think those infringements should be stopped, and wish that the lawsuit against Lifestyle could have deterring effect. Since Liu brought the paper to court, similar cases have happened less.

Wang Dawei

In many respects, these institutions aren't very similar. On the other hand, football has been a big part of the history of the institutions.

Andrew Mckenna

In both cases, IT should be supporting the core competency of that organization. That is the point. We're led astray sometimes because we think core competencies should be similar, and they're not. They're very different company to company.

Thomas Koulopoulos

We did get calls from companies in other states that did similar things (as Consolidated) and wanted to recruit, but we declined to let them participate in the job fair because we wanted to keep it local.

Allison Stewart

Art and Religion are, then, two roads by which men escape from circumstance to ecstasy. Between aesthetic and religious rapture there is a family alliance. Art and Religion are means to similar states of mind.

Clive Bell

It says we're running a business legitimately and responsibly, and we're seen as a worldwide leisure product — similar to KFC, Ford, Coca-Cola, IBM or any other global brand.

David Carruthers

They've had some similar situations that we've had. They've had some close games that didn't go their way.

Stan Heath

We do expect strong growth from the defense sector because there is a global strategy [to expand in this segment]. We have a project in Australia related to logistics systems, which offers us the possibility to provide similar solutions in Latin America.

Carlos Medina

The last time (that) happened it was a contributing factor to the market crash of 1987. While we are not forecasting a similar event in this cycle it does provide food for thought for investors over Christmas.

Clive Mcdonnell

Two important characteristics of maps should be noticed. A map is not the territory it represents, but, if correct, it has a similar structure to the territory, which accounts for its usefulness.

Alfred Korzybski

Inventories are still lean and we'll see item-specific sales similar to last year's level. Also, there are two extra sales days during the holidays. That should help retailers.

Scott Krugman

The unique thing about rehab is that we measure everything about patient function. We are literally compared with units all over the country. When you look at patients with a similar diagnosis, same age and similar ailments, our outcomes are very high.

Lisa Shirk

There are other galaxies that are likely to be the same size as this one that have black holes of similar mass. However, their black holes are quiet -- they're not putting out the large amounts of energy we see in this one. We're left to wonder just why this one is so active.

Neal Miller

There are similar security measures to those of online banking.

John Proctor

Both teams are kind of similar in that we don't have back-to-the-basket post players. They're guard oriented and we can handle and shoot it well, too.

Kevin Long

He said in the letter, um, I want a girl from Lincoln-Hancock School, and he wrote, a 6 or 7-year-old, and he put a picture in there which is similar to my youngest.

Joellen Dellamano

We have investigative leads looking at information from Yamhill County. What we'll do is look at all the different cases that have similar mode of operations and suspect descriptions. There are several that jump right out at us.

Jim Strovink

The modus operandi is very similar to the previous bombings.

Ansyaad Mbai

It was a similar shot to the one I had on 18, but if you turned those two around, there could've been a different outcome. If my second shot on No. 4 had been a bad one, then my score on that hole could've been a lot worse than my score on No. 18.

Casey Clendenon

There's no oversight over the names. We know names are added hastily, and when you have a name-based system you don't focus on solid intelligence leads. You focus on names that are similar to those that might be suspicious.

Tim Sparapani

We're somewhat surprised by how similar [the analyses] are.

Jay Lawrimore

It's similar to the way a doctor's office would work.

Sherry Albert

I think what was great with the Cult was that we were allowed to evolve. We made different types of records, which was interesting. You play 'Love' and 'Electric' back to back, and they're really not that similar.

Billy Duffy

In sector plays, you should buy after a down period, when the numbers look terrible. But when you look at a fund, if similar funds have done well and one fund has done poorly, you don't use that logic.

Scott Kahan

There is nothing similar about these candidates.

John Kern

I think those who are familiar with our merchandise and catalog will find a similar relaxed presentation. Our merchandise is known for being casual and very colorful. The store setting is very inviting and very relaxed.

David Gunter

We try to match some facial features. We bring [the people] in. They don't have to just look alike, but have to have the same energy, to seem similar.

Rebecca Mangieri

There have been similar findings with regard to diabetes care. When Pitney Bowes lowered costs for diabetes and asthma medications, they found that overall costs went down and compliance went up.

Paul Fronstin

Their business and how they work with customers is very complementary to ours. Those visions are introducing simplicity, efficiency, accountability and scale to advertising. What they do for the radio process in advertising is very similar to what we do in online and digital [advertising].

Patrick Keane

They have similar genes in the worm and the only reason we really know about what those genes do in people is because they've been studied in worms.

Robert Waterston

Friendship can only exist between persons with similar interests and points of view. Man and woman by the conventions of society are born with different interests and different points of view.

August Strindberg

Conditions will be similar to 2005, as the nation's economy continues to expand. There are imbalances in the economy that could slow growth as early as the second half of 2006 or even bring the expansion cycle to an early conclusion.

Robert Bach

We are very similar. I don't think their will be a lot of surprises from either team.

Tom Beach

If the government hoped that the Butler inquiry was going to be no re-run of Hutton, I think it's pretty clear that Dr. Jones and others of similar view are going to prevent that happening.

Menzies Campbell

That was one of our concerns that I think heightened our alert. When you do have something around the campus like that, that was just a week ago Friday, it kind of made us a little more aware and took some precautions that we needed to take, not knowing if this was a similar device.

Bob Fitzgerald

In addition, we want to use a similar task in humans to that used in this study to see if patients with schizophrenia have similar deficits in cognition as we observed in our experimental mice. This will help determine whether our genetically altered animals provide a good model of the psychosis associated with schizophrenia.

Dr. Robert Greene

They have a very similar team to ours.

Allen Kelsey

I think sports and academics are similar in that practice leads to success. I believe that my involvement in diverse areas of the community all compliment one another.

Sarah Kochik

To be honest, I hope we have similar results [as last weekend]. It's going to be another top-level competition. There's going to be some elite schools there. Arkansas is going to be there; It really doesn't get any better than that.

Derek Hood

This year is similar to last year where we have grass growing in areas where we may not normally see grasses growing.

Tom Hoffman

It will be very similar as far as the look of the building. The same kind of wood, the footprint of the building will be the same. It will have a horse shoe shaped bar and a lot of view points of the lake.

Dan Roth

They're similar in that they demand a lot from you, and they're very fair. They obviously have a tremendous passion for winning, and that's what they expect. You know that coming in (to the program).

Chris Porter

We looked around at college football teams who had a similar-style quarterback that we thought Michael could be.

Galen Hall

They are similar to the beacons on Petaluma Hill Road, and are meant to bring attention that there is something new on the road.

Dave Knight

That program is rather similar, so all of those students will live together in residence halls and there will be, again, a sort of academic and cultural component that comes into the residence halls.

Patrick Callahan

There's been a lot of interest in it. I think that with the popularity of NASCAR, the type of racing that we do is similar. I think that appeals to a lot of families.

Ralph Hernandez

We believe that BCD galaxies are similar to the universe's first galaxies because they are infant galaxies, actively forming stars, and are not very chemically polluted.

Yanling Wu

As far as our character, we are a very similar team. We have a chance to win some games down the road here. Hopefully, we'll win enough to get a shot at the playoffs. But we have to improve a lot.

Jack Rose

We all have different kind of games, but similar kind of games. I'm more of a between-the-tackles bruiser.

Selvin Young

I have colleges in programs that are somewhat similar to the GEAR UP program. But they are astounded when they look at the success that this program has had.

Joseph Kretovics

We are seeing conditions that are similar to what we saw in 2002, the counts of cases that we're having now are ahead of what we had in 2002, least in the city.

William Paul

His style of play is similar to my style of play. He's a hitting safety and I'm a cover corner. We fit pretty good.

Fakhir Brown

This produced much stronger ground motion than similar quakes centered at Swan Island or Kelley Point in North Portland.

Yumei Wang

We expect a similar level of commitment from Liberty in the new situation.

Bert Holtkamp

In terms of diversity and geography, it's very similar to the new Legg Mason.

David Haas

The anguish of the neurotic individual is the same as that of the saint. The neurotic, the saint are engaged in the same battle. Their blood flows from similar wounds. But the first one gasps and the other one gives.

Georges Bataille

Doing this kind of integration and building an architecture like this is a necessary stepping stone toward building lots of different types of devices. You could imagine all types of different digital appliances that have very similar architectures.

Dan Vivoli

Kansas City people are very, very loyal to their players and their team, ... Very avid. Very similar to our people.

Jim Otto

Competition has flourished. I believe a similar approach to open market competition is warranted and will be equally effective in the cable and video market.

Krista Tillman

The British are definitely comparing notes on Moroccan cells across Europe, in Italy, France and the UK. The current thinking is that the people who did this may have trained in the same camps as the people who committed the Madrid bombings. The techniques are very similar.

Charles Powell

We will have more investment and business growth, which leads to lower prices, because more people will be coming to the marketplace with similar products.

Stephen Slivinski

We encourage people to call 9-1-1 and let police intervene because quite often suspects are very dangerous and in some cases can be in possession of weapons and or needles. Very similar to a cornered animal, they're going to do one of two things: they're going to run or fight, and in this particular case the suspect did both. We certainly don't encourage people to put themselves in harm's way.

Sgt. Paul Skelton

In the gay community, there are a lot of guys similar to Ennis who are afraid to come out.

Max Miller

We have first century A.D. blue Roman fresco with birds and leaves and gardens that my mother and I love, and we found it in Switzerland. A similar period piece is a fresco fragment with Cupid , such a little angel.

Hiroko Koyama

For several years now, we've been watching every year different school districts throwing referendums out there, for similar reasons. It finally caught up to the Colby School District.

Ross Rannow

She had similar characteristics to mammals. She was cranky and demanding.

Lee Dashiell

This had a feeling similar to the Mesquite game, especially to be able to pull this out after losing the heartbreaker on Wednesday. We didn't shoot well, but we played good defense. I think our defense will sustain us.

Tommy Aldridge

The continuing sinusitis is the reason for the persistent cough in my patient population. You can get a pattern of coughing that is similar to bronchitis that is a result of the low-grade sinusitis.

Dr. Lyndon Mansfield

I think it is similar to tsunamis and earthquakes ... we do not know when.

Dr Shigeru Omi

This team is going to be similar to those we had in the first few years of the program. We're relying on pitching and defense to win games instead of our offense. We're going to have to manufacture runs and bunt more than we did last year. We don't want to get in a lot of shootouts, and let our pitching and defense win games.

Jody Long

I don't think they are going to split. Management has indicated that while they are a public company, they would like to run themselves as if they were a private company and you could argue that's a similar path as Berkshire.

David Garrity

He didn't have to ask. I told him (he needs to find) the money to fund projects similar to what you're seeing in Rio Rancho. ... If you truly want to leave no child behind, Mr. President, the magic elixir is to transform public education and engage children into their passions.

Paul Stephenson

There are a lot of fans with a similar interest in both.

Chuck Liddell

I think we have a very similar team to last year. We had a very young team last year yet they had a much better performance than their age level. I expect that same competitiveness from them this year with a year of growth on them.

Tim Abney

Mary, a former student of mine, and I just broke bones up, dug things out of them and just destroyed bones, and she's very good at that, ... Mary's discoveries produced what appeared to be blood tissues and red blood cells, very similar to what we see in modern day ostriches.

Jack Horner

I'd love to become like Bill Murray, who was so funny on Saturday Night Live and has gone on to do some of the landmark comedies people like. And then to add this whole other phase to his career with Lost in Translation and Rushmore. I always felt to be able to have something similar to that would be great.

Will Ferrell

IBM's announcement is a good message to the marketplace of how a serious, large player like IBM takes encryption. We've been hearing rumblings of other major chip manufacturers doing similar things.

Andrew Krcik

[When at Portsmouth two seasons ago, on a similar loan deal to the one which brought him to Charlton from Chelsea this summer, he was thrilled to discover Conan Doyle's role in helping found the club.] He even played for them, ... I was interested in him from when I was young so it was very exciting. Charles Dickens was also born there.

Alexei Smertin

The Nomad II MG has a similar design to the Nomad and comes with a docking station.

Ken Fong

Of this total, 100% learned the numbers, to write their names, and to read. 88% learned to read with quality similar to that presented by first grade students.

Carlos Martinez

Frame everything in the same color frame. A grouping of things with similar frames has a sophisticated look to it.

Laura Mcdowell

It's crazy, because I just heard all the stories about what Jessie did here. I know how he was with the Redskins, and he was more laid-back there just because he was older and, like I felt when I came here, he didn't want to just come in and push his way on people. I'm not trying to be like Jessie, but we are similar in a lot of ways.

Antonio Pierce

Dromaeosaurs are really interesting because they are so close to birds in evolution, having feathers and other, similar attributes.

Mark Norell

China's market is similar with the European market in its growth model, but the growth rate is five times of the European market.

Kevin E. Wale

We're teams in similar situations, ... We're pretty evenly matched (and), if you look at our records, we're both desperate for a win.

Seth Payne

This is an easy and accurate test to perform. It's very similar to what was already available, but provides some definite improvements.

Dave Rich

The end of March represents the midway point of the traditional prime buying season in London. We expect April, May and June to perform in a similar manner with continued strong price growth.

Liam Bailey

The results are remarkably similar that when you repeal a helmet law, you can expect an increase in fatalities and you can expect an increase in medical costs.

Rae Tyson

That's how my whole career has been, fighting for a spot. It's nothing new to me. It's something you embrace as a player and use as motivation. These next two weeks will be a similar situation, going in and competing, doing my thing and controlling the things I can control.

Matt Kata

Consistent with the industry's history of pattern bargaining from the UAW, we would expect similar consideration of health care adjustments.

Bodo Uebber

To fit the exotic form factors Apple has come up with, they seem to build desktops similar to laptops. The iMac has a normal 3.5-inch hard drive, but it has the equivalent of a laptop display and a laptop optical drive.

Andrew Rassweiler

Sprinters now have nothing apart from the sprint and keirin, two very similar events.

Chris Hoy

We practice a play similar to that almost every day in practice. At that point it's a matter of just doing it. You just go with it and see what happens.

Marscilla Packer

With or without cognitive impairment, patients improved in stroke rehabilitation, and they improved at a similar rate, regardless of whether cognitive impairment was present, at least as measured by the Mini-Mental State Exam.

Larry Goldstein

We were motivated by a desire to design a system for anyone to both build with fabric in a way similar to playing with Lego and create objects that are rich with relevant context-aware computation without having to program.

Gauri Nanda

Yes, we offered them (Lansdowne) a ticket deal. The deal with respect to Lansdowne was fair and equitable. It was a similar deal with Wanderers.

Philip Browne

I want to support somebody whose views about the growth of the city are similar to mine. I need to support somebody who I think has the personality and the demeanor for the job.

Mike Crane

So many people get to appreciate each other and their culture, and see how different but how similar they are in their celebrations and their identity.

Libby Traubman

It's a compulsion, it's a need that goes beyond the ability to consciously control it, and in that respect it's very similar to drug addiction.

Nora Volkow

They remind me of our team two years ago. It's kind of similar to how we played two years ago.

Dwayne Lee

I knew if the board was gracious to me, I'd respond with similar grace. Board membership isn't that important to me, and this was the most peaceful, decent thing to do.

John Bogle

If this trend had continued for three more years, something similar to the fall of the Berlin Wall would have happened to China and the Communist party would have crumbled.

Li Peng

What's important is networking on a national level to meet people with similar problems.

Larry Mires

The long-term business model is similar to the cable model: We want to be paid sub fees and get incremental advertising.

Bernard Gershon

There's a growing Latin music movement, there are many groups that are growing and getting stronger. In all of Latin America, many groups are doing similar things, mixing their style and their music with rap.

Paco Ayala

We have seen similar behavior in the past.

Michelle Davis

Thanks to the NIAF grant and the energy of the members of the Italian club, it is our intention to continue to host similar events during this special month dedicated to Italians in the United States.

Giovanna Summerfield

I try to equate it to motocross because the jumps, the terrain features, are really pretty similar. It's very spectator friendly, especially for Americans.

Seth Wescott

Plans currently are to offer rent on a semester basis similar to the way residential life collects room charges.

Bill Mulso

Our case against RIM is based on similar technology law and patents as the case we have just won in federal court against Seven Networks.

Brian Bogosian

I have seen similar incidents this year that haven't attracted such a substantial grading.

Ricky Stuart

They have a lot of talent both offensively and defensively. They play a similar style to what we do.

Gavin Prout

Tucson and New Zealand have similar ways of approaching economic development, ... We're not a very large economy. Tucson is a good fit for us.

Rob Taylor

The company created and defined its own category, and now the name is synonymous with organic food stores. It's similar to what Starbucks did for the coffee shop. You can't name the No. 2 coffee chain.

Edward Aaron

We're looking forward to this meet, it's a scoring meet against conference schools. It's going to be good to face familiar programs that are similar to us.

Ed O'gorman

We lost some key games last year that we shouldn't have. We got off to a great start and then our hitting kind of fizzled out. We should be similar to last year, but with more experience.

Edgey Arbuckle

Swimming and track are similar because you don't have to win along the way to win it all. I use meets like this one to know how much rest to give the guys, and hopefully we will wait until the end of the year to peak.

Eddie Reese

This is a great opportunity for us to expand our sales channels. For our clients it is cheaper and more convenient to receive our games right on the phone when they purchase it — no need for downloads or binding contracts with certain operators to get access to our games. We intend to sign similar deals in several more territories around the globe .

Eberhard Schoeneburg

People think it's crazy -- I'm not going to compare him to this guy -- but what I felt with him at that workout was similar to something I felt with Jamal when I was with Baltimore. When he ran past me, the thought of Jamal came to me, just like that.

Earnest Byner

We are combining two companies that have a similar philosophy about competitive markets. By doing it, we get a number of benefits that will help our shareholders and will help our customers.

Ed Selover

A deal was made for the GLBT to have a space, similar to that of the Women's Resource Center, which would be furnished.

Eamonn Kelly

The Constitution is very similar to a human skeleton. It is the framework upon which government operates, ... Ever since it was adopted, we have been putting on muscles, skin and limbs. As educators, it's our duty to instill the basic knowledge of American government in our students.

E. Hicks

The building management could also install a microphone in the elevator for monitoring-room workers to deliver similar services on radio for the passengers.

Zeng Zheyi

Poland is a large country and it has acted mainly in its own interest, but also reinforced the identity of other new members which are at a similar stage of development.

Eugeniusz Smolar

I've tried to get similar food other places, especially the lasagna and garlic bread. You can't. It just doesn't work.

Evelyn Smith

I think it's very similar to American country music.

Eugene Rodriguez

It is deeply frustrating and inappropriate when companies borrow or refashion such technologies as their own without making similar investments.

Eric Sprunk

I think most of your big players are doing something very similar now. There will be a few things that we do differently.

Frederic Schwartz

I thought oh, not again. I remember my first year here was a similar situation.

Eric Osmundson

In basketball it usually comes down to one shot, and in golf it usually comes down to one putt, ... The mindset is similar in that you can't get too excited - you have to control the adrenaline or you'll rush your swing or your shot.

Eric Lindquist

This varies from state to state. In Colorado, for instance, everyone has to take the class regardless of their age. But many states have grandfather clauses similar to ours.

Eric Keszler

We've basically been playing a similar offense, we run the same offense. The purpose of the junior varsity is to work together. It's not about wins, it's about getting better.

Erin Delaney

People are not going to switch from their trusted brand to a new and similar brand without good reason. This is why follow-on products constantly face an uphill battle when coming to market.

Eric Bolesh

We had carried out a similar operation all over Britain too and made large seizures of animal skins and body parts, as well as large quantity of Chinese medicines.

Elliot Morley

We have a similar wildlife crime cell in our country and will provide expertise to India as we were the first country to set up such a cell.

Elliot Morley

San Francisco Unified School District is to be commended for the progress it has made in improving student achievement despite urban challenges. San Francisco outperformed similar districts in California in the areas of elementary, middle and high school reading and math.

Eli Broad

This trade is governed by the desire of people in the West to purchase these items; it's similar to the drug trade.

Elizabeth Stone

Rosemary, his sister, was very similar to Sam. Introverted and quiet.

Elaine Tarr

This is similar to what poultry farmers would do. There were no bites or bruises. One animal had a large amount of blood in its abdomen consistent with a blow.

Elaine Gower

Last year I was in a similar position where people said I was one of the few players left at the club and that a lot of players were going to be brought into the club.

Eidur Gudjohnsen