54 quotes about promotions follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Is it a risky strategy for retailers to have both tighter inventory and fewer promotions over the holidays? Yes.

Jay Mcintosh

I think it's really up to businesses to come up with creative ways to attract customers. We have a lot of promotions planned.

Tom Craig

I've spoken to some lesbian and gay (city) employees and I asked them to be here, but they are concerned that becoming activists will prevent them from getting promotions.

Patrick Franklin

Great music and great entertainment are a galvanizing force for many T-Mobile customers, ... That's why we continue to deliver unique promotions, content, features and technology that excite people, and are relevant to their lives.

Jim Goodwin

M definitely game to make it happen. Hopefully his people at Main Events give Golden Boy Promotions a call and they're able to make that happen.

Juan Diaz

If you have the right offer at the right price, you can enjoy the luxury of pricing integrity. If you are a bit weaker but ahead of the game, you can use some good promotions. But if you're really struggling, you are probably going to have to go on sale, and that's really going to affect your margins.

Richard Hyman

People are wanting some new leadership, a new direction. These practices have continued to be a cancer unfair promotions, transfers, the way discipline is handed out it's a hostile work environment.

Andrew Pilcher

From the board, we found out a bunch of us were all going to be in Atlanta on one particular weekend in July. So, we decided we'd all get together at Trader Vic's. I'd done some band promotions in the past and got the idea that maybe we should do something bigger.

Christie White

When Ireland on Sunday launched they promoted aggressively and lowered the price, then followed it with promotions for CDs and DVDs. You'll probably see something similar.

Neil Clifford

We provide a broad spectrum of services for the Soldiers—from pay issues to promotions.

David Brodsky

I expect Dell to limit the number of printer promotions that it does online to help balance the cost.

Brian Hamilton

They offered extra swim times and different promotions to encourage the use of the indoor pool, but it's just hard to get people to go indoors.

Roger Adams

If the promotions are planned then we can expect retailers to hit their numbers. It's a question of if the promotions were unplanned, what does that do to the bottom line?

Christine Chen

We've been in constant contact with the lawyer and he's confident a visa should be granted by mid-April. Mick still has the deal with North East Promotions over there, and if things go according to plan will have his first US fight in May.

Brendon Smith

This week, consumers can expect to be hearing from retailers reminding them of all the strong promotions they are offering.

Scott Silverman

When I got here in 1997, people were coming to see the team and be part of the college atmosphere. Now they're looking for bargains and gimmicks and promotions and fun. They want it to be more than just a game.

Joe Weiss

We do gasoline promotions and heating oil promotions regularly ... there is a recognition that these are popular items due to the high cost of gasoline and home heating oil prices.

Bruce Macdonald

O'Sullivan emerges from Chapter 11 with new ownership, a very manageable debt load, leaner more efficient operations and a renewed focus on our customers and consumers. O'Sullivan has had its challenges in the past, but we are now poised to drive sales and profitability for O'Sullivan and our key customers through innovations in design, assembly, merchandising, advertising and promotions.

Rick Walters

January is expected to do well due to the strong sales of gift cards and promotions.

David Keating

I'm sure the automakers are watching the same PIN data, and they will respond accordingly if it's really bad, ... Watch for new incentive promotions.

David Lucas

We would now be able to play after the players return from New Zealand. That's very good and it would help with getting better arrangements and better marketing and promotions in place.

Roger Brathwaite

We're an extremely well recognized brand amongst consumers and these promotions will allow us to build on our relationship.

Steve Mason

As you can see, Christmas is spread out -- not just among December but among January as well. Promotions certainly helped to drive those sales and you can see what the consumer is looking for. It all depend on price.

Dana L. Telsey

Management cited a narrower assortment of handsets, ramp up of expertise on the activation process, and fewer-than-expected promotions as reasons for the softness.

Gregory Melich

We think we've got the right products, the right promotions, but like last year, we are still cautiously optimistic.

Peggy Palter

The promotions are coming pretty fast for me, but I hope not fast enough to make me lose sight of the primary objective.

John Randall

In the last 20 years, all these spots and sales promotions and contests were designed to deliver to advertisers, but we've lost sight of the fact that we have to get the listeners first.

Mike Henry

We've become a headquarters for street promotions.

Justin Baker

These [promotions] are all part of giving new experiences to consumers while enhancing our brand.

Dean Barrett

We are in the midst of an exciting expansion that will move our company forward. As we increase our capacity, these hires and promotions will help us provide the needed sales support to our customers.

Andy Rogers

We think the video board is a great enhancement at the field. These boards are used in stadiums across the country. They add an element to the on-field promotions and they allow us to better feature the players on the field.

Ross Vecchio

Wal-Mart pushed its holiday promotions earlier than most of its competition and so was much stronger coming out of the gate. And then their steam putters out.

Sucharita Mulpuru

They have their planned promotions, but they have to be prepared to add some planned promotions in there if business is not happening.

Richard Baum

Sanctified afflictions are spiritual promotions.

Mathew Henry

It's clear that a significant portion of market demand was at the very low end of the PC market in the fourth quarter, driven largely by aggressive pricing and promotions.

Ted Waitt

Clearly, we believed we conducted our promotions in good faith and that our conduct conformed with state law.

David Howard

Summer is the highest-volume period of the year for the beverage industry. But it's not just the new products that will get the attention. The promotions and advertising are also very important for both companies.

John Sicher

We'll get there the day before and do some promotional work regarding our features. We'll get together and figure out how we're going to do the promotions. But everything is a blank canvas right now.

Rece Davis

This is something that will be worked out with the City Council and we will support both the speedway and the City Council in their decisions. We are happy to just to be a part of the speedway. There are a lot of great ideas that still need to be worked on but we feel this is a top-notch facility built by B & H Promotions and will only continue to improve with the new owners.

Mike Rutledge

Most of the district health officers have to pay bribes to get promotions and postings, and they in turn collect bribes from their staff and patients. It's a vicious cycle.

Hanumappa Sudarshan

In the weeks leading up to the Super Bowl, there's a lot of promotions.

Ross Rubin

While we continue to face significant competition in the household products categories, we were able to achieve success in this area due to increased distribution, increases in promotions and the launch of new products.

Garry O. Ridge

There was a big emphasis on price promotions from the outset, but then people started procrastinating because they know the retailer will blink the longer customers wait.

Arnold Aronson

In a place like Fort Bragg, where there are 50,000 people, there is a much better chance of developing and sustaining a relationship over time and potentially getting promotions in that area, which used to be not that common.

Dennis Orthner

We've heard from a large number of Pasco deputies. The typical concerns that most law enforcement officers share is working conditions, discipline, promotions and salaries.

Kevin Durkin

If a client knows that a movie promotion generated a sales increase of 35% for a particular item in his restaurants, he can ensure that he has sufficient supply on hand to meet the demand for future promotions.

Joseph Flowers

We believe that it is a convenient way for consumers to pay their taxes and also get something in return. The feedback we've received about past promotions similar to this is positive.

Jessica Iben

Parks [nationally] are experimenting with a lot of different promotions right now. I haven't seen one like this.

Dennis Speigel

Previously, our campaign weren't geared toward relevancy. But tying everything together has helped us be more focused, more efficient and more cost-effective in our promotions.

James Archuleta

The games introduce them to other things. Things like promotions and hot deals, and it gives them an incentive to come to one of our properties.

David P. Norton

Unlike most promotions, what makes this fight so compelling is these two guys hate each other. That's what makes it so difficult to get them in the same city, let alone the same building on the same day. Unfortunately, their hatred is so deep, we can't get them in the same arena.

Joe Deguardia

This year, online retailers will be capitalizing on the increased traffic by offering special promotions and discounts.

Scott Silverman

Not only are some of them not making money with their degrees, they are missing out on raises and promotions.

Katie Marquard

We do special promotions for retailers who are having anniversaries. We also do promotions [at retailers] to increase sales.

Sherry Maragos